Chaldean Oracle Tarot Correspondences

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Bagatella (Magician): Spells are thought by the Father, and think

themselves. All things descend from one fire. The priest who works the
ritual Also Egyptian god Ammon, creator god in Herodotus for the 4 elements.

Popess (High Priestess): Power [Hecate] is with him, but Intellect is from him.
Beside this one sits a Dyad, It has a double function: it both has the
intelligibles in mind and brings sense perception to the worlds. To that order
from which you flowed, you shall rise again, combining the act with the
sacred word. The Paternal Intellect does not admit her volition...until she
has spoken the word...the holy watchword of the Father. Then hearken to
the voice of the fire. The Father has sown symbols in mens souls.

Empress: Around the hollows of her [Hecates] right flank a great stream of
primordially generated Soul gushes forth in abundance, totally ensouling
light, fire, ether, worlds. Since the Soul is a fire, she remains immortal and
is mistress of life, and shall be filled with many repletions from the depth of
the world. Boundless Nature is suspended from the back of the goddess...
Do not gaze at Nature, for her name is like Fate. Untiring Nature rules both
worlds and works, so that the sky might turn around, pulling down its eternal
course. Nature gives proof that the fruits even of evil matter are worthy and

Emperor: The Father perfected everything and committed it to the Second

Intellect, which the races of men call the first.

Pope (Hierophant): By extending the fiery intellect to the act of piety, you
shall also save the liquescent body,..Learn what is intelligible, for it exists
outside the intellect. There is indeed something intelligible, which you must
understand by the flower of the intellect.

Love: After he thought his works, ... the Paternal Intellect sowed the bond of
love, heavy with fire, in all things. With this love, the elements of the world
remain on course. Faith, truth, and love, that praiseworthy triad. For all
things are governed by these three. (Love, governed by the teletarch Aion in
the Empyrian; Truth, governed by Helios in the Etherial; and Faith, governed
by the Moon, the material teletarch, in the sublunar.)

Chariot: [Particular souls become mundane through their] vehicles. The

Father mixed the spark of soul with two harmonious qualities, intellect and
divine Will, to which he added a third, pure Love, as the guide and holy bond
of all things..

Justice: In the left flank of Hecate is the source of virtue, which remains
wholly within and does not give away its virginity. The penalties [Plethon:
avenging daemons] are the restrainers of men.

Time (Old Man): The truer Sun measures the All together with Time, truly
being Time of time. Ps.-D They call him ancient of days because he is the
time and eternity of everything.

Wheel of Fortune: Do not invoke the self-manifesting image of Nature!...Flee

the shameful wing of allotted Fate.

Fortitude (Strength): If you speak to me often, you will perceive everything

in lion-form.

Hanged Man: She [the soul] is utterly intoxicated from God.

Death: Those who thrust out the soul and inhale are easy to loose.

Temperance: For she glories in harmony, beneath which is the mortal body.

Devil: Incline not downward: below the earth lies a precipice that drags
down beneath the sevenfold steps, below which is the throne of necessity.
Your vessel shall be occupied by the beasts of the earth. Do not enlarge your

Fire (tower): The stars do not shine, the light of the moon is veiled, the earth
stands not firm, all things appear as lightning.

Star: [The Father guides us, opening paths of fire] so that we do not flow into
a stream of forgetfulness. Orphic Hymn to Mnemosyne: Come, blessed
power, thy mystics memry wake to holy rites, and Lethes fetters break.

Moon: Then from the depths of the earth leap forth the dogs of the
underworld, showing no true sign to mortals...You must not gaze at them until
your body has been initiated. Being terrestrial, these dogs are shameless.
Let the immortal depth of the soul be leader.

Sun: Having spoken these things, you will behold either a fire leaping
skittishly like a child over the aery waves, or an unformed fire from which a
voice emerges; or a rich light that whirls around in a spiral. But [it is also
possible] that you will see a horse flashing more brightly than light, either
also a fiery child mounted on the swift back of the horse, covered with gold or
naked; or even a child shooting arrows, upright on the horses back.

Judgment: You must hasten toward the light and rays of the Father, whence
your soul was sent out, clothed in abundant intellect. For the divine is not
accessible to mortals who think corporeally, but to all those who, naked,
hasten upward toward the heights." Draw tight the reins of the fire with an
untouched soul.

