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Student Government of Seattle University

Representative Assembly Meeting

Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2015 ADAL Adam T. Rolfe Community Room at 6:00 p.m.

Call to Order
Raquel calls the meeting to order at 6:01 PM


Roll Call (initial on the line)

Eric Sype, President _________
Raquel Davalos, Executive Vice President _________
Matthew Kelly, Vice President of Finance _________
Meggie Green, Vice President of University Affairs _________
Luke Larsen, Senior Representative _________
Manuel Siguenza, Junior Representative _________
Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative_________
Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative _________
Robert Gavino, At-Large Representative _________
Sarah Coluccio, Athletic Representative
Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative _________
Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative _________
Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative _________
Jaden Phan, International Representative __ ___
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative _________
Jarrod Gallagher, Nontraditional Representative _________
Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative _________
Tanish Bhojwani, Freshman Representative _________


Approval of the Minutes

Motion passes unanimously with abstention from Sarah Coluccio.


Public Comment Kelsey

Kelsey: Disappointed in gym schedule change from 9am-8pm and 12pm-8pm on Saturday. The gym at
Gonzaga is open 10am-10pm. USF is 8am-Midnight. Also, the library is also a problem because its
doesnt open until 11am.
Luke: Budget cuts is one of the reasons.
Kelsey: I understand, I was just hoping SGSU could do something.
Jordan: Albers dean is interested in fixing library hours.
Eric: Does anyone want to look into this issue?
Luke: I will.
Guest Speakers Jay Payne, General Manager of Bon Appetit
Jay: Well start with unionization of our employees. Theres not a lot of real understanding, aside of
wage issues, regarding the grievances of the employees. Unless there are any specific questions or
comments Its been fine so far. The other comment was regarding the move to tablets from paper,
which was an environmental decision. Lets talk about The Bistro. Business has started to slow down,
its beginning to pick back up. Weve been seeing fewer athletes. Were aware of the cheestro nickname. Were trying to have more options. If there was a student group of sorts, that would be great.
Theres been a question about online ordering, but thats outside of the capabilities of that one little pizza
oven. Adding complexity slows things down. The change of service regarding the not-calling out of
numbers over the intercom has improved that overall environment of the space. Theres concern about

paper receipts Those are used as a form of loss-prevention and we dont see another solution. Last
year we had about $100,000 worth of theft out of Cherry Street alone. There was a question about food
allergens. We have all of the main allergens labelled in the name of the food item. If you have
suggestions, please let me know. Any comments?
Matt: You mentioned a student group. What do you see coming out of this student group?
Jay: We talked with Bon App employees who are students, but the concern is that they would be
disinclined to give us the negative feedback that we need.
Matt: What would that committee look like?
Jay: I dont know.
Eric: The bookstore has an advisory board of about 10 students and I think there would be student
interest regarding this committee type thing for Bon App.
Jay: Well thatd be great.
Robert: I know you and because I know you I can come to you with concerns, but thats not common.
Most students dont know who you are or what you look like.
Jay: Thats good. We need to make that information more available.
Eric: Theres the possibility of having the photo of the manager of the bistro, for example, be posted in
the bistro.
Raquel: Have you thought about doing a customer of the week type of thing? I think that would
encourage students to go through the bistro.
Monica: Is there an employee appreciation day?
Jay: We have a big Christmas party every year.
Monica: Okay, is there any opportunity for students to show their appreciation?
Izzy: Employee of the month?
Jay: Perhaps!
Myra: Can we talk about the price increases?
Jay: Due to the increase in wages for our employees, weve increased our prices. Its something well
continue to look at.
Eric: How much does theft impact the pricing of food?
Jay: Its difficult for us to get a handle on. It just impacts the bottom-line. Its difficult to isolate that.
Eric: Its no secret that students keep Bon App dishes. Does that impact the theft?
Jay: Absolutely.
Myra: I really like the to-go boxes. Im sure that cuts down on the waste.
Luke: I have a suggestionin the bistro, whenever Ive gotten a pizza its a personal pizza. Have you
considered selling pizza by the slice?
Jay: Yes, we talked about that at the end of the summer. Unfortunately, the bistro oven is too small for
full sized pizzas.
Manuel: Could you speak more about the unionization movement in relation to the student body?
Jay: Scheduling, seniority rules, and other union-specific rules. Hopefully the relationship with the
student body hasnt changed.
Eric: Students have expressed frustration regarding the expense of produce. Could you speak to that?
Jay: Sure, we operate on a restaurant basis instead of a supermarket basis. The price of whole fruit
dropped at the beginning of the year.
Braden: Does that apply to drinks as well?
Jay: Its the same sort of idea, but we should definitely include that in our Market Basket Survey.
Jordan: How does the training of the employees work regarding ringing up things incorrectly?
Jay: We need customers who come through the line to open their to-go boxes.
Matt: Have you thought about a discount for catering or take-away orders for organized student groups?
Jay: I mean, catering is expensive everywhere. We also have to be careful about discounts given to
different groups. With the budget cuts, weve started to see how the university as a whole is cutting back
from having catered lunches and such.
Raquel: Could you give us a general update about whats happening in the Bon App world?

