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Representation Of CharacterThe character instantly allows

the audience to connect with a

stereotypical Science Fiction
character due to the graphics
present the character holds
and the stereotypical
connection to an Alien present
linking the audience with a SciFi genre. The genre is clearly
representation through this
character of a Science Fiction,
Action Adventure that connects
the audience with a link to a
hybrid film. The detail on the
face allows the audience to
assume that the character is
the Protagonist due to nonscary present and no presents
of stereotypical gory or teeth
are shown. Representing the
character has carm and

Background/ LightingThe background is black making

the Main character (Protagonist
stand out and have a nice contrast
between the main character and
the background. The black colour
allows the audience to see the
main focus of the poster, which is
the character as the light blue
stands out against the black,
showing the importance. The
lighting is low key and draws the
audience in more to the eyes of
the protagonist. The lighting on
the eyes are bright and have a
nice contrast between the darker
colours of blue and black allowing

Important InformationThe typography is used to tell

the audience about the director
and linking to a well-known film
that the audience can relate too
and understand the possible
high quality and narrative that is
in this film comparing to Titanic.
The audience compare quality to
the film Titanic which is award
winning and known by most of
the audience therefore
encourages the audience to
watch this film due to possibly
similarities and whether they like
the film Titanic so they want to
watch this one. The caps make
the typography standout and
draw the audience in showing

Distributor/ IdentThe information about the film producer and

distributor are at the bottom of the poster for
the audience to clearly see but not to big to
ruin the main focus of the poster
encouraging them to watch the film, but in
small print to allow the audience to briefly
see the connection to the distributor.

Film TitleThe title is clear and stands out

to the audience making them
see the importance in the title
and the connection to the
character (main focus) and the
title. The graphics are
stereotypically connected with
a tribal style connecting the
audience with the narrative and
genre of an adventure due to
the typography stereotypically
found in forest or rural area.
The color is a graphic light
effect drawing the audience in
and creating contrast between

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