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Chapter 2
Transmission Genetics

Slides adapted from lectures by

Lectures by Kathleen
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Simon Fraser University

Mark F. Sanders

John L. Bowman

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

Phenotypic ratios are produced in offspring as a result of
chromosome segregation.
In heterozygotes, alleles generally segregate equally into
meiotic products.
Expected progeny ratios can be predicted when genotypes
of parents are known.
Likely parental genotypes can be inferred from phenotypes
of progeny.
In many organisms, sex chromosomes determine sex.
Sex-linked genes can show different phenotypic ratios in
male and female progeny.
Single-gene traits can be studied in pedigrees.
Organelle genes are usually inherited maternally.

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The historical question

The basic principal that like tends to beget like
had been known for millennia.
Artificial selection had been practiced for ages in
domestic plants and animals to produce desired
Breeders could not explain inheritance of traits,
such as why traits would sometimes disappear and
then reappear in subsequent generations.

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What is inherited?
How is it inherited?
What is the role of chance?

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2.1 Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) discovered the

basic principles of genetic transmission

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Theories of inheritance prior to Mendel

N. Hartsoiker (1694) proposed that males contribute
most features because he could see a little person
(homunculus) in sperm. This model was not widely
Since offspring were frequently intermediate to
parents, theories of blending inheritance were
popular. These called for the hereditary material to
be some sort of fluid or humor that could be
Progress was stymied by reliance upon false or
anecdotal information, and a lack of rigorous
scientific methods.
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Mendels experiments
The garden pea was an ideal organism
vigorous growth
easy to cross or self-fertilize
large number of offspring

Mendel analyzed characters with discrete alternative forms

Purple vs. white flowers*
Yellow vs. green seeds
Round vs. wrinkled seeds
Inflated vs. constricted pods
Green vs. yellow pods
Axial vs. terminal flowers
Long vs. short stem length

Mendel began by establishing pure-breeding lines

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Pure-Breeding Strains to Begin Experimental

Mendel took 2 years prior to beginning his
experiments to establish pure-breeding (or
true-breeding) strains
These are strains that consistently produce the
same phenotype
Each experiment began with crosses between
two pure-breeding parental generation plants
(P generation) that produced offspring called F1
(first filial generation)
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Further Experimental Crosses

Pure-breeding parental plants, when crossed,
produce F1 that all have the same phenotype
F1 offspring that are crossed to one another
produce the next generation of offspring, the
second filial generation (F2)
These can be crossed to produce the third filial
generation (F3) and so on, as needed
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Mendel performed controlled crosses

Controlled mating
obtain desired genotype
deduce genotypes of parents

Selfing: individual with both reproductive

organs mates with itself
symbol is used to indicate a cross
a haploid mating: A a
a diploid mating: A/a A/a

A/ : represents either A or a
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Review of some definitions:

Alleles - alternative forms of a gene
Homozygous both alleles of a diploid locus are
the same
Heterozygous two alleles of a diploid locus are

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Yellow vs. green peas

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Monohybrid crosses reveal units of

inheritance and Law of Segregation

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Mendelian inference
P1(green) P2(yellow)

F1 (yellow)

parental generation (P0)

first filial generation

F2 (3 yellow : 1 green)

second filial generation

(selfing or intercrossing)

The disappearance of green in the F1 and its reappearance in

the F2 means that yellow is dominant to green. Also, the
production of both types in the F2 means that the F1 must
have been heterozygous.
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Law of Equal
The Punnett

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Meiotic segregation
In meiosis, each of the four haploid products
receives one of each kind of chromosome
A/A homozygotes
A/a heterozygotes

all get A chromosomes

half get A chromosomes
half get a chromosomes

As a consequence of chromosome segregation,

alleles of heterozygotes segregate equally

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Meiotic chromosomes
segregate equally

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2002 byW.
H. Freeman
Pearson and

Diploid crosses
Three possible diploid genotypes
A/A a/a A/a
Six possible diploid crosses
a/a a/a
A/A a/a
A/a A/A
A/a a/a
A/a A/a
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Genotypic ratio

Phenotypic ratio
all A
all a
all A
all A
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Mendels Results: Predictions

and Probability
Can we predict how many offspring will
be YY in a Yy x Yy cross?

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Mendels Results: Predictions

and Probability
Can we predict how many offspring will
be YY in a Yy x Yy cross?
Chance of Y sperm uniting with a Y egg
chance of sperm with Y allele
chance of egg with Y allele
Chance of Y and Y uniting = x =

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Mendels Results: Predictions

and Probability
Can we predict how many offspring will be
Yy in a cross of Yy x Yy pea plants?

