The Zero Point Energy of The Quantum-Vacuum

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The zero point energy of the quantum-vacuum

Claus Wilhelm Turtur

Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Wolfenbuttel, Germany
Purpose The purpose of the paper is the presentation of a new source of energy, the so-called zero point energy (ZPE) of the quantum-vacuum. Same
as thermal heat or as ponderable matter have been identified as a type of energy some centuries ago, space is now being identified a type of energy.
The advantage of ZPE is its application, because it is an energy source with many practical advantages: clean, friendly to environment and health,
extremely low cost, inexhaustible, available everywhere and at all time. It is not expected that this type of energy will be the main source for the future
air transport system, which is topic of this special issue. However, if the ZPE technology is developed at a more advanced level, it might contribute as
energy source for instance during taxing to a certain level.
Design/methodology/approach ZPE-converting engines can be constructed on the basis of the theory presented here, which is new.
Findings In the next steps, the technology needs to be further studied. For instance more powerful engines on the basis of his theory need to build
and investigated, although the applications seem to be almost anywhere, it needs to be found out which applications are the most appropriate in the
first step.
Originality/value ZPE engines exist already, but the theory of ZPE conversion is unique and new in the work presented here. It can be understood on
the basis of the finite propagation speed of the interacting fields, similar to retarded potentials of Lienart and Wiechert. The experimental verification of
this theory is also presented in the article here.
Keywords Clean alternative energy, Free energy, Green power supply, New source of energy, Zero point energy of the quantum-vacuum
Paper type Research paper

take notice of the energy and/or entropy exchange with the

quantum-vacuum, as confirmed with light-emitting diodes
shown by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(COP 230 per cent; Santhanam et al., 2012).
The authors of this MIT-experiment refer to thermal
energy, being extracted from the environment without
having a difference of temperature to a second thermalreservoir. This would either contradict to the second law of
thermodynamics or confirm an exchange of entropy with
the quantum-vacuum. In this aspect, the MIT light-emitting
diodes can be understood as quantum-vacuum entropy
device instead of quantum-vacuum energy device.
The physics fundament of powerful ZPE-conversion is not
yet understood, at least not completely. The presented paper
gives a theoretical concept for a possible physics fundament of
ZPE-conversion, which is new, and which is now available for
everybody to be verified (or falsified). This theoretical work is
verified by the author with one experiment (the electrostatic
rotor), and it would be desirable to find further researchers, to
perform further experiments, for its validation.

The utilization of the zero point energy (ZPE) of the quantumvacuum is explained by the theory of the finite propagation
speed (FPS) of the fields of the fundamental interactions of
nature. For technical purpose, rather often engines are used,
working on the basis of electromagnetic interaction. Due to the
theory of relativity, electric and magnetic fields, as well
as electromagnetic waves, propagate with the speed of light.
This allows the construction of energetically non-conservative
cycles of motion of an electrostatic charge within an electric
field, as well as of a magnet within a magnetic field. Both
principles can be used to convert ZPE into classical energy.
The article explains the basics of FPS-theory, an
experiment for its verification and finally the construction of
a powerful ZPE-engine.

Main section
The utilization of ZPE is often under controversial discussion,
although there are already existing devices available, for
instance such as Terawatt Research LLC (
V-Rheinland and by
2012) with certificates by TU
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (COP above 300 per cent),
or such as LUTEC ( with
certificates by Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS) (COP
up to 1,440 per cent). Also the scientific community begins to

1. The theory of the FPS of the fields of the fundamental

Let us tend our attention to two electrical charges, Q1 and Q2,
who interact with each other via Coulomb-force (Figure 1).
Q1 is in motion along the red path and Q2 moves along the
blue path. If we observe the situation at the moment of time

The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at

The author wants to express his very deep thanks to his wife Dr O. Turtur
for supporting him with practically as well as with her very economic
housekeeping budget, because they had to finance all their work by

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal

85/6 (2013) 493 496
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1748-8842]
[DOI 10.1108/AEAT-09-2012-0149]

Received: 27 September 2012

Revised: 20 December 2012
Accepted: 1 January 2013


The ZPE of the quantum-vacuum

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal

Claus Wilhelm Turtur

Volume 85 Number 6 2013 493 496

Figure 1 The fundamental interactions in the dynamic view

speed of propagation of the interacting field is the more exact

and realistic point of view. But the more precise few has the
huge advantage to allow us to construct non-conservative
cycles of motion within the electrostatic field. And it is
important to emphasize that the analogue point of view can be
constructed for the magnetic interaction and magnetic fields,
so that permanent magnets can be used to convert ZPE, as
soon as they are in motion fast enough to touch a realistic
percentage of the propagation speed of the fields, which is the
speed of light.



