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6 | Homilies & Sermons 6 | Salt from the Doctors

9 | Photos of events


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A monthly newsletter for Filipino Traditionalis

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Puer natus in Bethlehem ! O

FOR THOU ART BORN to rule the earth, O Goodness Great by humble birth, we sinners now implore thy aid, O Virgin Mother of Belem. Mother of God, O Queen of earth, O chosen ower ere thy
birth, through thee our sickly souls are saved, we who to sin have been enslaved. O Queen of kingdom, world to come, in power clothd thou hast become, arrayd with stars, O Morning Light, on
splendid moon thy feet alight. With ardent hearts, thy faithful pray, devotion perfect may they say,
that in great love your Names proclaim: Jesus! Mary! their lips acclaim. For Thou art born to rule the
earth, O Goodness Great by humble birth, we sinners now implore thy aid, O Virgin Mother of Belem.
For Sabbaths, O Our Queen proclaimd,
on altars praises be exclaimd by sons of Eve in
punishment, that glory crown their banishment. Therefore, O Queen mo merciful, forget us not, be pitiful, for if thy succour we have
not, abide in heaven we cannot. O Queen, thy
Son hath promised us the heavens glory copious which hath been made to thee before which

we await, lo!, heretofore. Thou indeed art born,

O Son of God, to rule heaven and earth!
The season of grace we longed for hath
come! Let us devoutly sing rains of happiness!
God became Man, and nature was bewildered!
Chri the King reored the world! The sealed
gate of Ezechiel is opened! Whence the light
was born, salvation is found, rejoice!

J, Eternal Prie,
keep all Thy pries
within the shelter of Thy
Sacred Heart, where none
may harm them.
Keep unained their
anointed hands which daily
touch Thy Sacred Body. Keep
unsullied their lips purpled
with Thy Precious Blood.
Keep pure and unearthly
their hearts sealed with the
sublime marks of Thy glorious
Let Thy holy love surround them and shield them
from the worlds contagion.
Bless their labours with
abundant fruit, and may the
souls to whom they have miniered be here below their joy
and consolation and in Heaven their beautiful and everlaing crown. Amen.
O Mary, Queen of the
clergy, pray for us; obtain for
us a number of holy pries.

A monthly newsletter for Filipino Traditionalis



In this issue

Month of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

Deo Optimo Maximo

Laus Deo Virginique Matri
Ad Christum per Deiparam
The Anamnesis is a monthly
newsletter published online for
Filipino Traditionalists, in the service
to God through Sacred Tradition
and its manifold time-honoured
expressions in these Philippine Isles.


is celebrated regularly at the Parish
of the Holy Family in the Diocese of
Cubao, by Reverend Father Michell
Joe B. Zerrudo, chaplain and spiritual director of the Societas Ecclesia
Dei Sancti IosephUna Voce Philippines (SEDSIUVP).
Masses on Sundays are sung at
. p.m. at the high altar, and on
weekdays are oered at . a.m. in
the oratory.
For enquiries, please contact
and .




3 | Shepherdly joy
Jesson G, Allerite
4 | Immaculate Conception
Jesson G. Allerite
5 | Expectation of Childbirth
Jesson G. Allerite


Feria in Chrimaide | CLASS {Fir Friday | CLASS}
Feria in Chrimaide | CLASS {Fir Saturday | CLASS}
Mo Holy Name of Jesus | CLASS
Feria in Chrimaide (S. Telesphorus Pope & M.) | CLASS
Epiphany of the Lord | CLASS
Feria in Epiphanytide | CLASS
Feria in Epiphanytide | CLASS
Feria { | CLASS}
Feria in Epiphanytide | CLASS
Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph | CLASS
Feria in Epiphanytide | CLASS
Commemoration of the Baptism of the Lord | CLASS
Saint Hilary B. C. & D. | CLASS
Saint Paul the Fir Hermit, C. | CLASS
B. C. & D. | CLASS
Saint Anthony Abb. | CLASS
Mo Holy Name of Jesus of Cebu | CLASS
Feria in Chrimaide (. , King M.) | CLASS
Saints Fabian Pope & Sebaian Mm. | CLASS
B., & & Dcs., Mm. | CLASS
Dc. M. | CLASS
B. C. & D. | CLASS
Third Sunday after Epiphany | CLASS
Saint Polycarp B. & M. | CLASS
Saint John Chrysoom B. C. & D. | CLASS
B. & C. | CLASS
B. & C. | CLASS
Saint Martina V. & M. | CLASS
Saint John Bosco C. | CLASS

eas in & are proper to the Philippine Islands: either the rank and the dignity of the
fea or the proper prayers and texts are dierent from those indicated in the Missal. Feas enclosed in
(parentheses) are commemorations. Only those commemorations falling on a ferial day are given.