Jay: Biscuit Box is here on Tuesdays. There has been talk of us getting our own food-truck, but the
company that makes them is back-ordered. When I first got here, I didnt want to make a lot of changes
because I didnt want to be that guy. Weve been tinkering with some things at each location, but we
cant do too much because we have to keep in mind what our customers want.
Izzy: I was irked by the salad bar at first, but I like it now. With the new model, could we introduce more
premium items? Like, chopped grilled chicken? At the end of the quarter, where does the leftover meal
plan money go?
Jay: We get money when the card gets swiped. Well take a look at the variety in the salad bar.
Myra: Is there a way to change up the food-truck? Biscuit Box isnt exciting any more.
Jay: Thats all we have for now. Were working on new concepts.
Matt: What happened to the grilled cheese truck?
Jay: We sold it to a business in Oregon.
Luke: Have you thought about looking into contracting with Seattle food trucks?
Jay: No, because that could harm our ability to continue to operate the on-campus food locations. We
lose a couple hundred customers per week to the Biscuit Box which isnt ideal, but we try to provide
Owen: Is there a way to advertise the change in smoothie policy?
Jay: We use a soft-open model in the restaurant industry, so not quite yet.


Old Business None


New Business
REPA 20150114 SGSU Fall Quarter Report Action
Izzy: This is the Fall Quarter report! Ive made a few small revisions since I sent my email this morning.
*Details Fall Quarter Report*
Matt: Can we talk about the budget?
Eric: Can we get pictures for Kristen, Tyler, and Flora?
Monica: Can we change our pictures?
Izzy: YES.
Myra: Will we receive an electronic copy?
Izzy: Yes, and itll be on the website.
Eric: How many print copies?
Izzy: 14.
Robert: How are we advertising this to the student body?
Izzy: Email, social media, and maybe a few promoted post.
Manuel: Could we add a please share sign on the back?
Izzy: Yes.
Matt: Could we add our logo to the front?
Izzy: I mean, yes But its not very in-brand. So Ive just been using the spirit mark because its more
in-brand. I can slap the logo on the front, if we decide its needed.
Matt: I think its at your discretion.
Raquel: I think thats a great idea.
Robert: Latest date for revisions?
Izzy: Friday at 5pm.
Owen: I move to approve the report.
Braden: I second.
Raquel: All in favor? All opposed? The report passes unanimously.

REPA 20150114 New York Times Discussion

Raquel: I seek a motion to add a new business item.
Monica: I move.
Braden: I second.

Raquel: All in favor? All opposed. Motion passes unanimously. Meg and I met with Sheila Ellis in
November. We used to fund an on-campus NYT subscription but the SGSU budget hasnt been able to
afford that the past few years. Sheila brought up an idea to the table: a university-wide set of online
passes. The cost was $8500 per year for 250 passes that are good for 24 hours at a time. What do you all
think we should do?
Eric: I think John Popko would be fruitful to have a conversation with. Additionally, Academic
Assembly and the Deans Council.
Raquel: There are really cool leadership articles and activities and discussion questions as well.
Meg: Didnt she say something about funding events for marketing the Times?
Raquel: Yes, she did. Things like Trivia Nights.
Meg: They mentioned food as well.
Jarrod: Do we really need this? We already have access to the Seattle Times and The Stranger.
Eric: We would also have access to years and years of archives.
Jordan: I feel like it would be kind of useless though, because we have access to Google and other
Myra: If we were to do this, could we use RHA to fund it because thats where students pick up their
papers due to their living situation.
Raquel: Okay, Im just talking about this hypothetically. Like, if we even need it on campus.
Matt: We can reference the NYT through the databases. I dont think its in our best interest to bring the
NYT to campus because of the ways that newspapers are going.
Monica: Dont you get ten free articles a day?
ALL: No. Per month.
Monica: How does our relationship with the Seattle Times work?
Nikki: Its free. They drop off X number of papers per day and pick up the previous days papers.
Luke: I dont think we lose anything if we look into the idea.
Izzy: I think theres a loss for not pursuing it because the NYT is the gold standard for journalism.
Especially because were an academic institution.
Owen: I agree, but I think the future of news is changing drastically.
REPA 20150114 Discussion about joining ASGA
Eric: I seek a motion to add this discussion item to the agenda.
Manuel: So moved.
Braden: I second.
Raquel: Unanimous approval and item added.
Eric: I think joining this body would be good because its a good networking tool for connecting with
other universities. What do yall think?
Braden: I feel the same way about this issue as the NYT. Its too early to turn it down.
Monica: I thought this email was very unprofessional, so Im uncomfortable with joining.
Myra: When does this go into effect?
Eric: I dont know. We could put together a suggestion for future SGSUs.
Manuel: Eric, have you perused their resources and what do you think?
Eric: Ive just looked at the email, which is why I brought it up.
Robert: Is this a series of best practices?
Nikki: Its a pretty general discussion about student government and I think this group is doing a fine job
of that already.
Raquel: I agree. Also, NJSLC.
Meg: We can also reach out to other student governments as well.
Eric: So it sounds like this is not something were interested in. Great.

