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- Modelado
Varios tipos diferentes de lmites se definen en el Phse2 con el propsito de crear la geometra
del modelo:

External (abarca todas las dems entidades del modelo)

Structural Interface

Todos los modelos requieren una frontera externa. Otros tipos de lmites se definen segn se
Los diferentes tipos de lmites en Phase2

Modeling: Entering Geometry

Phase2 provides powerful CAD based modeling features for defining the model geometry.
Boundaries can be defined by:

drawing with the mouse

entering coordinates in a prompt line
entering coordinates in a spreadsheet dialog
importing from a DXF file or other file types

As with most CAD programs, features such as grids, snapping, undo are all implemented to
greatly simplify the process. Any person who has used a CAD program (e.g. AutoCAD) will have
no problem understanding and using the Phase2 geometry modeler.

Graphical entry of excavation boundary

Graphical entry of excavation boundary

Modeling: Interactive Editing

Phase2 incorporates state-of-the-art editing tools which allow you to perform simple or complex
editing tasks with a few mouse clicks. Boundaries and other entities can be moved, deleted,
copied, stretched etc. Convenient right-click shortcuts are available for most editing options.
Right-click editing of geometry

To see more modeling and editing shortcuts in Phase2, click here. Additional editing options are
described below.

Modeling: Simplify Boundary

When model geometry is imported into Phase2 from other sources (e.g. dxf files) it is quite
common that boundaries are defined by an unnecessarily large number of vertices. This can lead
to modeling, meshing or analysis problems (e.g. difficulty editing boundaries, poor quality
meshes, increased compute times, etc).
The Simplify Boundary option allows you to reduce the number of vertices on a boundary,
according to a user-defined criterion, so that the new boundary has fewer vertices but still
adequately defines the model geometry.
Slope model with geometry defined by too many vertices

Slope model with simplified boundaries

Modeling: Geometry Cleanup

When boundary vertices are located very close to each other, this can cause modeling problems
in Phase2, particularly with the finite element mesh. This can create problems with the numerical
analysis, and in the worst case, can lead to incorrect analysis results, or a model which does not
compute at all.
The Geometry Cleanup option allows you to "clean up" the model geometry by merging
vertices which are very close to each other into a single vertex, according to a user-defined
spacing criterion.
Three vertices merged into one using Geometry Cleanup

Modeling: Change Slope Angle

The Change Slope Angle option is a specialized editing tool which allows you to easily change
the overall slope angle of a slope model. You simply choose the toe and crest of the slope, enter
the change in angle, and all vertices which are connected to the slope will be moved accordingly.
This allows you to easily carry out a sensitivity analysis of the overall slope angle, for slope
stability analysis.

Editing the overall slope angle

Modeling: Staging
Staging in Phase2 allows you to model the sequential removal or excavation of material, in as
many as 300 separate stages. Support elements such as bolts and liners can also be sequentially
added or removed. Since materials and support can behave plastically and fail, the excavation
sequence can play an important role in the stability of the underground structure.
Staged model of power cavern excavation, with liner and bolt support

To create a staged model:

enter the Number of Stages in the Project Settings dialog
define the boundaries, support, material properties, etc.
select the Stage tabs at the bottom of the Phase2 screen and
perform the desired material assignments, excavation, support
installation etc., at each stage.
Stage tabs at bottom of Phase2 screen

Staging can be applied to most of the modeling features in Phase2. For example, material
properties, loads, field stress and groundwater conditions can all be modified on a per stage

Modeling: DXF Import / Export

Boundary and support geometry can be imported into Phase2 from a DXF file with theImport
DXF option. Before you import the DXF file, you can select which boundary types you would like
to import.
DXF Import dialog

Boundaries can also be exported to a DXF file from Phase2.

Modeling: Slide Import / Export

To facilitate comparison of finite element and limit equilibrium results, Slide slope stability
models can be imported into Phase2, or exported from Phase2.
After importing a Slide model, you can use the Shear Strength Reduction (SSR) method
in Phase2 to determine the safety factor of the slope. Slide and Phase2 can be used as
complementary methods of analyzing slope stability problems.
Import Slide File option

Modeling: Undo / Redo

Phase2 has a global undo / redo functionality which allows you to easily undo (or redo) any
changes to the model. You can undo / redo multiple changes by selecting from the toolbar droplist as shown below.
List of modeling changes in undo list

The undo / redo also applies to entities such asdrawing tools and queries.

