Effects of Electromagnetic Forces of Earth On Humans

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Indian J. Prev. Soc. Med. Vol. 40 No.

3& 4,2009
Abha Shrivastava1, K.K. Mahajan2, V. Kalra3, K.S.Negi4
Indian culture stresses the importance of direction during performance of daily activities. Some yogi
prescribe yogic relaxation and polarity practices to be done with head lying towards North in order to align oneself
with the earths magnetic field. Electromagnetic forces of the Earth, Sun and Moon have been found to greatly
influence with biological characteristics. Extensive research of past thirty years has established numerous links
between regularly occurring human behaviour and external natural cycles ranging from weather and solar radiations
to phases of the moon and the planetary cycles. Hence, the present study was undertaken to observe whether head
direction has any effect on heart rate, blood pressure and serum cortisol during supine rest. 40 female medical
students of 18-25 years age group in the department of Physiology at Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences were
recruited for the study and they were asked to sleep for 8 hours in different directions viz, North, East, South and
West directions for 12 weeks. After then their Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP), Heart
Rate (HR) were recorded and the Serum Cortisol (SC) estimated. On comparing the parameters in different
directions it was observed that those who were instructed to sleep with head in South direction for 12 weeks had
lowest SBP, DBP, HR and SC which was found to be statistically significant. Though the study demonstrates that
lying in different directions has a definite effect on heart rate, blood pressure and serum cortisol, further studies are
needed in different age groups to understand the mechanisms and implications of this phenomenon.

Key words: Head direction, Electromagnetic forces, Heart rate, Blood pressure, Serum cortisol

Man seems to have been fascinated by the mysterious power of magnetic field over life since ancient times. Every
matter is made up of atoms having both positive and negative charges. The outer sphere of each atom has electrons and it is
the motion of electrons that create magnetic field. 1 Scientists have proved every cell, thus every organ in turn in the human
body is a small magnetic unit. In magnetic parlance, our bodies are considered to have magnetic side. Considering a human
body vertically, the head and the upper half of the body are taken to represent North Pole and lower half of the body is taken to
represent South Pole. Earth is also considered as a Huge magnet with its magnetic poles, being in close line but opposite to
its geographical pole that is its magnetic north pole is situated at its geographical south pole and the magnetic South Pole is
situated at its geographical north pole. This is the reason why the tiny compass needle always points towards the geographical

North Pole .

1. Assistant Professor, 2. Professor & Head, Dept of Physiology, 3.Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry, 4. Professor, Dept. of
Community Medicine
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Abha Shrivastava, Assistant Professor, Department Of Physiology,HIMS, Dehradun.E
Mail: shrivastavaabha2007@rediffmail.com
Indexed in : Index Medicus (IMSEAR), INSDOC, NCI Current Content, Database of Alcohol & Drug Abuse, National Database in TB &
Allied Diseases, IndMED, Entered in WHO CD ROM for South East Asia.

Abha Srivastava et al.

Effect of electromagnetic forces of earth on human biological system

The earth has magnetic energy of its own, with a magnetic field extending upto a distance of 1, 05,600 km around it.
Such a strong magnetism has been acquired by earth due to- (i) Constant rotation of Earth on its own axis and revolution
around the Sun. (ii) Electricity generated by the charged ions present in the atmosphere especially ionosphere (3).
Excitable tissues i.e., nerves and muscles due to conduction of various ions, Na +, K+, Cl- etc in the processes like
signal transmission and contraction are known to produce magnetic fields. This magnetic field is greatly influenced by
magnetic field of earth, moon and sun. Like earth the magnetic field of the body organ is fluctuating in nature. The peak value
of fluctuating magnetic field produced by heart is greater than 106 gauss. It has been found that strongest magnetic field from
neural tissue is from brain, which produces its largest field during sleep. It has amplitude of 3 x 10 8 gauss and in certain
diseases like epilepsy even greater magnetic field can be produced 4.
In human body an endocrine gland, pineal body has magnetic crystals which are highly sensitive to magnetic energy

and produce the sleep hormone melatonin entirely during night . The various biological rhythms are closely associated with
universal magnetism without which life would be impossible. Not only human but birds and animals are also very much in tune
with universe. They are highly sensitive to electromagnetic field. Perhaps they have magnetic sensors. Migratory birds can
detect and tune in suitable climatic region. Geographic zone with higher radiation intensity are also coupled with increased

atmospheric electric activity could explain mysterious suicides of birds at Jatinga .

