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Course Number: TCOM 143

Title: Networking Laboratory
Department: ECCE School: SOSE
Semester/School Year: Second Semester, SY 2014-2015
No. of Units: 2
Faculty: Engr. Maria Leonora C. Guico
Schedule and Venue: Tue (Section A), Th (Section C) 10 AM 12 NN, F-308
A. Course Description
This course is the laboratory component of TCOM 141, Data Communications and
Networking. It must be taken either concurrently with or after TCOM 141. Laboratory
exercises are designed to give students the practical and hands-on aspects of topics learned in
TCOM 141.Topics and exercises include multi-level network configuration and hardware
B. Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Explain the different configuration and topologies of computer networks, as well as the
various components utilized.
2. Construct and test different network cable types.
3. Identify the different types of network devices and their functions within a network.
4. Design, configure, connect and test a Local Area Network.
C. Course Outline
Lab Activity 1 : PC Hardware, Network TCP/IP Configuration,
PING and Tracert
Lab Activity 2 : LAN Cable Construction
Lab Activity 3 : Basic Cable Testing
Lab Activity 4 : Building a Peer-to-Peer Network
Lab Activity 5 : Building a Switch-based Network
Lab Activity 6 : IP Addressing and Subnetting
Midterm Exam: Written and skills exam
Lab Activity 7 : Workstation ARP
Week 8
Lab Activity 8 : Wireshark
Lab Activity 9 : DHCP Client Setup
Lab Activity 10: Network Troubleshhoting
Final Project: Router Administration

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7

- Week 9
- Week 10
- Weeks 11-12
- Weeks 13-14

D. Required Readings

1. Shay, William, Understanding Data Communications and Networks (2nd

Edition), Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1998
2. Held, Gilbert, Understanding Data Communications (5th Edition), Sams Publishing,
E. Suggested Readings
1. Halsall, Fred, Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems (3rd
Edition), Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992
2. Bertsekas, Dimitri and Gallager, Robert, Data Networks (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall,

F. Course Requirements
Final Grade:
Laboratory Activities
40% (All activities will have equal weight)
Written and Skills Exam 30 %
Final Project
G. Grading System
below 60
H. Classroom Policies
1. Lab activity procedures will be given at class time. Students must have the instructor
affix her signature on the lab results/data gathered at the end of the activity.
2. Those who are not in class when a lab activity is done will automatically get a zero
for that particular course work. Students are responsible for assigned works missed in
class during absence.
3. No make-up lab activities will be given. Conflict in schedules should be relayed to
the Lab Instructor at least one week in advance.
4. Late class work submitted will be deducted 10% (of the total points) per day of nonsubmission.
5. No consultations will be entertained within 24 hours of an examination.
6. Those who are caught committing acts of academic dishonesty which includes, but is
not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, having unauthorized possession of
examinations, submitting work of another person or tampering with the academic
work of other students, will automatically get a zero for that particular course work.
7. Students who stay in the class are assumed to have agreed to all the terms and
conditions in this syllabus. Parts of the syllabus may be subject to change during the
semester upon discretion of the instructor.
I. Consultation Hours (Faura Bldg., Room 311) / Contact Details
MWF By appointment
T-Th 1:30-3 PM

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