2.- Project Settings

The Project Settings dialog is used to configure the main analysis options in Phase2:

Strength Reduction
Analysis Type

Project Settings: Stages

If you are creating a multi-stage model in Phase2, you need to define the number ofStages in
the Project Settings dialog.
Defining the number of stages

Staging in Phase2 allows you to model the sequential removal or excavation of material, in as
many as 300 separate stages. Staging can be applied to support installation (e.g. bolts and
liners), loading, material properties, groundwater and other modeling options.
Staged model of power cavern excavation with liner and bolt support

Project Settings: Measurement Units

Six different measurement unit options are available in Phase2. The units are determined by
selecting the desired unit of stress measurement in Project Settings:

Metric units (stress) - MPa, kPa, tonnes/m2

Imperial units (stress) - ksf, psf, tons/ft2

Measurement unit options

All input parameters in the program (e.g. coordinates, material properties, loading) will
correspond to the selected stress measurement unit.

Project Settings: Groundwater

Groundwater pore pressure in Phase2 can be modeled using:

Piezometric lines
Water pressure grid
Finite element analysis

The groundwater method is selected in the Project Settings dialog.

Project Settings: Strength Reduction

The Strength Reduction option in the Project Settings dialog allows you to perform afinite
element slope stability analysis with Phase2. To enable the Shear Strength Reduction method,
select the Determine Strength Reduction Factor checkbox, under the Strength Reduction tab in
the Project Settings dialog.

Project Settings: Analysis Type

The Analysis Type option in Project Settings allows you to choose Plane
Strain orAxisymmetric analysis.

In most cases, a Phase2 model represents a Plane Strain analysis (i.e. a 2-dimensional analysis
where it is assumed that the excavation is of "infinite" length in the out-of-plane dimension).
Plane strain model of tunnel with bolt support

The Axisymmetric option allows you to carry out a 3D stress analysis of an axially symmetric
excavation. The 3D excavation is defined by a 360 degree rotation of the External boundary
around the vertical (x=0) axis. A typical use of Axisymmetric analysis is to model the stress and
deformation around the end of a circular tunnel.
Axisymmetric model of circular tunnel

For more information see the Axisymmetric Analysis tutorial.

3.- Mesh Generation

Phase2 incorporates a state-of-the-art 2 dimensional automatic finite element mesh generator,
which can generate meshes based on either triangular or quadrilateral finite elements. The
advanced meshing algorithm used in Phase2 enormously simplifies the task of mesh generation
for the user - a high quality mesh can be generated with just one mouse click!! The mesh can
easily be customized if required.
One-click automatic mesh generation

Mesh: Mesh Setup

The main configuration parameters for the mesh are specified in the Mesh Setupdialog. This
allows you to choose the Mesh Type (Graded, Uniform or Radial) and Element Type (3-noded or
6-noded Triangles, or 4-noded or 8-noded Quadrilaterals).
Mesh Setup dialog

Various discretization and gradation parameters can also be specified, including the Advanced
Discretization option, which allows the user to customize the discretization of boundaries.

Mesh: Mesh Type

In the Mesh Setup dialog you can choose one of 3 different mesh types: Graded, Uniform or
Radial. Graded meshing is applicable for underground excavations which use Excavation
boundaries. Uniform meshing is suitable for models without explicitly defined excavation
boundaries (e.g. surface excavations, groundwater models, slope stability models). Radial
meshing is a specialized option which can be used for circular or near-circular excavations.
Mesh Type: Graded

Mesh Type: Uniform

Mesh Type: Radial

Mesh: Element Type

In the Mesh Setup dialog, you may choose one of the following solid element types:



3-noded triangle, 4-noded quadrilateral

6-noded triangle, 8-noded quadrilateral

In general, elements with mid-side nodes (i.e. 6-noded triangles or 8-noded quadrilaterals) will
improve the accuracy of results, however computation times and file sizes will increase
accordingly. All mesh customization options are available regardless of which element type you

