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Brent crude oil price in further 5.

6% fall
Pretul brut al petrolului va scadea cu
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Brent Crude Oil Futures $/barrel

LAST UPDATED AT 12 JAN 2015, 18:15 GMT






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Oil price falls: Will consumers benefit?

Petrol prices hit five-year low

Falling oil prices: Winners and losers

Oil price dips below $50 a barrel

The price of Brent crude oil has fallen, further taking it to a new sixyear low.
Pretul brut al petrolului a scazut, urmand sa urmareasca o scadere
mica in urmatori 6 ani.
The price of a barrel of the North Sea benchin mark dropped by 5.6% to
$47.27, its lowest level since early 2009.
Pretul unui baril din Marea Nordului a inregistrat o scadere de 5.6% fata de
47.27 dolari, fiind cel mai mic nivel din anul 2009.
US crude oil was also at its lowest level since that time, down by 4.8% to
$46.01 a barrel.
Petrolul din Us, de asemenea a avut cel mai mic nivel de atunci, scazand
4.8 procente, adica 46.01 dolari pe baril.
The cost of petrol in the UK is being cut in response to the recent falls, with
one Birmingham garage selling petrol at 99p a litre.

Costul petrolului din UK a fost taiat ca un raspuns la scaderile recente, cu

un singur garaj Birmingham care vinde petrolul cu 99 penny pe litru.
Asda said on Monday it would be cutting its forecourt price by a further 2p
a litre to 103.7p.
Asda, a spus Luni, ca va fi taiat de catre curte cu 2 penny, ajungand la
103. 7 penny.
Diesel will be 110.7p.
Diesel va fi 110.7 penny.

Meanwhile, a leading investment house drastically cut its three-month
forecast for Brent crude from $80 a barrel to $42.
Intre timp, o mare casa de investitii
Goldman Sachs said the price would stay close to $40 for most of the first
half of this year, at which price the firm said investment in the US shale gas
industry would be held up.
Goldman a spus ca pretul va ramane aproape de 40 dolari in prima
jumatate a anului curent

The oil price has now fallen by more than half since June, when the price
stood at $110 per barrel.
Pretul petrolului nu a scazut mai mult de jumatate din Iunie, cand pretul a
ramas la 110 dolari pe baril.
Production from North American shale companies has increased the
supply of oil and gas, helping to depress prices.
Producatorii de sisturi din america de nord au crescut cererea de petrol si
gaz, ajutand astfel sa provoace scaderea preturilor.
Also undermining the price of oil are slowing global economic demand and
a rising dollar against a range of other currencies.

De asemenea, subminarea pretului petrolului incetinesc cererea

economica globala si dolarul creste in fata altor valute.
The latter can flatter the oil price, which nonetheless can remain the same
price in a local currency that buys fewer dollars.
Acesta din urma poate flata pretul petrolului, dar cu toate acestea poate
ramane acelasi pret pentru o moneda locala cu care cumperi cativa dolari.

In another development dampening the oil price, two fires broke out over
the weekend at refineries in Ohio and Pennsylvania, which will not now be
able to process their normal flow of crude oil.
In alt context al petrolului, 2 incendii in weekend au distrus 2 rafinarii din
Ohio si Pennsylvania, care nu vor mai fi de acum capabile sa proceseze
acelasi flux de petrol brut.
The oil producing countries' cartel, Opec, tends to respond to falling prices
with a cut in output, a move that typically boosts the price.
Cartelul producator de petrol. Opec, tinda sa raspunda acestei scaderii a
pretului petrolului cu o taiere in prodectie, o miscare care va forta pretul.
However, at its most recent meeting in November, the group failed to agree
on price cuts, with the dominant producing country, Saudi Arabia,
preferring to retain current oil output.
Totusi, la intalnirea recenta din Noiembrie, grupul au cazut la un acord
referitor la scaderea pretului cu tara producatoare dominanta, Arabia
Saudita, preferand sa pastreze taierea in productie.
There were signs over the weekend that its stance may be shifting, after
fellow member Venezuela said in a statement it had agreed with Saudi
Arabia to work for a recovery in the oil market and oil prices "with state
policies" from the two countries.

