Band Ler Method

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Richard Bandler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

19/10/2006 04:31 PM

Richard Bandler
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Design Human Engineering)

Richard Bandler (full-name: Richard Wayne Bandler) (born
February 24, 1950) is an American author and the co-inventor (with
John Grinder) of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and creator of
Design Human Engineering (DHE) and Neuro Hypnotic Repattering
(NHR), .

1 Education and Background
2 Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
2.1 Co-Founding of NLP
2.2 Litigation, Prosecution and Bankruptcy
2.3 Contributions
3 Design Human Engineering (DHE)
4 Current activities
5 Books
6 See also
7 External links

Education and Background

One of a series of articles on

Neuro-linguistic programming
Main articles
NLP Principles Topics History
NLP and science Bibliography

Concepts and methods

Modeling Meta model Milton model
Perceptual positions Rapport Reframing
Representation systems Submodalities
Positive intention Well-formed outcome
Meta program Neurological levels
Anchoring Map-territory relation

Related principles
Empiricism Subject-object problem
Subjective character of experience
Philosophy of perception
Cognitive linguistics Metacognition

Richard Bandler John Grinder
Gregory Bateson Robert Dilts Judith DeLozier
Milton Erickson Virginia Satir Fritz Perls
Steve and Connirae Andreas Charles Faulkner

Bandler holds a BA (1973) in Philosophy and Psychology from the

University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)[1]
( and an MA
(1975) in Psychology from Lone Mountain College in San Francisco. Bandler has claimed in at least one seminar
that he submitted a dissertation to, and was awarded a doctorate from the University of San Francisco. There is
no record of a Richard Wayne Bandler having submitted a dissertation at USF[2]
( .

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

Main articles: Neuro-linguistic programming, History of NLP

Co-Founding of NLP
Richard Bandler was invited by Bob Spitzer, owner of Science and Behavior Books to attend trainings by Fritz
Perls and Virginia Satir, and was later hired by Spritzer to help edit one of Perls' books--The Gestalt Approach.

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Perls and Virginia Satir, and was later hired by Spritzer to help edit one of Perls' books--The Gestalt Approach.
Because this happened prior to his meeting with John Grinder, Bandler has claimed that NLP originated with him.
While Bandler was a student at University of California, Santa Cruz he also led a Gestalt therapy workshop and
invited assistant professor of linguistics, John Grinder to observe. Grinder said to Bandler that he could explain
almost all of the questions and comments Bandler made using transformational grammar, the topic in linguistics
that Grinder specialized in. They developed a model for therapy and called it the meta-model. It became their first
book, The Structure of Magic, Volume I (1975). Together, they met Gregory Bateson who taught at UCSC, Kresge
College as did Grinder, and had moved to a community on Alba Road near the Santa Cruz mountains community
of Ben Lomond. Bateson and Grinder would have a profound influence on Bandler's future. Grinder and Bateson
supplied many of the intellectual foundations and Bateson introduced the pair to Milton Erickson, which formed
some of foundational models for Neuro-linguistic programming[1]. In 1975 Bandler then formed his own
publishing company, Meta Publications, and published Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson
Volume I (1975). Bateson withdrew support soon after, objecting to their mixing of logical types in the book on
Bandler and Grinder went on to author The Structure of Magic Volume II (1976), Patterns of the Hypnotic
Techniques of Milton H. Erickson Volume II (1977) and Changing With Families (1976), which was co-authored
with Virginia Satir herself.
Bandler also modeled Israeli physicist and founder of the Feldenkrais school of body work, Moshe Feldenkrais,
and later published his book "The Elusive Obvious". In many of his classes, he has taught elements of this form
of bodywork which he modeled.