The Cappella Gregoriana Sanctae Caeciliae olim Xicatunensis invites everyone, especially those who
regularly attend the Liturgies at HFP, to adore and worship the Blessed Trinity through sacred
music, which holy, universal, and excellent patrimony is for the glory of God, and the sanctication and edication of the faithful. For enquiries, please contact



Shepherdly joy
Jesson G. Allerite

World with the Auguinians, the r paorelas came to the
New World with the Franciscans, assiduous defenders of the
Immaculate Conception. Whil the Franciscans employed the paorela to
evangelise the natives and convert them to the True Faith, the Auguinians
used the misas de aguinaldo to preserve them in the True Faith.
The paorela is a votive dance probably originally danced by shepherds on
Chrimas in honour of the Holy Child.
It evolved into a dramatic production
describing the events that transpired during the journey of the shepherds from the
proclamation of the angels to their arrival
in the manger. Inruments used in the
paorela are ruic, and include panderetas,
sonajas, caauelas, among others.
How the paorela became linked to
Mass remains nebulous to us. However,
we could guess that the paorela r became associated with the Liturgy in the
misas de aguinaldo. Seville, we know, possesses an ancient tradition of dancing trebles known as the seises. When D. Jaime
de Palafox y Cardona, archbishop of Seville, complained to Rome about the

dances, the Pope, having personally witnessed the seises in Rome, decreed that
nobody should dare touch or abolish it.
Moreover, the misa de aguinaldo, patterned after the earlie Midnight and
Dawn Masses of Chrimas, for a very
long time has been celebrated at dawn,
and the Dawn Mass of Chrimas is also
called the Mass of the Shepherds.
In or , Don Diego de Escobar, maer of ceremonies of Seville, complained of an abuse committed during the
misas de aguinaldo. The people would join
with the choir, and sing with them laughter-inducing carols during Mass and inside the church. We could read from this
complaint a trace of the paorela, wherein
layfolk would sing the carols oft-sung, and
Shepherdly joy | continued on p. 12




Ob primam Missam prima hora diei celebratam, id e in media nocte, per has Missas de
aguinaldo in aurora litatas patefacimus pariter
planeque praeguramus imminentem iubilationem exsultationemque solemniter riteque superventuram in Chriiadum die illius Nativitatis.

Its Chrimas to Chriians and

Yuletide to heathens, and we hear
a lot of carols. The Church should
begin censoring carols. We imagine a new ecclesiaic oce where
Chrimas carols are examined
for doctrinal purity to obtain a canatur or a cani
pote, much like the imprimatur or imprimi pote
given to books. Froy the Snowman would surely
be condemned as it glories sorcery, and White
Chrimas could be placed under watch as it deletes reference to the Incarnation. Wishful thinking! That would only happen if the censor canticorum is of unimpeachable character.
Do you have godchildren? Have
you given them their aguinaldos?
Are your godparents ill alive?
Did you peer them for your
overdue aguinaldo? There is a
longanding tradition of giving
gifts in Chrimaide. We do not wish to abolish it. But we should celebrate it with dignity.
Godchildren should op seeing their godparents as gift factories, and godparents should
op seeing their godchildren as wallet borers.
Godparents, together with or in the absence or
failure of the parents, educate their godchildren
in the Faith. Godchildren, pray for your parents and godparents. Godparents, plenary
indulgence can count as gift.
Advent has an Ember week. Did
you fa during these days? Havent you noticed that the Church
always contradicts the world? The
world invites us to uninhibited
parties left and right, but the
Church demands faing and abinence from us.
Chrimas Eve commands abinence. Did you
keep away from meat on December? Or at lea
on December? Weakening the esh rengthens the spirit. When our limbs groan of hunger,
we mu gird our souls with prayer to prepare for
the Nativity of the Lord.
Did you complete the nine misas
de aguinaldo? What for? So you
could make a wish? Prepoerous! Ju as saints are not fairies,
the misas de aguinaldo are not an
ordeal we mu complete to coax
all the gears of the cosmos to fall into the right
places for us. We attend the misas de aguinaldo
to honour the perpetual virginity of Mary, and
prepare for the Incarnation of Chri. If you
seek otherwise, you should attend a nine-night
seminar proctored by an albularyo or a diwata.


Immaculate Conception

Jesson G. Allerite

was how the Fathers of the Fir Provincial Council of Manila
called the Immaculate Mother of God, when on December
, the solemn Consecration of said Council to the Sacred Heart and to
the Immaculate Conception was pronounced by the metropolitan of Manila in the presence of the entire Council, with the clergy and the people.

Deus, qui per Immacultam
Vrginis Conceptinem dignum
Flio tuo habitculum
praeparsti : quasumus ; ut,
qui ex morte eisdem Flii tui
praevsa, eam ab omni labe
praeservsti, nos quoque mundos eius intercessine ad te pervenre concdas. Per emdem.

Holy Mother Church celebrates

only three nativities in Her Liturgy: the
Nativity of Chri on December; the
Nativity of Mary on September; and
the Nativity of John on June. Originally, the Church also celebrated three conceptions: the Conception of Chri on
March; the Conception of Mary on
December; and the Conception of John
on September. We know that we ocially celebrate the virginal conception of
Chri as the Annunciation of Mary, that
we believe that the Conception of Mary is
Immaculate, and that the Conception of
John is now a defunct fea.

