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Binomial Distribution

Binomial Outcome The term indicates two possibilities.

One out of a defined two outcomes is possible in a Binomial

Getting Head or Tail on flipping a coin;

Scoring Pass or Fail marks in an examination

Choosing Male or Female candidate

Binomial Distribution is the distribution of the row of
outcomes in a sequential trial of Binomial experiments. The
key parameters here are:
The probability of success/failure a single Binomial
Experiment (p, 1-p). We all know that if the probability of
success is p, then the probability of the alternative i.e.:
Failure is 1-p. In some cases, the probability of success
and failure both may be equal, which is 0.5. In other cases
it might differ. It is important that the p, 1-p should be
constant/fixed for a Binomial Distribution.

Number of trials involved in the Distribution function.

With the above two parameters we can

1. Probability of X number of successes out of N trials:

For example, the probability of selecting 5 women for 12 job

openings can be calculated with the above formula. Assume,
the probability of selecting a male candidate and female
candidate is 0.5.
2. Cumulative Probability of getting up to X number of
successes in N trials:
This is the probability of getting up to 5 women candidates.
This can be calculated by summing up the probabilities of
probabilities of getting 0, 1, 2X successes. In our case it the
sum of P(0),P(1),P(2),P(3),P(4) and P(5).

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