Mesh: Customization
In many cases the default mesh generated by Phase2 will not require further input by the user.
However, should it be necessary to customize the discretization of the boundaries or the element
density at any location, Phase2 provides several methods of mesh customization. This includes:

Custom Discretization
Advanced Discretization
Increase Discretization Density
Increase Element Density
Mapped Meshing

Custom Discretization allows the user to select any boundary line segments, and specify the
number of discretizations per segment, or a multiplication factor.
Custom Discretization dialog

Advanced Discretization is located within the Mesh Setup dialog. This option allows you to
select boundaries or regions, and specify the approximate number of nodes or element length on
all boundaries in the selected region.
Advanced Discretization option

The Increase Discretization Density option allows you to double the discretization density on
boundaries within a selected region. The Increase Element Densityoption allows you to
increase the mesh density within boundaries, without affecting the mesh density on the
Increase Element Density option (selecting area to refine mesh)

Mesh is automatically refined in selected area (note: boundary discretization is not


Mesh: Mapped Meshing

Mapped meshing (also known as "structured meshing"), allows you to create a mesh with a
regular pattern of elements. In Phase2, a mapped mesh may be created within triangular (3sided) or quadrilateral (4-sided) regions of the model, using the Mapped Mesh option. Mapped
meshing can use either triangular or quadrilateral finite elements.
A mapped mesh can be generated with one mouse-click, after you have defined the appropriate
boundary discretization. In the following example, material boundaries have been used to divide
a dam model into quadrilateral and triangular regions, and a mapped mesh of triangular
elements has been generated.
Mapped mesh using triangular elements, dam model

Mapped meshing can be used in conjunction with the automatic free meshing to create a mesh
with both mapped and free zones.

Mesh: Boundary Conditions

After the finite element mesh is generated, the default boundary condition is a pinned (i.e. zero
displacement) condition for all nodes on the external boundary. Displacement boundary
conditions can easily be defined by the user with a few mouse clicks. You may select line
segments or individual nodes, and apply Free, Fixed X, Fixed Y or Fixed XY (pinned) conditions,
as required.
In the following open pit mine model, vertical rollers (Fixed X) have been applied to the sides,
horizontal rollers (Fixed Y) have been applied to the bottom, the ground surface is Free, and the
bottom corners have been pinned (Fixed XY).
Boundary conditions for open pit mine model

You may also define a fixed non-zero displacement as a boundary condition with theSet
Displacement option.

Mesh: Infinite Elements

Infinite Elements are an alternative to the use of fixed boundary conditions on the External
boundary. They allow the user to solve a problem with a potentially much smaller finite element
mesh, and still obtain good results.
In 2-dimensions, infinite elements extend to infinity in one direction, and allow the displacement
to decay gradually from the external boundary toward the infinite domain.
Display of Infinite Elements (radial arrows) on External boundary

Mesh: Mesh Quality

In a finite element mesh, it is generally desirable to avoid elements of high aspect ratio (i.e. long
"thin" elements). The presence of such elements can have adverse effects on the analysis
results. Such elements can influence analysis results, and lead to misleading and inaccurate
results, which are dependent on the mesh. In extreme cases, such elements may even be
responsible for non-convergence of the finite element solution, and the analysis will be aborted.
In order to help the user determine the "quality" of a finite element mesh, Phase2 can
automatically locate and highlight elements in a mesh which are deemed to be of "poor" quality,
according to user-definable criteria.
This is done with the Show Mesh Quality and Define Mesh Quality options.
The Define Mesh Quality dialog allows you to specify the criteria that define a "poor
quality" element

The Show Mesh Quality option will locate and highlight all elements on the model that conform
to the criteria of a "poor quality" element, as defined in the Define Mesh Quality dialog. Poor
quality elements are filled with a red hatch pattern, and highlighted with a blue rectangle so they
are easier to locate in the mesh.
Poor quality sliver element detected by mesh quality check

Mesh quality statistics

Phase2 can also check that all parts of the mesh are connected to each other, when you select
the Contiguous Mesh Check option. This ensures that the mesh consists of a single continuous
region of elements at each stage, and that there are no isolated regions or individual elements
which are not connected to the rest of the mesh. Multiple mesh regions will cause problems with
the analysis and must be avoided.
Invalid mesh (two separate regions of material)

