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Software Suite

AVO Fluid Inversion (AFI):

AVO- Analysis and Modeling (AVO)








Multi-2D Line Super Volumes

Improved Coloured Inversion

LMR Seismic Transform

Model-building with Time-Velocity Tables

Default to a Smooth Initial Model

Frequency Domain Merge

Map Utilities

Arbitrary Line Improvements

Improved Colour Inversion

The Coloured Inversion has been up-dated and improved and allows much more flexibility
in the parameter selection.

Projects can now have multiple

operators which may be used in
different inversion runs.
The low frequency component from the
initial model can now be added to the
high-frequency coloured inversion to
yield the full geological spectrum.

Improved Colour Inversion

Click on the Run Spectral Analysis and Create Inversion Operator to create a new Coloured
Inversion operator.

Improved Colour Inversion

The individual wells in the AI log-frequency crossplot can now be highlighted. As well, the user is
now able to modify the regression line in this crossplot.

Improved Colour Inversion

The seismic frequency spectrum has two parameters that allow modification: the Frequency
Smoother and the Spectrum Threshold. The Frequency Smoother applies a high-pass filter to
the seismic data and creates a smoother inversion operator. The Spectrum Threshold controls
the threshold for computing the inversion operator: a threshold near 0 % may yield a better
operator but also becomes unstable if some of the frequency components are 0 or near-zero

Improved Colour Inversion

The operator frequency spectrum can be modified by adjusting the minimum and maximum
frequencies. Filtering the operator can remove spikes at the spectrum extremes that may be
due to near-zero seismic frequency content.

Improved Colour Inversion

The time response of the inversion operator can be modified by adjusting the operator length
and the taper length.

Improved Colour Inversion

When you are satisfied with the operator, click OK on the

Spectral Analysis window. This action will prompt you to
name the operator and save it to the project. You can
create as many operators as you want and selectively
use the operator you want to apply.

LMR Seismic Transform

The Lambda-Mu-Rho (LMR) Transforms are now a

fully automatic process in Strata. Formerly, the user
had to create the Lambda-Rho and the Mu-Rho
volumes by using Trace Maths . This could a tricky
task if you havent written an AVO Ph.D. dissertation
in recent years and you were a bit rusty on the latest
theory. Weve simplified it now so that all you need
to do is push a few buttons.

LMR Seismic Transform

A few things are needed to create the LMR volumes: (1) a P-Impedance volume, (2) the SImpedance volume and (3) the output volume name are specified on the first menu

LMR Seismic Transform

And (4) the constant c for the Lambda-Rho volume is specified on the second menu.

For a description of the significance of the

constant c, please refer to Russell et al.,
Fluid-property discrimination with AVO: A

Biot-Gassmann perspective, Geophysics,

Jan 2003, 68, 1, p 29 -39

LMR Seismic Transform

After entering these values, click OK and system automatically generates the corresponding
Lambda-Rho and Mu-Rho volumes.

LMR Seismic Transform

Complete the LMR process by cross-plotting the two attribute volumes, define and project the
zones onto the seismic volume.

Model-building with Time-Velocity

Now, rather than always relying on
well logs to build the initial model,
you can create the model using a
time-velocity table. You can either
manually enter the Time-Velocity
pairs into a table or you can import
the Time-Velocity file directly.

Model-building with Time-Velocity

Click the Enter Table button to
display the T-V Entry Menu.

You can either manually enter the

TV table here or you can import
the TV Table by clicking on the
Control button

Model-building with Time-Velocity

If you choose to import the TV table, you must specify the format of the file that is being entered
and its contents (e.g.., interval or RMS velocity).

Default to Low Frequency Model

By default, Strata now automatically creates a 10 Hz high-cut filtered initial model.
You have the options to change this if you wish

Frequency Domain Merge

With the new Frequency Domain Merge option you have the ability to combine two volumes
of different frequencies into one new volume. An example of when to use this option would
be, if you had an inversion result you wanted to combine with a filtered log model.

Frequency Domain Merge

On the second page of the process you will need to specify the frequency range that overlaps
between the two data sets, along with a taper length. Once this is completed the software will
run the Frequency Domain Merge and create a new volume for you.

Map Utilities

New map functionalities for all

of our software have been
These new utilities allow you to
manipulate and modify the
maps in your project.



Map Utilities

The Map Operations utility

allows you to apply some simple
mathematical functions to either
a single map or a pair of maps.

Map Utilities

The Map Filter utility allows you

to apply either a Running
Average Filter or a Median filter
on any map in your project.
Click on the Next button to
specify the window length.

Map Utilities

The Map Maths utility

allows you to
manipulate any maps in
your project. This feature
is similar to our popular
Trace Maths and Log
Maths utilities.

First, select the input maps for the Map Maths

Map Utilities
Then specify the output map

Map Utilities
The geometry information

Map Utilities
Rename the input slice
variable names if you

Map Utilities
And enter in the
formula that you would
like to use. The syntax
for Map Maths is
similar to the C-based
Trace Maths utility and
allows for logical
expressions such as if()
else ().
Trace Maths documentation can be found on
the HRS web-site at:

Arbitrary Line Improvements

You now have several new option
when creating your Arbitrary line.
Create new nodes at well location:
This option allows you to make a
node point at one or more well
Create new nodes along a
deviated well: This option allows you
to create nodes along a deviated wells
bore whole. The resulting arbitrary line
will consist of the Inlines, and Cross Lines
the bore whole cuts across.

Arbitrary Line Improvements

Extract only the trace at the

node location: This option will extract
only the node points selected and none
of the seismic that exists between
node points.

List previous arbitrary lines:

This option pulls up a menu of existing
arbitrary lines that you can then apply
to the current arbitrary line or delete
old lines.

Arbitrary Line Improvements

Insert a node: This button allows you
to insert a new node point.

Delete all nodes: This button allows you

to delete all existing node points within the
current arbitrary line.

Delete selected nodes: This button

allows you to delete selected node points
within the current arbitrary line.

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