Attorney Theron Trust Account - Letter

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Gestig ~ 1960 - Founded THERON & ParTNERS VENNOTE ATTORNEYS () CONVEY ANCERS (| ADMINISTRATORS OF ESTATES (1 AUCTIONEERS PROKUREURS | AKTEBESORGERS ") BOEDELGEREDDERAARS 1 AFSLAERS: Posbus P.O. Box 659 Espos aces / E-mail addvessinfo@theronlaw.co3 ‘Teleivon/ Telephone; (021) 887 7877 STELLENBOSCH, 7599 Dovex: 33, STELLENBOSCH Telefks Telefax: (21) 887 3335, Alexander ll Gebou, Alexandetstraat 18 STELLENBOSCH 7600, ‘Alexander Building, 18 Alexander Street STELLENBOSCH 7600 25 November 2014 The Investors: Highveld Syndication Companies 15-22 Dear Sir / Madam Re: HIGHVELD SYNDICATION CLASS ACTION 15-22 LEGAL FUND Our firm acts on behalf of the investors in Highveld Syndication 19 to 22 in a court application in the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, for the issuing of a class action against various directors and persons involved in the said investment schemes. A similar application on behalf of the Investors in Highveld Syndication 15 to 18 is in the process of preparation and will be issued shortly. An attorney's trust account has been opened into which funds will be received and managed by our firm on behalf of investors to cover legal and associated costs and expenses. All funds are insured by the Attorneys Fidelity Fund which was instituted by the Law Society of South Africa. An initial joining fee of R1 000.00 (One Thousand Rand) per person to the Class Action is tequired (which can be paid in instalments on special written application). Any surplus funds in trust will be refunded to investors. Proof of payment must accompany your deposit and be forwarded by fax to (021) 887 3333, or e-mail to at our offices. Our trust banking details into which the funds must be paid are as follows: Theron & Partners Trust Account No. 2, Standard Bank Stellenbosch, Branch Code: 050610, Account Number: 063 163 160. Reference on deposit slip: Your Initials, Surname and Number of specific Highveld Syndication Company (e.g. HS21). Should the payment be made by an Investment Advisor, the Name and Sumame of the Advisor as well the word “Advisor". Yours fafthtully THERON &\PARTNERS PER: _~ te ess Jacobus Theron (Consultant) ~ Jacques Brink Theron ‘Assisted by, Marna Celia Vetdocs V.A.T Registration Number 4260168630 JEP VEAL’) Gestig ~ 1960 - Founded ‘THERON & PARTNERS VENNOTE ATTORNEYS ( CONVEYANCERS (1 ADMINISTRATORS OF ESTATES (] AUCTIONEERS. PROKUREURS [| AKTEBESORGERS (] BOEDELBEREDDERAARS [] AFSLAERS Posbus PO. Box 669 E-pos adres / E-mail adtess:nfo@iheronlan.coz9 ‘Telefoon (Telephone: 021) 887 7877 STELLENBOSCH, 7599 DDooex: 33, STELLENBOSCH ‘eles Telefe: (021) $87 3333 ‘Alexancer Il Gebou, Aloxandersvast 18 STELLENBOSCH 7600 Alexander Il Building, 18 Alexander Suret STELLENBOSCH 7600 25 November 2014 Die Beleggers: Highveld Syndication Maatskappye 15-22 Geagte Heer / Dame is: HIGHVELD SYNDICATION KLAS-AKSIE 15-22 REGSFONDS Ons firma ageer namens die beleggers in Highveld Syndication 19 tot 22 in in hofeansoek in die Noord-Gautengse Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vir die bring van ii klas-aksie teen verskeie direkteure en persone wat betrokke was by gemelde beleggingskemas. in Soortgelyke aansoek namens die Beleggers in Highveld Syndication 15 tot 18 is in die proses van voorbereiding en sal binnekort uitgereik word, fn Prokureurs-trustrekening is geopen waarin fondse namens die beleggers deur ons firma aanvaar en bestuur word om regs- en aanverwante kostes en uitgawes te dek. Alle fondse word verseker deur die Prokureurs Getrouheidswaarborgfonds wat deur die Wetsgenootskap van Suid-Afrika ingestel is. h Aanvanklike aansluitingsfooi tot die Klas-Aksies van R1 000.00 (Eenduisend Rand) per persoon word verlang (wat op spesiale skriftelike aansoek in paaiemente betaal kan word). Enige surplusse op trust sal aan beleggers terugbetaal word, Bewys van betaling moet asseblief u betaling vergesel en per faks (021) 887 3333 of e-pos ( aan ons Kantore versend word. Ons trustrekening besonderhede waarin alle fondse betaal moet word is Theron & Vennote Trustrekening Nr.2, Standard Bank Stellenbosch, Takkode: 080610, Rekeningnommer: 063 163 160. Verwysing op depositostrokie: U Voorletters, Van en Nommer van betrokke Hoéveld Sindikasie Maatskappy (bv. HS21). Indien die betaling deur ‘n Beleggingsadviseur gemaak word, die Naam en Van van die Adviseur, asook die woord "Adviseur’. Die uwe THERON & VENNOTE PER: J BIFHERON Petrus Jacobus Theron (Konsultart)— Jeoqus Brink Theron ‘Bygestan deur: Marna Celia Vendbes BAT. Regisuasenommer!V.AT. Reystraton Number 4260168630

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