Fitness and Health 2015

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Friday, January 16, 2015

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Friday, January 16, 2015 |

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Start the new year off running right

A beginners guide
to running

Not much of a skill set

is required to be a runner;
just start running or if that
seems a bit daunting begin
aybe it was discov- by alternating walking and
running. If you havent
ering that your
done any exercise at all,
favorite jeans no
begin by walking a minute
longer fit or findand running a minute. On
ing yourself getting out
your first outing you might
of breath from shoveling
only total five minutes of
snow or discovering that
your cholesterol numbers
In the first days, you
were higher than the batmight walk one day and
ting averages of most Dethen walk/run the next.
troit Tigers.
A daily running program
If this sounds like your
follows a hard/easy/hard
situation, you dont need
sequence. After a hard efa doctor to tell you that
fort that stresses your body,
remedying this would
take a day to recover since
mean changes in diet and
the extra effort creates
small muscle tears which
Making changes in diet
need a day to reknit into
can be a fairly complex
stronger muscle enabling
operation. Developing an
better performance. Thats
exercise program is much
simpler. And when it comes why one can continue to
increase the work load by
to burning calories, its
hard to beat running. Even adding more minutes of
running and lengthening
if youre just jogging, you
the running intervals.
can knock off 500-700 caloKeeping adding minutes of
ries an hour.
walking and running until
To get started all thats
needed is a pair of running you can stay out for at least
30 minutes. The goal is to
shoes which will cost $80
to $100. You definitely want reach the point where you
running shoes ones spe- can run continuously for
cifically made for running, the full half-hour.
Initially running isnt
not cross trainers, tennis
shoes, or other athletic foot- fun. Youre breathing hard,
and your legs ache. That
wear. Although there are
extra effort is torching
cheaper ones sold as running shoes, those who plan
to run, especially if theyre
older, need the mid-sole
cushioning, heel support,
and motion control features
that come with quality
running shoes. A good pair
will carry you through 500
miles of running. As a beginner, dont worry about
buying specialized running
apparel, most of whats
needed shorts, T-shirts,
sweatshirts, hats, gloves, a
windbreaker you probably already own. A pair of calories, but for many the
nylon wind pants might be best part of the run comes
the only clothing item that when its done. Dont be
discouraged. It gets better.
needs to be purchased.
Repeated runs causes your
Its hard to make an excuse for not having time to heart and circulatory sysrun since most only have to tem to make adjustments as
new capillaries are formed,
step out the door to begin
the workout. And it doesnt enabling your heart to
take long, 30 minutes a day work more efficiently. This
means it becomes easier to
is adequate and you can
breathe and your legs wont
even run a good 5k time
be so sore. As your body
with just a daily half-hour
adapts youll find that you
By Dave Foley
Special to the Cadillac News

Dave Foley | Special to the

Cadillac News

Setting a goal of
running in a 5K
race can help you
stay on a regular
running program.

can run more easily with

less effort. Thats when you
add a few minutes to your
workout and pick up the
A good way to insure that
your running program continues is to set a goal. For
some it is to extend runs

The harder you

run, the more
you burn.
Thats a fact.
so that eventually one can
do the 7.1 mile loop around
Lake Cadillac. Another
is to complete a 5K race.
Two popular local runs are
Cadillacs Memorial Day
Stride for Strive 5K or Lake
Citys Greatest Fourth in
the North 5K.
The harder you run, the
more calories you burn.
Thats a fact.
Run for an hour at an
11-minute-per-mile pace

the #1

and you burn around 550

calories. Move the pace up
to 8 minutes per mile and
you shed 825 calories.
Improvement comes
when you run at a rate
that is mildly uncomfortable and your breathing
becomes slightly labored.
Those seeking the best level
of racing fitness will do
some hard running becoming disciples of the no
pain no gain principle.
But be careful. If youre
going to run hard, be sure
you are coming off a day of
easy running and just add a
minute or two to what had
been your recent hardest
Much has been written
about stretching. For many
years, all the literature
produced on the subject,
implored athletes to do a
series of stretches before
they began their workouts.
Recent research has found
that stretching has no
real effect on performance
or injury prevention. A
major study conducted at
Ball State University even
discovered that those who
stretched before running
hard, actually ran slightly
less fast than those who did

no stretching. While it may

be OK to leave the stretching until after the run, it is
important to begin a run
by jogging slowly for a few
minutes to warm up the
When it comes to eating
and running, theres a few
ideas to keep in mind. Food
does take some time to digest. Thats why its best to
wait at least an hour after
eating a meal before you
lace up your running shoes
and head out the door. Running on a full stomach can
create cramps and an unpleasant heavy feeling. On
the other hand, you need
the energy food provides to
run, so dont go on a starvation diet. If you cut out the
junk food, and second helpings, and eat a balanced
diet, running should help
you whittle away excess
pounds. Running, I often
tell people, allows me to
continue to eat in the lifestyle that I have grown accustomed to.
Well, there it is, kind of a
Beginners guide to running. All thats left is for
you to summon the will to
take those first steps out
the door.


OK, you
conquered a 5K,
heres how you
win it or at
least run a faster
time. See page 2
5K too easy?
Time to train for
a marathon.
See page 3
Over did it?
Dont worry, we
have tips on how
to recover.
See page 4
Want to improve
your overall
fitness? Want
See page 5


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cadillac news | Trusted. Local. Connected | FriDay, January 16, 2015

A simple training plan to run a faster 5k race

By Dave Foley
Special to the Cadillac News

Running and finishing a

5 kilometer race (thats 3.1
miles to the non-metrical
mind) is a relatively easy
goal to achieve.
Three days a week jogging at an easy pace for a
half-hour should do the
trick. For those seeking
faster times and maybe
the possibility of winning
an age group medal, more
time and effort is required.
Start by scheduling runs
five days a week; if you can
run every day, thats even
If youre motivated, work
up to where your longest
run becomes a 5-miler. Do
this at a pace thats slightly
beyond your comfort zone.
This will give you both
the confidence and the leg
strength to run more competitively.
Not only are your legs
getting stronger, your
heart is as well which gives
your lungs more capacity.
That will become apparent
as you discover that you
are able to run faster and
farther without getting
out of breath. The long
run is the first component
of every racers training
The next facet is speed.
Youll need and want it at
the end of a race when you
summon all you have left
for one final frantic rush
to the finish. Less obvious
but even more vital, speed
work done in training
strengthens your legs so
they can hold a faster pace
during the race.
Speed work in training
can be done by running
200s or 400s on a track or it
can easily be accomplished
on a road or trail by doing
one-, two-, or three-minute
accelerations which can
range from an all-out

