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Modo, manera. En anteriores unidades ha visto adverbios (adverbs) de diversos tipos: adverbios de tiempo (coma yesterday y same: times), adverbios de lugar (como here y there) y también, de vez en cuando, ha encontrado algunos adverbios de modo. como. por ejemplo. slowly en la expresion Speak slowly, please. La presente unidad esta dedicada prineipalmente a este Ultimo tipo de adverbios, con los que se indica el modo © manera como se realiza una actividad Ademés. a lo largo de la unidad aprender varias normas relativas a la cortesia en el le cjercicios de lectura a partir de materiales tan variados como las instrucciones para hack fotocopiadora o un fragmento del libro de Lewis Carroll Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. faje y realizar diferentes funcionar una maquina Consejos para el aprendizaje. Esta unidad. en la que pr: oportunidad para ofrecer ‘Cuando se est hablando una lengua que no es la materna, las personas que escuchan estiin dispues cerrores relativos a [a cortesfa que no perdonarian tan f observacién se puede aplicar a los estudiantes de inglés que atin no han alcanzado cl dominio de dicha lengua. Aunque es itil saber cémo hablar cortésmente en inglés, y merece ki pena hablar asi (excepto. naturalmente. cuando en realidad se quiere ser descortés), no se desanime por no haber conseguido todavia un modo de expresion plenamente apropiado. Si un angloparlante observa que tiene usted alguna dificultad eon la gramiitica, el vocabulario 0 la pronuncia: cid del inglés, no se sorprendera si usted utiliza expresiones 0 entonaciones que suenan ses. ¥ estar dispuesto a no tomar en consideracidn esos fallos. Sin em Kt tanto menos dispuestas estarain las personas mativas a concederle el beneficio de la duda en esos casos. Por consiguiente los conocimientos generales sobre el estilo. son mais importantes a medida que aumenti sa sard las expresiones ing unos consejos gener: sas que Se utilizan para mostrarse cortés, brinda una buena 's sobre el tema. fas a pasar por alto nente en una conversacién con un hablante native, Esta _ cuanto mayor sea su dominio de la leng la cortesia. asi com habilidad en el ingles Observacion. Ya sabe que la terminacidn caracteristica de los aadverbios de modo ingleses es -ly. que se aftade al adjetive correspon liente (careful —+ carefully, slow — slowly. etc.) Antes de iniciar el estudio de la presente unidad. puede resultarle itil revisur las paginas 454 y 455, en fas que encontrar algunas observaciones v ejemplos seerea de este tema, uss I Speaking and listening Introduc Anna is still in Stockholm. She is having ~ Listentotheca drink in the hotel bar. ete, following the first version of the text. ~ Listen again. following the sec ond version ~ Read the second version aloud, putting in the missing words. Anna: Barman: Anna: Barman: Anna: Barman: Anna: Barman: Anna: Barman: Anna: ‘There are about 24,000 islands in the ‘Stockholm archipelago. Introduction. ‘An orange juice, please Certainly. ‘The weather's beautiful, isn’t it? ‘Oh, yes. The weather's always good in July. ... There you are. One freshly squeezed orange juice. ‘Thank you. Your English is excellent, ‘Thank you very much. Really. You speak English perfectly. Well, not perfectly ~ but I manage. I’ve been to England a few times, and to the States once. But I don’t think I’ve travelled as much as you. Are your group having a good time? Yes, I think so. Just a minute. Is that right? “Are your group having a good time?” Or should it be: “fs your ‘group having a good time?” Oh, you can say “is” or “are”. Both are fine. ‘Yes, I think they're having a good time. One of ‘them has read his guidebook very carefully. He knows more about Stockholm than I do. Barman: Anna: Barman; Neville Anna: Neville: Anna: Neville Anna: Neville Anna: Neville: Anna: Neville: Anna: Neville: Is that a problem? No, not really. ... Oh, my watch has stopped. Can you tell me the time? Yes. It’s