2. Experimental verification of the FPS-theory

In Turtur (2000-2010), the author explains an energy cycle
between the electrostatic fields energy and the ZPE, as well as
an energy cycle between the magnetic field and the ZPE,
which is a consequence of the FPS-theory. If this consequence
is sensible and correct, it should be possible to drive an
electrostatic rotor (blue colour in Figure 2) permanently and
indefinitely just by putting electrical charge onto the field
source (disc in red colour in Figure 2). The initialisation of
the motion by charging the field source electrically, indeed
takes energy once which is necessary to load the capacitor,
consisting of the red and blue parts. After this initialisation,
the field source attracts the rotor will endlessly, and due to the
special geometry of the rotor-blades, this attractive force
causes an endless rotation of the blue rotor, not taking any
classical energy any further.
In reality the verification experiment has been performed in
a vacuum of about 102 6 mbar, in order to avoid gas
molecules, (of the air) transporting classical electrical energy
from the field source to the rotor, which is known as BiefildBrown effect. Nevertheless, the real existing isolation between
field source and rotor can never be absolutely perfect, so that
some electrical charge was lost from the field source. Finally
an electrical power of (2.97 ^ 0.89) nanoWatts had been
necessary (detected with a voltmeter and a picoamperemeter)
to maintain the electrical charge on the field-source, in order to
produce a mechanical power of (150 ^ 50) nanoWatts of the
rotation of the rotor, which was just enough to surmount the
forces of friction between the rotor and the vacuum oil, on
which the rotor was swimming inside the vacuum chamber.
If we would like to understand this within the terminology of
coefficient of performance of classical energy, we come to a
COP 5,050 per cent, indicating at least 147 nanoWatts had

x1,b t

called tb, the distance between Q1 and Q2 is jx2,b 2 x1,bj as

indicated by the green arrow. This is the distance to be
applied within Coulombs law for the calculation of
Coulombs force between Q1 and Q2.
But: the approach as described can only be applied as long
as we regard the electrostatic field to propagate with infinite
speed. In reality this is not the case. Following the theory of
relativity, in reality the electrostatic field propagates with the
speed of light. This leads us to the conception of the FPS of
the fields, explaining that the force of interaction in the reality
is different from the classical approximation following the
distance of the green arrow. This conception is first explained
by Lienard and Wiechert under the name of the retarded
potentials (Landau and Lifschitz , 1997), which leads us to
Figure 1.
At the moment of time ta, charge Q1 has been at the position
x1,a and charge Q2 has been at the position x2,a. At this moment
ta, charge Q1 had emitted its electric field into all directions of
space (see black arrows), one of them reaching Q2 at the moment
tb at which Q2 is at the position x2,b due to its motion. Thus, in
reality Q2 at x2,b and tb feels the Coulomb-force according to the
black arrow and not according to the green arrow. Analogously
we understand that Q1 at x1,b and tb feels the Coulomb-force
according to the purple arrow and not according to the green
arrow, because Q2 has to move from tx in the same time, when
the field of interaction has to move from tx to tb.
The consequence is that Newtons axiom actio reactio
is delayed in time, so the actio is to be regarded at a
different moment than reactio, but at one moment tb, force
and counter-force are not identically the same. But this is only
possible as soon as we get free from the old-fashioned static
approximation of Coulombs law, which did not take the
speed of the interacting partners into account. This means
that we have to introduce the motion of the interacting
partners into the position vectors within Coulombs law:

Figure 2 An electrostatic rotor as a possible setup for the conversion

of ZPE

q1 q2

~e ~ ~ ~ ~
4p 10 j~rx~1 ; x~2 ; v~ 1 ; v~ 2 ; t j2 r x1 ; x2 ; v1 ; v2 ; t

y x

Coulomb-force following Lienard-Wiecherts retarded potential


Thus, we see that the infinite speed of propagation of the

interacting field is a static approximation, whereas the finite



The ZPE of the quantum-vacuum

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal

Claus Wilhelm Turtur

Volume 85 Number 6 2013 493 496

been converted from the ZPE. But on the background of the

theory it is clear, that the 3 nanoWatts being lost, are due to the
imperfections of the real isolators in the experimental setup.

replaced by some others setup, which allows a very high speed

of the interacting partners. This can be realized with a magnet
rotating within a coil, and the electrical fields energy
oscillating within an LC-oscillation-circuit, as shown in
Figure 4.
The system as shown in Figure 4 was simulated theoretically
by solving the differential equations of its motion, connecting
the mechanical motion of the rotation of the magnet with the
motion of the electromagnetic field within the coil and the
capacitor. Surprisingly, the solutions of the differential
equations lead us to the conversion of ZPE even without
taking the finite speed of propagation of the fields into account
This can be possible, if we remember that the electrostatic
rotor of Figure 2 behaves similar: there, the finite speed of
propagation of the fields is included implicitly into Coulombs
law, which is proven by theoretical calculations. Obviously some
of the fundamental laws of classical electrodynamics (which are
verified many millions of times) contain the finite speed of
propagation of the fields implicitly in order to describe nature
properly. But it is not sure, that the laws of Biot-Savart and the
Lorentz-force applied for the computation of the setup
according to Figure 4, also contain the finite speed of
propagation of the fields implicitly. Consequently, the next
step of investigation should be: the FPS should be introduced
into the theoretical simulation of the system shown in Figure 4.
A design-example up to now was simulated on the computer
with a magnet of about 10 cm of diameter rotating within a coil
of about 15 15 cm, 30,100 round per minute, giving an
electrical power output of about 52 Watts and additionally a
mechanical power output of about 528 Watts about 580 Watts
in sum. If future theoretical simulations will show, that the FPS
has to be taken additionally into account, the rotation will have
to be much faster.
The system has got the name electromechanic double
resonance converter (EMDR), because the electric
resonance with in the LC-circuit and the mechanical motion
of the magnet on the one hand, have to be adjusted to the
propagation speed of the (magnetic) fields on the other hand.
The EMDR-converter can be one possible future experiment
for the validation of the theoretical concept of the FPS of the
fields (which is new here) explaining the conversion of ZPE.
A very first and rather easy experiment, to start with the
principle validation of the theoretical concept of the FPS of
the fields can be suggested according to the setup in Figure 5,
where two flexible membranes (plastic/rubber foils with
metallic cover) are made plates of a capacitor. An oscillation
of those capacitor-plates can be initiated by applying an ACvoltage, and as soon as the oscillation of the plates comes into
resonance with the propagation fields (of electrostatic
interaction between the plates), the setup should work
as a ZPE-converter. Of course, a (small) setup does not

