Course List

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List of Relevant Courses

Course descriptions are taken from the university general catalog.
105 Analytic Mechanics
Newtonian mechanics, motion of a particle in one, two, and three dimensions, Lagrange's equations,
Hamilton's equations, central force motion, moving coordinate systems, mechanics of continuous
media, oscillations, normal modes, rigid body dynamics, tensor analysis techniques.
- Taylor, Classical Mechanics
110A Electromagnetism and Optics
A course emphasizing electromagnetic theory and applications; charges and currents; electric and
magnetic fields; dielectric, conducting, and magnetic media; relativity, Maxwell equations. Wave
propagation in media, radiation and scattering, Fourier optics, interference and diffraction, ray optics
and applications.
- Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics
111 Advanced Electrical Laboratory
The first semester on Basic Semiconductor Circuits covers introductory analog and digital circuits.
- Horowitz & Hill, The Art of Electronics
137A and 137B Quantum Mechanics
Introduction to the methods of quantum mechanics with applications to atomic, molecular, solid state,
nuclear and elementary particle physics.
- Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
104 Introduction to Analysis
The real number system. Sequences, limits, and continuous functions in R and R. The concept of a
metric space. Uniform convergence, interchange of limit operations. Infinite series. Mean value
theorem and applications. The Riemann integral.
- Ross, Elementary Analysis
110 Linear Algebra
Matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, inner products, determinants. Eigenvectors. QR
factorization. Quadratic forms and Rayleigh's principle. Jordan canonical form, applications. Linear
- Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right

113 Abstract Algebra

Sets and relations. The integers, congruences, and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. Groups
and their factor groups. Commutative rings, ideals, and quotient fields. The theory of polynomials:
Euclidean algorithm and unique factorizations. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Fields and
field extensions.
- Dummit & Foote, Abstract Algebra
185 Complex Analysis
Analytic functions of a complex variable. Cauchy's integral theorem, power series, Laurent series,
singularities of analytic functions, the residue theorem with application to definite integrals. Some
additional topics such as conformal mapping.
- Brown & Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications
61AS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Self-Paced)
Introductory programming and computer science. Abstraction as means to control program
complexity. Programming paradigms: functional, object-oriented, client/server, and declarative
(logic). Control abstraction: recursion and higher order functions. Introduction to asymptotic analysis
of algorithms. Data abstraction: abstract data types, type-tagged data, first class data types, sequences
implemented as lists and as arrays, generic operators implemented with data-directed programming
and with message passing. Implementation of object-oriented programming with closures over
dispatch procedures. Introduction to interpreters and compilers. There are several significant
programming projects. Taught in Scheme.
61B Data Structures
Fundamental dynamic data structures, including linear lists, queues, trees, and other linked structures;
arrays strings, and hash tables. Storage management. Elementary principles of software engineering.
Abstract data types. Algorithms for sorting and searching. Introduction to the Java programming

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