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Mendels Results: Predictions

and Probability
Can we predict how many offspring will be
Yy in a cross of Yy x Yy pea plants?
Two ways to get Yy offspring:
1. Y sperm unites with y egg
2. y sperm unites with Y egg
probability of Yy =
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Diploid crosses
Crosses between individuals heterozygous for the
same single gene are called monohybrid crosses
A heterozygote for unexpressed recessive allele is
sometimes called a carrier, particularly in humans
A cross between an unknown genotype (e.g., A/)
and the homozygous recessive genotype (a/a) to
attempt to infer the unknown is called a testcross

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Distinguishes between A/A and A/a genotypes
mated to a/a based on phenotypes of offspring
if all progeny have dominant phenotype, then unknown
is A/A
if at least one offspring has recessive phenotype, then
unknown is A/a


genotypic outcome phenotypic outcome

A/A a/a


all A

A/a a/a



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Rules of probability
Multiply probabilities of independent events to obtain
probability of joint occurrence
What is the probability that both A and B will occur?
Solution = determine probability of each and multiply
them together.
Add probabilities of mutually exclusive events to obtain
the probability of either one or another event occurrence
What is the probability of A or B occurring?
Solution = determine the probability of each and add
them together.

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Mendels Second Law

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Law of

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Why alleles at
different loci

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Parental and

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Independent assortment
(sometimes called independent segregation)

Consequence of independent alignment of

chromosomes in meiotic bivalents for genes on
different (nonhomologous) chromosomes
A/A ; B/B a/a ; b/b

A/a ; B/b





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Independent assortment
For genes on different (nonhomologous) pairs of
chromosomes, recombinant frequency is 50%
A/A ; B/B a/a ; b/b

A/A ; b/b a/a ; B/B

A/a ; B/b

A/a ; B/b





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Dihybrid testcross
Determines genotype of dihybrid by crossing
to homozygous recessive tester
Parental A/A ; b/b a/a ; B/B

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tester gametes



A ; B

A/a ; B/b


A ; b

A/a ; b/b


a ; B

a/a ; B/b


a ; b

a/a ; b/b


F1 gametes


A/a ; B/b a/a ; b/b

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Dihybrid testcross
Best way to study recombination is in a
dihybrid testcross
only dihybrid produces recombinant genotypes
all homozygous recessive tester gametes alike

Typical 1:1:1:1 ratio a result of independent

assortment in dihybrid
Each genotype in progeny has distinct
Observed by Mendel in testcrosses with two
pairs of traits
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Dihybrid selfing
Equivalent to cross between two A/a ; B/b dihybrids
recombination occurs in both members of cross
recombination frequency is 50%





A/A ; B/B

A/A ; B/b

A/a ; B/B

A/a ; B/b


A/A ; B/b

A/A ; b/b

A/a ; B/b

A/a ; b/b


A/a ; B/B

A/a ; B/b

a/a ; B/B

a/a ; B/b


A/a ; B/b

A/a ; b/b

a/a ; B/b

a/a ; b/b


9 A/ ; B/

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3 A/ ; b/b

3 a/a ; B/

1 a/a ; b/b

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Dihybrid selfing: corn kernels

9 Purple+Smooth
3 Purple+wrinkled
3 yellow+Smooth
1 yellow+wrinkled

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Mendels laws are probabilistic

Mendels laws do not predict the outcome for any
single offspring, but provide the bases for probabilistic

They are used to predict the likelihood of the

different outcomes (i.e., genotypes and
phenotypes after a cross).
They are used to make inferences of how many
genes underlie a trait and the dominance
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Why are some alleles dominant

over others?