Indian culture also stresses the importance of directions during performance of daily activities. Yogic practices like
meditation and Suryanamaskar are performed while facing towards east. Sleeping with head facing towards north is
prohibited, whereas a dying person is kept with head towards north which is believed to bring peace and tranquility 6. Hardly
any study is available to demonstrate effect of magnetic forces of Earth/ Sun/ Moon on human body. Further based on the
experiences or observations of the people, magneto therapy is being used for treatment of number of diseases. Finally, Vastu
shastra is being advocated from different aspects in these days but no scientific proofs are available for the same. All these
factors provocated us to undertake such a study.

Aims and objectives

To study the effects of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic forces of Earth in a specific direction by recording
parameters like blood pressure, heart rate and serum cortisol in order to assess comparative stress of directions if any.
To suggest the position of head during sleep i.e., a person should sleep in a direction so that there is minimum or no


The study was conducted on 40 female medical students of 18-25 years age group in the department of Physiology
at Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Swami Rama Nagar, Dehradun. The study plan was approved by the ethical
committee of the institute. Pre designed and pre tested questionnaire was filled for the subjects after obtaining their consent
regarding their age, medical history, family history, personal history with special reference to sleep and menstrual history.
Criteria for peaceful or sound sleep was subjective (continuous 8 hours sleep, feeling refresh and alert, increase in attention
span, physically relaxed and mentally alert). The average of physiological parameters viz, blood pressure and heart rates
were recorded in supine position with three consecutive readings using a portable (non Invasive) BP monitor (Omron Inc.
Japan) preferably at similar timings of the day, and serum cortisol was measured. Special precautions were taken to exclude
other factors like stress, any illness or any other stressful state which could affect the physiological parameters. The direction

Indian J. Prev. Soc. Med Vol. 40 No.3 & 4


July December, 2009

Abha Srivastava et al.

Effect of electromagnetic forces of earth on human biological system

was determined using magnetic compass (MCOWB -01). Study was undertaken in 2 phases to assess prolonged effects of
exposure to earths magnetic forces on physiological parameters.

Phase - I : After recording basal parameters i.e., blood pressure, heart rate and serum cortisol in all the 40 subjects (Table
I), the subjects were divided into 2 groups of 20 subjects in each group. They were asked to sleep with head towards South
direction continuously for 12 weeks (Group A). After 12 weeks their Blood pressure, heart rate were recorded and serum
cortisol measured between 8 9 A.M by using direct immunoenzymatic (ELISA) kit available from Dimetra, Italy. Similarly
another 20 subjects were instructed to sleep in East direction continuously for 12 weeks (Group B). After this period once
again their physiological parameters were recorded and serum cortisol was measured.

Phase II: Those 20 subjects who were instructed to sleep in South direction (Group A) were now asked to sleep
in North direction (Group C) continuously for another 12 weeks and the remaining 20 subjects were asked to
sleep in West direction (Group D). After the period of 12 weeks their blood pressure and heart rate were recorded
and serum cortisol was measured.
Estimation of serum cortisol
The blood samples were collected by trained lab technician and the samples were centrifuged.
Serum cortisol was estimated by competitive immuno-enzymatic colorimetric method.

Analysis of Data : Mean and standard deviation ( SD) of all observations were calculated and comparison were done
between different groups by applying students t test. Analysis was done with help of Microsoft excel.

