Chapter IV - All About Muscles: Joint, Muscle, Tendon & Ligament

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Chapter IV - All about Muscles

Joint, Muscle, Tendon & Ligament

Structural classification

Structurally, joints are classified as:


Synovial - there is a space (synovial cavity) between the articulating bones.

Cartilaginous - bones are connected by cartilage.

Bones are connected by fibrous connective tissue.

Fibrous joints
In fibrous joints bones are joined by tight and inflexible layers of dense connective tissue, consisting mainly of
collagen fibers. In adults, these are not designed to allow any movement; however, in children, fibrous joints have
not solidified and are movable. Examples of fibrous joints are:

Cranial sutures
Gomphoses, the joints between the roots of the teeth and their sockets (or alveoli) in maxilla and

Joining the bones of the cranium.

Cartilaginous joints
In cartilaginous joints (also known as synchondroses) bones are connected entirely by cartilage. In comparison to
synovial joints, cartilaginous joints allow only slight movement. Examples of cartilaginous joints are the pubic
symphysis, the joints between the ribs and the sternum, and the cartilage connecting the growth regions of
immature long bones. Another example is in the spinal column - the cartilaginous region between adjacent
Synovial joints
The term "Synovial joint" and "Diarthrosis joint" are often used interchangeably, although the first term refers to
the structure and the second one to the function. For more details, see "Diarthrosis joints" below.
Functional classification
Functionally, they can be classified as:

Synarthrosis - permit no movement.

Amphiarthrosis - permit little movement.

Diarthrosis - permit a variety of movements (e.g. Flexion, adduction, pronation). Only synovial joints are

Synovial Membrane
The synovium is a membrane that covers all the non-cartilaginous surfaces within the articular capsule. It secretes
synovial fluid into the joint, which nourishes and lubricates the articular cartilage. The synovium is separated from
the capsule by a layer of cellular tissue that contains blood vessels and nerves.
Synovial joints can be further grouped by their shape, which controls the movement they allow:

Gliding joints, such as in the carpals of the wrist. These joints allow a wide variety of movement, but not
much distance.
Hinge joints, such as the elbow (between the humerus and the ulna). These joints act like a door hinge,
allowing flexion and extension in just one plane.

Pivot joints, such as the elbow (between the radius and the ulna). This is where one bone rotates about

Condyloid (ellipsoid) joints, such as the knee. When the knee is extended there is no rotation, when it is
flexed some rotation is possible. A condyloid joint is where two bones fit together with an odd shape (e.g.
an ellipse), and one bone is concave, the other convex. Some classifications make a distinction between
condyloid and ellipsoid joints.

Saddle joints, such as at the thumb (between the metacarpal and carpal). Saddle joints, which resemble a
saddle, permit the same movements as the condyloid joints.

Ball and socket joints, such as the hip joint. These allow a wide arrange of movement.

Muscles are needed to maintain the posture, help in movement, and generate heat. Muscle is a contractile form of
tissue. It is one of the four major tissue types, the other three being epithelium, connective tissue and nervous
tissue. Muscle contraction is used to move parts of the body, as well as to move substances within the body.
There are three general types of muscle:

Cardiac muscle

Smooth muscle

Skeletal muscle or "voluntary muscle" is anchored by tendons to bone and is used to affect skeletal
movement such as locomotion. It gets tired. or "involuntary muscle" is found within structures such as the
intestines, throat and blood vessels. It does not fatigue.

Cardiac and skeletal muscle are "striated" in that they contain sarcomeres and are packed into highly regular
arrangements of bundles; smooth muscle has neither.
Is a specialized kind of muscle found only within the heart. It cannot get tired and is "involuntary".

Muscle is composed of muscle cells (sometimes known as "muscle fibers"). Within the cells are myofibrils;
myofibrils contain sarcomeres, which are composed of actin and myosin. Individual muscle cells are lined with
endomysium. Muscle cells are bound together by perimysium into bundles called fascicles; the bundles are then
grouped together to form muscle, which is lined by epimysium. Muscle spindles are distributed throughout the
muscles and provide feedback sensory information to the central nervous system. There are approximately 650
skeletal muscles in the human body.
Symptoms of muscle disease may include weakness or spasticity/rigidity, myoclonus (twitching) and myalgia
(muscle pain). Diagnostic procedures that may reveal muscular disorders include testing creatine kinase levels in
the blood and electromyography (measuring electrical activity in muscles).
Some muscle diseases are:

Neuromuscular diseases are those that affect the muscles and/or their nervous control.

Tetanus and botulism are bacterial infections in which bacterial toxins cause increased or decreased
muscle tone, respectively.

The myopathies are all diseases affecting the muscle itself, rather than its nervous control.

Muscular dystrophy is a large group of diseases, many of them hereditary, where the muscle integrity is
disrupted. It leads to progressive loss of strength, high dependence and decreased life span.

Myasthenia gravis

Inflammatory muscle disorders:

Polymyalgia rheumatica

Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscular tissue due to any cause. While it may not lead to any
muscular symptoms at all, the myoglobin thus released may cause acute renal failure.

Polymyositis, dermatomyositis and inclusion body myositis are autoimmune conditions in which the muscle
is affected.

A tendon (or sinew) is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone. They are similar to
ligaments except that join one bone to another. Tendons are composed mainly of water, type-I collagen and cells
called tenocytes.
The origin of a tendon is where it joins to a muscle. Collagen fibers from within the muscle organ are continuous
with those of the tendon. A tendon inserts into bone at an enthesis where the collagen fibers are mineralized and
integrated into bone tissue.

The Achilles tendon is a particularly large tendon connecting the heel to the muscles of the calf. It is so named
because the mythic hero Achilles was said to have been killed due to an injury at this spot.
Was also widely used in the medieval times as a form of ancient elastic. refers to swelling of a tendon.Ligament

A ligament is a short band of tough fibrous connective tissue composed mainly of long, stringy collagen fibers.
Ligaments connect bones to other bones to form a joint. (They do not connect muscles to bones; that is the
function of tendons.) Some ligaments limit the mobility of articulations, or prevent certain movements altogether.
Capsular ligaments are part of the articular capsule that surrounds synovial joints. They act as mechanical
reinforcements. Extra-capsular ligaments join bones together and provide joint stability.
Ligaments are slightly elastic; under tension, they gradually lengthen.
The study of ligaments is called desmology.
List of major ligaments

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)

Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)

Medial collateral ligament (MCL)

Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)


Volar radiocarpal ligament

Ulnar collateral ligament

Radial collateral ligament

Dorsal radiocarpal ligament


Periodontal ligament

Cricothyroid ligament

Suspensory ligament

A joint (articulation) is the location at which two bones make contact (articulate). Joints are constructed to both
allow movement and provide mechanical support.

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