nearly seven-thirty. Would you like to know the exact time, Anna? Oh, hello, Neville. Um... It is now 7.27 exactly. ‘Thank you, Neville. T’ve just found another interesting piece of information. In your guidebook? Yes. There are about 24,000 islands in the Stockholm archipelago. About 24,000 islands? ‘That's right. About 24,000 islands. Don’t you have the exaet number? Er ... No. It says: “No-one knows exactly, but there are about 24,000 islands archipelago.” I think that’s an interesting piece of information, Yes, It’s a very Interesting plece of information. ‘Thank you, Neville. You're welcome. S 1054 UNIT 52 Introduction. Anna: An orange juice, +**+= Barman: Certainly. Anna: ‘The weather's +++s+=+es, isn't it? Barman: Oh, yes. The weather's always +++ in July ‘There you are. One freshly +++++++* orange Juice. Anna: Thank you. Your English is +++4++++4. Barman: ‘Thank +++ very much. Anna: Really. You speak +++++++ perfectly. Barman: Well, not perfectly ~ but I +++». I've been ++ England a few times, and to the States =++=. But I don’t think I've +++++=++* ay much as ‘you. Are your group having a good +++»? Anna: Yes, Uthink so. Barman: Just a minute. Is that +++++? “Are your +++++ having a good time?" Or should it be: “Is your ‘group ++=+> a good time?” Anna: Oh, you can **» “s" or “are”. Both are fine. Yes, L think they're having a +»+* time. One of them has read his +++er++++ very carefully. He knows more about Stockholm +++ I do. Barman: Is that a problem? Anna: No, not really. ... Oh, my watch has =++++9». Can you tell me the +++? Barman: Yes. It's nearly seven-thirty. Neville: Would you «+++ to know the exact time, Anna? Anna: Oh, hello, Neville. Um ... Neville: Itis now 7.27 r=+¥=+*, Anna: ‘Thank you, Neville. Neville: Y've just found another interesting =++=+ of information. Anna: In your guidebook? Neville: Yes. There are about 24,000 ++++++5 in the Stockholm archipelago. Arma: About 24,000 islands? Neville: ‘That's «*»+=. About 24,000 islands. Anna: Don’t you have the «+++ number? Neville: Ex ... No. It says: “No-one knows «+++, but there are about 24,000 islands in the Stockholm seseesvenee.” I think that’s an interesting piece of +++s1ssee4e Anna: Yes, it’s +++» interesting piece of information. ‘Thank you, Neville. Neville: You're ++++++, T manage. armenids) Me las arreglo. asmuch as you /az matf 92 ju:/ tanto como usted archipelago Jakr'pelogou’ —archipiclago En el didlogo, el camarero pone de manifiesto un intere: sante aspecto de la gramatica inglesa cuando le pregunta a Anna acerea de la correccién de estas dos formas: Is your group having a good time? Are your group haying a good time? La palabra group es un sustantivo singular. por lo que. tedricamente, se deberia emple singular (aqui. is). Sin embargo, group es. al mismo tiem- Po. un nombre colectivo que se refiere a un determinado rnlimero de personas. Con este tipo de sustantives puede usarse un verbo en plural, ya que la persona que habla suele tener en mente a idea de pluralidad mas que la de Singularidad; asf, al referirse a un “grupo” se piensa en tuna reuni6n de varias personas, y no en una unidad. Por lo tanto, en la frase que dice el camarero es correcto utili: zar el verbo en plural are en lugar del singular is. aun verbo en En anteriores unidades ha visto varios nombres colectivos alos que se aplica esta regla, class clase population poblacién couple pareja staff person: family team equipo Practice. Translate these expressions from the dialogue. They all include adverbs, Freshly squeezed orange juice. You speak English perfectly. ine of them has read his guidebook very carefully. 's nearly sevensthirty. It is now 7.27 exuctly. Answers on page 1072 in this unit has these The Speaking and listening sectior arts: ‘That's the way to do it! Naturally, ... Absolutely magnificent! ‘Comparisons. iEse es el modo de hacerlo! Naturalmente. ;Absolutamente magnifico! Comparaciones. sss

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