Ben Boyce | Special to the Cadillac News

Although you may not be among the race leaders, you will surprised at the improvement that comes when your training includes some longer and faster runs.
sprint to a faster-than-normal pick up. Each of these
intervals will quickly push
your heart rate way up and
make your legs burn.
Yes, its a bit painful, but
it trains you to run faster
and thats what makes for
successful racing. Speed
work is tough on the legs
and should only be done
once a week. However,
youll discover that as your
body adapts, you can add
a couple more minutes of
fast running to each weekly workout.
Your training plan now
includes two hard sessions a week a long run
and speed work. A dose of
hill work would be a good
final objective. You might
wonder why you need to
run hills if you only plan
to run on flat race courses,
such as those along the
shore of Lake Cadillac
or in Lake City. Running
up an incline builds leg
strength and increases
stamina. I used to have my
Cadillac cross country and
track teams do hill work
every week on North Street
Hill near McKinley School.
You cant fake it on hills;

If youre looking
for a best effort
on race day, the
time to start
training is now.
January is not
too early to start
preparing for a
spring race.
every run up is painful.
The extra effort needed for
climbing builds mental fortitude as well as physical
strength. Running downhill helps one to lengthen
their stride as well learn
to run fast without losing
Of course, theres other
options besides North
Street. In selecting a hill
find one that has some

steepness and offers 200 to

400 yards of climbing.
Start with two or three
runs to the top and gradually, over time, as your
body adjusts to the stress,
increase the number of
There you have it, three
workouts a long run,
some speed and hills, the
keys to success in racing.
These hard sessions alter-

nate with days of easy jogging. The slow running allows your body to recover.
When you begin to increase your training load,
you increase the likelihood
of developing an overuse
injury. After a hard workout, expect stiffness for one
to two days in your quadriceps (upper legs) and
perhaps calf muscles. If
muscles are equally stiff in
both legs, that is normal.
Conditioning involves
creating micro muscle
tears which knit together
making you stronger. If the
stiffness is unequal in both
legs or you have pain in a
specific muscle or joint,
you need to pay attention.
The cause is probably overuse and the best prescription is rest. Take a couple
days off and then try some
easy running. If there is
still soreness, go with another couple days off.
Most running injuries
will heal if the painful area
is not stressed. You may
be able to run, even with a
little pain, but if the pain
gets worse you must stop.
For blisters use Moleskin, Second Skin or other

blister coverings. Stop running when you feel a hot

spot. A full blown blister
may end your running until it heals.
As your conditioning
improves,you might want
to try a time trial. Measure
a three mile course. Car
odometers are notoriously
inaccurate. If using GPS
units, measure a couple
times since these units
may vary from day to day.
A calibrated bike computer
may be the most accurate.
Once you have a course
with the mile and two-mile
points marked, run the
route at your best effort.
That will give you an idea
of how to pace yourself
on the day of the race. Although you may run slightly faster on race day, most
runners make the mistake
of letting their adrenalin
take charge causing them
to start out too fast and
then later are slowed by
If youre looking for a
best effort on race day, the
time to start training is
now. January is not too
early to start preparing for
a spring race.

Feeling ill? Sneezing, runny nose? Could be a cold, could be allergies

How to tell if
what has you
down is a cold
or allergies
By Danielle Braff
Tribune news service

If your common cold

has been hanging around
for more than a week, it
may not be a cold at all. It
might actually be an allergy disguised as a cold.
Dr. Stanley Goldstein,
director of Allergy and
Asthma Care of Long Island, in New York, said fall
and winter allergies are
just as common as spring
and summer allergies.
Whats different about
the allergies this time of
year, he added, is that most
people simply dont know
they have them.
These just dont bring
patients out of the woodwork, complaining because
many of them are just living with them, Goldstein
said. If you walk around
congested very early in
life, you dont realize what
it means to feel normal.
Or many people may
simply think that theyre
getting a cold over and
over and over again, said
Tonya Winders, president
and chief executive officer
of the Allergy & Asthma
Network Mothers of Asthmatics, based in Virginia.
The most confusing
aspect of telling the difference is that the symptoms
are so similar, Winders
Airborne allergies and
common colds both can
produce coughs, sneezing,
a stuffy nose and a runny
nose, she said.
But there are a few differences.
A cold should last less
than 7 to 10 days, while
seasonal allergies tend
to last through the entire
season. The allergy usually
will start at the onset of
the season, while the cold
could begin at any time,
Winders said.

Other ways to tell them

apart would be that a cold
may start with a sore
throat and may be accompanied by a low-grade fever
or body aches, while recurrent colds that arent associated with a fever would
be allergies, said Dr. Cristina Porch-Curren, allergist
with Coastal Allergy Care
in California.
Itchy eyes or an itchy
nose or both also
would be hints that the ailment actually may be an

allergy, said Dr. Timothy

Craig, professor of medicine and pediatrics at Penn
State University College of
Thus seasonal distribution, sneezing and itchy
eyes often point toward allergies, Craig said.
Winders suggests seeing
a primary care physician
who can point you in the
right direction, and if
over-the-counter allergy
medications dont work,
then an allergist can do a

full work-up to figure out

exactly which allergies are
triggering a reaction.
Even those who havent
had allergies in the past
could be subject to new fall
or winter allergies, Winders said.
We know that allergies change and develop
over time because theyre
driven by exposure, so you
have to be exposed to the
allergen more than one
time to have that allergy,
she said.