In Phase I of the study, it was observed that

Table-I: Basal parameters of study subjects (N = 40) Mean SD

Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood


pressure (DBP) , Heart Rate (HR) and Serum cortisol

(mm Hg)

were lower in subjects who were instructed to sleep

in South direction (Group A) continuously for 12 week
in comparison to subjects who were instructed to

102.75 9.82

(mm Hg)

(per min)

Serum cortisol

63.63 9.6

70.07 6.45

104.66 40.02

sleep with head in East direction (Group B) (Table II) . There was however no statistical significant difference observed in any
of the parameters (p > 0.05 )
Table- II : Phase- I (N = 20) Statistical analysis of parameters of Group A vs. Group B

Geographical Directions
South (Group A)

East (Group B)

South Vs East

SBP (mm Hg)

103.4 7.89

113.5 11.5


DBP (mm Hg)

64.85 6.38

73.0 10.33


HR (per min)

67.2 6.45

81.1 11.61


103.66 39.02

173.71 54.53


Serum Cortisol (ng/ml)

In Phase II of study, it was observed that Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) , Heart Rate
(HR) and Serum cortisol were lower in subjects who were instructed to sleep in North direction (group C) continuously for 12

Indian J. Prev. Soc. Med Vol. 40 No.3 & 4


July December, 2009

Abha Srivastava et al.

Effect of electromagnetic forces of earth on human biological system

weeks in comparison to subjects who were instructed to sleep with head in West direction (Group D), (Table III). The result
was observed to be statistically significant for all the parameters, (p < 0.05)
Table- III: Phase II (N = 20) Statistical analysis of parameters of Group C Vs Group D
Geographical Directions

North ( Group C)

West (Group D)

SBP (mm Hg)

107.95 9.56

118.55 18.32

North Vs West
( P value)

DBP (mm Hg)

66.0 7.63

77.15 12.48


HR (per min)

74.05 9.63

81.3 11.89


Serum Cortisol (ng/ml)

121.22 38.8

182.1 49.26


In Phase I of study i.e., those subjects who were sleeping previously in South direction (Group A) were now
instructed to sleep in North direction (group C) in Phase II of study. It was observed that Systolic blood pressure (SBP),
Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) , Heart Rate (HR), and serum cortisol were lower in subjects when instructed to sleep in South
direction continuously for 12 weeks in comparison to the subjects who were instructed to sleep with head in North direction,
(Table IV). The result was also observed to be statistically significant, (p < 0.05).
Table- IV : Statistical analysis of parameters of Group A Vs Group C (N = 20)
Geographical Directions

(Group A)

( Group C)

South Vs North
( P value)

SBP (mm Hg)

103.4 7.89

107.95 9.56


DBP (mm Hg)

64.85 6.38

66.0 7.63


HR (per min)

67.2 6.45

74.05 9.63


103.66 39.02

121.22 38.8


Serum Cortisol (ng/ml)

Table -V : Statistical analysis of parameters of group B Vs group D (N = 20)

Geographical Directions

East (Group B)

West (Group D)

East Vs West
(P value)

SBP (mm Hg)

113.5 11.5

118.55 18.32


DBP (mm Hg)

73.0 10.33

77.15 12.48


HR (per min)

81.1 11.61

81.3 11.89


173.71 54.53

182.1 49.26


Serum Cortisol (ng/ml)

Indian J. Prev. Soc. Med Vol. 40 No.3 & 4


July December, 2009

Abha Srivastava et al.

Effect of electromagnetic forces of earth on human biological system

In Phase I of study i.e., those subjects who were sleeping previously in East direction were now instructed to sleep in
West direction in Phase II of study. It was then observed that Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ,
Heart Rate (HR), and serum cortisol were lower in subjects when instructed to sleep in East direction (Group B) continuously
for 12 weeks in comparison to the subjects who were instructed to sleep with head in West direction (Group D). (Table V). The
result obtained was however not statistically significant

(p > 0.05).

