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December Best of the Month

Congratulations to Video Production Manager Todd Frasier, selected Best Overall

for the News and Information Center in December for his outstanding work on
setting up the downtown studio.
Video Director David Morris said Todds performance far exceeded any measure of
responsiveness expected from an employee. His attention to details related to
hardware, wiring, electrical work, schematics, vendors, contractors, cameras,
switches and audio boards were outstanding and resulted in what will be a studio in
the likeness of the Today Show.
Todd also offered constructive ideas and suggestions at internal meetings related to
setting up the studio. His general geek ridiculousness is invaluable to this news
operation, Morris said. That stuff is over my head, but thankfully he understands
how to implement and talk with the contractors, architects and vendors to relay our
needs and build the studio. He's spent a crazy amount of time and dedication to the
In other words, because of Todd, all of Oklahoma City will be able to see a first-class
operation when they walk by our studio at 100 W Main.

Best Beat or Breaking News Story

From: Robby Trammell
Nominee(s): Nolan Clay/Robby Trammell
Play Abortion doctor is arrested after undercover operation (12-10-14)

Best Business Story or Feature

From: Brianna Bailey
Nominee: Steve Lackmeyer
Steve Lackmeyer did a great job reporting that tenants are being asked to leave
First National Center dowtown. He has stayed on top of this important story about
one of the city's most historic and iconic buildings.

Oklahoma City's First National Center set to go vacant as sale is clouded by lien

Best Sports Story

From: Mike Sherman
Nominee: Darnell Mayberry
Tale of Two Westbrook Dec. 25
The story of the Russell Westbrook you dont see on the court.

Best Feature Story

From: Silas Allen
Nominee: Jaclyn Cosgrove
Laura Daily, an accomplished barrel racer and pony rider, discusses a wreck in 1979
that killed her mother and took Daily's memory. Daily returned to riding as a way to
feel close to the mother she couldn't remember.
Jaclyn turned a detail from her story into a strong anecdotal lede to draw the reader
into the story. She did an excellent job of walking the reader through Laura Daily's
accident and the heartbreaking consequences.
Pony rider at Oklahoma City's Remington Park finds larger sense of purpose in life
with horses

Best Specialty Feature

From: Matt Price
Nominee: Heather Warlick
Life Change Ballroom is a nonprofit Oklahoma program founded by Cindy Pipkin.
The program rings free ballroom dancing lessons to about 25 Oklahoma City
schools. Each year, the fifth-grade teams from the top eight schools compete for top
honors. This years competition was last Thursday. Story was shared 345 times on

Best Enterprise Story

From: Phillip OConnor
Nominee: Adam Kemp
Adam gave us a Christmas Day story about one of the often-forgotten people who
help make the season special. His story on the travails of Dan Short, a mall Santa
who recently lost his son, could have been a real downer. Instead, Adam produced
an uplifting story for the holiday.
Santa finds comfort in the holiday season

Best In-Depth Story

From: Robby Trammell
Nominee: Chris Casteel

Page 1 Sen. Coburns farewell interview (12-28-14)

Best Watchdog Story

From: Robby Trammell
Nominee: Jennifer Palmer
Play Welfares Honor System; DHS cant block certain debit card purchases at
casinos, liquor stores, strip clubs (12-1-14)

Best Project
From: Robby Trammell
Nominee: Andrew Kittle/Phil OConnor/Warren Vieth
Addicted Oklahoma; Profiting From Pain
Play/Centerpiece Profiting From Pain; experts say clinics difficult to regulate (12-714)
-- Overdose kills man profiled in April report (12-7-14)
-- Call to Action (12-7-14)
-- Killer prescriptions (12-7-14)
-- Oklahoma Overdoses (12-7-14)
-- States that have enacted broad pain clinic regulations (12-7-14)
-- Disturbances, thefts are common at medical clinic (Knittle) (12-7-14)
-- Indicators of a pill mill (12-7-14)
-- How to get help (12-7-14)
-- Mother blames doctors, clinics for 27-year-old daughters death (Knittle)
-- Roland clinic draws scrutiny of narcotics agents (Vieth) (12-7-14)
-- Death in a cheap motel room (Knittle) (12-7-14)
-- An ugly thing (Knittle) (12-7-14)
-- Our views: A new challenge in fight against painkillers (12-7-14)

Best Column/Opinion/First Person

From: Matt Price
Nominee: Dave Cathey
Dave did some sleuthing with the help of Linda Lynn to find out more about the
famous Aunt Susan, who first printed the recipe for Aunt Bill's candy. This Oklahoma
institution has a fascinating story, and Dave shared some of it with readers in the
latest publication of the famous recipe.

Best Review
From: Matt Price
Nominee: Brandy McDonnell
The long-awaited screen adaptation of Stephen Sondheim's musical "Into the
Woods" has its moments, but unfortunately, plain ones outnumber the grand in the
often-plodding fairytale mashup. Good analysis from Brandy on what was a fairly
complex review to write! Whether you liked or didn't like what Sondheim set out to
accomplish, Brandy did a good job of explaining all sides.