Keep Your Hearing in Great Shape

Hormones or relocation also can play a role in

later allergy onsets that
cause more than 50 million
Americans to suffer from
some form of allergies,
and that number has been
increasing since the 1980s,
according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
In the fall, the most
common allergy is hay
fever, which is caused by
ragweed, while winter allergies tend to be to mold,

dust, mites and animals

because people spend
more time inside in small
spaces, Winders said, adding that these allergies
are more common in the
parts of the United States
that have more dramatic
seasonal differentials, such
as the Northeast and Midwest.
Where theres a very
significant fall and a defined winter, youll see
more seasonal allergies,
Winders said.

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775-NEWS (6397)

Friday, January 16, 2015 |

cadillac news | Trusted. Local. Connected


Would you like to run a marathon? Heres how

By Dave Foley
Special to the Cadillac News

Marathoners from the Cadillac area

Running a marathon may

seem a bit daunting; to cover the 26.2 mile marathon
distance is like running
from Cadillac to Reed City.
Yet dozens of Cadillac area runners count
themselves as finishers.
As all runners soon learn,
it doesnt matter if youve
run a dozen road races,
havent missed a daily run
for six months, or average
60 miles of running a week
nothing establishes your
running credentials like
being able to say youve run
a marathon. Conversations
that begin with Oh, youre
a runner, are almost invariably followed by, Have
you ever run a marathon?
First-time marathoners
usually have goals that can
be categorized as either
finishing it or surviving it.
Survivors attempt 26-milers typically with little or
no serious preparation.
They train minimally and
on race day suffer mightily.
Doing a painful walk/run
through the final miles not
only is a wretched experience for the runner, but is
viewed with a feeling more
akin to pity than admiration by the spectator.
Yet marathoning need not
be a physically or emotionally punishing venture.
With solid preparation and
a reasonable race plan, a
26.2 mile race can be a challenging as well as enjoyable
Having some experience
with races is a prerequisite
to marathoning. Completing a longer race, perhaps
a half-marathon, will be a

Molly Kidner
Paul King
Thomas Edward King Jr 2:51:13
Kristopher Krannitz
I have been seeking the names of
Ted Kushion
those in the Cadillac area who have run
Mark Lanser
marathons. I know I have missed some,
Sue Lanser
but this should be a good representation
Jamie LeMay
of those who have gone the distance.
Cara Colasaco-Lindamood
In the list Ive noted those with the
Brooks Lucas marathon at end of
fastest best times under three-andaIronman Traithlon
half hours for women which is an
Brent McCumber 2:50:48
8-minute-minute mile; three hours for
Eric McCumber 2:48
men which is under 7 minutes per mile
Beth Menz
as well as those who have run more
Ricky Odette
than 10 marathons or completed ultra
Tasha OMalley 11 marathons
marathons (50K to 50 miles). In addtion
I list those who have run a marathon
Kyle ONeil
when they were over the age of 50.
Ashley Otto
Ella MacLean
Linda Anderson
Gus Meyjes
Elizabeth Baller
Sandy Morse
Susan Betts-Barbus
Jim Neff
Steve Barbus
Doug Nelson
Kayla Barnes
Deb Pearson
Stacy Baron
Monica Pearson
Amy Bigger
Danielle Bundy-Pettengill
Sharon Birkhold
Tom Pierson
Bobbi Blackman
Holly Poag plus a 50K
Micelle Brines 3:27
Hugh Potter
Megan Meyering Brinks
Phil Potvin Jr 50Ks to 100-milers
Meg Stall-Center
Tim Reume
Larry Cherven 10 marathons; last
Cathy Risley
one in his 50s
Hank Risley 35 to 45 marathons, 4 to
Sara Colecchio
Charlier Decker ran Boston Mara- 5 ultamarathons; 2:44
Joe Santangelo more than 10 ulthon at age 61
Kevin Decker
Erin Koester-Schneider
Laurie Decker 3:01:27
Matt Schneider 10 marathons plus
Sean Derby
Janie DuPont
Jessica Schwartz
Lois Durham
Katie Schwartz
Brian Elenbaas 2:57
Jerry Sinkel
Ron Ensing 2:34
Greg Sluiter 2:56.40
Chad Essenmacher
Mike Smith plus a 50K
Andrea Miller-Finnerty
Bill Spurgeon
Dave Foley 20 marathons, 2
Heather McRoberts-Szabo plus a 50k
50-milers; 2:25:10
Jamie Swiger
Johanna Gomez
Leslie Thompson
Renee Gussert 3:27
Kristen Halladay-Tonello
Brian Heeringa
Kamie Wade marathon at end of
Gloria Herringa
Iron man Triathlon
Lisa Simmons-McClure- Hopkins
Gretchen Rieser-Walsh 14 mara Katy Huckle
thons; 3:30
Chris Hummel
Mary Whitley
Lee Jones
Forrest Williams
Cynthia Kelly
Kasnadra Grant-Wrangler
Andy Kibbe
By Dave Foley
Special to the Cadillac News

Dave Foley | Special to the Cadillac News

Tasha OMalley, who has run 11 marathons, averaged 7:10 per mile
in her best run of 3:07.
to 50 miles per week during
the last month-and-a-half,
which includes a weekly
run of at least 15 miles. The
long run is the cornerstone
of any training program.
Completing approximately
three 20-mile runs in the
six weeks before the race
is probably the most valuable aspect of the training.
Physiologically, the body
needs to adapt to the rigors
brought about by 3 to

take your current running

schedule and add one or
two miles to lengthen this
weekly run until you are
covering 20 miles. Pace is
also learned on the long
run. After several extended
runs, youll begin to get an
idea of just how fast youll
be able to go in a marathon.
Time your runs. It is unlikely that you will exceed
your practice 20-miler
pace by more than a min-