The present study was undertaken to assess prolonged effects of exposure to earths magnetic forces on
physiological parameters. The study revealed that the changes occurred in blood pressure, heart rate and serum cortisol
values were depending upon the direction of head during sleep in relation to Earths magnetic field. Subramanyam et al
reported that human EEG not only responds to Earths micro pulsation but also responded differently to different directions of
body with head pointing to specific Earths magnetic field (7). This indicates that electromagnetic force of Earth affects the
human body. These observations are strengthened by ancient concepts of performing the yogic practices like Meditation and
Suryanamaskar while facing head in East direction. Further sleeping with head towards South direction results in sound sleep
while with head towards North direction leads to agitation (8).
On comparing the parameters in different directions, it was observed that those who were instructed to sleep with
head in South direction for 12 weeks had lowest SBP, DBP, HR and SC. The suitable explanation for the above may be that
according to natural law of forces, any action if it is in the direction of force it suffers least resistance. When a person lies with
head in South direction; then his body is in accordance with magnetic direction of Earths magnetic current i.e., the flow of
body fluid is along the direction of magnetic axis so the body fluid suffers less resistance and, therefore, when a person sleeps
with head in direction of magnetic field it results into more free flow of body fluids. However, Madan Mohan et al (9) on the
contrary, reported raised BP and Heart Rate in south direction and better sleep in North direction.
The most sensitive parts of our body to electromagnetic radiations our eyes and pineal gland. The pineal glands are
controls the important hormone melatonin. Melatonin related to day or night sleep cycle, is a free radical scavenger and has
the potential to alleviate stress (10). The circadian rhythm of melatonin production (high levels at night and low level during
day) in the mammalian pineal gland is modified by visible portion of electromagnetic spectrum i.e., light and reportedly by
extremely low frequency electromagnetic field as well as by static magnetic field exposure. Both light and electromagnetic
exposure at night depress the conversion of serotonin to melatonin within pineal gland. More recent studies have shown
sinusoidal magnetic field exposure to also interfere with nocturnal melatonin forming ability of pineal gland. 11
When the pineal gland is stressed, melatonin level goes down and the first thing that occurs is sleep problem. Lack of
melatonin can be inducted by various symptoms labelled chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue syndrome takes the form
of many symptoms including insomnia, depression and anxiety


A study has shown the effect of 50 mega hertz magnetic field on Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), cortisol in
male rats. There was statistically significant increase in ACTH, cortisol after exposure to Electromagnetic forces (EMF) in male


. In a similar study the influence of pulsed high frequency EMF on neuroendocrine system in healthy human was

investigated. An alteration in hypothalamo pitituary adrenal axis was found with a slight elevation in the serum cortisol level.
Also the evaluation of sleep EEG data revealed no significant alteration under field exposure, although there was a trend to an
rapid eye movement suppressive effect.


Indian J. Prev. Soc. Med Vol. 40 No.3 & 4


July December, 2009

Abha Srivastava et al.

Effect of electromagnetic forces of earth on human biological system

When the head (i.e., the north pole) of the body is towards earths magnetic south pole (geographical North pole)
then due to presence of magnetic material in the blood more blood flow will be towards upper side of the body implying that
heart and brain will receive more blood. It will lead to increase in stoke volume and cardiac output and finally leading to
increase in blood pressure. This results in disturbed sleep in North direction. Serum cortisol estimation is an efficient
parameter to assess degree of stress in human being. It is well documented that when a person is exposed to noxious stimuli
there is increased secretion of ACTH and consequently a rise in glucocorticoid level. Most of the stressful stimuli that increase
also activate sympathetic nervous system. In this study the level of serum cortisol ranged from 103.66 to 182.1 ng/ ml in
different directions. A statistically significant difference was also observed in South direction in comparison to other direction
which indicated that the stress of electromagnetic forces is least in south direction.
Though more such studies are required to confirm the findings, it can be inferred from the present study that
physiological parameters like blood pressure, heart rate, and serum cortisol are altered to an extent by the electromagnetic
force of the Earth. It can be concluded that sleeping with head in south/east direction leads to comfortable and sound
(peaceful) sleep as the person aligns oneself better with Earths magnetic axis.



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----Indian J. Prev. Soc. Med Vol. 40 No.3 & 4


July December, 2009

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