4.- Field Stress

Far Field Stress
The Field Stress option allows the user to define the in-situ field stress conditions prior to
excavation. Two options are available for defining field stress in Phase2 - Constant or Gravity field

Field Stress: Constant

The Constant field stress option can be used for the modeling of deep excavations. In cases
where the gravitational stress gradient is negligible across the height of your model, compared
to the overall stress magnitude, a constant stress field is preferable. A Constant field stress is
defined by two in-plane principal stresses (Sigma 1 and Sigma 3), and an angle which defines
the in-plane stress orientation. The out-of-plane principal stress (Sigma Z) is also required.
Field Stress dialog (Constant)

Underground mine model (constant field stress)

Field Stress: Gravity

For surface or near-surface excavations, it is appropriate to use a Gravity stress field, in which
the vertical stress is assumed to vary linearly with depth. The depth and the unit weight of
overlying material determine the vertical stress distribution throughout the model. The
horizontal stress is calculated by multiplying the vertical stress by the Horizontal/Vertical Stress
The vertical and horizontal initial stresses are calculated using the following equations:
Sv = gamma*H
Sh = L + K*Sv
Sv = Vertical stress
Sh = Horizontal stress
L = Locked-in stress (horizoontal stress at ground surface)
K = Horizontal stress ratio
gamma = average unit weight of the soil/rock
H = depth of element center below ground surface
The equation for horizontal stress applies to both the in-plane and out-of-plane horizontal
Field Stress dialog (Gravity)

The depth can be measured from either:

A single datum elevation
The actual ground surface of your model
The Use Actual Ground Surface option is very useful for surface excavations such as open pit
mines, slopes, rock cuts etc. This method provides a better initial estimate of the vertical in-situ
stress, for surface excavations where the ground surface is irregular (i.e. not defined by a single
horizontal surface).
Open pit mine model (gravity field stress)

Field Stress: Custom

There are situations when you may need to specify the field stress for individual materials in a
model, rather than a single field stress which applies to all materials.
For example, individual layers of material in bedded geological structures will sometimes have an
in-situ stress that is different from the stress in surrounding layers. When this situation occurs,
the user can define a customized field stress for any material(s) in their model, as shown in the

Field Stress dialog below.

Custom Field Stress per material

Field Stress: Load Split

The Load Split option in Phase2 allows the user to "split" the field stress induced load, between
any stages of the model, rather than applying the entire field stress load in the first stage. This
allows the user to gradually apply the field stress load, as excavation progresses. A typical use of
Load Splitting is to simulate the 3D effect of an advancing tunnel face, using a 2D model. This
can be used, for example, to simulate the delayed installation of support at an advancing tunnel
Load Split dialog

For maximum flexibility, the Load Split can be customized on a per material basis, using the
Advanced option in the Load Split dialog. When specified per material, the load can be initialized
at any stage. It is also possible to apply the load split to body forces or field stress,
Custom load split per material

Field Stress: Initial Element Loading

Initial Element Loading is specified in the Define Material Properties dialog, for each material.
The Initial Element Loading option allows the user to specify whether Field Stress and/or Body
Force is applied as the initial element loading, for each material.
Initial Element Loading option

If you are using Field Stress = Constant, then by default the

Initial Element Loading for all materials will be Field Stress Only.

If you are using Field Stress = Gravity, then by default the Initial
Element Loading for all materials will be Field Stress & Body Force

You may also specify Initial Element Loading = Body Force Only
(this would be applicable for a backfill material, for example). Or you
may specify Initial Element Loading = None (no initial stress or force
on the elements).