The long run should be viewed

as the highlight of your
training week, rather than
obligatory drudgery.
good indicator of how well
your legs will handle the
stress of a longer event. It
will also give you a preview
of the emotional highs and
lows that one feels during
an extended competition.
The decision to run a
marathon should be made
months before race day.
Assuming one has already
been running regularly, a
minimum of three months
are required to specifically
prepare for a marathon.
Mileage should reach 35

scenic and avoiding busy

thoroughfares can enhance
the experience. Running
with others is frequently
preferable to training alone
ute per mile on race day.
5 hours of continuous
These runs should tire you as long as you cover the disrunning. The long run
tance at a reasonable pace.
but not leave you feeling
strengthens leg muscles,
A sensible strategy is to
ragged. The purpose of the
builds the cardiovascular
run the first 20 miles of a
system, and helps the body long runs is to gradually
marathon at a pace no faststrengthen rather than
become adept at metabobring on injuries. Plan on at er than 30 seconds ahead of
lizing glycogen and fats
the per mile rate that you
least one and probably two
your stored energy fuel
easy days of jogging follow- did in practice long runs.
for running. If the body is
Ninety percent of runners
unable to efficiently utilize ing a long run.
run the first miles of the
The long run should be
these fats or depletes its enmarathon faster than the
ergy stores too quickly, then viewed as the highlight of
your training week, rather last miles. Be cautious in
that fatiguing state known
your first marathon. If you
as hitting the wall occurs. than obligatory drudgery.
feel fresh and exuberant at
Planning your route with
To incorporate the long
the 20-mile split on race day,
an eye toward making it
run into your training,

you can always increase

your speed. Going out too
fast usually results in a
painful finish.
Train in the hard/easy
mode if you run hard
one day, take it easy the
next. Trying to run your
best every day is a sure
way to get injured. If your
muscles are still stiff after
a day of easy jogging, skip
the hard workout and go
easy for a day or take a day
off. Try for two good workouts a week. Count the long
run as one, then include
a hard run of 5 to 7 miles
and feel free to include
some fast surges. You can

substitute for the hard run

by participating in a race.
If you can handle two hard
workouts a week, you might
add a third by running up
and down some hills. If
your marathon course is on
rolling terrain, this is recommended.
The great thing about
running a marathon is that
great athletic talent is not
needed; perseverance is
the key to marathon success. Just get out there day
after day, put in the miles,
and you will be amazed at
how it easy it was to finish
a marathon and actually
have fun doing it.

Shape up: Hot fitness trends for 2015

most popular fitness class,
is passe. No. 9 in ACSMs
survey in 2012, Zumba fell
to 34 this year.
The hottest fitness
Body weight training
trends for 2015 are body
is resistance training
weight training and high
intensity interval training, in which you use your
own weight, rather than
according to the ninth annual survey of 3,400 health barbells, dumbbells,
kettlebells or exercise maand fitness professionals
chines, to build muscle and
worldwide by the Ameristrength. The most familcan College of Sports
iar examples are pushups,
pullups and burpees (squat
Yoga is the most poputhrusts to Army and Malar specialty class, with
rine veterans).
Bikram yoga (26 postures
High intensity interval
performed over 90 minutes
training, also known as
in a hot room) especially
in vogue. Zumba, once the HIIT, involves short bursts
By Jack Kelly
Tribune News Service


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of intense activity, followed by brief periods of

rest. You can burn more
fat and build more muscle
in the half hour or less it
takes to perform a typical HIIT routine than you
can in an hour or more of
conventional aerobic or resistance training, multiple
studies have shown.
Japanese researcher
Izumi Tabata demonstrated that in his Tabata
routine, 20 seconds of allout cycling, followed by 10
seconds of slow peddling,
repeated for four minutes
increased VO2 max (maximal aerobic capacity) as
much as did 45 minutes of
long, slow cardio.
Youre burning fat long
after youve left the gym,
because HIIT raises your
metabolic rate and keeps

At the


Jeff Verszyla,
one of the
weather forecasters at KDKA,
works out at
the Oxford
Athletic Club in
Pine Township,
Pa. There is a
high intensity
interval training
boxing class at
the gym.
it high for many hours.
A Tabata routine burns
fat almost exclusively, not
both fat and muscle, as
conventional cardio exercises tend to do.

means more.

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A typical Tabata routine

consists of a 5-minute
warm-up, a 4-minute
all-out cycle, 2 minutes
of rest, followed by another 4-minute cycle with
a different exercise, and a
5-minute cool down. Another popular HIIT workout is Crossfit.
Psychotherapist Kevin
Caridad, 38, said hes lost
40 pounds since he began
taking Tabata classes.
Boxing is a popular HIIT
class at Doughertys athletic club. Students spar
with the Boxmaster, an exercise machine that costs
nearly $15,000, not with
each other.
Boxing stimulates all
muscle groups, provides
both aerobic and anaerobic training, can burn up
to 1,000 calories an hour.
Boxing is empowering

for women, said Jackie

Frederick, the fitness and
wellness director who
teaches it. You feel better
after you hit something.
HIIT works in part because people tend to push
their bodies harder when
they know its just for a
short time, Frederick
Though HIIT is a demonstrably superior way to
build muscle, burn fat and
increase cardiovascular
endurance, its hard to do,
can be dangerous for those
who are out of shape or
have health problems.
If that describes you, a
kinder, gentler cousin of
HIIT is making a comeback. Circuit training 6
to 10 exercises performed
with brief rests in between
is 14th in this survey, up
from 18 last year.


775-NEWS (6397)

cadillac news | Trusted. Local. Connected | FriDay, January 16, 2015

How to deal with post exercise muscle stiffness

By Dave Foley
Special to the Cadillac News

You dont have to have

athletic aspirations to
wind up with sore muscles
after a workout.
An afternoon of splitting wood, a day of rabbit
hunting, or an outing on
cross country skis any
of these can leave you
moving about like the Tin
Woodsman of the Wizard
of Oz.
Ive been dealing with
muscle stiffness since I began running. On days after a good hard run, Ill be
doing the zombie shuffle
for about three days until I
loosen up again.
But after 40 years of running and doing various
other muscle-straining activities, Ive learned some
things about recovery that
I can share with you.
First of all, it starts and
ends with being hydrated.
Our bodies function better
when our muscles and tissues are lubricated.
If youre just taking it
easy and wont be breaking a sweat, just drinking
water is sufficient. But if
youre working hard, dont
wait until the workout is
done to start. Take in fluids before, during, as well
as, after exercising.
Consuming electrolytes
drinks, which contain
sodium, potassium, magnesium, along with carbohydrates and sweeteners
may be helpful in recovering after hard efforts.
But you may, especially if
theyre loaded with sugar,
drink down more calories
than you burned.
Be sure to have a snack.
To replenish glycogen
stores and sodium chloride (salt) depleted by a
workout, try to eat a snack
in the first hour after exercising. Strenuous activity
can suppress appetite.
However, recovery will be
better if something is eaten. Look for high quality

at every
session or a
lack of rest
days can
plan and
stymie your

The stretching motions of yoga helps loosen stressed muscles.

