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Of Characters-
The characters are stereotypical
for the genre of Romance,
instantly connecting the
audience with the
representation of the characters
having a connection due to the
mise es scene of the position
suggesting the bond they share
together. The male has mise es
scent of a hoodie which is
stereotypical for males that
rebel and links to the audience
of a teenage to young adults.
They are suggested to wear this
type of clothing as its
stereotypical for teenage
youth to wear this style.

Background/ Location-
The location is stereotypical for
the genre of a romance as it
links to the idea of a beach due
to the mise es scene of sand and
the sea in the far distances. The
audience can see the lighting is
faded and is more light colours
than bold bright colours making
an atmosphere of carm and
relaxed. Stereotypically linking
the location to a place, of peace
and happiness.
Important Information-
The information at the bottom allows the audience to understand the actors names and the distributor so
they can connect to the type of film it is and the narrative. Small print is used to allow the audience to focus
on the characters and not make the information standout and over ride the title or characters. The bold date
allows the audience to see the importance of the date making them remember it more. The date is bold and
draws the audience towards it allowing them to see the importance and encourage them to watch it.

Actors Information-
The actors names are in bold at the
top left and right corner connecting
to the positions of the characters
showing a connection to the
individual characters and their
names. The actors names allows
the audience to see the main actors
and connect to perhaps previous
films that the audience can relate to
and want to watch the film due to
the fame and interest within the
characters connection to the
characters representation towards
the audience.
Film Title-
The title is clear and stands out to the
audience making them interested and
seeing the importance within the title. The
colour of white is clear and bold and the
use of yellow for the second word helps
the audience to see the difference between
the two words connecting them to the
meaning and importance of both words
being important. The color of yellow links
to the actors (the list at the top), This
suggests the connection to the characters
and the words within the title.

The lighting shown allows the audience to
link with the connection of the location
being sunny which is stereotypical for a
romance based around the Summer time
for the audience to gain the atmosphere of
happiness. The light hits the characters
faces and the males leg showing the
importance within the characters but also
drawing the audience in to the
representation of a perspective character.

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