For more information about this option, see the Initial Element Loading help topic

5.- Material Properties

Strength and elastic properties of materials (rock or soil) are entered in the DefineMaterial
Properties dialog. If you are considering groundwater in your model, then the material
hydraulic properties are entered in the Define Hydraulic Propertiesdialog. Material properties
are assigned to different regions of the model with theAssign properties option.
Define Material Properties dialog

Material Properties: Strength Parameters

The following material strength models are available in Phase2:

Hoek-Brown (original criterion)
Generalized Hoek-Brown (latest version)
Modified Cam-Clay

If you set the Material Type = Elastic, then the material is assumed to have unlimited strength
(i.e. it will not yield or fail). The material response will be linear elastic, regardless of the stress
magnitude. You may still define strength parameters, but they will only be used for the
calculation of strength factor (i.e. degree of overstress).
If you set the Material Type = Plastic, then the material can yield and exhibit non-linear stressstrain behaviour, if the stress exceeds the strength envelope. For Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown
and Drucker-Prager models, you may specify peak and residual strength parameters. Residual
strength will be applied if the peak strength is exceeded. If residual = peak, this defines an

elastic-perfectly plastic material. If residual strength = 0 this defines a brittle material.

Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters

Hoek-Brown Strength Parameters

Generalized Hoek-Brown Strength Parameters

Drucker-Prager Strength Parameters

Cam-Clay Strength Parameters

Material Properties: Elastic Parameters

The following elastic models are available in Phase2:

Transversely Isotropic
Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic

By default in Phase2, materials are assumed to have Isotropic elastic properties. This means that
the elastic properties are not dependent on directionality, and are defined by a single value of
Young's modulus and a single value of Poisson's ratio.
Isotropic elastic parameters

In special cases, you may wish to define a material with different elastic properties in two
directions (Transversely Isotropic) or three directions (Orthotropic). However, if you use either of
these two options, then it is NOT possible to define non-linear material strength properties (i.e.
the material stress-strain response will be linear elastic).
Transversely isotropic elastic parameters

Orthotropic elastic parameters

Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic elastic parameters

Material Properties: Parameter Calculator

For the Generalized Hoek-Brown strength criterion, a special parameter calculator is available
by selecting the GSI button. This allows you to estimate the Hoek-Brown parameters mb, s and
a, from the rock mass parameters GSI, mi and D, using the dialog shown below. The rock mass
elastic modulus can also be estimated.
GSI calculator option

Generalized Hoek-Brown parameter calculator

From the parameter calculator dialog, assist dialogs are available to help with the selection of
values for UCS, GSI, mi and D. These are accessed by selecting the Pick button beside the input
parameter edit box.
GSI assist dialog

Material Properties: Link to RocData / RocLab

If you have the programs RocData or RocLab installed on your computer, you can start up
these programs directly from the Define Material Properties dialog. You can use RocData or
RocLab to help determine parameters for the Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown or Generalized HoekBrown criteria (e.g. by curve fitting lab test data, for example).
Link to RocData from Phase2 material properties dialog

You can paste results from RocData into Phase2, by selecting the Paste button in the material
properties dialog.
RocData analysis results

Material Properties: Staging

The properties of a material can be modified at different stages of a multi-stage model, by using
the Stage Properties option in the Define Material Properties dialog. Any of the material
parameters can be increased or decreased by user-defined factors at different stages. This
allows the user to simulate changes in material stiffness or strength (for example) as staging
To stage material properties, select the Stage Properties checkbox and select the
Define Factors button.

Multiplication factors can be defined for any material property at any stage, in the
Stage Material Properties dialog. For example, as shown below for Young's Modulus.

Material Properties: Datum Dependent

The Datum Dependent option allows you to define material properties which vary linearly with
depth from a user-defined datum elevation. The following properties can be specified as Datum
Young's Modulus (only if the material Elastic Type = Isotropic)
Cohesion and Friction Angle (only if Failure Criterion = MohrCoulomb and Material Type = Plastic).
To define Datum Dependent properties, select the Datum Dependent checkbox and
select the Define Properties button.

