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Steve Jobs: a masterpiece of creation.

Millions around the world mourned at the demise of one on the 5 th of October 2011.
Steve Jobs who founded the third apple which revolutionized the world marked the
end of his life. Apple Inc. bearing a half-eaten apple in its logo produced the classics
of technology including the iPod, iPad, iPhone and Macintosh under the guidance of
Steve was born to two undergraduate students and was adopted by Clara and Paul
Jobs who named the infant as Steven Paul Jobs. Living in Mount View within
Californias Silicon Valley Steve was unaware of his biological parents until the age
of 27. He attended the Cupertino Junior High and Homestead High School in
Cupertino California. Steve, from his childhood developed the hobby of taking apart
and fixing electronics with his father but was a frustrating prankster at formal
After high school, Jobs joined the Hewlett- Packard Company where he met the
computer guru, Steven Wozniak who later became the business partner of Jobs.
After joining with Atari Inc. as a video game designer he left to India seeking
spiritual enlightenment giving up the job. Marking a bright turning point in his life
Steve Jobs along with his counterpart Stephen Wozniak established Apple, in the
Jobs family garage. Steve sold his Volkswagen bus and Wozniak sold his beloved
scientific calculator proving the highest level of enthusiasm and commitment they
had towards their new business. As time passed by Apple products such as Apple I
and Apple II hit the tech world and the company was publicly traded in 1980
declaring Steve Jobs as its CEO. However by 1985 Steve split off from Apple due to
administrative problems and put up the company NeXT Inc. Later NeXT took over
the animation company Pixar Studios and was able to produce the worlds first
animation film, Toy Story followed by Finding Nemo and The Incredibles which
were also market leaders. In 1996 Apple bought Pixar, letting Steve resume his
position as the CEO of Apple. He also served as a director of The Walt Disney
Company being its largest share holder acquiring seven percent of Disneys total
market shares.
Jobs very seldom unveiled about his family and personal life. At the age of 23 he
fathered a daughter named Lisa with his girlfriend Chrisann Brennan. Later, on 18 th
march 1991 he married Laurene Powell and lived in Palo Alto, California with his two
sons and daughter. Steve is said to be one of the toughest bosses in the industry
which made him reach the peak of business success. He was a Zen Buddhist and
his designs were influenced by its teachings. At the time of his death Steve had 342
US patents for his name majority being design patents. Although Jobs was not much
involved in public charity he said he does them privately. In the Apples best-

performing year of 2007 Steve was named as the most powerful person in business
and in 2009 as the CEO of the decade by the Forbes magazine along with many
other distinctions by various parties. It was disclosed that Steve was suffering from
a very rare neuroendocryne cancer in the year of 2003. The health condition of him
was severely deteriorating that he had to give up his post as the Apple CEO this
August. The Apple company, the high tech world and the human race lost an
inspiring mentor and a genius at an early age of fifty six. At the decease of their
innovative leader, the Apple website read, The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.

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