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Shape seed trait

R/- (round) vs. rr (wrinkled)

Gene R
Function: Starch branching
enzyme 1
Half of the amount of enzyme is
enough to branch enough starch
to provide enough tension to
keep seed shape round
Mutation: Insertion of an 0.8 kb
transposable element
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Autosomes and sex chromosomes

Sex chromosomes determine sex in most
animals and some plants
usually only one pair
one sex has two alike (e.g., XX)
one sex has two different types (e.g., XY)

Remaining chromosomes are called

X chromosomes and autosomes contain
numerous genes
Y chromosomes typically have few genes
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Autosomes and sex chromosomes

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The duck-billed platypus has

weird sex chromosomes too

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Human sex chromosomes

44A XX is female, homogametic (two X gametes)
44A XY is male, heterogametic (X and Y gametes)
Segregate equally into gametes at meiosis

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50% X

50% Y

50% X



50% X


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Sex chromosomes differences

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X-linked inheritance
Male inherits Y from father and X from mother
Female inherits one X from father and one X
from mother
In most mammals, including humans
Y chromosome has very few genes, but one
important gene is SRY (sex determining region of
the Y)
X chromosome has no corresponding loci on Y
Males express all recessive genes on X
chromosome (said to be hemizygous)
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X-linked inheritance
Females: 3 possible X-linked genotypes



Males: 2 possible X-linked genotypes



An XAXa XAY mating yields a 3A:1a phenotypic ratio, but the

recessive phenotype is restricted to 50% of male offspring.


50% XA
50% Xa

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50% XA
50% Y

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Drosophila X-linked inheritance

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Drosophila X-linked inheritance

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Pedigree analysis

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Pedigree analysis

Analysis of inheritance in families

Allows inferences concerning mode of inheritance (MOI),
unknown genotypes, and predictions concerning
phenotypes of future offspring
Usually too few offspring to observe meaningful departures
from Mendelian ratios

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Learn them!

number of offspring
of indicated sexes



sex unspecified

carriers of autosomal


carrier of sex-linked

consanguineous mating



miscarriage or stillbirth,
sex unspecified

dizygotic twins

monozygotic twins



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convention for identifying individuals;

offspring listed in birth order; here, the 3rd
individual in generation II, or II-3, is affected

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Single-locus MOIs
Autosomal recessive
e.g. PKU, Tay-Sachs, albinism

Autosomal dominant
e.g. Huntington disease

X-linked recessive
e.g. color-blindness, hemophilia

X-linked dominant
e.g. hypophosphatemia

e.g. hairy pinnae


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Autosomal dominant inheritance

Key characteristics:
Affected individuals have at least one affected parent
Two affected parents may produce unaffected children
No sex bias in affected status or allele transmission

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Autosomal dominant inheritance

Displays an unbroken or
vertical pattern of inheritance
in that every affected
individual has at least one
affected parent.


Autosomal is indicated by the lack of

clear sex-dependent transmission.

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Autosomal dominant inheritance

Displays an unbroken or
vertical pattern of inheritance
in that every affected
individual has at least one
affected parent.


Autosomal is indicated by the lack of

clear sex-dependent transmission.

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Autosomal recessive inheritance

Key features:
Affected individuals often born to unaffected parents
If both parents are affected, all offspring will be affected
No sex bias in affected status or allele transmission
For rare traits, consanguinity is common

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Autosomal recessive inheritance


Connie Chiu (photo: Thomas Paquet)

Consanguinity is typical for unaffected parents of individuals with

rare autosomal recessive traits.
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Autosomal recessive inheritance


Connie Chiu (photo: Thomas Paquet)

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X-linked recessive inheritance

More common in males
Affected individuals in a pedigree
will be related matrilineally

X-linked Hemophilia

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X-linked recessive inheritance

More common in males
Affected individuals in a pedigree
will be related matrilineally

X-linked Hemophilia

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X-linked dominant inheritance


All daughters (but no sons) of affected males are affected

Offspring (either sex) of affected females may be either affected
or unaffected
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X-linked dominant inheritance

All daughters (but no
sons) of affected males
are affected
Offspring (either sex)
of affected females may
be either affected or

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What is the mode of inheritance?

mode of inheritance:
parents genotypes:
unaffected siblings probability of being carriers:
probability of next offspring being affected:

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What is the mode of inheritance?

mode of inheritance:
parents genotypes:
unaffected siblings probability of being carriers:
probability of next offspring being affected:

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What is the mode of inheritance?

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Conditional Probability
The conditional probability of an event A is the
probability that the event will occur given the
knowledge that an event B has already occurred.
P(A|B)=P(A and B)/P(B)
If your question is conditioned to a particular
subset of genotypes, you must account for that
when reporting the probability

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Conditional Probability
In the cross of Yy x Yy pea plants, what is the
probability of an offspring being homozygous
dominant (YY) given that it is yellow?

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Conditional Probability
In the cross of Yy x Yy pea plants, what is the
probability of an offspring being homozygous
dominant (YY) given that it is yellow?