Litigation, Prosecution and Bankruptcy

In 1980 Bandler's company Not Ltd had reported earnings of more than US$800,000 and he and his then wife -Leslie Cameron-Bandler -- were living an opulent lifestyle. By the end of 1980 Bandler's collaboration with
Grinder -- where they lectured, trained and co-authored -- abruptly ended and his wife filed for divorce (after two
years of marriage). Leslie Cameron-Bandler was later to report that Bandler was emotionally and physically
abusive.[3] ( In 1983, Not Ltd declared bankruptcy.[4]
In 1986, Bandler was tried and acquitted of first degree murder. [5]
In July of 1996 Bandler filed suit against John Grinder and again in January 1997 against Grinder and numerous
prominent members of the NLP community including, Carmen Bostic-St. Clair, Steve and Connirae Andreas.
Bandler claimed trademark infringement, intellectual property ownership of NLP, conspiratorial tortious
interference and breach of settlement agreement and permanent injunction by Grinder.[6]
( [7]
( [8]


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19/10/2006 04:31 PM

In addition to claiming (retrospective) sole ownership of NLP, Bandler claimed "damages against each such
defendant in an amount to be proven at trial, but in no event less than [US]$10,000,000.00". The list of defendants
included 200 "Does", i.e. empty names to be specified later. [9]
On February 2000 the Superior Court found against Bandler stating that "Bandler has misrepresented to the
public, through his licensing agreement and promotional materials, that he is the exclusive owner of all
intellectual property rights associated with NLP, and maintains the exclusive authority to determine membership
in and certification in the Society of NLP." [10]
Contemporaneous with Bandler's suits in the US Superior Court, Tony Clarkson (of Clarkson Knitting Limited)
sought the revocation of Bandler's UK registered trademark "NLP" in the UK High Court. The UK High Court
found in favor of Clarkson Knitting Limited and on 11 July 2000 Bandler was made bankrupt. [11]
By the end of 2000 some sort of rapprochement between Bandler and Grinder was achieved when the parties
entered a release wherein they inter alia agreed that "they are the co-creators and co-founders of the technology
of Neuro-linguistic Programming. Drs. Grinder and Bandler recognize the efforts and contributions of each other
in the creation and initial development of NLP." In the same document, "Dr. John Grinder and Dr. Richard
Bandler mutually agree to refrain from disparaging each other's efforts, in any fashion, concerning their respective
involvement in the field of NeuroLinguistic Programming." ("Release" reproduced as Appendix A of Whispering
in the Wind by Grinder and Bostic St Clair (2001)).

Richard Bandler was a major part of the development of many of the most important ideas that are considered a
part of NLP. Among ideas that Bandler has developed include nesting loops, chaining states, advanced
submodality applications and multiple timelines.{citation needed}
Richard Bandler together with Todd Epstein developed much of the NLP theory and practice associated with
submodalities[12] ( , i.e. "the particular perceptual qualities
that may be registered by each of the five primary sensory modalities"[13]
( . Post-1980 much of Bandler's work revolved around the
NLP concept of submodalities[14] ( .

Design Human Engineering (DHE)

Design Human Engineering is an offshoot, or extension, from Neuro-linguistic programming. Design Human
Engineering refers to using NLP models to formulate new levels of performance without directly modeling, but
rather through applying contrasting models.
Bandler has stated that he considers Design Human Engineering to be significantly different from traditional NLP
and he has created many new techniques in recent years. Bandler claims that many of the newer techniques are
more direct and more effective. Critics argue that his new techniques are not theoretically different from

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more direct and more effective. Critics argue that his new techniques are not theoretically different from
traditional NLP.