protein and complex carbohydrates such as cheese
and crackers, apple and
peanut butter or trail mix.
Snacking on salty foods,
like pretzels or chips, will
replenish sodium chloride.
Take time to stretch.
Yes, I know stretching
before exercising has been
proven to be not so helpful,
but after the workout
thats the time to do some
gentle stretching. Go with
static stretches which
will relax muscles, reduce
injury risk, and keep your
core temperature down.
Easy, gentle movement improves circulation which
promotes nutrient and
waste product transport
through the body.
Studies have shown that
post workout stretching

may even improve performance.

The best recovery plan
may be to do nothing. Give
your tired and stressed
muscles time to recover.
Take a day off running
and instead go for a bike
ride. Often in the days
after a hard run, I can be
found in a kayak or canoe
paddling on a lake giving
my upper body a good
workout while my legs
take a break.
Though there are conflicting studies about massage helping recovery, it
does seem to loosen tight
muscles. In addition, tissue that has been worked
on shows less damage and
inflammation. Although
massage therapists may
be most effective, self-massage may be an acceptable

largely responsible for tissue growth and repair.

You can minimize the
sore muscle problem by
not overdoing it. That
New Years resolution
to exercise daily needs a
Dave Foley | Special to the Cadillac News gentle roll out. Ease into
that marathon training
program. Dont try to do
it all on the first month.
Some prefer to use conalternative. Using a foam
trast water therapy where Increase the intensity and
roller can be a helpful,
duration of your workout
cold and heat are alteralbeit painful means, of
gradually. Heavy training
nated two minutes unloosening tight muscles.
at every session or a lack
der hot water in a shower
Then theres the option
then shifting to 30 seconds of rest days can underof taking an ice bath.
mine your fitness plan
of cold. Repeat this four
Diving into a cold lake,
times allowing a minute of and stymie your recovery
sliding into an bathtub
moderate water between
filled with ice cubes, or
Succeeding with recovmassaging your skin with extremes. Advocates
ery means listening to
ice wrapped in a towel will of this theory point to
evidence that repeatedly
instantly take your mind
your body. Feeling tired or
off whatever exercise you constricting and dilating
sore or a decrease in perblood vessels helps remove formance are indicators
did and it may help speed
and flush out waste prodyour recovery.
that more recovery time is
ucts in the tissues.
Because I live on a lake,
needed. It might be best to
All studies emphasize
cold water recovery is a
take some time off. On the
the value of sleep. And,
real possibility for me. I
other hand, you might feel
Im a firm believer that
may dive in during the
energized the day after
a hard workout earns
summer or even wade
a hard workout. In that
you the right to a goods
around in the shallows in
case go ahead and put in
the spring or fall when the nights sleep. Not only
another strong effort. If
does that feel good, but
waters cold, but I havent
you pay attention, in most
while youre slumbergotten up the nerve to imcases, your body will let
ing your body produces
merse myself in a bath of
you know what it needs,
growth hormone which is and when it needs it.
ice cubes yet.

Scientific team sounds the alarm on sugar as a source of disease

many products, one average American breakfast of
cereal would likely exceed
Is sugar making us sick? a reasonable daily limit.
SugarScience shows
A team of scientists at
that a calorie is not a
the University of Califorcalorie but rather that
nia in San Francisco believes so, and theyre doing the source of a calorie
determines how its mesomething about it. They
tabolized, said pediatric
launched an initiative to
bring information on food endocrinologist Robert
and drink and added sugar Lustig, a member of the
SugarScience team and
to the public by reviewing
the author of Fat Chance:
more than 8,000 scientific
Beating the Odds Against
papers that show a strong
link between the consump- Sugar, Processed Food,
Obesity, and Disease.
tion of added sugar and
Lustig said that more than
chronic diseases.
half of the U.S. populaThe common belief
tion is sick with metabolic
until now was that sugar
syndrome, a group of risk
just makes us fat, but its
factors for chronic diseases
become clear through resuch as heart disease, diasearch that its making us
betes and liver disease that
sick. For example, theres
are directly related to the
the rise in fatty-liver
excessive consumption of
disease, the emergence
added sugars in the Westof Type 2 diabetes as an
ern diet.
epidemic in children and
Figures from the Centhe dramatic increase in
ters for Disease Control
metabolic disorders.
and Prevention show the
Laura Schmidt, a UCSF
category of heart attack/
professor at the School
stroke as the leading cause
of Medicine and the lead
investigator on the project, of death in the United
States. Every day, 2,200
SugarScience, said the
idea is to make the findings Americans die of cardiovascular disease. Thats
comprehensible and clear
about 800,000 a year, or one
to everyone. The results
will be available to all on a in three deaths.
The latest statistics from
website (
and social media platforms the American Diabetes
like Facebook and Twitter. Association show that 29.1
million Americans, or 9.3
Added sugars, Schmidt
percent, have diabetes. Of
said, are sugars that dont
that number, 21 million
occur naturally in foods.
have been diagnosed and
They are found in 74 percent of all packaged foods, 8.1 million have not, and
the numbers continue to
have 61 names and often
are difficult to decipher on grow, according to the association.
food labels. Although the
It doesnt stop there. The
U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires food American Liver Foundation says at least 30 million
companies to list ingreAmericans, or 1 in 10, has
dients on packaging, the
one of 100 kinds of liver
suggested daily values of
natural and added sugars
Clinicians widely believe
cant be found.
that obesity is the cause
The FDA is considering
of metabolic disease. Ala proposal to require food
though it is a marker for
manufacturers to list information on sugars in the these diseases, Lustig said,
its not the cause. Too
same way they do for fats,
cholesterol, sodium, carbo- much sugar causes chronic
metabolic disease in both
hydrates and protein. But
fat and thin people, he
because so much added
sugar is dumped into so
said, and instead of focusBy Barbara Sadick
Tribune news service