World: But not shutting off his own fire in his intellectual power, the Father
does not impel fear but diffuses persuasion. Orphic Hymn to Phanes: O
mighty first-begotten, two-fold,...egg-born, ...pure and holy light, hence
Phanes called.

Fool: The Father has snatched himself away. If you should incline your
mind toward it and perceive it as perceiving a specific thing, you would not
perceive it.... You must not perceive it intently, but should extend an
empty mind toward the Intelligible in order to comprehend it, since it exists
outside of (your) mind.



Bagatella (Magician): Spells are thought by the Father, and think

themselves. All things descend from one fire. The priest who works the
ritual Also Egyptian god Ammon/Jupiter, in Herodotus, creator god, And John
1:1, In the beginning was the Word. All things were made by him, for the 4
elements on the table. Kabbalah: Kether, Crown, that from which all else

Popess (High Priestess): Power [Hecate] is with him, but Intellect is from him.
Beside this one sits a Dyad, It has a double function: it both has the
intelligibles in mind and brings sense perception to the worlds. To that order
from which you flowed, you shall rise again, combining the act with the
sacred word. The Paternal Intellect does not admit her volition...until she
has spoken the word...the holy watchword of the Father. Then hearken to
the voice of the fire. The Father has sown symbols in mens souls. Orph.
Hymn to Hecate: ...the worlds key-bearer.. Kab: Hochma, Wisdom, whose
medieval symbol was the book.

Empress: Around the hollows of her [Hecates] right flank a great stream of
primordially generated Soul gushes forth in abundance, totally ensouling
light, fire, ether, worlds. Since the Soul is a fire, she remains immortal and
is mistress of life, and shall be filled with many repletions from the depth of
the world. Boundless Nature is suspended from the back of the goddess...
Do not gaze at Nature, for her name is like Fate. Untiring Nature rules both
worlds and works, so that the sky might turn around, pulling down its eternal
course. Nature gives proof that the fruits even of evil matter are worthy and
good. Ps..-D.: furnishing the fullness of life, and to speak symbolically,
flowing into a belly, and bubbling forth rivers flowing irresistably. Kab: the
right pillar, of mercy. But also Binah, mother of what is below her, and the

severity of Fate.

Emperor: The Father perfected everything and committed it to the Second

Intellect, which the races of men call the first. Ps.-D: The representation of
the eagle denotes the kingly, and soaring, and swift in flight...and unflinching
gaze toward the bounteous and brilliant splendor of the Divine rays of the
sun... Kab: Chesed, mercy, which is what emperors were empowered to

Pope (Hierophant): By extending the fiery intellect to the act of piety, you
shall also save the liquescent body,..Learn what is intelligible, for it exists
outside the intellect. There is indeed something intelligible, which you must
understand by the flower of the intellect. Ps.-D.: The sacerdotal robe
denotes their conducting to the Divine and mystical visions, and the
consecration of their whole life. Kab: Gevurah, severity, judgment. Think

Love: After he thought his works, ... the Paternal Intellect sowed the bond of
love, heavy with fire, in all things. With this love, the elements of the world
remain on course. Faith, truth, and love, that praiseworthy triad. For all
things are governed by these three. (Love, governed by the teletarch Aion in
the Empyrian; Truth, governed by Helios in the Etherial; and Faith, governed
by the Moon, the material teletarch, in the sublunar.) Ps.-D.: They [the sacred
writers] call it [the Good] beautiful, beauty, love, beloved,...Beauty bids all
things to itself. Kab: Tifereth, Beauty; also the middle pillar, Kether to

Chariot: [Particular souls become mundane through their] vehicles. The

Father mixed the spark of soul with two harmonious qualities, intellect and
divine Will, to which he added a third, pure Love, as the guide and holy bond
of all things Ps. D. That of Horses represents obedience and docility, and
those who are white, brilliancy, and as especially congenial to the Divine
Light; but of those who are dark blue, the Hidden; and of those red, the fiery
and vigorous. Kab: Netzach, victory.

Justice: In the left flank of Hecate is the source of virtue, which remains
wholly within and does not give away its virginity. The penalties [Plethon:

avenging daemons] are the restrainers of men. Ps.-D: The spears and the
battle-axes denote the dividing of things unlike, and the sharp and energetic
and drastic operation of the discriminating powers. Kab: Hod, splendor; left
pillar, carries out judgments from above.

