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Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR)
Sustainability Policy
Indian Railway Catering
and Tourism Corporation

IRCTC CSR & Sustainability Policy

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S. No.


Page No.






CSR Policy Statement


Aims and Objectives




Planning of CSR & Sustainability activities/

Selection of Projects
Key areas for CSR & Sustainability activities of
Activities not covered under CSR


Organizational Structure





Tier-I: Board level CSR and Sustainability

Committee (BLC)
Tier-II: Below Board Level Committee


Budget and Finance


Implementation, Monitoring
Impact Assessment


Documentation and Reporting







under CSR-SD





Annexure-III: UN Global Compact Principles



IRCTC CSR & Sustainability Policy












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Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability are essential components of
Corporate Governance. It is fundamentally a philosophy or a vision about the
relationship of business and Society. It is the continuing commitment of
business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while
improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of
the local community and society at large. The emerging concept of CSR &
Sustainability goes beyond charity and requires the company to act
beyond its legal obligations and to integrate social, environmental and
ethical concerns into companys business process. The Public Sector
Enterprises in pursuit of the triple bottom line of People, Planet and Profit
have to assign a high priority to the adherence of ideals of CSR.
The corporate industry should invest in environment friendly technology and
at the same time the environment as well as the ecology must be protected
and safeguard for the future generations.
Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred
as IRCTC) is a Central Public Sector Enterprise falling under the
administrative control of Ministry of Railway, Govt. of India. The management
of the company is keen to implement Corporate Social Responsibility &
Sustainability activities more vigorously and in a planned and time bound




The Corporate Social Responsibility (hereinafter referred as CSR)and

Sustainability Policy of IRCTC is issued within the framework of DPEs
revised guidelines issued on the subject, Guidelines on Corporate Social
Responsibility and Sustainability for Central Public Sector Enterprises,
effective from 01.04.2013 & Corrigendum issued thereafter.


The CSR & Sustainability Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors
(hereinafter referred as BoD) of IRCTC during its 65th Meeting held on
20.12.2013. BoD of IRCTC is authorized to approve/ ratify the CSR and
Sustainability activities to be undertaken by IRCTC within the ambit of these
policy guidelines.


The philosophy and spirit of CSR & Sustainability is firmly ingrained in the
policy of IRCTC. The policy is consistent with the guidelines on CSR &
Sustainability enunciated by the Department of Public Enterprises (hereinafter
referred as DPE), and the policy directions on the subject issued by the
Government from time-to- time. The policy document is not a mere statement

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of good intentions, but shall serve as a roadmap for formulation of actionable


Whenever any amendments are made in DPEs guidelines on the subject, the
same shall be duly incorporated in the policy document. Any modification/
amendment in the policy document may be carried out by Board Level
Committee on CSR&SD.


This Policy supersedes the previous CSR policy of IRCTC approved by BoD
of IRCTC on 10.05.2010 based on the guidelines/ circulars/ instructions
issued earlier by the DPE on this subject.


This Policy also supersedes the previous Policy on Sustainable

Development approved by Board Level Committee on Sustainable
Development of IRCTC on 20.02.2013.


CSR Policy Statement:

In alignment of Companys Vision as mentioned below:
To be the leading provider of high quality travel, tourism and hospitality
related services, for a range of customer segments, with consistently
high level of customer satisfaction.
IRCTC through its CSR & Sustainability initiatives will endeavor to achieve the
below- mentioned key Value behind CSR & Sustainability Policy:
To remain a responsible corporate entity mindful of its social
responsibilities to all stakeholders including railway passengers,
customers, consumers, shareholders, employees, local community and
society at large.


Aims and Objectives:

CSR & Sustainability activities are being implemented to meet the broad
objectives underlined in the Policy:
a. Implementation in project mode;
b. Focus on periphery of project areas of IRCTC;
c. Inclusive growth of society with emphasis on development of weaker
sections of society and In the backward districts of the country ;
d. Realization of UN Millennium Development Goals.

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Planning of CSR & Sustainability activities/ Selection of Projects.