While the Conception of the Blessed

Virgin was a very ancient fea, its immaculacy was disputed for so many centuries.
Many prelates and orders tried to suppress the fea or, at lea, remove the epithet of immaculacy. Only the Franciscans
and Spain never wavered in the defence of
the Immaculate Conception. The fea of
the Conception, in fact, was introduced in
the calendar of the Church by a Franciscan, Sixtus IV, through the bull Quum
praeexcelsa issued on February ,
which promulgated the Oce and Mass
composed by Leonardo de Nogarolis.
Immaculate | continued on p. 7



mmaculata Virgo Maria, Mater Dei, quae sine labe originali es concepta, atque humani
Corredemptrix generis es conituta : Insulas Philippinas, cum saeclum sedecimum vix
limitem ad sanctum Evangelium propagandum aperiebat, possedii : humiliter desideramus cumulum beneciorum agnoscere, quem populo noro indesinenter prodegii ; hoc et
modo Ecclesiae oboedire, quae te in noram patronam declaravit, sub Immaculatae tuae
Conceptionis privilegio.
Tu quae es tota formosa exemptaque omni peccati macula, ininctus familiae philippinae exemplumque eo : a noro solo fructus serpentis infernalis venenatos eiice ; illudque in
hortum virtutum chriianarum ab errore vitioque conclusum converte : nos proponemus,
sub tuum patrocinium, mutuam in domu inter sponsos delitatem, chriianam liorum
doctrinam, amorem erga laborem, exercitiumque misericordiae operum erga proximum, servare : speciali modo, mulieres hic praesentes, Iesu Chrii Vicario oboedientes, ad te confugiunt, Virgo caissima ; tibique promittunt semetipsas seiungere a manu materialismo polluta, quae, in sceleris irritamen illumve convertendo, usum indumentorum deturpavit.
Precamur tuam benedictionem pro nobis auctoritatibus ecclesiaicis civilibusque : amicis benefactoribusque noris benedic hic illicque trans oceanum : nobis superiores rectos concede, qui deles Dei gubernaculo paternaeque eiusdem providentiae cooperatores sint, quodpropter locum, qui his Insulis liberas apud orbis nationes consiit, praesidere assequantur.
Libertatem pro nobis securam pro Ecclesia Catholica, apud deles apudve indeles, reditumque liorum prodigorum ad Patris domum caeleis, impetra : nos spiritu poenitentiae,
qui iracundiam Dei adversus nos placet, imple ; nationibusque pacem Chrii in regno Chrii
dona : cui semper tribuatur omnis amor et gloria. Amen.


Expectation of Childbirth
Jesson G. Allerite

D, F C cal battle we call the War of Mary or, more appropriately, the War of
the Fools. They would pit the Immaculate Conception again Our
Lady of Guadalupe, both camps claiming their Virgin as the Principal Patroness of the Philippines. They have forgotten that the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe are the same: the Theotokos.
Popular underanding of the Immaculate Conception usually borders on
the erroneous. Because it is celebrated in
December and is very suspiciously close to
Chrimas, we quickly think it means
Mary conceiving Chri. The iconography, which borrows from the Virgin of
the Apocalypse, is admittedly unhelpful
in this province. But the Immaculate
Conception is about the preservation of
the Blessed Virgin from sin at the r
inance of her natural being in the womb
of Saint Anne. Nine months from December, we celebrate the Nativity of the
Virgin, on September.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, on the other hand, depicts the Blessed Virgin in a
gravid ate, symbolised by the ribbon
around her wai. In Spanish, when a lady
is en cinta, literally, beribboned, she is pregnant. Our Lady of Guadalupe is pregnant
of our Lord Jesus Chri. Why we celebrate her fea on December is probably to link her to Chrimas. Her fea
was originally celebrated in the la days
of February and in the r weeks of
March, close to the Annunciation, which,
if we contemplate the myery, we would
realise to be the Conception of Chri.
Expectation | continued on p. 11

B. V. Maria sub titulo de Guadalupa

Insularum Philippinarum Coeleis Patrona declaratur.

omani Pontices Decessores Nori continenti iugiter udio chriidelium cultum
erga Beatissimam Matrem Redemptoris Nori Iesu Chrii magis magisque in dies
excitandum fovendumque curarunt. Magnae propterea erga Deiparam Virginem
pietatis populorum Dioecesium, quae in Insulis exant Philippinis, imaginem non mediocrem laeto animo perspeximus supplicibus in libellis, quos iam nomine cleri suorumque delium Archiepiscopus Manilensem ceterique in Philippinis Insulis Episcopi, nec non Delegatus Apoolicus Noer communiter ad Nos miserunt. [] [P]raesentium Litterarum tenore perpetuumque in modum Beatam Virginem Mariam sub enunciato titulo de Guadalupa
Insularum Philippinarum coeleem apud Deum Patronam conituimus et declaramus.
Mandamus propterea ut huic coelei Patronatui omnia iura et privilegia liturgica competant,
quae huiusmodi Patronatus sunt propria. Haec atuimus, edicimus, decernentes praesentes
Litteras rmas, validas atque eicaces iugiter exare ac permanere ; suosque plenos atque
integros eectus sortiri et obtinere ; dictisque Insularum dioecesibus populisque delibus
nunc et in poerum plenissime suragari ; sicque rite iudicandum esse ac deniendum, irritumque ex nunc et inane eri, si quidquam secus, super his, a quovis, auctoritate qualibet,
scienter sive ignoranter attentari contigerit. Contrariis non obantibus quibuslibet.
Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum, sub anulo Piscatoris, die xvi m. iulii, an.
MCMXXXV, Ponticatus Nori decimoquarto.
E Card. P, a Secretis Status.

