GIZ Newsletter 2-2014 en

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No. 2 | December 2014

GIZ Ukraine - Energy Efficiency in Municipalities

Dear readers,

01 | Editorial

the resolve of municipalities to increase energy efficiency becomes apparent

among other things in the growing network of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM)
signatories in Ukraine. Only during last year 6 of our Projects partner cities
joined this initiative. This newsletter provides you information on the CoM and
its key document the Sustainable Energy Action Plan.
We would also like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy, peaceful
and prosperous new year!
Your Energy Efficiency in Municipalities Team
European Union is leading the fight
against climate change and committed itself to reduce its overall emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) by
at least 20 % by 2020. Cities play a
key role in the achievement of the
EUs energy and climate objectives.
The Covenant of Mayors (CoM) is a
voluntary initiative that unites local
and regional authorities in fighting
against climate change. By signing
the CoM adhesion municipalities
commit themselves to reaching the
common CO2 reduction goal.
The first adhesion to the CoM was
made in 2008 by the English city
Newcastle upon Tyne. Until today almost 5.500 local authorities joined
the initiative. The profile of signatories is very different, from small
towns with population up to 5.000 to
big metropolises like London, Paris
Barcelona, etc. By now there are even
more than 150 signatories outside
the EU and more than 80 in Ukraine.

02 | Topic of the issue

The Covenant of Mayors
and Sustainable Energy
Action Plan

Sustainable Energy Action Plan

By signing the CoM municipalities
commit themselves to preparing
the Sustainable Energy Action Plan
(SEAP) within one year from the
adhesion. SEAP consists of Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and
an action plan with activities conducing to a 20 % CO2 reduction by
The first step is to set up the
baseline year for emission inventory. The recommended baseline
year is 1990, but if local authority
does not have enough data on that
year, it should choose the closest subsequent year with available
data. BEI must cover at least three
out of four key sectors transport,
municipal buildings, tertiary buildings and residential buildings. For
the development of BEI, a sufficient
data on energy consumption must
be available.
Data can be obtained from different sources. Especially for public

No. 2| December 2014 | GIZ Ukraine - Energy Efficiency in Municipalities | Page 1

giz energyefficiency 2014









Kryvyi Rih








Status of SEAP preparation in the Project's partner municipalities-CoM signatories

Action Plan
n ready

Ministry of Regional Development,
Construction, Housing and Municipal
Economy of Ukraine
9, Velyka Zhytomyrska St.
01025 Kyiv, Ukraine
T +380 44 278 8290
F +380 44 278 8390
Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Energy Efficiency in Municipalities
15, Khreschatyk St., office 69
01001 Kyiv, Ukraine
T +380 44 279 1726
F +380 44 279 1729
Editor in charge:
Svitlana Chebotaryova
giz energyefficiency 2014

n in preparation

n not started

buildings, local authorities often

keep sufficient statistics on energy
consumption for buildings they own.
Data on energy consumption can be
obtained also from energy providing companies (heat, electricity,
etc.). In many European countries,
legislation dictates energy suppliers to provide data on energy consumption to owners. The data on
energy consumption for residential
buildings can be obtained also by
conducting a poll in a sufficient
number of households.
As for the data on energy consumption in transport it can be
acquired by combining information
from statistics (average fuel consumption) and monitoring of the
burden of roads in the defined area.
Public lighting is often regulated
by the total annual consumption of
electric energy per resident. Consequently, the data on consumption
of electric energy for public lighting must be available.
After the completion of BEI, the action plan follows in which at least
two out of four key sectors must be
included. One of the most important issues for the success of the
action plan is the political support
and the willingness to implement
activities stated in the plan by the
local authority.
Along with defining activities for
reducing CO2 emissions, also financial sources and a proper timetable
for implementation must be specified. The basic financial source for
activities stated in the action plan
is the local budget. But in most
cases, local authority doesnt possess enough financial resources
for realization of all activities. In

this case it tries obtaining financial resources from elsewhere, like

national funding, European funding,
Energy Performance Contracting,
ESCO model, etc.
After submission of the SEAP, the
commission of the CoM evaluates
the document and in case it does
not meet the requirements, the
recommendations for adjustments
follow. Once the SEAP is confirmed
by the CoM commission it is available for download on the CoM web
site. In addition, the actual implementation of the SEAP is ensured
by the biannual submission of a
monitoring report.
Benefits of the CoM
Joining the Covenant of Mayors
provides both social and economic
benefits for municipalities. It creates a better image for the local
community and allows for obtaining
a clear picture on energy consumption and respective energy cost.
Moreover, authorities committed to reduction of CO2 emissions
have also better access to different financial resources (national,
European, etc.). There are many
European programs providing financial support, like JASPERS,
European Regional Development
Fund, etc. There are also special
European supporting programs
for Ukraine, like Macro-Financial
Assistance (MFA) programme for
Ukraine, State Building Contract
Programme, etc.
Botjan Krajnc,
Director of Energy Agency KSSENA,

No. 2 | Decemberl 2014 | GIZ Ukraine - Energy Efficiency in Municipalities | Page 2

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