The following parameters will be taken care of while planning of CSR and
Sustainability activities and selection of projects thereof:


In selection of activities, the focus should be on the social, economic and

environmental impact thereof, rather than mere output or outcomes.


CSR & Sustainability projects/activities may be undertaken in the periphery

where IRCTC carries out its commercial activities as far as possible. Where
this is not possible or applicable, IRCTC may choose to locate CSR &
Sustainability projects anywhere in the country by providing justification in


Investment in CSR & Sustainability would be project based. Selection or

choice of CSR & Sustainability projects will not be adhoc, onetime,
philanthropic activities which do not contribute in any way to social value
creation, environment protection or sustainable development.


IRCTC initiatives should be focused on capacity building, skilled development

and infrastructure development for benefits of the marginalized and under
privileged section of local communities and also in backward regions.


For optimal use of resources, joining hands with other CPSEs for mega
projects which will have greater visibility, more number of beneficiaries and
long term visible impact shall be preferred. It will act as an agency to ensure
delivery of services satisfying strongly felt social, environmental and
community needs rather than merely financing and funding of programmes.


CSR & Sustainability Plans would also be required to clearly specify the
implementation guidelines and the involvement of the implementing agency.
The procedures and methodologies prescribed for monitoring would be
required to be highlighted as well as the modalities of the concurrent and final
evaluation. Finally, there should be a clear specification regarding mandatory
documentation of the experience.


Efforts will be made to achieve global standards in this regard and keep in
mind the UN Global Compact and UN Millennium Development Goals and
ensure gender sensitivity, skill enhancement, entrepreneurship development
and employment generation by creating value with local institution / people.


Each of above mentioned plans would clearly specify requirements relating to

baseline survey, activities to be undertaken, budgets allocated, time-lines

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prescribed, responsibilities and authorities defined and major results


The approach of IRCTC towards CSR & Sustainability would be oriented to

identify and formulate projects in response to felt societal & environmental
needs in diverse areas and to implement them with full involvement and
commitment in a time bound manner


Key Areas for CSR and Sustainability activities of IRCTC

The list of distinctive CSR & Sustainability activities is mentioned at
Annexure-I. The list is not exhaustive and meant for guidance only. Any other
activity which matches the overall objective of social development and
sustainability can be taken up as approved by Board level committee.
UN Millennium Development Goals and UN Global Compact Principles are
kept at Annexure-II & III.
As a responsible corporate entity, IRCTC will consistently strive for
opportunities to meet the expectation of its stake holders by pursuing the
concept of Sustainable Development, including but not limited to, with focus
on the following:


Food for Common man -Jan Aahar model


To conduct and fund, research to develop nutritious and

wholesome food for masses at affordable prices and facilitate
their production by setting up demonstration units to enable
public to replicate and set up units on economically viable basis
with appropriate for intervention and support.


Distribution of free food, clothing and providing shelter, other

resources to the poor and needy and promotion of livelihood for
economically weaker sections.



Organizing camps for awareness and health care, health check

ups, blood donation, family planning, diet and nutrition,
immunization, child and mother care etc.
Providing medical and surgical equipment and machinery,
ambulances, mobile medical vans.
Strengthening of laboratories for conducting various tests.
Creating awareness about the evils like alcohol, smoking, drug
addiction etc.

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Construction of classrooms/school buildings.

Renovation of existing school buildings.
Construction of toilets in schools especially for girls.
Adoption/construction of hostels especially for girls and SC/ST.
Construction of kitchens for mid-day meals.
Promotion of professional/vocational education by setting up
ITIs, Polytechnics & Engg. Colleges.
Creating awareness about female education.

Collection and recycling of used plastic bottles etc.

To promote, fund, undertake the study, research and activities for
collection and recycling of plastic wastes including plastic bottles,
articles and bags and set up trial /pilot plants for it as well as fund or
subsidize public setting up field projects for implementing recycling of
plastic wastes & waste management activities.


Promote utilization of Solar Energy etc.

To promote management and conservation of environment, ecology
etc., by using renewable and non conventional / alternate sources of
energy including Solar Energy and Wind power etc.


Common facilities at Railway Stations and other places

To promote support for development to common facilities for travelers
and tourists in and around Railway stations, bus stations and other
places i.e. public utilities, bathing facilities and waiting /rest rooms etc.