Deus, qui de betae Marae
Vrginis tero Verbum tuum,
Angelo nuntinte, carnem
suscpere volusti : praesta
supplcibus tuis ; ut, qui vere
eam Genitrcem Dei crdimus,
eius apud te intercessinibus
adiuvmur. Per emdem
Dminum nostrum.



Rev. Fr. Michell Joe Zerrudo

S. Athanasius of Alexandria

The child-bearing of Mary

the Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew,
ends with a range note. It arted by saying that
Abraham was the father of Isaac but it ended with
Joseph, the husband of Mary. It was of her that Jesus was born.
Now, why do I say it is a very range ending? Now, if you look
at the genealogy itself [], everybody else was father of somebody except Saint Joseph, who was not called father of Jesus, but
was simply called the husband of Mary. Why is this so? Well,
the Gospel narrative of Saint Matthew explains why. Saint Matthew says: When His Mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph,
but before they lived together, she was found with child through
the Holy Spirit. Jesus our Lord was conceived in the womb of
Mary without any help from Saint Joseph. He was conceived by
the Holy Spirit in fullment of the prophecy: Behold, the virgin
shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall call his name
Emmanuel which means God is with us.
Today, the th of December, is the fea of the Expectation
or the Pregnancy of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Spain and elsewhere in the Spanish colonies, the day is popularly known as the
ea de la Nuera Seora de la O. [] In her we nd fullment of
Isaias prophecy []. Now, as you notice, this is absolutely a
deance of nature, which dictates that the woman is a fertile soil
on which the man plants his seed. [] Well, according to the
Holy Gospels, Saint Joseph did not plant his seed on Mary. The
Child-bearing | continued on p. 11

Son of God, Son of Mary

L G,
that God is the Lord. But if thou do not accept this, let
the demons in the country of the Gerasens convince thee,
crying out: Let us alone. What have we to do with thee,
Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the
time? (Lk. , ; Mt. , ). Let the demons, I say, convince thee
of this. If thou rejecte the teimony of Peter, and spurne the
word of the Gospel; respect the word of Mark. Fear the Angel,
who said that He who was born of the Virgin is the Saviour, the
Chri, and the Lord. Can it be that thou do not believe in these? Rerain the impetus of thy blasphemy, and confess the word
of the Angel, for in the Gospel He is called Emmanuel, that is,
God with us. Before conception He is called God; and while He is
conceived through divine economy, and not according to nature,
in the womb of the Virgin, thou denie Him to be God?
But if thou maye confess Him to be God in the womb of
the Virgin, insofar as likewise it is thus had, and the very same
God, the Word, to have been united with the esh through
dispensation, why do thou refuse to call the Virgin the Mother
of God? If she were not the Mother of God, then she is also not
Virgin after childbirth: but I say, that while He was borne in the
womb of the Mother, He remained innite in the bosom of the
Father. Insomuch as divine nature is simple and unaected, it is
also not nite. The nature is immutable and the subance is invariable. But now the Virgin, through divine economy, now
Son of God | continued on p. 10


The Anamnesis expresses its gratitude to Mr Enrique Macadangdang, Sr. and Mr Jos Marie Olloren for recording the homilies and sermons of Fr. Zerrudo.




Son of God | p. 6
giveth birth to Him Who is the very One Who
is in the bosom of the Father. Ju as He willed,
He entered; ju as He pleased, He was conceived in the womb of the Virgin. Ju as He
willed, He proceeded as One Who was born.
What, thou curious one, do thou ask of His
generation? Either fear Him as He is God, or
revere Him as He is the Maer, or worship
Him as He is the Creator and the Maker, or
dread Him as He is the Lord, or shrink from
Him as He is the Judge.
Demons, which ruck swine and threw an
entire herd headlong o a cli, shall inuence
thee with modey. When they recognised the
Lord, they said: What have we to do with thee,
Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us
before the time? (Mt. , ). They run away
from the peril and menace of torture; and thou
attracte to thyself the sentence of torture.
They recognised Him as the Lord and the Judge
of the whole world, born of Mary, Whom they
feared both when and before they saw Him;
Son of God | continued on p. 10

Protomrtyr et levta,
Clarus fide, clarus vita,
Clarus et mirculis ;


Sub hac luce triumphvit,

Et trimphans insultvit
Stphanus incrdulis.
Hic est Christi praedilctus
Cui reclnans supra pectus
Hausit sapintiam ;


Huic in Cruce commendvit

Christus Matrem ; hic servvit,
Virgo, viri nsciam.
O dlces Innocntum cies !
O pia pro Christo
lactntum certmina !
Parvrum trucidntur mllia,
Membris ex tneris
manant lactis flmina.


Immaculate | p. 4
Opponents and supporters of the immaculacy of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin
fought a bitter war to convince each other to the
other position. Sixtus IV, through the bull
Grave nimis issued on September , imposed excommunication reserved to the Pope
to anyone who subscribed to both positions,
and mortal sin and heresy to those who professed on one part that the Virgin was conImmaculate | continued on p. 10



Gaude, Sion, et laetre,

Voce, voto iucundre,
Solmpni laettia ;
Tuus Thmas trucidtur,
Pro te, Christe, immoltur
Salutris hstia.