Current activities
Bandler independently developed Neuro-Sonics, Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning, Persuasion Engineering and
Design Human Engineering and authored Magic in Action, Using Your Brain for a Change, Time for a Change
and Persuasion Engineering (written with John LaValle). Bandler continues to lecture, consult and produce media
on NLP.
Bandler currently teaches DHE and NHR with co-trainer John La Valle and NLP Practitioner and Master
Practitioner with trainer Paul McKenna and Michael Neill.{citation needed}

Bandler, Richard & John Grinder (1975a). [- The Structure of Magic I: A Book About Language and
Therapy]. Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books., -. 0831400447.
Bandler, Richard & John Grinder (1975b). [- The Structure of Magic II: A Book About Communication and
Change]. PaloAlto, CA: Science & Behavior Books., -. ISBN 0-8314-0049-8.
Grinder, John, Richard Bandler (1976). [- Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D.
Volume I]. Cupertino, CA :Meta Publications., -. -.
John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Judith Delozier (1977). [- Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H.
Erickson, M.D. Volume II]. Cupertino, CA :Meta Publications., -. -.
John Grinder, Richard Bandler (1976). [- Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming]. Science and
Behavior Books., -. -.
John Grinder, Richard Bandler (1979). [- Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming]. Moab, UT:
Real People Press., 194pp. ISBN 0-911226-19-2.
Grinder, John and Richard Bandler (1981). [- Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the
Structure of Hypnosis]. Moab, UT: Real People Press., -. ISBN 0-911226-23-0.
Grinder, John and Richard Bandler (1983). [- Reframing: Neurolinguistic programming and the
transformation of meaning]. Moab, UT: Real People Press., -. ISBN 0-911226-25-7.
Using Your Brain for a Change, 1985 (ISBN 0-911226-27-3)
Magic In Action, 1992 (ISBN 0-916990-14-1)
Time for a Change, 1993 (ISBN 0-916990-28-1)
Persuasion Engineering - 1996 (ISBN 0-916990-36-2)

See also
List of NLP topics

External links

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19/10/2006 04:31 PM

Guardian feature by Jon Ronson (,,1777489,00.html)

Richard Bandler entry in NLP Encyclopedia (
Scanned version of Mother Jones Magazine article (
Neuro-linguistic programming
Bandler's trademark dispute (
NLP Comprehensive's Lawsuit Response (
The Superior Court's 'Order On Motion For Summary Adjudication' re Not Ltd. v Unlimited Ltd
An interview with Richard Bandler before the Superior Court verdict (
Text of Bandler Lawsuit (retrieved from Wayback)
Grinder's statement in response to Bandler's lawsuit (retrieved from Wayback)
MP3 Interview with Richard Bandler discussing how the NLP training model has changed since the 1970's
Design Human Engineering
John LaValle's description of Design Human Engineering? (
Design Human Engineering Information (
Student Experience at Richard Bandler's Design Human Engineering Workshop
Retrieved from ""
Categories: Articles with unsourced statements | 1950 births | Living people | Neuro-Linguistic Programming
writers | Neuro-Linguistic Programming | University of California, Santa Cruz alumni

This page was last modified 02:15, 29 September 2006.

All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. (See Copyrights for
Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.


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Richard Bandler - Wikipedia

19/10/2006 04:31 PM

Richard Bandler
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Richard Bandler (nato il 24 febbraio 1950) uno dei fondatori insieme a John Grinder della Programmazione
Neuro Linguistica (PNL).
Molto del lavoro di Bandler sulla PNL riguarda le applicazioni delle submodalit, cio delle sottili distinzioni che
esistono nelle personali esperienze sensoriali e le loro rappresentazioni interne. Il suo passato da musicista e
l'interesse per l'impatto neurologico del suono lo hanno portato a sviluppare l'area della neurosonica, che utilizza
la musica e il suono per creare specifici stati interiori.
Bandler anche il creatore del modello e delle tecniche per il Disegno della ingegnerizzazione umana (Design
Human Engineering).
Bandler anche conosciuto per il suo senso dell'umorismo, la sua abilit ad usare sofisticati moduli linguistici e il
suo stile di formazione dinamico.
Categorie: Biografie | Linguisti statunitensi

Ultima modifica per la pagina: 17:50, 10 ago 2006.

