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Everything is a Remix

The site about the four-part video series

Highly Recommended
Where Good Ideas Come From, Steven Johnson
The Ecstasy of Influence, Jonathan Lethem
Reality Hunger, David Shields
The Myths of Innovation, Scott Berkun
Insanely Great, Stephen Levy
Infringement Nation, John Tehranian
Reclaiming Fair Use, Patricia Aufderheide & Peter Jaszi
Patent Failure, James Bessen
Series-wide References
Cognitive Surplus, Clay Shirky
Common as Air, Lewis Hyde
Copyrights and Copywrongs, Siva Vaidhyanathan
Here Comes Everybody, Clay Shirky
Piracy, Adrian Johns
Pirates Dilemma, Matt Mason
In Praise of Copying, Marcus Boon (also available as a free download)
The Public Domain, James Boyle (also available as a free download)
Remix, Lawrence Lessig
Silent Theft, David Bollier
The Wealth of Networks, Yochai Benkler
Origins of Genius, Dean Keith Simonton
The Act of Creation, Arthur Koestler
Weaving the Web, Tim Berners-Lee
Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell
What the Dog Saw, Malcolm Gladwell
The Gift, Lewis Hyde
Good Copy, Bad Copy
RiP: A Remix Manifesto, Brett Gaylor
Steal This Film 1 & 2
Can I Get An Amen?, Nate Harrison
Versions, Oliver Laric
Connections 1, 2 and 3, James Burke
Variations, Jon Leidecker
My Sin, My Soul... Whose Lolita?, On the Media
Homages, Ripoffs and Coincidences
Episode 1 References
Turn Me On, Dead Man
Sound Opinions on Rock Plagiarism
Hammer of the Gods, Stephen Davis
The Soft Machines
Episode 2 References
Kill Bill References Guide
Kill Bill Reference, Sylvia
Kill Bill: An Unofficial Casebook, D.K. Holm
George Lucas Stole Chewbacca, But It's Okay
The Making of Star Wars, J.W. Rinzler
The Secret History of Star Wars, Michael Kaminski
Star Wars Origins
Nobrow, John Seabrook
When Will White People Stop Making Films Like Avatar?
Avatar = Pocahontas in Space
Episode 3 References
Where Good Ideas Come From, Steven Johnson
How Breakthroughs Happen, Andrew Hargadon
The Myths of Innovation, Scott Berkun
Explaining Creativity, R. Keith Sawyer

Creativity: Beyond the Myth of Genius, Robert W. Weisberg

Creating Minds, Howard E. Gardner
Smart World, Richard Ogle
Insanely Great, Stephen Levy
Revolution in the Valley, Andy Hertzfeld
Apple Confidential 2.0, Owen Linzmayer
Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons
Triumph of the Nerds (1996 PBS documentary based on Robert X. Cringely's book Accidental Empires)
Mini vMac (Mac emulator)
Cathode (Vintage terminal emulator)
Episode 4 References
Infringement Nation, John Tehranian
Reclaiming Fair Use, Patricia Aufderheide & Peter Jaszi
The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins
Creative License, Kembrew McLeod & Peter DiCola
Viral Spiral, David Bollier
The Patent Crisis and How the Courts Can Solve It, by Dan L. Burk & Mark A. Lemley
Copyright's Paradox, Neil Weinstock Netanel
Against Intellectual Monopoly, Michele Boldrin & David K. Levine
Cutting Across Media, Kembrew McLeod & Rudolf Kuenzli
Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson
FOSS Patents
Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity

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