ing on obesity as the problem, we should be focusing

on our processed-food
The average American
consumes 19.5 teaspoons
(78 grams) of sugar a day,
substantially more than
the amount recommended
by the American Heart
Association. The association sets these limits: 6 teaspoons (24 grams) for women, 9 teaspoons (36 grams)
for men, and 3-6 teaspoons
(12-24 grams) for children,
depending on age. Just one
12-ounce soda contains 8 to
9 teaspoons (32-36 grams)
of sugar.
Liquid sugar in sodas,
energy drinks and sports
drinks is the leading
source of added sugar in
the American diet. That
represents 36 percent of all
added sugars consumed,
according to the Department of Health and Human Services. And because
liquid does not include
fiber, the body processes it
quickly. That causes more
sugar to be sent to the pancreas and liver than either
can process properly, and
the resulting buildup of
sugar leads to heart disease, diabetes and liver
Consuming too much
sugar causes the level of
glucose sugar in the bloodstream to increase. That, in
turn, causes the pancreas
to release high levels of insulin that cause the body to
store extra calories as fat.
Too much insulin also
affects the hormone leptin,
a natural appetite suppressant that signals the brain

to stop eating when full.

But the imbalance of insulin levels caused by the
intake of too much sugar
causes lipid resistance,
and the brain no longer
gets that signal.
Another member of the
SugarScience team, Dean
Schillinger, is a professor
of medicine at UCSF and
a practicing primary care
doctor at San Francisco
General Hospital. He believes the overconsumption of added sugars is a
social problem, not a problem of individual choice
and freedom.
People are becoming
literate about the toxic
effects of sugar, Schillinger said, and have
more understanding of the
idea that high doses are
bad for ones health. He
sees evidence that those
in a higher socioeconomic
bracket are taking steps to
limit intake of sugar when
compared with poorer, less
literate people.
Healthy food is expensive
and less readily accessible in poorer neighborhoods, and because corn
is so abundant and cheap,
it is added to many food
products. Dumping high
fructose corn syrup into
cheap foods, sodas, sports
drinks and energy drinks
is toxic to the body, causing
epidemic metabolic diseases and a serious health
crisis, Schillinger said.
To underscore the scope
of the problem, he pointed
out that during the Iraq
and Afghanistan wars,
1,500 American soldiers
lost a limb in combat. In

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that same period, 1.5 million people in the U.S. lost

limbs to amputations from
Type 2 diabetes, a preventable disease. We have yet
to mobilize for a public
health war, he said, but
the time has come to do
Such a war would have
to take on the root causes

of the problem. As a nation, Schillinger added, we

would need to look at our
food policies, food pricing,
availability of healthy
foods, and the marketing
being carried out by food
and beverage industries
to hook the public on unhealthy choices loaded
with added sugar.

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Friday, January 16, 2015 |

cadillac news | Trusted. Local. Connected


Improve your total fitness with cross-training

By Dave Foley
Special to the Cadillac News

When it came to sports,

I used to be a one trick
pony, I got all my exercise
from running. But that
total focus on one activity
finally led to an Achilles
tendon strain. Until it
could heal, I was done with
running a tough situation when you are used to
exercising every day.
After heavy use, muscles
and tendons need time to
recover. By running every
day, often at a fast pace,
I put more strain on my
tendons than they could
handle and the inevitable
result was an overuse injury. Thats to be expected.
Following the same exercise plan every day is
an invitation to injury. In
addition theres the likelihood of problems with biomechanical imperfections
such as leg length or muscle imbalances, like tight
hamstrings or weak quadricep muscles. Repetitive
activity without sufficient
recovery can accentuate
these problems.
Thats how I discovered
cross-training. Frustrated
by being unable to run
I found the solution lay
with a canoe stored behind
the house. With paddling
I could give my back and
shoulders a workout, while
resting my Achilles.
When I returned to running, I continued canoeing, but I would never
again limit my exercise
to one sport. A few years
later I purchased a road
bike. In the winter, the running continues, but time
is also spent on snowshoes
and cross-country skis. On
occasions I do yoga or go to
the weight room.
Coaches and athletic
trainers would definitely
endorse my new approach.
For these professionals
the goal is to get people
to follow an exercise plan
leading toward total fitness
rather putting the focus on
a single sport. True crosstraining involves sessions
devoted to cardio, strength
training, balance, and flexibility.
As I evolved into being
a multi-sport participant,
I learned that there were
benefits derived from participating in more than
just one sport or activity.
That makes sense as
a runner, the legs were
the only muscles getting
worked. When I first tried
paddling a canoe fast, my
arms and shoulders began

Dave Foley | Special to the Cadillac News

Cross training breaks up the tedium of doing the same activity every day.
to ache. And my initial
visits to the weight room,
produced pain in muscles
all over my body. I soon discovered that my running
fitness didnt transfer to
other activities.
However, the effective
cardiovascular system that
I had developed as a runner did prove helpful when
I tried other recreations.
The strong heart and
good lungs that serve you
so well as a runner are
equally beneficial in swimming, bicycling, skating,
cross-country skiing and
other endurance sports.
In my case, having run
for years, the learning
curve wasnt that steep for
becoming an accomplished
cyclist or canoer/kayaker. Vigorous paddling
or cycling, especially hill
climbing on a bike, quickly
pushes the heart rate way
up. Years of running had
already subjected my heart
to much anaerobic work
so when I started pushing
hard while riding a bike or
in a canoe, I didnt suffer
much at all.
Perhaps one of the best
reasons to consider crosstraining comes from the
change it offers.
Doing the same activity
every day inevitably leads
to boredom. No matter
how much passion you
have for running or whatever exercise you do, fol-

The variety that comes from

cross-training helps you
maintain enthusiasm for
exercise, making it possible
to train harder and more
consistently ...

