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Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co.

KG - ConRo

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Mission Video



Customer Benefit




Freight Ferries



ConRo 220 - Extended Version


Cobelfret N.V. Belgium

Units: 2

06/03/2012 20:32

Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG - ConRo

Built in 2010-2011
195.4 m x 30.0 m / 33960 GT
3,923 lane metres
Block stowage of cassettes
Car decks on tank top & main deck
Service speed 18.0 kn
10,800 kW / 500 rpm
LR + 100 A1 Roll On / Roll Off cargo ship, NAV 1, IBS, I.W.S., ICC, + LMC, UMS, Ship Right
This ship series was originally designed as a three-deck version (738-741). However the last two ships (BNR 742 and 74
large number of high-weight containers and Mafis, a corresponding ship deadweight was chosen. To achieve a reasonab
capacity of only 10,800 Kilowatt could be installed leading to an extremely low fuel consumption. The single screw desig
bow thruster and a stern thrust propeller. The arrangement of the stern ramp, the internal ramp and the loading deck pe
reducing time in port. The addition of the fourth deck increased lane metre capacity by 35%. In this way the converted s
cargo without significantly influencing its deadweight or speed.

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ConRo 220

Cobelfret N.V. Belgium

Units: 4

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06/03/2012 20:32

Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG - ConRo

Built in 2008 - 2009
195.4 m x 26.2 m / 25,235 GT
2,800 lane metres
217 Mafis with double-stack containers
Block stowage of cassettes
Car decks on tank top & main deck
Service speed 18.5 kn
10,800 kW / 500 rpm
LR + 100 A1 Roll On / Roll Off cargo ship, NAV 1, IBS, I.W.S., ICC, + LMC, UMS, Ship Right
Flensburger`s RoRo carriers are state-of-the-art designs for fast and economic services. Because these vessels repres
area, high service speed and lowest fuel consumption, they are the logical choice for every operator and every route. Th
operational behaviour are the characteristic features of this compact carrier.

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06/03/2012 20:32

Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG - ConRo

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ConRo 220 Humber Max


Cobelfret N.V. Belgium

Units: 2

Built in 2006 / 2007
203.00 m x 31.00 m / 49.200 GT
15.000 t deadweight
3896 lane metres
258 trailers and 657 cars
Car decks on upper- & weather deck
Service speed 21,7 kn
21.600 kW / 500 rpm
06/03/2012 20:32

Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG - ConRo

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DNV + 1 A1 General Cargo Carrier Ro-Ro, E0, DG-P, Naut-AW, ICS

Flensburger`s RoRo carriers are state-of-the-art designs for fast and economic services. On a cargo area of over 20.53
carried besides trailers and cars. About 846 containers (TEU) can be transproted on roll trailers. Double stacks mafis an
combined with the lowest fuel consumption and excellent operational behaviour, give the Operator an overall operating fle
this largest carrier so far built by Flensburger.

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06/03/2012 20:32

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