Promotion of sports & games

To promote, improve and advance sports and games of all kinds
whether individual sports [like athletics, acrobatics or swimming etc] or
team sports [like cricket or football etc] by promoting access to training
facilities or arranging coaching for events by sponsoring sports
persons, giving grants to sports persons or teams to purchase sports
equipment or create facilities; sponsoring the holding matches,
armature sport meets and other events at which, new and upcoming
sports persons get an opportunity to exhibit their skills and making of
grants to sports persons or sports organizations for promotion of sports
and games.

(viii) Efforts for environmental preservation


To undertake and / or participate in programs to promote the

awareness of, study of and/or research in environment
preservation / conservation and pollution control by way of
holding symposiums, grants far research, granting Scholarships
or stipends, taking steps to stop environmental degradation and
to promote usage of Environment friendly technologies etc.


Promote/undertake activities related to the preservation of

Environment/Ecology and Sustainable development including
activities pertaining to Environment protection suggested by

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Government/DPE as well as eco-tourism and sustainable


Undertaking community development programs

To undertake and / or participate in programs for Community
Development which include the following:



To undertake, participate promote programs of national

importance like child welfare, alleviation of malnutrition,
immunization, literacy programs, hygiene and sanitation
programs, adult education, family health and welfare, , HIV/AIDS
control, medical relief, rehabilitation of physically challenged,
animal care/protection etc.


To promote, scientific, industrial, technical, vocational and

scholastic education of all descriptions aimed at skill
enhancement and employment generation, entrepreneurship
development either directly or in co-ordination with other nonprofit institutions, to establish/grant scholarships or awards for
the same wherever necessary and to promote art and culture in
all possible forms.


To undertake, promote, rural/urban community development

activities/programs including but not limited to rural tourism,
adoption of villages,
construction/establishing and/or
maintenance of Community Centers, Night Shelters, Old Age
Homes, Health Centers, Physical fitness centers, Schools,
Hostels, Libraries, Drinking Water facility, Public Utilities and
other activities for the betterment of community & its people, on
its own or with partnership with government or semi government
or other persons/organizations.

Relief / rehabilitation in natural disaster/ calamities

To undertake relief work by being a participant in National/ State /Local
initiatives to provide relief / rehabilitation in the events of natural
disasters calamities like earthquake, floods & cyclones etc; outbreak of
any epidemics and also promote and participate in programs for taking
measures for prevention and management of natural disasters
including those related to amelioration/mitigation.


To focus on the areas of "Preparedness and Capacity Building" in

Disaster Management (OM) on PPP basis;


Involving of suppliers in order to ensure that the supply- chain also

follows the CSR & Sustainability principles;

(xiii) To work towards fulfillment of the National Plan goals and objectives,
as well as the Millennium Development Goals adopted by our country,
ensure gender sensitivity, skill enhancement, entrepreneurship
development and employment generation by co-creating value with
local institutions/people and to supplement development Programmes
of the Government;
(xiv) To closely link and promote any other project in line with CSR &
Sustainability Policy/DPE Guidelines-namely the principles of
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Sustainable Development, based on the immediate and long term,

social and environmental consequences of their activities


Any other initiatives/activities/projects found relevant and as approved

by the Board and the directions of DPE.

Activities not covered under CSR


Activities and expenditure related to staff benefits will not count as CSR
& Sustainability activities.
Also grants to organizations/ institutions that are not specifically
Implementing CSR & Sustainability projects specified by IRCTC would
not count as CSR.


Organizational Structure


As per DPEs Guidelines, setting up of Two Tier organization structure has

been advised to steer CSR and Sustainability agenda and to ensure
implementation of activities and utilization of funds in a time bound manner.
Accordingly, IRCTC has devised a two tier organizational structure for CSR
and sustainability which includes:


(i) Tier-I:

Board Level Committee headed by the Chairman and Managing

Director / Independent Director and;

(ii) Tier-II:

Below Board level Committee headed by the Nodal Officer

Tier-I: Board Level CSR and Sustainability Committee (BLC)


Chairman & Managing Director

Director (Finance)
Director (Catering Services)
Director (Tourism & Marketing)
Smt. Mani Anand, Government Director
Shri Alok Shivapuri, Independent Director
Dr. Subhash Datta, Independent Director



The Company Secretary will be the Secretary of the Committee.