However, this statement gave no details as to how this would be achieved,

and would mark a change in policy for the world's biggest oil producer,
which ignored pleas from its fellow cartel members to reverse the slide in

totusi, aceasta declaratie nu da detalii cu privire la modul in care va fi atins

obiectivul sau cum va marca o schimbare in politica tarilor producatoare de
Certain business sectors are expected to benefit from the situation.
Airlines are one obvious industry. On Monday, Lufthansa said it expected
its fuel bill for this year to be 13% lower than previously forecast, as a
result of the low oil price.

Regular naps are 'key to learning'

PNA-urile regulate sunt cheile de
By James GallagherHealth editor, BBC News website

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The key to learning and memory in early life is a lengthy nap, say
Cheia invatarii si a memorarii cand suntem mici este puiul de somn
de luna durata, spun oamenii de stiinta.
Trials with 216 babies up to 12 months old indicated they were unable to
remember new tasks if they did not have a lengthy sleep soon afterwards.

Studiile pe 216 bebelusi mai mari de 12 luni indica faptul ca, acestia nu
sunt apti sa-si aminteasca noile sarcini daca nu au avut un somn lung
imediat dupa aceea.
The University of Sheffield team suggested the best time to learn may be
just before sleep and emphasised the importance of reading at bedtime.
Echipa Universittaii din Sheffield sugereaza ca, timpul cel mai bun de a
invata, poate fi doar inainte de a dormi si de aceea se accentueaza
importanta cititului inaintea orei de culcare.
Experts said sleep may be much more important in early years than at
other ages.
Expertii, spun ca somnul poate fi mai important in anii tineretii, decat mai
People spend more of their time asleep as babies than at any other point
in their lives.
Oamenii, isi petrec mult din timpul lor dormind ca bebelusii in alta perioada
a vietii.
Yet the researchers, in Sheffield and Ruhr University Bochum, in Germany,
say "strikingly little is known" about the role of sleep in the first year of life.
Insa cercetatorii, din S, din G, spun ca se stie foarte putin despre rolul
somnului in primul an de viata.

Learn, sleep, repeat

They taught six- to 12-month-olds three new tasks involving playing with
hand puppets.

Dr Jane Herbert performing the study

Half the babies slept within four hours of learning, while the rest either had
no sleep or napped for fewer than 30 minutes.
The next day, the babies were encouraged to repeat what they had been
The results, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, showed "sleeping like a baby" was vital for learning.
On average one-and-a-half tasks could be repeated after having a
substantial nap.
Yet zero tasks could be repeated if there was little sleep time.
Dr Jane Herbert, from the department of psychology at the University of
Sheffield, told the BBC News website: "Those who sleep after learning
learn well, those not sleeping don't learn at all."
She said it had been assumed that "wide-awake was best" for learning, but
instead it "may be the events just before sleep that are most important".
And that the findings showed "just how valuable" reading books with
children before sleep could be.

Dr Herbert added: "Parents get loads of advice, some saying fixed sleep,
some flexible, these findings suggest some flexibility would be useful, but
they don't say what parents should do."

Sweet dreams
A study last year uncovered the mechanisms of memory in sleep. It
showed how new connections between brain cells formed during sleep.
Prof Derk-Jan Dijk, a sleep scientists at the University of Surrey, said: "It
may be that sleep is much more important at some ages than others, but
that remains to be firmly established."
He said babies "should definitely get enough sleep" to encourage learning,
but concentrating learning just before bedtime may not be best.
"What the data show is sleeping after training is positive, it does not show
that being sleepy during training is positive."

There is also growing interest in sleep and memory at the other end of life.
The two go hand in hand in your twilight years, particularly with underlying
neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia.
It is hoped that boosting sleep would "slow the rot" of memory function.

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