VIII. Officer Reports:

Officer Reports:
A) Eric Sype-President:
a. Met with Cabinet, re: Tobacco Free Campus. Response has been, yes, but... so they
approved moving toward TFC, pending my presentation to the Deans Council tomorrow.
July 1, 2015 is the date things will begin to be implemented, once its approved.
b. Youll be receiving an email about the survey from myself, Monica, or Izzy.
c. Im checking in with Tim Leary tomorrow morning, to review the projects list.
d. I sent out an email from Monica Nixon, re: CITI committee. So far, myself and Myra are the
only interested members.
e. Theres a photo shoot in the Health and Wellness office for the Its on Us campaign.
f. Exec meetings are now on Mondays at 6pm and well be giving rotating updates at Rep.
B) Raquel Davalos- Executive Vice President
a. Please update the project chart immediately after this meeting.
b. I encourage you all to review your At-A-Glances.
c. Retreats are different this quarter, but the same rules still apply. Unless you have extenuating
d. Communication with me, in writing, is preferred.
e. Office hour changes to Margaret by Friday at 10am.
C) Matthew Kelly- Vice President of Finance
a. Budget update for next week.
D) Meg Green- Vice President of University Affairs
a. Filling committees.
b. Building connections with the University Affairs committee.
E) Representatives
a. Luke Larsen, Senior Representative:
i. Photographers for senior soiree!
b. Manuel Siguenza, Junior Representative:
i. Junior survey!
c. Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative:
i. Met with HAWC today: Recess!
ii. This week were having student engagement forums! Today was very discussion
d. Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative:
i. Drafting email about the crosswalk.
ii. Working with Isheeta on the Ethiopian food event.
e. Robert Gavino, At-Large Representative:
i. Surveys are out!
ii. Its easy to get wrapped up in the big things and lose sight of our constituents. I just
want to affirm everyone who takes the time to do small things for our community.
iii. This is my last officer report. Im taking a student-leave-of-absence. Im resigning.
f. Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
g. Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
h. Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
i. Jarrod Gallagher, Non-traditional Rep:
i. Nothing to report.
j. Jaden Phan, International Representative:
i. International dinner! January 31, 2015.

k. Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative:

i. April 8, 4-6pm. Student with Disabilities forum in the Casey Commons.
ii. Following Wednesday: Disabilities Executive speaker series, re: workplace questions.
l. Sarah Coluccio, Athletic Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
m. Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
n. Tanish Bojwani, Freshman Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
o. Izzy Gardon, External Chief of Staff:
i. Christmas cards!
ii. Thursdays, for the rest of the quarter, will be Red Friday graphics on social media.
iii. Fall quarter report!
iv. Web updates.
p. Margaret Quartararo, Internal Chief of Staff:
i. Nothing to report.
F) Advisors
a. Nichole Robison:
i. Its on Us campaign!
b. Kayla Zobel:
i. Nothing to report.
c. Kelsey Nerland:
i. Nothing to report.
Committee Reports
a. Our meeting will be on Mondays at 3pm.
b. Stage 2: This is SU project Were changing the language.
c. No event with Michael Podlin. Well be doing something with Fr. Ely instead.
d. Well be doing 2nd Friday Donuts this week.
B. Steering:
a. Meeting: Tuesdays, 12:30-1:30
b. Doodle, re: events list.
C. Finance:
a. Appropriations: Saturday, the 24th. Well be in Pigott 205.We have 17 applications, so far.
D. University Affairs:
a. We dont have a meeting time yet.



Margaret: Please donate to DM! They want to raise $550 more by 9pm tonight.
Eric: Sign up for Dance Marathon! We have an SGSU team.
Nikki: Last Thursday I was offered and accepted a position outside of Seattle U. Im excited and sad.
Feb. 3rd will be my last day. Im not leaving Seattle. You will have continued support.
Adjournment at 7:38 PM

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