Tutti i testi sono disponibili nel rispetto dei termini della GNU Free Documentation License.
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Design Human Engineering DHE

19/10/2006 04:29 PM

Design Human

Richard Bandler

NLP Store Pure NLP Glossary FAQ's

What is
Design Human Engineering?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming was based upon replication. Design Human Engineering
is based on creation. Neuro-Linguistic Programming was based on how information is
accessed sequentially. Design Human Engineering is based on how information is
processed simultaneously.
For years Dr. Richard Bandler studied how geniuses used their minds to accomplish what
they did and was able to successfully replicate the results they produced. One day he noticed
that all of the geniuses he knew got out of bed in the morning because they had to urinate.
He decided that wasn't good enough.
Design Human Engineering takes for granted the opportunity to design internal strategies
and states that are both dynamic and compelling. Think about how many good feelings you
have. However many that is, it's not enough. DHE starts from the premise that, that which
is already available to an individual is nowhere near what that person is capable of.
In order to design skills it is important that observation be precise and that the differences
between what you want and what you don't want are extreme and therefore obvious. These
are functions of internal processing. If you wish to know when you have rapport the
difference between being in rapport and not being in rapport must be so great that there is
absolutely no question. When you see someone you know very well, you know what kind of
a mood they are in by the tone of voice they use. The difference between happy and sad is
unmistakable. Design Human Engineering allows you to make the distinction in perception
that will make the difference in action. If there is no difference in perception you will learn
how to use your senses so that there is one.
When understanding how strategies work you must also understand how they function in
relationship to other strategies such as the timelines that are utilized at a given point in time,
the meta programs that are active. The ability to design contextual shifts in all parameters
simultaneously is the realm of Design Human Engineering.
When designing and using strategies it is necessary to make those distinctions which will
allow you to accomplish the task at hand. The models that constitute Neuro-Linguistic

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Design Human Engineering DHE

19/10/2006 04:29 PM

Programming create sets of distinctions that allow us to communicate better as well as

replicate behaviors that others are able to produce. Design Human Engineering not only
allows you to create new strategies and skills but also allows you to create better motivation
strategies to get the tasks, the strategies are useful for, done.
What is the difference between the best feeling you have ever had and the best feeling your
body is capable of producing? How much control do you have over the feelings you produce,
their intensity and when you produce them? Have you ever before set out to discover how
much pleasure you can stand? Those are a few of the questions DHE asks.
When: To Be Announced
Where: To Be Announced
GET Your Information Pack Here!!

What Are People Saying About Us and Our Programs?

What Are They Saying About Just Last Year in Orlando?
DHE 2000 CD set Released from the Seminar in Orlando 2000!
Check out this and other Bandler products
Latest Schedule Here
1996 The First Institute

Richard Bandler

NLP Store Pure NLP Glossary FAQ's

NLP Seminars Group International

PO Box 424
Hopatcong, NJ 07843
2001 - 2005 La Valle, all rights reserved in all media
2001 - 2005 La Valle, all rights reserved in all media
2001 - 2005 La Valle, all rights reserved in all media


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Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning? Find Out From Richard Bandler!! NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Persuasion, Hypnosis

19/10/2006 04:23 PM

Richard Bandler
with John La Valle
November 19th - 23th, 2006
Edinburgh, Scotland
New CD Released from The Last US Seminar: "Unfearing Decisions" & "Soften
More . . .!"
What Are People Saying About Recent Seminars
with Richard Bandler & John La Valle
The millennium is over as a new era in our understanding opens . . . After thirty years of
innovating work, Richard Bandler is not about to slow down.
His newest developments represent the combination of east and west, old and new, his travels to
India, NASA, and the streets of China Town.
These advanced skills in Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning are the culmination of work from the
same mind that gave us NLP and Design Human Engineering.
"As our knowledge of the chemistry of the brain increases, so too will our ability to control it
spiritually, mentally and physically. It will be a great and wonderful new adventure as fear and
hate fade while a new vista of knowledge unfolds before us!" - Richard Bandler, 2000
Adventures Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning will install mega motivation and unbending
determination. You will find new creativity, new courage and an inexplicable sense of wellbeing.