P(YY|yellow)=P(YY and yellow)/P(yellow)

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Conditional Probability
In the cross of Yy x Yy pea plants, what is the
probability of an offspring being homozygous
dominant (YY) given that it is yellow?

P(YY|yellow)=P(YY and yellow)/P(yellow)

= 0.25 / 0.75 = 1/3

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Problem 1

What is the probability that the

offspring in question will have
the trait?

Chapter 5: Single-gene Inheritance

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2002 by W. H. Freeman and Company

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Problem 1

What is the probability that the

offspring in question will have
the trait?

The trait appears to be autosomal recessive and is assumed to

be rare.

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Problem 1

What is the probability that the

offspring in question will have
the trait?

The trait appears to be autosomal recessive and is assumed to

be rare.
What is the probability that the highlighted individual
expressing the dominant phenotype is a carrier of the
recessive allele?

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Problem 1

What is the probability that the

offspring in question will have
the trait?

The trait appears to be autosomal recessive and is assumed to

be rare.
What is the probability that the highlighted individual
expressing the dominant phenotype is a carrier of the
recessive allele?
P(Mm|M_)=P(Mm and M_)/P(M_)
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Problem 1

What is the probability that the

offspring in question will have
the trait?

The trait appears to be autosomal recessive and is assumed to

be rare. The probability that each grandmother is
heterozygous is 2/3; the probability that each parent of the
offspring is heterozygous is 2/3 x 1/2. If each is heterozygous,
the probability of an afflicted child is 1/4. Therefore, using the
product rule, the probability that the child will be afflicted is

2/3 x 1/2 x 2/3 x 1/2 x 1/4 = 1/36

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Problem 2
This pedigree is for a mild and rare hereditary
disorder of the skin
Consider the parents
III-4 and III-5. What
was the probability of
having four
unaffected children
before they actually
had them?

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Problem 2
This pedigree is for a mild and rare hereditary
disorder of the skin
Consider the parents
III-4 and III-5. What
was the probability of
having four
unaffected children
before they actually
had them?

D+D D+D+

D+D+ D+D+ D+D+ D+D+

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Problem 2
This pedigree is for a mild and rare hereditary
disorder of the skin
Consider the parents
III-4 and III-5. What
was the probability of
having four
unaffected children
before they actually
had them?

D+D D+D+

Assuming autosomal
D+D+ D+D+ D+D+ D+D+

p(4 unaffected children) = 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 0.063

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Problem 3
What is the mode of inheritance of
this rare trait?

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Problem 3
What is the mode of inheritance of
this rare trait?

Autosomal dominant
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Problem 4
What is the probability of obtaining the genotype
A/-; B/-; C/-; D/- in the offspring of this cross?
P1 A/a ; B/b ; C/c ; D/d P2 a/a ; B/b ; C/c ; D/D

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Independent assortment: multiple loci

Calculations can be made for any gene combination using
predicted outcomes at single loci and the product rule

P1 A/a ; B/b ; C/c ; D/d P2 a/a ; B/b ; C/c ; D/D

# gametes P1
# gametes P2
# genotypes in F1
# phenotypes in F1

2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16
2 x 3 x 3 x 2 = 36

Frequency of
x x x 1 = 9/32
A/ ; B/ ; C/ ; D/
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Deducing genotypes from ratios

Genetic analysis works in two directions
predict genotypes in offspring
determine genotypes of parents in cross

Specific expectations, e.g., 1:1:1:1 and 9:3:3:1 can

be used to deduce genotypes
Testcross example:
A/ ; B/
A/ ; b/b
a/a ; B/
a/a ; b/b

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# observed

The observed results are

close to 1:1:1:1, allowing the
deduction that the tested
genotype was a dihybrid.

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Problem 5
Consider a hypothetical mating between two browneyed individuals heterozygous for the recessive
blue-eye allele (Bb). If the pair has five offspring,
what is the probability that two of them will have blue

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To answer this and similar questions, we will use the binomial

expansion equation:

i ni
i!(n i)!
n = total number of events (e.g. total # of offspring)
i = number of events in one category (e.g. # affected)
p = individual probability of event I (e.g. 0.25)
probability of the other category (= 1I = 0.75)
q = individual

(The symbol ! denotes factorial: 5! = 1x2x3x4x5 = 120)

This equation represents all of the possibilities for a given set

of unordered events.
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Bd x Bd