Redactores Anamnesis scriptoresque

Redactores Anamnesis scriptoresque



qui septem cum annos adimplet

presbyter ordinatus

Tu es sacerdos in aeternum
secundum ordinem Melchisedech.

L. D. V. Q. M.



qui ter quinos cum annos adimplet

presbyter ordinatus

Tu es sacerdos in aeternum
secundum ordinem Melchisedech.

L. D. V. Q. M.


An open letter to ABS-CBN

ood day!
It has come to our knowledge that your network
has manufactured, advertised, endorsed, diributed,
and is selling currently t-shirts for the Apoolic Visit of the Holy
Father. We have seen these shirts on several occasions on air and it
saddens us that these shirts, with their printed messages, and with
some people endorsing them on air, have the tendency to communicate certain erroneous opinions with regards to the words and
practice of the Supreme Ponti Francis I.
Fir, I would like to point out that the messages on the shirts
that your network is selling, although without clear malice, has inclinations on an agenda bias, and that the messages are not balanced
in its intere with respect to the oce of the Pope and the Magierium or teaching authority with regards to morals and doctrine of
the Catholic Church.
Second, the choice of some of the endorsers, such as Vice Ganda, is mo likely not the be choice to endorse any such items in
connection with the Apoolic Visit, especially when he wears the
Who Am I To Judge? shirt because he himself, on his own account, and on several occasions as many have noticed, and taking
from a general notion of the quote is r, a judge on your noon
time show, second, at certain times, judges and even makes fun of
people by their appearances, as if he has no aws of his own, and
third, is not a very good and moral example for children, whereas
your network banners him as a leader in forwarding the LGBT
agenda, which is well and good if we talk of anti-violence and hate
crimes again LGBTs but is not a moral ep if, we consider that
one is forwarding acceptance of unnatural and sinful acts that
many homosexuals fall prey to.
Third, taking a quotation of the Holy Father, and taking it out
of context and rendering it incomplete, since the quote in whole
should be If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will,
who am I to judge him?. Taking from the context of the interview
wherein this quote came from, the Holy Father is talking about
diinguishing the person from the vice or the sin. Such measures
have always been taught by the Church to not discriminate gay
persons but to ultimately love them as persons, but to remain rm
in opposing the sin many homosexuals commit: Love the sinner,
but hate the sin. It does not say, Accept the sinner and ALSO the
sin which is the wrong and default meaning people make of the
quote when it is projected as only the part Who am I to judge?
Using this quote in order to promote a misinterpretation of the
Holy Father as opening up the Church even to the sins of homosexuals, has been debunked over and over by experts and even the Vatican. So why use this part of the quote on its own, or why use it out
of context?
Fourth, it is ironic that there is a tendency to communicate the
wrong message in putting a quote which was never said or expressed by the Ponti saying No religion. Being the Vicar of

Chri and the Visible Head of the Church of Chri on earth, this
one misses the point regardless of good intention, if there are any. It
is simply because the Holy Father is never indierent of religion.
He may be for dialogue with other religions but he does not clamour for the abolition of religion, or of indierentism which promotes that all religions are the same. No, that is not the case. Not
all religions are the same Again, using these atements No race.
No religion. is an erroneous combination of syntax and semantics
which have the dangerous tendency of communicating the wrong
message. The Holy Father comes here for our people, our race, and
for the people of the Catholic Faith in the Philippines. It is ironic
the network missed this.
Fifth, the Supreme Ponti will come for an Apoolic Visit, for
the survivors of the Typhoon Yolanda, and not for the network or
anyone to cash in on his arrival. It is odd enough that the network
would like to sell shirts with twied messages on them, and earn (in
the guise of a portion of proceeds being donated) but the network
often fails to issue a public atement on the proceeds being earned
and diributed, such as when your network sold shirts after Yolanda. Thus, as for our judgement, the network fails to be transparent
with this. Please correct me on this one if I have failed to see the
We were all taught in the UP College of Mass Communication to be responsible lmmakers, journali, and media practitioners, and not to be entrepreneurs. As I see it you have failed many of
us who have grown up with the network, and have had our internships there simply because the network has become an enterprise,
more than a network of integrity, moral values and responsible
Laly, we were all taught to respect copyright, and intellectual
property wherein the logo of the Apoolic Visit is protected under.
Have you sought any explicit permission from the organisers of the
Papal Visit regarding the use of the logo, and its use for commercial
These are ju some of our musings, and we would ju like
express our thoughts and our disappointment regarding the shirts,
and we urge you, even beg for your consideration, that as soon as
possible, you make a measure to correct the measure which you
have taken and coordinate with the organisers immediately, or even
better, to pull out these shirts from the market. These shirts are
dangerous and do an incredible injuice to the Holy Father and his
Apoolic Visit, and even to the people that he wants to be with, the
Catholic faithful and the survivors of Yolanda.
We pray that this may be resolved as soon as possible, and that
the name of your network may not be further tarnished.
God bless you.
Sincerely yours,




viii. kl. ian. Dominus dixit ad me : Filius meus es tu ; hodie genui te. Quare fremuerunt gentes : et populi meditati sunt inania ?