Introduction to Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning videos

in U.S. NTSC format now available here!
(for PAL version, go to: M.E.T.A's site in the UK)
There is also a seminar review by Robert Johansson

What others have said ...

"Richard is better than ever, working faster, more effectively, always
elegantly and with his great sense of humour. Changes happen easily and
effortlessly at deep levels - holistically. I think, feel and act differently and
feel more integrated and more my true, uncluttered self" - Susanna Bellini Bronze Dragon International
Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning is one of the single most effective
technologies I've ever come across. Since the course I've found the tools I've
learnt have enabled me to drastically increase my success rate and
productivity in working with clients in therapy and in business, and in my

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Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning? Find Out From Richard Bandler!! NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Persuasion, Hypnosis

19/10/2006 04:23 PM

personal life. If you want to get better in any area of life especially to have
your quality of life improved you need to learn from Richard Bandler and
John La Valle. NHR was a wonderful experience for me. For the entire
course I laughed constantly and learned amazingly well. Just Fantastic!" Owen Fitzpatrick- co-founder of the Irish Institute of NLP

New CD Released from The Last US Seminar: "Unfearing Decisions" & "Soften
More . . .!"
Read On - So, What's Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning
Go here for Photos from the July/August 2000 program in California
Back to Top of page

Richard Bandler
with John La Valle
November 19th - 23th, 2006
Edinburgh, Scotland Richard Bandler NLP Store Pure NLP Glossary FAQ's
NLP Institutes

NLP Trainers

More Seminars

NLP Links

Privacy Statement
NLP Seminars Group International
PO Box 424
Hopatcong, NJ 07843
Online NLP Store
2001 - 2005 La Valle, all rights reserved in all media

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nlp, John La Valle & Richard Bandler's schedule here

19/10/2006 04:29 PM

Pure NLP & Keeping it Simple

Thursday, October 19, 106 Thursday, October 19, 106 Wednesday,
October 18, 106

Licensed NLP Trainer and Advanced Platform Skills

October 20th - 26th - London - Paul McKenna Training
Advanced Selling Skills
December 2006 - Madrid and Barcelona, Spain
Mine Your Own Business
February 1-2, 2006 - Edinburgh, Scotland

Personal Enhancement CD's

Richard Bandler DVD's
New Book - "Conversations"
NOW Available HERE!!

John's Hot NLP Tips

Persuasion Engineering
Meditation Magick & Change
Charisma Enhancement (Trainer Training & Public Speaking)
Richard Bandler & John La Valle
Orlando, Florida - February & March 2007

Your Full

Richard Bandler names Kate Benson
"International Director of Education" for The Society of
Kate has been training & developing thousands of teachers for
many years now and has been at the forefront of education
and the brainchild of some of the most creative approaches for
educators in the classroom! Check it out!

Richard Bandler names Kate Benson
"International Director of Education" for The Society of
Kate has been training & developing thousands of teachers for
many years now and has been at the forefront of education
and the brainchild of some of the most creative approaches for
educators in the classroom! Check it out!


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nlp, John La Valle & Richard Bandler's schedule here

19/10/2006 04:29 PM

Richard Bandler names Kate Benson

"International Director of Education" for The Society of
Kate has been training & developing thousands of teachers for
many years now and has been at the forefront of education
and the brainchild of some of the most creative approaches for
educators in the classroom! Check it out!

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Richard Bandler

Privacy Statement
NLP Seminars Group International
PO Box 424
Hopatcong, NJ 07843
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2006 La Valle - all rights reserved in all media
Pure NLP is a trademark of John La Valle's


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The Bandler Method

by Frank Clancy & Heidi Yorkshire
"Corine Christensen must have been terrified, for she scrawled a cryptic,
pleading note before she was murdered. Her life had once been threatended
by Richard Bandler, but a jury later acquitted the therapist."
New Age therapist Richard Bandler believed that anyone could change
with the right stimulus. Even if that stimulus was a gun.

The following article contained in this website is
Read the article

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