TLR.,T 'Rrti..l LL, ' Ilr F, R L. .F

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sizcs.l rr,zzle:rrr<l tlrrrxr.:r,<r

trre rat.i.


il<lrv ar.eas, as

rvell as c()rlrlx)l)clrt sltaltcs, arrgles, lerruths, spacinu, tinishes

:1,(l r1)ll(.1 i,ls. ;\ssrrrrrirrg t,lr:rt thc ,.,.,,r,1.,,,,r",,t., hnua.'b""r, ,rp_
tittrizcr[ (lrrorrslr tcstirrrl, llrerr tlre I ftr1i ar.eas alrl tSeir ratiirs

'l-[rougI selecti<tn
;rtt' ('I it)tcttst lnr ;p1;1;lis2titlrr
(,t :tl)J)t.)l)lt:tle llorr ;ut.;l.s:rrrrl1r1r.1rqses.
r;rlios. llrrtttlr <onl.igrrratiotr
r:rrr lu.r, tr) nrirl( Ir rrcll t,,rrtliti,irrs. '
. l'lrrsit:rl ..zzlc lrrrrl tlr.,t sizes rleterlrrire I'r.rv rates while

tlrei. ll,*' ;r'e;rs rlcte'rrri,es tlre tra<le.r-f beh'een
'rrti..l lrcarl
urrl Ilr* r'ute. I,irr exa,rPle , iI a thr,at is sefer.lcrl srrr:lr tlrat tlrc are:r ol the rrozzle ,i Otjyo ol.the throat
rrrea! a r.elati'el' lriglr hearl, l.rv I l.rv purnp rvilr result. 'fhere
ls ir.()lrJ)illa(i'clv srrrall ;r|e;r arrrrrn<l ihe jet f,r rvell
fluids to

l. l,rv Pr..rlrrr:ti.rr r."t"r .,rrr,1rrt.erl to the

alr(r rvith trre .f trre-.ozzle rreirrg
1r,*'er ilri<l
I r :r.slel'rc'tl t,'a(c.
;r srrrall arrr(),lrt ,rI pr,rciiicti,rr, higlr hearrs ,riii
lrc rlrrel,lrcrl. Sut:lr a prrrrrP is striiecl to,l."p,reils rvith
crrlcr, k.:rrlirrg

r.:7fr 1*X9.

*F", #.!ryf 7d

Flg. 3-Nomenclature for jet pump design catcu a:,3_.:


li{ ts.

(i.rr'ersel1,, il ;r 11,..:rt is seler:terl strch

that the area of.tlre
rrrrzzle is onlt, 20(/r of'llre tlrlo;rt :ll.ea, ln()r-e pro<luction
is possilrlc, birt sirrr:c llre rr,rzzle .,r., g, i. fr"i,r'g
tr.ansl.errecl t<r
;r l;rrut. ,rnr,ulll r,l lrrrrrlrrr li,,,r ,,,r,,1ir,.e,1 t,, iire
p,,r,.er f.lrri<l

the glossary for rromerrclaf ur.e).
Nozzle l'low (bpd):

r;rtt'. lrrr'(.r lrc;rr ls * ill lre rlc'eloperi. Slrall.rv rvells rvith

Iilts arc r;:rrrrlirla(t-s [irr su< h u




...,\rry, .rr,rlrer .l arr:a c.rrrbi.;rtioirs are possible t. rn:rtclr

<lif'li"r'r:rrt Il.rv rrrr<l lirt t,,rrrrri,ati.,s. Atter,pts to pro(l,ce
srrlrll urrr,rrrr(s .l r'r'll I lrrirls.;rs t,rrrrl'rirr.e<l t. tire
Porver I'luicl
r atc u'i{ll a , r'irri() o|20-% rvill
be inei'f icierrt dtre


higlr rrr'brrlcrrl r,ixirrs r.sses betrvee. tlre high

Dimensionless area ratio:



rrillr a rrozzle-tltr.o:rt r.atio of 60% l,ill

lre irrcl{ir.icrrt tlrre r. lrigrr Iricti* l.sses as tlre procl,cecl
f'lrrirl ,rrr'cs.r'aPi<111'rhrrrrerrr tlrc reLrti'el1,snrail thrLat. optinr:rl r';rli. selcr.ti.rr irr'.lr es rr tllrrle-rlI betrveen these nrix'ing



1r,, rn



arrtl Il ictiorr krsscs.

(la'itari,rr cllill acteristi(:s,r' trre
I).llr[)s r,rst also be c'nsirle.c<l -l-lre tlrr'<xrt a,<l rr.zzle f l,^v areis rlef ine a. a,nular
(lou,Pass:tge at (he errtr.unce oI t]re
throat. -I.he srnaller this
:ll-ca, rlle lrislrer tlre
si'en :lnr(),.t of pr.rlucecl
ilrrirl grassirre tlrrruqh
it. he siatic pressure of the l.luid
(lrr)J)s ils tllc s(luale of tfie yelgcitl,increases
ancl will reach
flle'irrxrl-r)r-ess.rc.f tlre IIuid at high vel.cities. T'his row
l)te-ssrrrc rr ill r arrre r;rpor.,cavities to i-brnr, a process called
(r'lrilrr().. -f his r esults in clr,kerl {'l.rv irrt. the,
and no
possiblc at tllat purnp intake pr-essure,
e'crr il rhe_P,*er Ilrrirl rate a,rr
Pressirre are incr.eaiecl. subsc(luent collalrse o{'tIre virPor cr,uities as
])ressure is brrilt up
p lr);r\, ('r use cl irsiorr k rrorvn as'cavitation,1",;;;;.