Datum Dependent Properties dialog

Material Properties: Hydraulic

The Define Hydraulic Properties option is used to specify the groundwater/hydraulic parameters
for each material in the Define Material Properties dialog.
Define Hydraulic Properties is applicable if you are considering pore pressure in
yourPhase2 model (i.e. Piezometric Lines, Water Pressure Grid, Ru values, or finite element
seepage analysis).
Define Hydraulic Properties (Groundwater Method = Piezometric Lines)

If the Groundwater Method = Finite Element Analysis, then you can define the saturated
permeability, anisotropic parameters, and the unsaturated permeability function. You may
choose from several different theoretical models, or enter a user-defined permeability function
(i.e. Matric suction versus Permeability). Hydraulic Properties can also be staged.
Define Hydraulic Properties (Groundwater Method = Finite Element Analysis)

Material Properties: Assign

If your model has multiple materials, then the properties are assigned to the desired regions
with the Assign Properties option. This is done graphically with the Assign Properties dialog. Just
select a material in the dialog, then click within any closed region of the model, and the region
will be assigned the selected material type. Material removal (i.e. excavation) is also
accomplished with the Assign option.
Select a material type in the Assign dialog

Click the mouse in the model to assign the material to a region

Material assignment or excavation can also be done with the right-click menu.
Assigning materials with the right-click shortcut

6.- Joints
A Joint represents an interface along which movement can take place. Joints can represent:
structural discontinuities in a rock mass
interfaces between support and rock or soil (e.g. liners, sheet pile
any other type of sliding interface which may occur in a
geotechnical project
There are various ways of modeling Joints in a Phase2 analysis: as a Joint boundary, as a
network of joint boundaries, as a Structural Interface boundary, or as part of a Composite Liner.

Joints: Joint Boundary

A Joint can be explicitly modeled as a Joint boundary in Phase2. A Joint boundary is created with
the Add Joint option.
Joint boundary intersecting a rectangular tunnel. The deformed tunnel shape
illustrates the effect of joint slip on tunnel behavior. Deformation vectors (red arrows)

and displacement contours illustrate the rock mass behavior due to the presence of
the joint

Joints: Joint Network

The Joint Network option in Phase2allows you to generate 2-dimensional networks of joint
boundaries, to simulate patterns of natural or induced jointing in rock masses.
Joint networks can be generated according to a variety of statistical or deterministic models. See
the Joint Networks page for more information.
Phase2 model illustrating several different types of joint network

Joints: Structural Interface

A Structural Interface boundary allows you to model support such as sheet pile walls or
geosynthetics, which can have a sliding interface on BOTH sides of the support element. A Joint
is automatically created on BOTH sides of the support element, when you define a Structural
Interface boundary.
Schematic representation of structural interface boundary

Geogrid modeled as structural interface, joint slip (red) occurs at toe of embankment

Joints: Composite Liner

With the Composite Liner option, you may include a Joint between any two layers of the
Composite Liner, or between the rock mass and the first layer. This is done through the Define
Composite Properties dialog as shown below.
Defining a composite liner with a joint

Joints: Properties
Joint properties are defined in the Define Joint Properties dialog, and include:
Elastic properties (normal and shear stiffness)
Strength properties (Mohr-Coulomb, Barton-Bandis, Geosynthetic
Internal pressure (e.g. due to groundwater)
Staging of joint properties (i.e. properties can change with staging)
Joints can be defined as elastic or inelastic. If a joint is elastic (i.e. Slip Criterion = None) then

strength properties are not applicable, and only elastic displacements can occur. If a joint is
inelastic (i.e. Slip Criterion = Mohr-Coulomb, Barton-Bandis or Geosynthetic Hyperbolic), then
the joint can yield (slip) if the shear stress on a joint element exceeds the shear strength.
Joint properties dialog

Barton-Bandis joint strength properties

Geosynthetic Hyperbolic joint strength properties

The Geosynthetic Hyperbolic slip criterion can be used for modeling the shear strength of the
interface between a geosynthetic (e.g. geotextile or geogrid) and soil. This can be used in
conjunction with the Structural Interface option described above.

Joints: Analysis Results

After the Phase2analysis has been computed, you can examine the stresses and displacements
along joints. Joint data can be:
Graphed (Graph Joint Data)
Displayed directly on the model (Show Values)
Joint yielding (slip) can be highlighted (Show Yield)
The Show Values option allows you to display joint results directly on the model, in the form of
a histogram or line graph, superimposed directly on the joint boundary. The numerical values
can be displayed, and the display can be customized.
Joint shear stress plotted with Show Values

Joint normal stress plotted with Graph Joint Data

The Show Yield option highlights yielding (slip) along joints.