Meetings :


The Committee shall meet at least four times in a year and not more
than four months shall elapse between the two meetings.

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The quorum shall be either two members or one-third of the total

members, whichever is greater, but there should be a minimum of one
Independent Director present.
Role of the BLC
The Committee will be overall in charge for identification, selection,
formulation, approval, execution, planning, supervision, coordination
and monitoring of various programmes and activities under CSR &
To recommend the Budget for the year and any variation thereof for
review of Board of Directors;
To consider and approve various Schemes/Projects received from
various quarters for financial assistance as put up before it by the
Internal Committee (Tier-II) after scrutiny;
To interact with the Govt. Officials for the selection of areas and the
activities so as to avoid any duplication;
To interact with the NGOs/Social Organizations etc for finalization and
implementation of Schemes;
To organize training workshops and seminars for better implementation
in consultation with CMD;
To ensure receipt of Utilization Certificates along with statement of
expenditure duly certified by an Authorized Auditor, from the
organizations/institutions to whom CSR Fund is allocated;
To submit Progress Review Report to the Board of Directors at least
twice a year.

Tier-II: Below Board Level Committee

The Committee to be headed by an officer of one rank lower to the Board
level to function as the Nodal Officer. The designated nodal officer will have
a team of officials to assist him / her in co-ordination work, which will in no
way detract from the importance of CSR and Sustainability work in which all
the supervisory staff in all departments would be continuously engaged in.


The composition of Tier-II -- Below Board level Committee to be headed by

nodal officer is as mentioned below:
GGM (Finance )

: Chairperson & Nodal Officer for BLC


Third member would be inducted/co-opted in the Committee from

Representative(s) of other Departments depending upon the nature of project
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CMD/IRCTC will be the competent authority to nominate/change/ replace the

members of the above-mentioned Committee

The meetings of the Committee may be held as per the exigencies of





Role of Tier-II Below Board level Committee :

Prime duty of Tier-II Below Board level Committee would be to
provide necessary help and assistance to the Board Level Committee
on CSR & SD in identification, finalization, implementation and
monitoring of various activities/ schemes /projects / programmes under
CSR and Sustainability.
To conduct a Baseline Survey, on the basis of which requisite
schemes/projects will be identified for implementation.
Preparation of the Draft Annual Plan keeping in view the availability of
funds and getting the same approved by the Board Level Committee
for CSR & SD.
To scrutinize all such projects and schemes as received from various
quarters for financial assistance for approval of the Board Level
Committee on CSR & SD with its comments/recommendations.
To interact with the Organisations/Agencies for finalization of Schemes
etc. , as and when required;
Compilation of information regarding progress status on CSR and
Sustainability activities of IRCTC for inclusion in the Annual Report.
To carry out any other task assigned by the Board Level Committee on

Budget and Finance:

The CSR SD Budget would be fixed for each financial year based on the
PAT of previous year and as per guidelines of Department of Public
Enterprises as applicable. All efforts would be taken to spend the entire
budget on CSR and Sustainability activities as planned for that year.
Every year, the Company will mandatorily create a CSR and SD Budget
through a Board resolution for the activities to be carried out during the year.
Unutilized budget will not lapse and will have to be carried forward to the
next year and will be spent within next to financial year.

