ORAL Part 3 Picture 3 Cleaning The Classroom

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Japanese Oral Exam: Section 3 PICTURE 3

: Cleaning the classroom

Task: Speak about this picture for 1 minute 30 seconds.


[DM1]: This is Japan. Its

certainly an interesting picture.

Whats in the picture (sample sentences)

[DM2]: This is a school. Its a

school in Japan. It looks like a Middle

[DM3]: Its a classroom in a

Middle High School.

[DM4]: I can see various items

in the classroom.

High School.

[DM5]: For instance, theres a

blackboard, desks, chairs etc.
[DM6]: On the wall theres a
clock, and there are Kanji posters.
[DM7]: I think the posters have
been written by the students.

Time of day (sample sentences)

[DM8]: It looks like its (just)

after the school lunch break.

[DM9]: Perhaps its 1:30.

Whos in the picture (sample sentences)

[DM10]: There are several

students in the photo.
[DM11]: There are both male
and female students.

[DM12]: There is no teacher.

What are people doing in the photograph (sample sentences)

[DM13]: Everyone in the photo

is cleaning.
[DM14]: These two male
students are carrying chairs.

[DM15]: This kid is sweeping

the floor with a brush.
[DM16]: This person is doing
nothing. Hes goofing off.

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