Yielded joint elements are highlighted in red

Joints: Ubiquitous Joints

Joints can also be treated as "ubiquitous" (i.e. they may occur at any location in the rock mass).
However, this is strictly a post-analysis feature, and only applies to strength factor calculations in
the Phase2Interpret program. Stresses and displacements are not affected.

7.- Joint Networks

Joint network modeling is a powerful new feature introduced in Phase2 version 7, which allows
you to easily generate 2-dimensional networks of joint boundaries to simulate patterns of natural
or induced jointing in rock masses.
Joint networks can be generated according to a variety of statistical or deterministic models,

Parallel Deterministic
Parallel Statistical
Cross Jointed

Phase2 model illustrating several different types of joint network

Joint Networks: Add Network

A joint network is created with the Add Joint Network option. You can generate a joint network
in any selected region(s) of the model, using any of the joint network models shown in the
dialog below. Multiple joint networks can be defined, and different networks can be applied to
different regions.
Add Joint Network dialog

Joint Networks: Parallel Deterministic

The Parallel Deterministic joint network model allows you to define a network of parallel joints
with a fixed spacing, length and persistence.
Parallel Deterministic joint network, uniform joint spacing, length and persistence

Joint Networks: Parallel Statistical

The Parallel Statistical joint network model allows you to define a network of parallel joints
with user-defined statistical distributions for the joint spacing, length and persistence.
Parallel Statistical joint network, random joint spacing, length and persistence

Joint Networks: Cross Jointed

The Cross Jointed joint network model allows you to define a network which consists of two
sets of parallel joints (e.g. bedding planes with cross joints) which intersect to form rectangular

or trapezoidal blocks. The spacing of the joint planes can be defined as random variables.
Cross joint network, 35 degree bedding plane inclination

Joint Networks: Baecher

The Baecher joint network model is a flexible algorithm that can generate intricate joint
networks. Joints are assumed to have finite trace lengths, which follow some statistical
distribution. The centers of the joints are located in space according to a Poisson point process.
The number of joints is controlled by a joint intensity measure.
Baecher joint network, random joint length and orientation

Joint Networks: Veneziano

The Veneziano joint network model first generates infinite lines at random locations. The
infinite lines are then divided into joint segments of random length, with user-defined statistical
Veneziano joint network, random joint length, orientation and persistence

Joint Networks: Voronoi

Two-dimensional Voronoi tessellation is a process that randomly subdivides a plane into nonoverlapping convex polygons. A Voronoi joint network consists of joints that are defined by the
bounding segments of these polygons.
Voronoi joint network, irregular polygons

A Voronoi network is recommended for broken rock masses in which there are no preferred
jointing directions. The regularity of the Voronoi network can be controlled by the user, as shown
Voronoi joint network, almost regular polygons

version 9.0

Click For Features

Phase2 analysis results and model data can be exported in a variety of different ways for postprocessing in other applications. Printouts and screen captures can be customized, simplifying
the task of generating high quality reports and presentations.

Export to Excel
Copy to Clipboard
Info Viewer
Export Image
Export DXF

Export: Export to Excel

In the Phase2 Interpret program, results can be exported to Microsoft Excel and automatically
graphed, with a single mouse click. This includes:

Material Queries
Bolt Data
Liner Data
Joint Data

To export data to Excel, first generate the desired graph in Phase2. Then select the Plot in Excel
option from the right-click menu. This will startup Excel, export all data and create the same
graph in Excel, all with one mouse click.

Axial force in liner, graph generated in Phase 2

Data and graph exported to Excel

Export: Copy to Clipboard

Any data which can be graphed in Phase2 can also be copied to the Windows clipboard. From the

clipboard, it can be pasted into other Windows applications. There are various ways of copying
You can right-click directly on individual entities (queries, bolts, liners, joints)and
select Copy Data from the popup menu
You may select Copy Selected from the right-click menu after you have selected
entities for graphing (this allows you to copy data for multiple entities)
You may select the Copy Data button in the graph dialog
Copy (liner data) from right-click menu