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PAT in previous year

Range of Budgetary allocation for CSR and

Sustainability Activities

i) Less than Rs.100 Crore

3% -5%

ii) Rs. 100 to Rs. 500 Crore

2%- 3%

iii) Rs. 500 Crore and above

1% - 2%

Upto 5% of the annual budget for CSR and Sustainability activities has to
be earmarked for Emergency needs, which would include relief work
undertaken during natural calamities / disasters, and contributions towards
Prime Ministers / Chief Ministers Relief Funds and/or to the National
Disaster Management Authority etc.
At least, 80% of the Annual Budget earmarked for CSR and Sustainability
activities will have to be spent on implementation of the activities on the
project mode. In exceptional cases, where CSR and Sustainability Activities
are not implemented in project mode, the reasons for doing so should be
recorded in writing.
The expenditure incurred on brochure, Surveying, Sustainability reporting,
capacity building programme such as training, workshops, seminar etc. and
on communication strategies for engagement of all stakeholders will be
accounted for CSR-SD. Further, expenditure incurred by IRCTC in availing
the services of the NCSR Hub for implementation of their CSR and
Sustainability activities would be treated as a part of expenditure under
Budgetary Head.

Implementation, Monitoring Evaluation and Impact Assessment

(i) CSR and Sustainability activities will be implemented within the
organization through the active involvement of the employees, being most
important internal stakeholders after following the due procedure and
transparency norms.
(ii) In cases , where IRCTC does not have the in-house expertise, the services
of the following specialized external agencies may be obtained, including
but not limited to :
Voluntary Agencies (NGOs)
Institutes / Academic Organizations
Government, Semi-Government, autonomous Organizations
or subsidiaries.
Professional Consultancy Organizations, etc.

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(i) As monitoring of activities is of paramount importance, the Board Level
Committee on CSR & SD will keep a watchful eye on the implementation.
Quarterly review of progress will be submitted by Tier-II level Committee to
BLC for review.
(ii) Similarly, the quarterly reports will be submitted by BLC to the Board of
Directors regarding the implementation progress on CSR & Sustainability
Evaluation and Impact Assessment:
(i) Monitoring and implementation of various CSR & Sustainability activities
may be done by the Company. However, evaluation and impact
assessment of the activities will be got done through a suitable
independent External Agency.
(ii) While assessing CSR & Sustainability projects through specialized
agencies, every possible effort would be made to verify the reliability and
clean track record of such agencies and their selection would be done
following the procurement guidelines as per Company Policy, unless and
until a special policy is evolved with BoD approval for CSR & Sustainability
(iii) Test of the success of any CSR and sustainability activities/project is the
social, economic or environmental impact thereof. Outcome related to the
objective set at the time of need assessment study. As impact assessment
study requires specialized skills and tools for advocacy research, it may be
carried out by specialized agency.

Documentation and Reporting



The Company will include a separate paragraph in its Annual Report

reflecting the implementation of CSR & Sustainability activities.
Meticulous documentation relating to CSR & Sustainability
approaches, policies, programmes, major milestones etc would be
prepared and included in the Internal Reports, brochures, newsletters..
The policy on CSR & Sustainability and the activities carried out
under it, also be uploaded on the website of the Company
( Efforts will be made to make the whole process
transparent as far as possible.

11.0 Amendment
Any modification/amendment in the CSR & Sustainability policy may be
carried out by the BLC in consultation with the CMD of the Company. The
policy will be subject to change as per Government Guidelines and
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Annexure- I
Category I
i) Education
a. Construction of class rooms/school buildings
b. Renovation of existing primary school buildings
c. Construction of sanitized toilets for girls of backward areas.
d. Providing furniture, electrical appliances, lab instruments to Govt. schools
e. Supply of study materials like bags, books, stationery etc. to children belonging to
the under privileged class of the society.
f. Scholarship or financial support to talented children of backward areas.
g. Providing education and training for mentally and physically challenged children
h. Adoption/construction of hostels especially for girls and SC&ST
(ii) Electricity Facility: Providing electricity and solar lights to the areas in the vicinity of
Project sites
iii) Health and Family Welfare
a. Organizing health check-up camps, with particular focus on women, children,
disabled and old age homes.
b. Contribution for construction of hospital buildings, dispensary, special wards etc,.
c. Providing medical equipments to hospitals
d. Providing mobile medical vans
iv) Irrigation Facilities
v) Sanitation and Public Health
vi) Pollution Control
vii) Animal Care
viii) Promotion of Games
ix) Promotion of Sports, Art and Culture
a. Providing sports equipments to the young and talented for promotion of sports
b. Promotion of heritage by adoption and maintenance of historic monuments
x) Promotion of livelihood for economically weaker sections through forward and backward
xi) Setting up of skill development centers
xii) Supplementing Development Programmes of the Government.
xiii) Construction of Community Centers/Night Shelters/Old Age Homes
xiv) Imparting Vocational Training
xv) Scholarships to meritorious students belonging to SC, ST, OBC and disabled categories.
xvi) Adoption/Construction of Hostels (especially those for SC/ST and girls)
xvii) Skill training, entrepreneurship development and placement assistance programmes for
xviii) Building of Roads, Pathways and Bridges.
xix) Adoption of villages
xx) Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP)
i) Drinking Water Facility
a. Providing drinking water facility by installing tube wells / pumps/ bore wellstanks/
ponds etc.
b. Laying of pipe lines/extension of existing water pipelines.
ii) Waste or energy management
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a. Cleaner waste treatment processes