recover before I could run

lowing the same routine or efforts, I needed a couple
hard again. With triathlon
going on the same route ev- days of easy jogging to
ery day gets tedious. Were
stimulated by variety and
turned off by monotony.
Personal Trainer
The variety that comes
from cross-training helps
you maintain enthusiasm
for exercise, making it posPeople who exercise to help them lose weight should remember
sible to train harder and
that a simple high-calorie dish can outweigh hours of exercise.
more consistently, which
ultimately leads to better
performance in races.
I found this out in 2003
1,000 calories are
Ways to expend
when the Labor Day Festieasy to consume
1,000 calories
val of Races added a triathlon to its traditional pro1 hour moderate
gram of 5k and 10k runbicycling
ning races. This intrigued
me. At that time, I had
been running races for almost 30 years, but Id never
raced in a kayak or on a
bike. My enthusiasm for
4 hours moderate
Plate of spaghetti
competition was renewed
yard work
and meat sauce,
as I began to incorporate
10 oz. (290 g)
paddling and pedaling into
my race training.
Small grilled chicken
With running, after hard

Workout vs. high-calorie food

Over 40? You may experience a Cataract

Cataracts affect nearly 22 million Americans
age 40 and older. By age 80, more than half of
all Americans have a cataract. But how do you
know if you are one in 22 million?
Richard Brenz, M.D., Riemer Eye Center
says, Routine eye exams are the best way to
determine if a cataract has begun. Follow up
exams by an Ophthalmologist will determine
if the persons lifestyle is affected due to
reduced vision and the best time for surgery
to remove the cloudy lens. Contrary to the
myth, a cataract does not have to be ripe to
be removed.

What is a Cataract?

A cataract causes the eyes lens to become

cloudy due to a calcification-like build up
which causes reduced vision. As the light rays
travel into the
eye through the
pupil, the rays
come through
the lens into
the retina, which is a layer of light-sensitive
cells at the back of the eye. When the eyes lens
becomes cloudy, this is a cataract.

training I could paddle or

pedal strenuous workouts
on those easy running
days. I discovered that
summer that the variety
that came from doing three
sports, made training
more fun and the result on
Labor Day was better than
if I had just competed in a
running race.
Whereas I had always
thought my best event was
running I discovered that
as I aged and my running
abilities diminished, I was
surprisingly effective as a
cyclist and paddler. That
illustrated the value of not
restricting oneself to just
one activity.
Our potential as an
athlete, we now know is
somewhat determined genetically. Because various
muscular, neurological,
and metabolic characteristics of your body are
the way they are, you may
never be as good a cyclist
as you are a runner no
matter how much cycling
you do. On the other hand,
you could merely dabble in
cycling and discover that
you are even better suited
to that sport than you are
to running. This illustrates
the value of trying out new
activities. You never know
until you try.
This being the time of
New Years resolutions,
take the opportunity to
try cross-training. Living
in Northern Michigan
our four seasons climate
naturally facilitates different activities. Now that
winters here, bring out
the cross country skis,
the snowshoes or visit the
gym, weight room, or a
yoga studio.

as bright or colorful as they once were, and

its even described as looking through a dirty
windshield. A cataract may affect one or
both eyes.

Taking it in

Burning it off

sandwich, 5 oz. (140 g)

3 hours moderate walking

5 oz. (137 g) hamburger

and medium-large serving
of french fries

What Is Cataract Surgery?

Generally, the Ophthalmologist will remove

the cataract on one eye at a time, with the
second cataract being removed within a few
weeks. Deborah Wu, M.D., Riemer Eye Center
explains, During the surgery, the lens that
has become cloudy is removed, then a clear,
artificial lens called an intraocular lens or
IOL, is implanted. This is typically done under
sedation, where patients are given a relaxing
medication and numbing drops in the eye.
The patient then sees through the implanted
lens instead of the cloudy cataract.
Because the eye heals very quickly, within
hours to a week, vision is restored. For most,
this procedure may cause some discomfort,
but is painless.

Most medical insurances cover cataract

surgery and a Monofocal Intraocular Lens,
however patients who wish to customize their
vision may opt to pay for premium lenses that
often eliminate the need for glasses.

1 hour moderate running

a day

Source: U.S. Agriculture

Department, U.S.
Surgeon General
Source: Helen Lee McComas, Paul Trap
Graphic: Tribune News Service

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As a cataract begins to develop, there may

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To hear what Riemer Eye Center
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775-NEWS (6397)

cadillac news | Trusted. Local. Connected | friDay, January 16, 2015

Dinner at home is a main ingredient for healthy eating

By Meredith Cohn
tribune news service

People who eschew takeout for home cooking eat

healthier foods, whether
they aim to or not, according to new research from
the Johns Hopkins University.
When people cook most
of their meals at home,
they consume fewer carbohydrates, less sugar and
less fat than those who
cook less or
not at all
even if they
are not trying to lose
weight, said
Julia A. Wolfson, the lead
author of the
study and a
fellow at the
Center for a
Livable Future at Hopkins Bloomberg School
of Public
The findings may be
obvious to
some, or at
least reassuring to others,
but they
could have
for the obesity epidemic
facing adults and children
in the United States if
enough people are persuaded to cook their own meals.
Wolfson, a trained chef,
said some people dont
think they know how to
cook or dont think they
have the time. Others may
not have ready access to
healthy ingredients, such
as fresh produce. Many
people are just out of the
She said cooking at home
doesnt have to be fancy or
expensive, and most people
just need a kick-start, like a
cooking class, menu advice
or tips to navigate grocery
For the study, published
in the journal Public
Health Nutrition, Wolfson
and others analyzed data
from a national survey of
9,000 adults about what
they ate.
The 8 percent who

cooked only once a week or

less consumed an average
of 2,301 calories, 84 grams
of fat and 135 grams of
sugar a day. The 48 percent
who cooked dinner six or
seven nights a week consumed 2,164 calories, 81
grams of fat and 119 grams
of sugar a day.
Those who cooked at
home tended to rely less on
frozen food and were less
likely to eat fast food when
they dined out. People
in AfricanAmerican
cooked less
often than
those in
white households, and
people who
worked full
time away
from home
cooked less
These results were
no surprise
to Susanna
who helps
schools and
others get on
track in the
kitchen with
advice and
recipes through workshops
and her website,
She said meals can be
made even healthier with
some thought.
Most people just dont
know where to start and
feel overwhelmed by the
idea of cooking, she said.
The certified health coach,
nutritional counselor and
Towson mother advises
people to start small and
Pick a day, like Sunday, find one or two easy
recipes online, and go to
the store. After getting
comfortable making a few
meals, consider making a
double batch and freezing
half, or at least figuring
out a second use for the
Maybe rice was part of
a stir fry one night and
covered in beans the next,
she said. Or the pasta gets
customized with slightly

