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A. Read the dialogue. Choose the correct answers.

Kumar : Uncle Suresh, what is hardware?

Uncle : Well, hardware refers to all the parts
of a computer unit. These include
the CPU, the monitor, the keyboard
and the mouse.
Kumar : The CPU? What is that uncle?
Uncle : Come over here Kumar. Look at my
computer unit. This is the CPU. It is
the central processing unit. The
CPU is the most important part of a
computer. It is like the computers
Kumar : If the CPU is the brain, then what is
Uncle : Software is the sets of programmes
that tell a computer how to do a
particular job.
Kumar : What about the mouse?
Uncle : The mouse is necessary to control
the movement of a power symbol on
the screen. For example, you use
the mouse to click the START
button. Kumar, do you know what
the keyboard is used for?
Kumar : I think the keyboard is used to key in
instructions to the computer.
Uncle : Thats right. Without the keyboard,
we wont be able to communicate
with the computer and tell it what to
1. Where do you think Kumar is?
A. At home
B. In school
C. In his friends house
D. In his uncles house
2. What does hardware refer to?
A. All the parts of a computer unit
B. The central processing unit
C. The computers brain
D. Instructions to the computer
3. Who does Kumar ask about computers?
A. His father
B. His teacher
C. His friend Suresh
D. His uncle

4. Why is the mouse necessary?

A. To do our work faster
B. To tell us what to do
C. To process all the information
D. To control the movement of a power
symbol on the screen
5. How can the keyboard help us?
A. It can tell us what to do
B. It can read instructions
C. It can control the monitor
D. It can key-in instructions to the

Read the passage below and answer

the questions that follow.

Sara and Zarinah are best of friends.

They befriended one another during a
camping trip organised by their schools.
They share many things which are of similar
interests. For instance, both like bowling and
collecting stickers. In things that they differ,
they have learnt to understand the matters
better. For example, Sara likes playing
netball whereas Zarinah likes to play tennis.
However, both girls try to learn about each
others interest. This is the basis of their
For the past six years, their friendship
has remained strong. They have forged a
bond so close that they are like sisters. Their
families are happy because both girls have a
healthy friendship that motivates each other
to strive to become better in whatever they
do. This quality makes the girls perform to
their best in all that they do.
Sara and Zarinah are good role models
to their friends and siblings. They stand by
one another during difficult times and always
keep a lookout by making sure that they
always follow the right path. They also do not
fall prey to bad habits. They hope that their
friendship will remain strong forever as they
move on in life.


How did Sara and Zarinah meet? They

met . .
A. during a camping trip
B. during recess in school
C. at the school library
D. in a birthday party

throwing stones at the mangoes so that

__14__ will drop. They looked around and
then they saw a __15__ of stones by the
road. Razi and Zul picked up some stones
and threw __16__ at the mangoes. One of


What do the girls enjoy doing together?

A. Bowling and swimming
B. Collecting stamps and stickers
C. Playing netball and tennis
D. Bowling and collecting stickers

the stones hit a beehive hanging on a branch

and soon a __17__ of angry bees flew out.
They flew straight to Razi and Zul. The
two boys ran as fast as they could. By the



How does their friendship remain strong

despite their differences?
A. They force each other to do things.
B. They try to learn about each others
C. The girls do not talk about their
D. They do things separately.

time they reached home they had a few bee

12. A. they
C. their

B. them
D. theirs

Why do their families support and

encourage their friendship?
A. The girls always compete
B. They are very playful and like to
waste time.
C. They help to bring out the best in
one another.
D. They eat healthy food and exercise

13. A. is
C. an

B. the
D. a

14. A. it
C. they

B. its
D. them

15. A. crate
C. litter

B. clutch
D. heap

16. A. they
C. their

B. them
D. theirs

17. A. litter
C. swarm

B. choir
D. staff

18. A. they
C. their

B. them
D. theirs

10. Sara and Zarinah are good role models

to their friends and siblings. A good role
model is one who
A. is very friendly
B. sets a good example
C. has many friends
D. has lots of bad habits

Choose the correct answers.

It was a gloomy day, Razi and Zul were

walking home after school. Razi said that

_11_ was feeling very bored. The two boys
looked around to find something interesting
that __12__ could do.
Suddenly Zul spotted __13__ mango
tree full of ripe mangoes. He suggested

stings on ___18__ arm, legs and faces.



A. he

B. his

C. him

Choose the correct answers.

19. My mum said _______ left the handbag

in ____ car.
A. she, her
B. her, hers
C. she, hers
D. her, she
20. The cat hurt ______ paw when _____
jumped over the fence.
A. it, its
B. it, it
C. its, it
D. its, its

21. This is ______ book and that is _____.

A. your, my
B. yours, mine
C. you, my
D. your, mine

E. Choose the best word to fill in the

blanks below.

22. Johan bought ______ book at that

A. he
B. him
C. his

It was Ben's twelfth birthday. His

grandfather gave him a jigsaw puzzle. The

23. That is the lady _____ car broke down

just now.
A. who
B. whose
C. whom

picture was a scenery of a __32__

24. Suzy told me that ____ and _____ will

attend the meeting together.
A. she, I
B. her, me
C. her, my
D. her, I

Ben __33__

25. _______ are buying a gift for our mother

for ______ birthday.
A. Our, her
B. We, her
C. Our, she
D. We, her

When the picture was ready, Ben's father sent

it to a

26. The boys will meet _____ tonight and

we will give _____ the results.
A. we, they
B. us, they
C. us, them
D. we, they
27. Every Sunday morning, my parents
__________ to the market.
A. go
B. goes
C. going
D. is going
28. Do your work __________ because the
baby is sleeping.
A. softly
B. quietly
C. loudly
29. The children are in the playground.
_________ are playing hide and seek.
A. He
B. We
C. She
D. They
30. He knelt down ___________ lifted the
kitten carefully.
A. and
B. but
C. so
D. or
31. The old lady has been sleeping
________ two hours.
A. at
B. by
C. for
D. from

shop to be ___34__


32. A. farm
C. mountain

33. A. repaired
C. matched

the puzzle at home.

. Then he

it in Ben's room.

B. jungle
D. desert

B. fixed
D. hooked

34. A. framed
C. packed

B. sticked
D. wrapped

35. A. hung
C. pasted

B. raised
D. held

F. Based on the map, choose the best

answer to fill in the blanks in the
letter that follows.


No 1, Jalan Rambutan 2,
Taman Nuri,
65300 Perak.
Dear Elina,
Hello. I would like to invite you to my
sisters wedding next Saturday, 28th
November 2008. Here, I enclose a map
showing the direction to my house.
First, you walk along Jalan Ratu. You
will pass a school on your right. There is a
mosque at the __(36)__. Next, turn right into
Jalan Merbok and go straight. You will see a
_(37)__ of shophouses on your left. Walk
straight on and turn right into __(38)___. My
house is the __(39)_ house on your right. You
can see a big __(40)__ in front of my house
on that day.
I think its not so difficult for you to find
my house. Please come. I really hope to see
you then.
Yours sincerely,

36. A. crossroads
C. junction

B. traffic lights
D. zebra crossing

37. A. fleet
C. stack

B. group
D. row

38. A. Jalan Ratu 1

B. Jalan Pekaka
C. Jalan Cempedak D. Jalan Merbok
39. A. first
C. third

B. second
D. fourth

40. A. tent
C. booth

B. camp
D. shed

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