b. Substitution of Hazardous chemicals with cleaner alternatives
c. Responsible waste disposal practices
iii) Promotion of renewable sources of energy
iv) Promotion of Non-conventional Energy Sources
a. Energy efficiency
b. Energy conservation
v) Environment friendly technologies
vi) Promoting forestry programmes
vii) Taking action on points suggested by Ministry of Forest. And Environment pertaining to
Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environment Protection for categories of
viii) Activities related to the preservation of the Environment & Ecology and to Sustainable
ix) Biodiversity conservation, etc.
a. Land rehabilitation
b. Soil conservation
x) Projects for reduction, re-use and recycle of waste materials,
xi) Rain-water harvesting and replenishing the ground water supply,
a. Aquifer recharging
b. Desalination plant
c. Effluent reduction and control
d. Watershed development
xii) Protection, conservation and restoration of eco-system,
xiii)Reduction of carbon emissions through energy efficient and renewable energy
xiv) Greening the supply chain, and innovation in products and services which have a clear
and tangible impact on environmental sustainability fall under this category of activities
a. Green buildings
b. Reduction of air emission
c. Reduction of noise emission (Beyond Compliance)
i) Upto 5% of the annual budget for CSR and Sustainability activities has to be earmarked
for Emergency needs, which would include relief work undertaken during natural
calamities /disasters, and contributions towards Prime Ministers / Chief Ministers Relief
Funds and/or to the National Disaster Management Authority. Such contributions would
count as valid CSR and Sustainability activities.
ii) Relief to victims of Natural Calamities like earthquake. Cyclone drought & flood situation
in any part of the country
iii) Disaster Management Activities including those related to amelioration! mitigation.

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UN Millennium Development Goals
At the Millennium Summit in September 2000 the largest gathering of world leaders in
history adopted the UN Millennium Declaration, committing their nations to a new global
partnership to reduce extreme poverty and setting out a series of time bound targets, with a
deadline of 2015 that have become known as the Millennium Development Goals.
The Goals (MDGs) are:
1. Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty
2. Achieve Universal Primary Education
3. Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
4. Reduce Child Mortality
5. Improve Maternal Health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
7. Ensure Environmental Sustainability
8. Develop a Global Partnership for Development
The United Nations Millennium Campaign, started in 2002, supports and inspires people
from around the world to take action in support of the Millennium Development Goals.
The Millennium Development Goals set time bound targets, by which progress in
reducing income poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter and exclusion
while promoting gender equality, health, education and environmental sustainability
can be measured.
They also embody basic human rights the rights of each person on the planet to
health, education, shelter and security. The Goals are ambitious but feasible and,
together with the comprehensive United Nations development agenda, set the course
for the worlds efforts to alleviate extreme poverty by 2015.
United Nations SecretaryGeneral, Ban Ki-Moon

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UN Global Compact Principles:
The Ten Principles
The UN Global Compacts ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the
environment and anti-corruption enjoy universal consensus and are derived from:
1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2. The International Labour Organizations Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work
3. The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
4. The United Nations Convention against Corruption
The UN Global Compact asks companies to embrace, support and enact, within their sphere
of influence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the
environment and anti-corruption:
Human rights
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally
proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2: Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Labour standards
Principle3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective
recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour, and
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly
Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion
and bribery.

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