1 At the renewal of the Consecration of the Philippines to the Immaculate Mother of God. 2 At the dismissal on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. 3 The altar on the third day of the misas de aguinaldo. 4 At the
kissing of the Nio Jess after Mass at midnight on Christmas.

henever we open our missals nowadays,

the r Mass we see is the Mass of the
Fir Sunday of Advent. The liturgical year, we
learn, is divided into two cycles: the Chrimas
cycle, celebrating the Myery of the Incarnation,
extending from Advent, through Chrimas, until
after Epiphany; and the Eaer cycle, celebrating
the Myery of the Redemption, extending from
Lent, throughout Eaer, until after Penteco.
In the ancient reckoning of time, however,
Advent is not the art of the liturgical year. Rather, it was Chrimas. In those bygone ages, Holy
Mother Church arted Her liturgical year on
December. The r liturgical books contained the
Mass of the Nativity of the Lord in the r page.
Advent, in those times, ended the liturgical year,
for it originally harkened to the Second Coming.
The season after Penteco ends in darkness.
The Gospel speaks clearly of it: And immediately
after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be
darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
and the ars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be moved (Mt. , ). Advent, therefore, begins, and is celebrated all
throughout, in darkness; hence, the close association of this season with candlelight. Why so?
Evidently, it is during this period of darkness that
the sign of the Lord will appear in heaven. We
read in the Gospel: And then shall appear the
sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then shall all
the tribes of the earth mourn (Ibid. ). The light
of the candles in Advent reminds us of this sign.
And what for is this sign? It is to herald the Second Coming of Chri. And they shall see the
Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with
much power and majey (Ibid.).
The Second Coming of the Lord, however,
means the end of the Church Militant and the
Church Suering. The Church, in Her wisdom,
deigned to return to the myery of His Fir
Coming, in His Incarnation, and His Nativity,
which began once again Her liturgical life.
To whom do we owe this shift of the art of
the liturgical year from Chrimas to Advent? We
owe this to the r hymnographers. While the
r copyis of sacramentals arted with Chrimas, the r maers of sacred music arted with
Advent. The discrepancy continued for some
time, until, eventually, all chose to art both sets
of books with Advent.

Son of God | p. 7
and thou who ha before thine eyes this
sentence, care about nothing and feare
nothing? Let me say these again, and let
me make no end in saying these, that I
may plainly open and declare the argument of the aforesaid matter to you; that
from certain knowledge we may have rm
and eadfa faith, and, of course, uphold
the foundation and the true profession of
the faith.
Let us go again to the matter, to the
raight and the untwied way of faith
which shall reveal. It doth not disgu me
to say these, and to you it is prudent.
Here God entered through the liening
of the Virgin, ju as He willed; He was
borne in the womb, ju as it was pleasing
to Him: He proceeded as One Who was
born, ju as He pleased for Himself. Incorporeal He entered, ju as He willed;
He, Who can be contained by nothing,
was borne, in a vessel that can be contained, in the entrails of the Virgin,
through dispensation, ju as it was pleasing to Him: He proceeded as God and
Man, ju as He willed. He was made that
which He was not, having invariable subance ju as He was. For the Word was
God, and the Word was with God (cf. Jn.
, ).
For this the Apole saith: God sent
His Son, made of a woman (Gal. , ).
God sent this Son, Holy of the Virgin,
begotten of immaculate nature, proceeding from ineable subance, Who did
not depart from the bosom of the Father,
Who was not put away from the royal
throne; but rightly, together with the Father, He occupieth the throne; together
He is seated with Him; not by grace, but
by divine nature, and fatherly subance.
By what manner, for inance, herefrom
was He separated, tell me; when He
Himself mayeth say: I am in the Father,
and the Father in Me (Jn. , )? And
again: But the Father, Who abideth in
Me, He doth the works (Ibid.). We say
that He Himself was born of the Virgin
Son of God | continued on p. 12

Immaculate | p. 7
ceived without sin and, on another, with
sin. Pius V severely chaised those who
opposed this Siine imposition in the bull
Si scandala promulgated on Augu
, and eventually forbade any public
disputations as well as vernacular writings
and speeches concerning the Conception
of Mary in the bull Super speculam on
November .
Paul V conrmed these Siine and
Pian decrees in Reges pacici, emitted on
July . On Augu , with the
bull Sanctissimus Dominis noer, he forbade any public armation that the Virgin was conceived without original sin.
On May , with a bull under the
same incipit, he extended the prohibition
to private acts. Gregory XV, through the
bull Eximii atque singulares, given on
July , allowed the Dominicans to
privately dissent on the matter.
Urban VIII, in the bull Universa per
orbem on September , did not
mention the Conception of Mary as a
fea of precept, and forbade local churches from inituting it as thus. Spain, however, had been celebrating the fea as a
precept. The Urbanian obacle was nally removed on November , when
Innocent X issued the bull In his, eablishing the Immaculate Conception as a
fea of precept in the Spanish Realm.
The breakthrough in the theological
discussion of the Immaculate Conception
came with the bull Sollicitudo omnium ecclesiarum, which Alexander VII issued on
December , where he dened the
term conception, insofar as the myery is
concerned. Thereafter, Clement XI gave
the Oce and Mass for the fea with
octave, as precept, to the Jesuits on
September through the bull Auguissimae atque gloriosissimae, and extended these to the Papal States with the bull
Sincera nora on October , and to
the Auguinians with the bull Exigit commissae on October .
Alexander VIII condemned on
December , among many errors,