... Do
some food
in advance
of the
is ready to


Cooking student Rachel Druckenmiller puts her baked sweet potatoes and apples into the oven during Simple Cooking with Heart class
offered by the American Heart Association Mid-Atlantic in Baltimore, Md.
different toppings to please
different tastes in the
And, DeRocco said, do
some food preparation in
advance of the workweek,
like chopping vegetables,
so everything is ready to go
this may even be a money saver as people use the
produce they buy rather
than throwing it away.
Most people I know
struggle in the planning,
she said. Theyre coming
home at 6 and opening the
fridge or pantry and saying, What am I going to
do? Thats what you want
to avoid. And you can, with
a little planning.
Cooking at home is
mostly about developing a
habit, DeRocco said, and
not letting Pinterest or
Martha Stewart intimidate
Lisa Manuel, a mother of
7-year-old Chloe and 9-yearold Burke, sought help
from DeRocco about two
years ago to develop that
kind of routine, though
she, her children and her
husband all eat at different
times and dont all like the
same things.
It felt like a 24-hour buffet, she said.
She was heartened to

hear that just eating at

home meant they were
likely eating healthier than
families that dont, but she
wanted to do better.
Manuel now tries to feed
the family some of the
same things, or variations
of them. She plans, shops
and preps ingredients on
the weekends and stows
batches of food in the
freezer. She acknowledges
doing better for her kids
than for herself.
Im not as disciplined
as I should be, she said.
I need to sit down and eat
a meal and not snack in
between everyone elses
meals. When I stick to it,
I feel a lot better. When Im
off track, I can definitely
To help meet its goal of
reducing heart disease
by 20 percent by 2020, the
American Heart Association offers basic cooking
classes with chef Tia

Berry said the organization wanted to help people
not only cook at home but
make healthier choices
about ingredients.
Obesity has drastically
increased across the nation
over the past two decades,
with more than a third of
adults and 17 percent of
children now in that category, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention data. That
has contributed to an increase in rates of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and
some types of cancer, and
$147 billion in additional
annual health spending.
Berry said if people are
trying to make lifestyle
changes and cook at home,
it would be easy to improve
the nutritional value of the
food. For example, make
potato or other salads with
a vinaigrette rather than
a mayonnaise base, and

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Test your knowledge

of the benefits of breakfast
By Barbara Quinn
Tribune News Service

From a health standpoint, experts

continue to confirm that breakfast is the
most important meal of the day. So important that the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics recently dedicated an entire
mini-journal to The Benefits of Breakfast. Lets see if these facts motivate us
to break the fast at the start of each
People who eat breakfast tend to a) eat
less later in the day; b) jump over buildings in a single bound; c) better manage
their weight. Answers: a and c.
People who skip breakfast tend to a) be
hungrier later in the day; b) gain weight
easier; c) have an increased risk for diabetes. All are true.
Children who eat breakfast do better in
school because they a) can better remember what they learn; b) arent as distracted; c) have better attendance at school. All
are correct.
When considering what to have for
breakfast, RTEC stands for a) ReThink
Eating Candy; b) Ready To Eat Cereal; c)
Review Those Excess Calories. Answer: b.
Experts best define breakfast as a) the
first meal of the day after our longest period of sleep; b) breaking the fast; c) coffee and a cookie. Answers: a and b.
A quality breakfast a) must be prepared by a master chef; b) includes at
least one item from a major food group:
protein (such as nuts, cheese, egg), fruit,
vegetable, whole grain, milk or yogurt;
c) can be as simple as a bag of dried fruit
and nuts. Answers: b and c.
According to researchers, eating breakfast can immediately a) turn on brain
power; b) make you late for school; c) improve your mood. Answers: a and c.
A person who is not hungry in the
morning a) probably ate too much the
night before; b) might want to stock a
backpack or briefcase with nutrient
dense fruit, nuts, or high fiber cereal bars;
c) should set a goal to eat less at night so
as to wake up hungry. Answers: all are
Compared to people who skip breakfast, those who eat something soon after

they wake up tend to a) consume more

fiber, calcium, vitamins A and C; b) have
healthier lifestyles overall; c) have stronger bones and healthier hearts. All are
Frozen fruit blended with milk or yogurt is a) a smoothie; b) breakfast; c) a
great idea for busy families. All are correct.
A toasted whole grain waffle spread
with peanut butter or applesauce a) goes
well with a cold glass of milk; b) is a quality breakfast; c) takes two minutes to prepare. All are correct.
Breakfast parfaits can be made a) in a
hurry; b) with layers of fruit, yogurt, cereal and nuts; c) in disposal cups to go. All
are correct.
Barbara Quinn is a registered dietitian and
certified diabetes educator at the Community
Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula. Email her at .

Healthy Living

Not so fuzzy

Research found that eating two

or three kiwi fruits a day can
reduce abnormal clotting
by blood platelets.

Good for
the heart
are blood
cells that
make blood
clotting can
cause heart
attack or
2013 MCT
Source: U.S. National
Center for
Information, MCT
Photo Service

dont deep-fry anything.

We offer recipes that
are easy and familiar, like
fajitas, chili and salad, that
are heart-healthy and not
anything too complicated,
said Berry about the 10
Simple Cooking with Heart
Kitchen classes the association offered in Baltimore.
There are also recipes and
tutorials on the organizations website.
Its not five-star restaurant food, she said, but
it is things that people are
comfortable with and are
not as intimidated by.
She said most people
eat the same things over
and over, so its a matter
of choosing a few healthy
recipes and practicing.
Cooking dinner at home
regularly requires a lifestyle change, but, Berry
added, it doesnt have to
be complicated. You just
need to pay attention to
what youre eating.

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