Best Video

From Robb Hibbard

Nominee: Greg Singleton
This beautiful video captured the affection between pony rider and barrel racer
Laura Daily and the horses she works with, including a very touching, natural
moment when one of the horses gives her a kiss.
Pony rider at Oklahoma City's Remington Park finds larger sense of
purpose in life with horses

Best Blog
From: Robb Hibbard
Nominee: Richard Hall
Richard was a blogging machine in December, and all of them brought NewsOK a lot
of readers and page views. The blogs, for the most part, seemed to have directly
connected with Oklahoma readers, as Richard wrote a lot of Oklahoma-centric posts
in December. Richard also maintains his cool and composure when responding to
readers' comments on his articles. The way he uses kindness and matter-of-factness
with readers has been praised by Alan Herzberger, Kelly Dyer Fry, Dan Barth and Jay
Spear. Richard even turned a critic into a possible NewsOK Contributor, just by
spending the time to talk to the reader.

Best Social Media Effort

From: Tiffany Gibson
Nominee: Linda Lynn
Linda has done a great job growing The Oklahoman's audience on Facebook through
a unique voice, sense of state history and archive photos. Her #ThrowbackThursday
posts have received hundreds of likes and shares on the page. She has contributed
significantly to the social media workflow and has helped us increase the number of
Facebook likes for The Oklahoman.

Best Photo
From: Doug Hoke
Nominee: Steve Sisney
The Kennedy Elementary Honor Choir sings during the city's holiday lighting
festivities on Friday, Dec. 5, 2014 in Norman, Okla. The halo is from internal lens
flare caused by the strong backlights. Photo by Steve Sisney, The Oklahoman
Knowing when to break the rules is what creativity is about. Steve shot into the
light, causing a massive lens flare which added to the singers.

Best Graphic/Illustration
From: Todd Pendleton and Steve Boaldin
Nominee: Chris Schoelen
Great tag team on a very rare page one illustration.

Best Design
From: Amy Raymond
Nominee: Caleb McWilliams
Caleb has helped elevate the design for the wire pages each day he handles them.
He incorporates graphics into pages seamlessly and looks for interesting and

innovative ways to present the wire news. The wire duty at times can include a
large amount of work. The examples below include a day in which Caleb had four
pages to fill. In order to break stories into nontraditional story forms and make the
design work best with the editing, Caleb often copy edits most, if not all, of the
stories himself.

Best Headline(s)
From: Tom Maupin
Nominee: Amy Raymond
JUDGE CALLS TIME OUT 3A semifinal wont be played before Douglass-Locust Grove
fracas is sorted out -- Page 1a, all, Dec. 5, 2014 -- Story about the controversial
Douglass-Locust Grove football game.

Special Effort to Improve Accuracy

From: Tom Maupin
Nominee: Tom Maupin
1 -- Rank was very wrong. A Page 1a story for Dec. 24 gave a mans rank as Maj.
Assist. Adj. Gen. George Osborne. Tom told the Page 1 editor that was not correct.
The page editor called the reporter. Tom was correct, it should have been: Maj. Gen.
George Osborne, assistant adjutant general. The fix was made for Drive.
2 -- Headline was in poor taste. A headline for a Dec. 24 story read: Deadly 1924
Christmas Eve fire sparked reform. Sparked? Tom was slot and changed the headline
to: Deadly 1924 Christmas Eve fire brought reform. The same story also had a
history mistake. It said the Oklahoma City bombing was in 1985. The correct date
was 1995. Tom made the change.
3 -- Cutline had wrong information. Slotting a Dec. 6 Holocaust story, Tom saw a
cutline that read: Michael Korenblit talks about the Holocaust with Summit Middle
School students. The slide in the background shows German soldiers shooting
people in a pit. The rimmer didnt look at the photo or the slide shown in the photo.
That slide clearly read: January 30, 1933 The Nazi Party comes to power in Germany.
And the slide showed German troops marching in a parade. Tom rewrote the
cutlines last sentence to read: The slide in the background shows German soldiers
marching in a 1933 parade.
Besides the three items above, Tom also caught bad headlines including: 1 -Headline convicted man. Trial advances in toddlers murder. That was the
rimmers submitted headline for Dec. 9. Tom was slot and saw the story was about
jury selection. Tom changed the headline to: Trial advances in toddlers slaying. The
suspect had not been convicted. 2 -- Dont convict. A headline for Dec. 13 read:
Police arrest 4 men who robbed woman. This was a story about four teenagers not
men being arrested in the robbery of an elderly woman. Tom was slot and caught
the headline convicted the four suspects. Tom changed the headline for Drive. 3 -Headline was wrong. A headline on Dec. 23 crime story read: Man faces sex
charges. That was wrong because the man had only been arrested. The story clearly
said he had not been charged. Tom was slot and for Drive changed the headline to:
Man jailed in sex case.

Special Recognition
From: Mike Sherman
Nominee: Scott Wright
Scott deserves Overall Best of the Month for his coverage of one of the most
incredible months in the history of Oklahoman high school sports coverage. He
served as the lead writer throughout our coverage of the Douglass-Locust Grove
story, which made national news. He had the only video of the play in dispute. He

was lauded by the leadership of The Oklahoman for his live tweeting of OSSAA
hearings on this issue and the way he stayed impartial and fair throughout. He did
all this on top of the incredible load he already carried as the lead high school
writer, which in December includes the selection of All-State and All-City football,
volleyball, cross country and softball teams, coverage state championships, the
start of high school basketball and the additional breaking news story on Capitol Hill
changing its nickname to Redskins.
This is more a body of work nomination than any one story but here are the links to
Scott's work in December 2014 (below).

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