3. Construction of a powerful ZPE-engine

An output-power of 150 nanoWatts is only a fundamental
scientific experiment, and a verification of the conversion of
ZPE, but the application is the clean energy-supply for
everybody. And this needs many powerful ZPE-engines. Such
devices must be developed (Turtur, 2010-2011). One possible
theoretical concept for this development is presented now,
resulting in an exemplary demonstration, how to develop
construction-plans of such an engine, which is designed to
produce a power density of several hundred Watts per liter of
Figure 3 shows a very simple setup for a very first approach
to the FSP-theory: two bodies m1 and m2 are mechanically
connected with each other by a coil spring. The bodies can be
brought into harmonic oscillation. If the bodies are charged
up electrically, or if they are replaced by permanent magnets,
the oscillation will no longer be harmonic, due to the
additional electrostatic or magnetic force. But: as long as the
finite speed of propagation of the fields is not taken into
account, this means as long as the situation is regarded
statically with the approximation of infinitely fast fields, the
classical energy (consisting of kinetic energy, potential energy
of the spring and fields energy) is constant.
But if the FPS of the fields is being taken into account, the
force of electrostatic or magnetic interaction is reduced, as
soon as the bodies move towards each, and on the other hand,
the force of interaction is enhanced, as soon as the bodies
move away from each other, within their oscillation.
This means, that the attractive magnetic force during the
period of the contraction of the spring is smaller than the
attractive magnetic force during the period of the extraction of
the spring both due to the finite speed of the motion of the
magnets. Consequently, the compression of the spring is less
strong than the extraction of the spring, so that the amplitude
of the oscillation is growing during time, being supported
from an invisible source of energy permanently. And from
theory, this source of energy is to be known as the ZPE
of the electromagnetic waves of the quantum-vacuum
(Turtur, 2010-2011).
Nevertheless, the power being converted from the quantumvacuum is very small, namely in the range of some picoWatts,
which is about the same order of magnitude as the MITpublication reported above. The problem is that the speed of
motion of the interacting partners must be somehow
comparable to the speed of propagation of the interacting
fields (i.e. the speed of light) in order to convert a remarkable
amount of conversion of ZPE. Therefore, the setup must be
Figure 3 Two oscillating bodies with interacting field as a very simple
approach to FPS-theory
mass m1
deflection x1
velocity v1

Figure 4 Possible setup of a powerful magnetic ZPE-motor


Line of Symmetry
in the middle

mass m2
deflection x2
velocity v2


The ZPE of the quantum-vacuum

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal

Claus Wilhelm Turtur

Volume 85 Number 6 2013 493 496

Further work

Figure 5 Possible setup for a first and simple verification-experiment of

the theoretical concept of the FPS of the fields

In order to explain some ideas how the ZPE research work could
be continued in future, if somebody has the possibilities, to
develop the new clean ZPE source for mankind, the author
published a scientific plan (Turtur, 2012).

plastic frame

foil with metallic



without voltage

Landau, L.D. and Lifschitz, E.M. (1997), Lehrbuch der

Theoretischen Physik, Band 2, Klassische Feldtheorie, 12th ed.,
Harri Deutsch Verlag, Frankfurt.
Santhanam, P., Gray, D.J. and Ram, R.J. (2012),
Thermoelectrically pumped light-emitting diodes
operating above unity efficiency, Physical Review Letters,
Vol. 108, p. 097403.
Turtur, C.W. (2000-2010), Conversion of the Vacuum-Energy of
Electromagnetic Zero-Point Oscillations into Classical Mechanical
Energy, Living Review, available at:
Turtur, C.W. (2010-2011), Utilization of Vacuum-Energy:
Theoretical Fundament and Explanation of the ZPE-Motor,
Living Review, available at:
Turtur, C.W. (2012), Research Concept Zero Point Energy,
available at:

with voltage

produce much power (a computation was simulated in the

range of few picoWatts), but the detection of this power
makes the simplicity of the setup: if the geometrical
dimensions of the capacitor and the membranes (with their
spring-constant) is adjusted in appropriate manner to each
other and to the distance of the fields in propagation, the
working-frequency of the system can be some kiloHertz, so
that the setup works in the range of an acoustic signal, which
can be heard directly with our human ears. The sensitivitylimit of human ears is an acoustic intensity of 102 12 Watts/
m2, and the size of the ears is not more than several cm2, so
that the lower limit of power-sensitivity is about several
102 16. . .102 15 Watts. This should give a good chance to
detect ZPE-conversion in a rather efficient way.

Web sites



The ZPE of the quantum-vacuum is an interesting new source

of energy, clean, inexpensive and inexhaustible, which could
in principle be used by everybody for free solving our
energy-problem completely. There are some ZPE-motors
already existing on our earth, which will hopefully be made
available for everybody in future.
The author of the paper presents a fundamental theory of
utilising ZPE, which can be understood as the concept of the
FPS of the fields, causing a retardation of the fundamental
interactions of nature, dependent on trajectories of the
partners of interaction.

Corresponding author
Claus Wilhelm Turtur can be contacted at: c-w.turtur@

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