3 B_: 1 bb
n = total number of events = 5
i = number of events in one category = 2 (blue eyes)
p = individual probability of event I = 0.25
q = individual probability of the other category = 0.75
Binomial expansion equation

i ni
0.25 0.75 0.26
i!(n i)!
2!(5 2)!
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Binomial Probability
Some questions involve predicting the likelihood of
a series of events (for which there are two
outcomes each time)
We use binomial probability calculations to
answer this type of question
It expands the binomial expression to reflect the
number of outcome combinations and the
probability of each
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Construction of a Binomial Expansion

A binomial expansion contains two variables; p, the
frequency of one outcome, and q, the frequency of the
alternative outcome (p and q may or may not be equal,
depending on the type of outcome)
(p q) 1, since these are the only two outcomes
We expand the equation by the power of n, where
n the number of successive events: (p q)n
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Binomial Expansion Formula Example

For families with three children, predict the proportions
with each possible combination of boys and girls
p probability of a boy ; q probability of
a girl
Binomial expansion: (p + q)3 p3 3p2q 3pq2 q3
p3 1/8 (3 boys); 3p2q 3/8 (2 boys, 1 girl); 3pq2 3/8
(1 boy, 2 girls); q3 1/8 (3 girls)
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Application of Binomial Expansion to

Progeny Phenotypes
In a self-fertilized Gg pea plant, give the proportion of
yellow and green peas in pods with six peas each
p probability of yellow peas 3/4; q probability of
green peas
A shortcut to the binomial expansion is Pascals
triangle, which is easy to calculate

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2.5 Chi-Square Analysis Tests the Fit Between

Observed and Expected Outcomes
Scientists must be able to make comparisons of
observed and expected results to objectively
determine whether results are consistent with
The chi-square test was developed to allow for these
objective comparisons

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The Chi-Square Analysis

The 2 test (chi-square) is often used to quantify how
closely a set of experimental observations matches the
expected outcome
2 = (O E)2/E
O = observed values

E = expected values based on some predictive model

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Interpreting the Chi-Square Analysis

The interpretation of the 2 values is done by means of
a probability (P) value

It is an estimate of the probability of obtaining results

that deviate as much or more from the expected
results by chance

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Degrees of Freedom
The relationship between P value and 2 values for an
experiment depends upon the number of degrees of
freedom (df) i.e. the number of independent
The df value is the number of mutually exclusive
outcome classes, n, minus 1;
The chi-square table includes values for different
degrees of freedom and the corresponding P values
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Statistical Significance
A statistically significant result from 2 analysis is one
for which the P value is less than 0.05

When any experimental result has less than 5%

probability, the hypothesis of chance is rejected
P values above 5% indicate a nonsignificant deviation
between observed and expected results
This results in failure to reject the hypothesis of chance
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Chi-Square Analysis of Mendels Data

Modern statistical methods allow us to test
Mendels experimental data for compatibility with
his laws
From statistical analysis of his data, we can
conclude that the results are consistent with the

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Monohybrid Cross Example

For round vs. wrinkled seeds, Mendel observed 5475
round and 1850 wrinkled from his monohybrid cross
(Rr Rr), for a total of 7324 seeds
The expected values: (7324)(3/4) 5493 round (R-),
and (7324)(1/4) 1831 wrinkled (rr)
2 (5474 5493)2/5493 (1850 1831)2/1831
For df 1, the P value falls between 0.50 and 0.70,
well above the 0.05 cutoff value
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2.6 Autosomal Inheritance and Molecular

Genetics Parallel the Predictions of
Mendels Hereditary Predictions
In the early 1900s biologists began to extend Mendels
findings to other organisms
They also began to identify exceptions to the
hereditary principles
Mendelian principles can be applied to transmission of
certain traits in humans
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Molecular Genetics of Mendels Traits

A cornerstone of modern genetics is the integration of
the principles of transmission genetics with those of
molecular genetic analysis
Transmission of alleles is equated with transmission
of variable DNA sequences that act through mRNA to
produce proteins responsible for phenotypes

Genetics Analysis: An Integrated Approach

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

Genetics Analysis: An Integrated Approach

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

Central Conclusions from Molecular Studies

of Mendels Traits
1. Inheritance of alleles precisely parallels the pattern
of transmission of morphological variants
2. Morphologic variation results from differences in
structure and function of protein products of the
3. Molecular analysis led to identification of DNA
sequence differences between alleles, and their
4. Functional analysis of the protein products of each
allele led to understanding of its function in
producing the phenotype
Genetics Analysis: An Integrated Approach

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

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