Time (old man): The truer Sun measures the All together with Time, truly
being Time of time. Ps.-D: Light is the measure ...of the hours, the days,.
They call him ancient of days because he is the time and eternity of
everything. Kab: Yesod called Time.

Wheel of Fortune: Do not invoke the self-manifesting image of Nature! ...Flee

the shameful wing of allotted Fate. Kab.: Malkhuth, Kingdom. Favor of God
taken away.

Fortitude (Strength): If you speak to me often, you will perceive everything

in lion-form. Ps-D: We must consider that the shape of a Lion signifies the
leading, and robust, and indomitable, and the assimilation, as far as possible,
to the unutterable Godhead,...during Divine illumination.) Kab.: Kingdom.
Favor of God.

Hanged Man: She [the soul] is utterly intoxicated from God. Kab.: Yesod,
circumcision, connection to divine.

Death: Those who thrust out the soul and inhale are easy to loose. Kab.:
Hod, agent of justice.
Temperance: For she glories in harmony, beneath which is the mortal body.
Kab.: Netzach, victory.

Devil: Incline not downward: below the earth lies a precipice that drags
down beneath the sevenfold steps, below which is the throne of necessity.
Your vessel shall be occupied by the beasts of the earth. Do not enlarge your
Fate. Kab.: Negative side of Tifereth, false Beauty, corresponding to
alchemical Mercury as both medicine and poison.

Fire (tower): The stars do not shine, the light of the moon is veiled, the earth
stands not firm, all things appear as lightning. (Ps.=D.: ...creatures of fire,
and men, flashing, as it were, like lightning, and placing around the Heavenly
Beings themselves heaps of coals of fire.. Kab: Gevurah: severity, judgment.

Star: [The Father guides us, opening paths of fire] so that we do not flow into
a stream of forgetfulness. Orphic Hymn to Mnemosyne: Come, blessed
power, thy mystics memry wake to holy rites, and Lethes fetters break.
Ps.-D.: The rivers of fire signify the supremely Divine streams furnishing to
them [the Heavenly Beings] an ungrudging and incessant flow, and
nourishing the productive powers of life.... See also entry for Sun. Kab:
Chesed, mercy.

Moon: Then from the depths of the earth leap forth the dogs of the
underworld, showing no true sign to mortals...You must not gaze at them until
your body has been initiated. Being terrestrial, these dogs are shameless.
Let the immortal depth of the soul be leader. Ps.-D.: see entry for Sun. Kab:
Binah, repentance.

Sun: Having spoken these things, you will behold either a fire leaping
skittishly like a child over the aery waves, or an unformed fire from which a
voice emerges; or a rich light that whirls around in a spiral. But [it is also
possible] that you will see a horse flashing more brightly than light, either
also a fiery child mounted on the swift back of the horse, covered with gold or
naked; or even a child shooting arrows, upright on the horses back. Ps.-D: At
one time, indeed, they [the mystic theologians] extol It [the divine] under
exalted imagery as Sun of Righteousness, as Morning Star rising divinely in
the mind, and as Light illuming without veil [i.e. Moon] and for contemplation;
and at other times, through things in our midst, as Fire, shedding its
innocuous light... Kab. : Hochma, Wisdom, place of silence.

Judgment: You must hasten toward the light and rays of the Father, whence
your soul was sent out, clothed in abundant intellect. For the divine is not
accessible to mortals who think corporeally, but to all those who, naked,
hasten upward toward the heights." Draw tight the reins of the fire with an
untouched soul. Kab.: Kether, crown, source.

World: But not shutting off his own fire in his intellectual power, the Father
does not impel fear but diffuses persuasion. Orphic Hymn to Phanes: O
mighty first-begotten, two-fold,...egg-born, ...pure and holy light, hence
Phanes called. Kab: Kether.

Fool: The Father has snatched himself away. If you should incline your
mind toward it and perceive it as perceiving a specific thing, you would not
perceive it.... You must not perceive it intently, but should extend an
empty mind toward the Intelligible in order to comprehend it, since it exists
outside of (your) mind. Ps.-D; The foolishness of God is wiser than men.
Here the divine apostle is said to be praising God for his foolishness,
which...uplifts [us] to the ineffable truth which is there before all reasoning.
Kab: En Sof, no limit, i.e. beyond limits.
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