I lttts, Iot :r 11irerr.lrr,,rlrrctigl Ilgrv rate ,n,l pu,np intike

pressure, tl'rere rvill be a lninirnum annular flow area required to avoirl cavitaf ion.


Dirnensionless nrass flow ratio:

:rrr<l,llre slrxr. nrovirrg ll.orltr<:fiotr. Convet.sell,, attenlPts
Pr'orlrrr:r: ;rt

/ (QA'x c.r.r

(QS x G.S)

f)irnensionless pressrr re rat i( ):

N : (t,[_ps) t(PN_PD)
ry ={r2n + [(t -zlt)(M']R'2),t tt ,- Rt2)
( I + A7D),R2( t + M)rf +{,, *^,r',
- (,i,)n.r:


: NxM = [(pD-pS)

I (pN *pD)]x
[(QSxGST I re.\

Cavitation area, sq in.:

.4SM: (AI'-AN) =


N<zzle^flow rate (Er;. l) can be re<:ogrrrzerl 2! t.:. .. -*"_

sion lrrr florv through in orilice. 1.r1.2 rle{ines R .. .-: -.
of notzle area to tllroa( area. Iiq.3 defines a drr_.. . - ,_
nrass Ilow cot,{'[icient thc ratio of'the pr..: _

flow rate to nozzle I'lorv rate tirnes the,- .'.

graclie rrt to nozzle I'luid gr.arlicnt. E,,1- + ,l"iin..', . - . l
Iess pressure,ratio.
pressrrre r;ttio. Physically,
Plyysillrlly. ir
it is rire
tlre rario
ratio of r:.:
rit ::::"i"-"tise irrrparterl to tlre pro<lrrrcrl I'luid
fluirl to tlre
pre...-- , *"
llre press;:t
- -,
tlre porver fluid in thi 1rurrr1r. llq.5 atter (:,,'rn,n.-. .lornrulation ltrr the dinrerrsiorrlt,is pressute of Li + - ,. .
of tlte area ratio, l?, ntass f low ratiir, i{, and rr,.o i, .;: . *

athematical rep resentation

E:rclr iet p.urnp nranuf a(trrret-ol[ers a large nunrber r,rf noz_

zle sizes arrd I'i'e ()r nrore th.oats for each'nozzle. ancr si,ce
there is n() standar(lizatiorr of these sizes between suppliers,

lJt". ".un-tl't.t oI p'rssilrle pet lirrtttance clrrves ir u".y 'tu.g".

I lris is [rrrtlrer.r.rrr|lic:rtcrl lr1 tlte varialrilitv i. tlte'per[ortlance cur-ves.possible u,ith rliff'erent nozzle -fo
sinrplilt, llris sitrratiolr. a urri[yine rnathenratical representatiorr is neerle<1.
As Ii'st. 1rrtrsc.{c<l bv (irsrirre nrrrl o'Brie,r f,rther devt'lopt-rl br (.itrrrninglr:rrrr,2 it is possible to rvrite a set of e<1uatrolls 116.-5.-l ihirrg tIre Pcr.lirr.rnarrt:e ol geornetrically siniilar
I)rrrlr[)s. Il't[_rey are rvr.ittcrr nondirnensionally, they will apply
to all sizes rrl lrrrrrrlrs
ll.l 11,,,C;rs tlre opcr.irling Reyliolds.^,i,r_
l)etq :ue r lose or srr{lir
icrrtlr lrielr tlrlrt visrosity eil.ects are


llr' onsirl.ering ener gl ;rrrrl ln()ntenlltnl er;rralion5 [or the




lt()n l)irss:tge. tlil.Oat (rrrixirrg tube) artrl dilluser,

cients, I(N and Kl"I). -l'hese loss coe{ficients are

e\:i- -,,.

tally deternrined and are silnilar to orifice and p::r --,

Ioss coeflicients. Eqs.4 anrl 3 can be conrbined't., : .: :
< iertcy. exllresserl in L.r1. (i. Sint e lrvrlr.aulir
1r,,r,6; ;. . _
u(l (), l)resslrle <lill'ererrtiirl tirrres Ilorr r;rrr. [,1
preted as the ratio ol-the poweratlrlcrl to the prrrj,. . _
to the p.orver losr fi.orn thb power Iluirl. [.q. i..lerirr-.:

the oliflice flotv etlu:rtion lor the annular' trroclucri, :

area at the throat entrance, rlef incs the nririintum i1.."
required to avoid cavitation if'suction f lorv rate is
eS a:.:
a pressure of'PS. 'I-his equatiorr irrclu<les the assumplr,,,r
pressure at the throat entrance is zero at cavitation.
. A representative set of dimensionless performan(e ,:,-:_i:"
is showrr in Fig.4 fbr typical noz.zle to ih.nrt o.., ra:l r.

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