through the bull Sanctissimus Dominus
noer, the proposition that the Purication of Mary is sucient proof that she
sinned, and that such sinfulness also extended to Chri who was conceived in
her womb. Finally, on May , Innocent XII extended the fea and octave
to the Universal Church with the bull In
excelsa, and on December , Clement XI inscribed it as a fea of precept in
the Universal Church with the bull Commissi Nobis.
Kingdoms began to elect the Immaculate Conception as their patronesses.
Clement XII conrmed the decree of the
Sacred Congregation of Rites appointing
the Immaculate Conception patroness of
Sicily on March with the bull
Nuper, sicut. Charles III sent a letter to
Clement XIII on Augu , declaring the desire of the Spanish people to
appoint the Immaculate Conception as
Principal and Universal Patroness of the
Spanish Realm. Clement XIII acceded,
and on November he issued the
bull Quantum ornamenti for that very purpose, and on January , he extended the Franciscan Oce and Mass of the
Immaculate Conception to all secular and
regular clergy of the entire Spanish
Realm, with the bull Cum primum.
It is with Quantum ornamenti that the
Immaculate Conception became the
Principal and Universal Patroness of the
Philippine Islands, a title which would be
denitively appointed in Impositi Nobis.
With Cum primum, the beautiful Mass
Egredimini became part of the great introital of Baclayn. On March , the
Philippines, then within the Spanish
Realm, obtained the privilege to insert the
invocation Mater immaculata after Mater
intemerata in the Litany of Loreto, with
Clement XIII promulgating the bull Eximia pietas. The Fir Plenary Council of
the Philippines indeed encouraged the
continuation of this privilege.
With Eximia pietas, Rome nally
pronounced the immaculacy of the ConImmaculate | continued on p. 12

Expectation | p. 5
February and March, however, are
situated close to Lent. In A.D., the
bishops of Iberia transferred the Annunciation to the December. This transferred fea remains to us as the Expectation of Childbirth of the Blessed Virgin
Mary. The reason invoked for the transfer is the impediment on the proper day of
the fea imposed by the moveable dates
of the Holy Days in Lent.
In the same manner, the fea of Our
Lady of Guadalupe was transferred to
December. The feas in February and
March were discontinued. Now, Our
Lady of Guadalupe is closer to the fea of
the Expectation. The fea of the Expectation is known under many names in the
Hispanic world, among which are Our
Lady of Guidance, Our Lady of Good
Childbirth, and Our Lady of Hope. But
its mo famous appellation, however, is
Our Lady of the O. The O reminds of us
that great awe and profound longing that
the augu cathedral of Toledo expressed
when, during vespers, the whole church
shook with the intonation of the O, disorganised and prolonged, in the duration
between the fea of the Expectation and
the Nativity of the Lord.

Some Filipinos consider the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe as depicting the same myery.
They do not. The Immaculate Conception is about the conception of the Virgin;
Our Lady of Guadalupe is about the conception of the Lord.
How are these feas of the Blessed
Virgin ranked as patrons of the Philippines, we ask. On July , Pope Pius
XI issued the bull Romani Pontices, declaring Our Lady of Guadalupe Heavenly
Patroness of the Philippine Islands (in Latin,
Coeleis Patrona Insularum Philippinarum). On September , Pope Pius
XII issued the bull Impositi Nobis, declaring the Immaculate Conception Principal
and Universal Patroness of the Philippine
Islands (in Latin, Primaria Universalisque
Patrona Insularum Philippinarum).
Should these title even invite us to pit
the Blessed Virgin again herself? No!
The Immaculate Conception and Our
Lady of Guadalupe is the same Mother of
God in dierent myeries. We diinguish, however, that the Immaculate
Conception possesses greater liturgical
rank than Our Lady of Guadalupe, which
in no way should impede our liation to
her maternal protection and intercession.


Verbum quod Matrem fecit, ut Virgo maneret,
Et qui vobis attribuat virginitatis opem :
Intacta eius servabit viscera ventris,
Cuos dignetur veer adesse lucis :
Ut qui conceptum Matris celebrais ovando,
Lux sitis in mundo, iuicante Deo.