Copy (liner data) from dialog

Export: Info Viewer

The Info Viewer option provides a formatted summary of input data and analysis results, in an
easy to browse text format. The information can be copied to the clipboard or saved to a file, for
inclusion in reports etc. The Info Viewer display (font style, size, color) can be customized in the
Display Options dialog.
Info Viewer display (with right-click context menu)

Export: Images
The Export Image option allows the user to save screen captures directly to one of four image
file formats:

JPEG (*.jpg)
Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)
Windows Enhanced Metafile (*.emf)
Windows Metafile (*.wmf)

Export Image option in right-click menu

Images can also be copied to the clipboard using the Copy option in the Edit menu.
Graphical output is fully customizable. Phase2 offers an extensive array of options for customizing
the appearance of views. This includes:

Display Options
Contour Options
Drawing Tools
Text Annotations including pre-formatted Auto Text and Dynamic Text
Import Image (e.g. add company logos)

Export: Printing
Phase2 offers advanced printing features which facilitate the creation of professional looking
reports and presentations. With the Page Setup option in the File menu, you can apply
customized header and/or footer information to printouts. You can choose from pre-defined
templates, or create your own header / footer design, and include your company logo.
Page Setup dialog with customizable title blocks

Footer information in print preview mode

Export: DXF
In the Phase2 Model program, the model boundaries, support and drawing lines can be saved in
DXF format with the Export DXF option.

In the Phase2 Interpret program, Export DXF is available for various entities such as Iso-Contour
lines, user-defined shapes and polylines (drawing tools) and other entities.

Drawing Tools
version 9.0

Click For Features

Phase2 provides an extensive drawing and annotation toolkit which allows you to add text
annotations, measure distances, angles and areas, and much more. Tools include:

Dimensioning Tools
Contour Labels
Text Boxes
AxesLines / Arrows
Rectangles / Circles
Polyline / Polygon / Pencil
Add Image
Properties Table

See the Drawing Tools overview for links and further information.

Drawing Tools: Dimensioning

The dimensioning tools in Phase2 allow you to easily measure and display lengths, widths
(horizontal distance), height (vertical distance) and angles anywhere on the model, as shown in
the following figure.
Length, width, height and angle dimensions added to slope model

Drawing Tools: Lines and Shapes

A variety of options are available for adding lines and geometric shapes, including Line, Arrow,
Rectangle, Circle, Polyline, Polygon and Pencil options. All entities can easily be edited, re-sized,
moved, duplicated etc. Line thickness, colour, fill and hatch pattern can be specified.
Lines, shapes, arrows, axes etc can be added to views

The Polygon option allows you to measure areas, which are displayed as a popup data tip when
the mouse is hovered over a Polygon object. Similarly, the Polyline option can be used to
measure the length of a polyline. Coordinate Axes can be added using either local or global

Drawing Tools: Text Annotations

Text annotations can be easily added, edited and customized (colour, font, size etc). Pre-defined
Auto Text can be used to add labels which identify material properties, analysis parameters,
vertex coordinates and more.
Material names

Vertex coordinates added using Auto Text

Add text dialog - text can be typed in the area at left, or Auto Text can be added using
the checkboxes at the right.

Dynamic text is also available. Dynamic text allows you to add text boxes which will
automatically update themselves according to the properties of the current model. This allows
you to define one set of labels, which can then be used for multiple models (e.g. if you are
performing parametric analysis).

Drawing Tools: Properties Table

The Properties Table option allows you to add a formatted table of material properties to the
view. All material types currently used in the model will be listed in the table.
Properties table added to view

Drawing Tools: Adding Image

Images in BMP, JPG or GIF format can be added to views with the Import Image orAdd
Image options. This allows you to add graphics such as company logos, or import drawings to
be used as modeling guides. You can set the image transparency, display the image behind the
model, scale the image size, etc.
Company logo added to view

Drawing Tools: Saving and Editing

Drawing tools are automatically saved with the Phase2 file and will automatically re-appear when
you open the file. The tools can be edited using various shortcuts, for example:
Left click on a tool to re-size or move by clicking and dragging with the mouse
Right click on a tool, the popup menu will display applicable editing options
Double click on a tool to display the Format Tool dialog
Format tool dialog for polygon objects

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