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Fights Can Change Everything

By: Hannah Chalom

Lets face it, my teeth were bad. I didnt understand why! I mean, I brushed my
teeth twice a day and had no cavities. My crossbite, overbite, yellow and three
crooked teeth have cost me more pain than you can imagine. They cost me a friend.
Hey Hannah check out my Lego starship!!
Wow Noah! Thats so cool! It can park at Hotel Noah and Hannah.I said gesturing
toward the colorful lump I had just assembled. As soon as he parked his starship he
stood up to get some more Legos and tripped over my hotel toppling it to the

I am so sorry! he said, picking up the remains and starting to cry.

Its fine I said smiling. You see? We were the best of friends! A normal
toddler would have thrown a fit. Well I guess it just wasnt meant to be, for
everything was going to change.
It was an ordinary day; as usual Noah and I were playing Legos alongside our little
siblings, Rachel and Sydney. Since Noah didnt want to really play with me much, I
moved over to play with them. Sydney, Noahs little sister was caring and really
funny. She was growing on me. With every day Noah seemed to grow even more
distant until he seemed like a stranger to me.
Then one day we were playing upstairs when we heard shouting coming from
downstairs. This cant be good! I thought, and saw on the others
they were thinking the same thing.

faces that

We crept down the hallway, trying to keep as quiet as possible. I rested my hand on
the smooth mahogany banister and peeked over the edge. Only shadows were
visible, and the shouting was growing louder by the minute .I realized that I would
have to go downstairs to see what was going on. But one thing I have learned over
the years is to NEVER interfere with an angry parent, especially yours, so I was
hesitant to go downstairs. But of course, curiosity got the best of me and I slid down
the stairs on my butt making a loud THUMP every time I hit a stair. That was

another mistake on my part.

The shouting came to a sudden stop and was replaced by hushed whispers,
which meant I would even closer to hear .Awww man .I thought and waved to
Noah and our little siblings who were all armed with Nerf guns. They then all
followed my suit and came down the stairs in a chorus of bumps and thumps.
Suddenly the door to the kitchen opened and the shouting was clear.
HUH?Noahs mom yelled back. WELL THAN I-


WWWAAAAAARRRRR!! Noah hollered from the bottom of the stairs and shot
his Nerf gun. The bullet nearly missed his moms head and ricocheted off the
wall behind her.

NOAH JACOB SHOEMAKE!!!!She hollered. She stormed

over and took him by the ear, dragging him away. Scared by the sight of
Noah getting yelled at, Rachel and Sydney quickly discarded their Nerf guns.
I scuttled up the stairs trying to get away from the sight of my friend getting
in trouble, but was quickly pulled back by my mom. Come on Hannah we

have to go. She said. I saw tear streaks on her face. She looked like she had
been crying hard. No, I said crossing my arms over my chest. I am not
going to lose this fight I thought as I turned my back on her and resumed the
task of climbing the stairs. HANNAH LETS GO! she said in a more forceful
tone. NO!I screamed and ran up the stairs, into Noahs room, and straight
into his closet. It felt like an eternity, sitting there.
Finally my mom found me and took my arm and dragged me down the stairs
and out the door. I was screaming and crying as I caught a glance at Noah
sitting in the corner staring at the floor.
That was the last I ever saw of Noah and Sydney. To this day I still wonder
what happened to them, what they look like. The image of Noah sitting there
is burned in my mind to this day, for that was when I realized that fights can
change everything.

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