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Arellano, Jason T.


Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the

Environment and Natural Resources
Our country, Philippines, is known for its abundant natural resources. However,
negative factors like throwing of rubbishes, deforestation, destruction of natural habitats,
abusing coastal and marine resources, and the like damaged our environment and
natural resources which placed them in a crucial state. Basically, these factors are
made by us, humans. But are we aware of the impact of our actions to our
environment? Are we even exerting efforts to be acquainted with the consequences of
these actions?
Our actions created plenty of harmful problems. First is the pollution in our
waterways for the reason that the large establishments generate wastes that are
hazardous to our health and to our environment. Also, throwing of solid wastes in
different bodies of water contaminates the water which made them inappropriate for
human activities. As a result, our country faces the threat of water scarcity. Second
problem is the quality of land resources that are gradually deteriorated because of soil
erosion that affected the productivity of land, limited the rehabilitation or restoration of
degraded lands, and lowered the quality of water. This problem is the product of
deforestation which is largely from the collection of fuel wood; settlements in
forestlands; conversion of forests to agricultural purposes; kaingin and forest fires; and
illegal logging. Moreover, deforestation made the poor areas more exposed to natural
calamities such as typhoons, flash floods and landslides. Third is our failing biodiversity
which is, primarily, because of frequent increase on demand for food, energy, and other
goods which put much stress on the countrys natural environment resulting in the
destabilization of ecosystems, and destruction of natural habitats. Fourth is the problem
in our coastal and marine resources which includes coral reefs, mangrove forests, sea
grass, and algal beds and fisheries. Human actions such as the sedimentation in
coastal areas would expose the coastline to waves, tidal, current and typhoons. Also,
the destroying of coral reefs, which made them endangered, unsheltered some marine

species. Fifth is the problem on mining operations, legal or illegal, that damages our
forests and contaminates our rivers. Also, too much mining have cause dislocation of
indigenous people. Sixth is our countrys vulnerability to natural hazards such as
cyclones, floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. These problems are just few of
the many problems our country is experiencing and will be experiencing if we, humans,
would not do something that will restore our environment and natural resources.
The points to ponder after knowing the dilemmas is that are we doing something
to minimize the problems in ruining our environment and natural resources or are we
making the situation worst? On that note, we must be aware of the importance of these
resources in our lives. Natural resources are our main source living especially for the
poor ones such as farming and fishing. Also, we must be attentive to the consequences
of our actions for us to fully understand the significance of these resources particularly
in the productivity of our economy.
Solutions are designed to solve the problems that we created. Pollution is
increasing day by day and eliminating it has now become very important not just in the
Philippines, but in most parts of the world since numerous big cities as well as small
towns in many places are seeing the effects of pollution. There are many ways which
one could help eliminate pollution and make earth a better place for generations to
come. One of which is that we should plant trees, not necessarily in forests but even in
our own homes, we must grow plants because they clean the air. Also, recycling is an
essential way in reducing pollution since it saves new resources from being harvested,
processed, and be used. For instance, recycling paper products can save thousands of
trees from being used. It also saves energy and there will be less pollution. Reducing
pollution simply implies recycling and conserving as much energy as possible.
Protecting biodiversity is now very essential since our biodiversity is important for
reducing pollution, balancing our nature, and dealing and adapting to the effects of
climate change. If we do not protect it, the effects could be as harmful as the effects of
global warming itself. As we all know plants as well as animals are the components of
biodiversity, but some of us use them excessively. We continue harming the natural
environment without even realizing the impact. Biodiversity is a fundamental factor of

life on earth. It creates intricate ecosystems that could never be reproduced by humans.
Its value, essentially and to humans, is beyond measure, and thus must be protected. In
the end, we both want and need biodiversity. Moreover, we should know the importance
of biodiversity for making good and better life here on earth.
Natural resources are very important to humans. However, development of
modern civilization had a great impact on our natural resources. So, conserving them is
very essential today. All we need to do is to look around and see what natural resources
we are using and find out ways to limit our usage.
With the growing human population the needs of the people is also increasing.
But the point of concern is that are there enough natural resources to service all our
needs? What if these resources run out? The only thing to stop it from happening is that
if we start recycling waste to conserve our natural resources. For instance, by recycling
plastic materials we can reduce air pollution as well as water pollution which will be
beneficial to both natural environment and humans.
After identifying the problems made by us and the solutions in the conservation
and protection of our natural resources, let us now know the governments actions to
this. What does the government do in terms of the laws to protect and conserve our
environment and natural resources? Are these laws useful? Most importantly, do people
follow these laws?
The government implemented laws to help save and conserve our environment
and natural resources. One of which is the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and
Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 (RA 6969), it bans the consumption, storage or
transport of toxic or nuclear waste into or within the country which helps minimize the
pollution especially on our waterways. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
(RA 9003) was also implemented by our government which aims to rehabilitate our
environment due to the companies that generates hazardous wastes. Moreover, there
is a law called National Caves and Cave Resources Management and Protection Act of
2001 (RA 9072) which manages and protects the caves that are part of our countrys
biodiversity. Furthermore, National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008

(RA9512) is a law that intends to recognize the vital role of our youth in restoring our
natural resources. These laws are just few of the laws that our government set into
action. But are we familiar with these laws? Are these laws enough to revitalize our
environment and natural resources?
Despite of the problems that we created such as air and water pollution, failing
biodiversity, and the like, which are because of our harmful actions we still can do
something to minimize or even stop these problems through conserving, protecting, and
rehabilitating our environment and natural resources. Therefore, we must make a move
that would make earth a healthier and cleaner place for the future generations.

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