Child-bearing | p. 6
Gospel was very clear []: When Joseph
awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had
commanded him and took his wife into
his home and he had no relations with
her until the boy was born. []
The virginal conception of the Lord
Jesus is very, very important. Why? Because it tells us that our salvation is completely the initiative of God. Salvation
comes from God and not from man. The
Saviour is not the son of Joseph, but the
Son of God. In fact, man is not able transmit salvation. [] Man transmits original
sin. [] In the Catechism of the Catholic
Church, it is written: original sin is a sin
which [is] transmitted by propagation to
all humankind, that is, by transmission of
a human nature deprived of original holiness and juice. [] Man cannot save
himself. We cannot save ourselves. Salvation can come from God alone.
And this is the reason for our joy:
God saves us because He loves us. God
sent His Son to be born of the Virgin
because He loves us []: God so loved
the world that He gave His only Begotten
Son. Salvation comes from God. Salvation is motivated by Gods love for us.
You see, if God did not love us, [] He
would have ju abandoned us. And, had
he ju abandoned us, no matter how
much we try, we cannot save ourselves.
We would not have been saved had the
Lord not loved us.
And this is the joyful message of the
child-bearing of the Virgin Mary. The
Lord loves us that He sent His Son. He
did not designate some other persons son
to die on the cross to save us. No! He sent
us His own Son. He sent us His OnlyBegotten Son. [] The Catechism says:
By giving up His own Son for our sins,
God manifes that His plan for us is one
of benevolent love, prior to any merit on
our part: In this is love, not that we loved
God but that He loved us and sent His
Son to be the expiation for our sins. God
shows His love for us in that while we
were yet sinners, Chri died for us.

Son of God | p. 10
Mary. Before conception, the Angel
called Him Emmanuel, that is, God with
us, of which the prophet Isaias spoke. We
say that He is the Child that proceeded
from the Virgin, the mighty God, the
Powerful, the Prince of peace, the Father
of the world to come.
Which little Child then, begotten
according to nature, was mighty and powerful God? Which begotten Child did
attract the ar that announced the sought
after babe; nay rather the mean inn of the
Lord? Which Child did call the Magi
from the Orient, that they might adore
Him? Which Child begotten with the
creation of nature did receive gifts from
the Magi? And let us consider these gifts,
whether they had been given to Him as to
a weak man; or rather as to God, King,
and man. Gold is to the King, incense is
to God, myrrh is to a man about to be
Gold indeed is to the King: Give to
the king thy judgment, O God, and to the
kings son thy juice (Ps. , ). David
brought forth this speech. After these,
when the Angel greeted Mary: And the
Lord God shall give unto Him the throne
of David His father: and He shall reign in
the house of Jacob for ever, and of His
kingdom there shall be no end (Lk. , ,
). To Him be glory and reign in the
ages of the ages.
excerpted from the sermon on Chrimas
atholic marriages in the Philippines
are solemnised according to the special ritual taken from the (cf. Acta & Decreta I Concilii Plenarii
Insularum Philippinarum, n. ).
This ritual is obligatory for the Philippines (Rit. Roman., tit. VII, c. ., n. .; CIC,
can. ).IMPRIMATUR Jos N. Jovellanos.
For enquiries, please contact
and . Details on the ceremonies can be
found here:


Immaculate | p. 10
ception of Mary, but it would take almo
another century for Rome to nally dene it as a dogma. On December ,
Blessed Pius IX, issuing the bull Ineabilis
Deus, nally proclaimed the Immaculate
Conception a dogma of the faith, and on
September , the same ponti, suppressing all ancient Masses and Oces,
promulgated the new propers of the Immaculate Conception with the bull Quod
iampridem. Leo XIII, through the decree
Quod Catholica Ecclesia of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, dated November

, raised the rank of the fea to double of the r class.

Every December, therefore, we
renew the Consecration of the Philippines to the Immaculate Mother of God,
imploring her blessing and aid for our
country. When we pray the Rosary, let
us, therefore, proclaim her preservation
from sin after the nal decade: Bendito y
alabado sea el Santsimo Sacramento del Altar, y la Inmaculada Concepcin de Mara
Santsima, Madre de Dios y Seora nuera,
concebida sin mancha de pecado original desde el primer inante de su ser natural.

Shepherdly joy | p. 3
probably execute the eps oft-executed in
the paorelas, in the manner of the seises.
The evidence, however, is very imsy,
scarce and circumantial.
The misas de paorela, as they are ill
called in some places, soon came into
prominence to decorate the celebrations,
and when the abuse in the misas de aguinaldo were suppressed, the partitures remained, accompanied ill by the inruments borrowed from the original paorela. The misas de paorela or misas paorelas,
as they eventually became known to
many Hispanic countries, became a xture in the Liturgies celebrated during the
lengthy Chrimas season.
The auerity and silence of Advent is
only broken during the misas de aguinaldo
when the organ together with the tambourine would emit its gladsome sounds.

This musical elation used to engulf our

churches until Epiphany, when, liturgically, the Chrimas season ends.
In the Philippines, the misa de aguinaldo, the paorela, the misa paorela or
the misa paoril are intimately linked to
the cuomary feivities of Chrimas.
While the misa de aguinaldo rongly remains as the simbng gab in virtually the
entire ecclesiaic circumscription of the
Islands and even overseas, the misa paorela only survives now in a few parishes,
moly in the provinces, and the paorela
in even a few enclaves in the archipelago.
Let us, therefore, cherish these patrimonies. In the manner of the shepherds,
let us, by the misa paorela sung in the
misas de aguinaldo, express the impending
jubilation and exultation that shall solemnly engulf Chriendom on the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Chri!


he Catholic Church has adopted
Latin as Her ocial language because She is the Universal Church. She
has been appointed to teach all nations
and, consequently, for Her, no national
barriers can exi. To say the Mass in a
national language, however convenient it
might be, would be unworkable in the
Catholic Church simply because She is
Catholic. Her oneness of faith is typied
in Her oneness in speech.
The Sanctuary Lamp, May

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