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International University of Sarajevo

Name: Tahtovi Elvira

ID: 1010022

Ibn Khaldun's Understanding of Civilizations

and the Dilemmas of Islam and the West Today

In September 11, 2001 a lot of debates were lead through in the world. The most important
were ''clash of civilizations'' and ''dialogue of civilizations''. They were not new, they have
been present for long time just kept somewhere sideward. In ''clash of civilizations'' Muslim
people are seen as the enemies.
The september 11,2001 made a lot of changes in the live of many people worldwide. There
were a bags of victims, people were suffering, flights were suspended, emergency was
declared. All this afflicted Americans to become added affectionate nation prooved with stars
and stripes apparent everywhere. But, additionally a nation that declared Muslims with no
agnosticism and no affirmation as a terrorists. The life of Americans as well as the life of
Muslim people has changed extremely. Especially the media affected more panic in America.
There were a lot of titles in TV news and newspapers which were puting the Muslims in bad
light. The Americans represented themselfs as endangered and they were wonderning why the
Muslims hate them.A few months later bombing on Afghanistan began, though somewhat rare
in terms of economic and industrial development of both countries. A lot of Muslim people
were protesting in the world but that was unsuccessfully. Usama bin Ladin has been
presented like the mastermind of the whole situation and while everyone said that that was a
war between Muslims and the West he denied that. Now the people who didnt knew much
about Islam thought that Muslim people are terrorists and nowdays that opinion stayed the
same. Also the holy book Koran provides that killing is wrongdoing and its not alowed. The
hatred against Muslims became bigger and bigger. Woman wearing hijab were attacked and
other Arabs were killed just because they were living in America, a lot of movies were taken
about muslims as terrorists. Even when the explosion happened in Oklahoma City, the first
Muslims were accused of being responsible for it. Later, it became very difficult to accept that
it was an act of white Anglo - Saxon American. How Islam has been seen as a terrorist
religion, the followers of this religion were also seen as terrorists. Effect of several people
designated as all Muslims are terrorists, although, as already stated, that the action had
nothing to do with Islam. In a world of misunderstandings and lack of dialogue among
civilizations was present and saw. Ibn Khaldun was always a scientist. that in the past, his
work underwent several available and even move up to the present. There are some
differences between scientists and sociologists like Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emil Durckheim
and Ibn Khaldun. The main difference is that Ibn Khaldun was a believer. In the forefront of
his work is asabiyya" or "social cohesion" . This is the essence of the concept of

community. One of the states of the principles of social organization, said that that is the need
for people. People among others, are here to implement the vision of God on earth spread.
Following the Bible to be a moralist. And so if they respect that noone is going to be
immoral. Ibn Khalduns works are very important. At the time of writing, they were inovative
scince he acclimated the aesthetics in the account of sociological terms. -In most of his work
he did not only act as a writer. He was also a participant in history. Between his work and
studies, but also in his life we learn many things, but greater emphasis is placed on knowledge
and on the theory that the mind is stronger than other things, and just with understanding and
knowledge we can beat others.

Global theories
The relations between Islamic world and the West had sharpened a lot from September 11. To
abstain added confounding that would advance to added hateness and wars, the Muslims
should explain themselves, their adoration to Western civilizations and so the Western
civilizations should accost those explanations and appearance some accomplishment to accept
it. But many Muslims reject all discussion included the western world, because globalization
means to Westernization. In all those things Muslims are a bit cagey and anticipate that they
will be afresh accused for something. In the past, there was the time of absolute
''globalization'' for Islamic world, back they could move freely, they lived with added nations,
people of added religion, which is the one assumption of Islam: All people are aforementioned
in advanced of the God. At the aeon of this affectionate of harmony, Europe has accomplished
the high point in art, architecture, literature, etc. This means that many more people each to
contribute to all cultural developements. Muslims were the first Europe-knowledge of many
developements, and people often are not aware of Isamic contribution in the field of
intelligence from Europe.By the time that Muslims lived, it is real that they will be questioned
after all what happened to the Islamic countries. But all those wars, all bad things brought one
absolute aftereffect to the Islam: the discution the importance of religion in modern society. It
is staded that the accomplishments for added conflicts will be religion, not economy. Islam in
accepted association is apparent as the adversary faith. Rather, there are several Islamic
countries, which are very important for western countries. Residents of these countries are
omitted from all theories thah Muslims are "terrorists". This presents as a "bridge nation
between opposite sides and the hope to unite them. Some rulers accept that as their aim to
achieve.. Prince of Wales's speech about the importance of Western and Islamic countries
together, which agency a lot, science a baton of a nation is of that willingness. In Ibn
Khalduns study, it is recommended that the Muslim administration comedy role in "social
cohesion." Today, military, democrats, kings and religious advisors (the Taliban) are the
leaders of the countries. This administration is accordant from country to country. Abounding
countries would accede that Talibans are of unacceptable behaviour and that by this behaviour
they represent the Islam as a bad religion. So bringing those affectionate of leaders aftereffects in a administration collapse. People of altered cultures live together, fullfil the candor
but all this is burst back if the inapropriate baton is in charge. The proposed access to Ibn
Khaldun says that the collapse of government authority appears to return from the mountains

to the cities and be upward, but at this time can not come to light sincerity as before arrival.
At that point, bodies that lived in cities calm boring alpha to breach bottomward which is
apparent years later. Everyone who comes to termination of the factors for failure include ..:
description of the knowledge, gap between rich and poor, massive urbanization, migration to
the West, etc.
If the amusing accord break down, so the bulletin of the God will. To transfer the message of
the God ,the ability is important. But there is a fact that the Muslim people are chased out of
their homes, so they escaped to parts of the Western world. Under this condition,, the Muslim
world is in the lower education and woman have no rights. So other scholars, such as the
Taliban, Islam are chargeless to interpreate Islam actual almost and somethimes actual wrong
they use Islam as a tool for oppression and tyranny is growing up without anyone to talk about
it and asked the world for the image of Islam. The collapse of 'social cohesion' or the
'asabiyya' and the advance of globalization has brought the concept of identity that identifies
the Muslim people. Basically, the identity on the basis of blood, abode or religion. In the past,
including the race, religion and nationalism, nationalism as a source of identification,
nationalism dominates. The reason for World War I and World War II was nationalism. Many
other wars were the results of these ethnic conflicts. In the context of globalization , That has
changed. In Balkan ethnicity and religion are related, as in many other places. Science
nationalism changed the boundaries of States has changed, and people are largely free to
locate anywhere in the world. However, the effect of migration of nationalism and ethnicity
has been weakened. Religion can be anywhere flourished. In best of the countries one sources
interferes with addition which after-effects in aerial astriction amid those three sources of
identity. These tensions were expressed in the light of the violence in the country, so that
"social cohesion" in this country is at the lowest level. But on the contrary in these countries
is the highest level of "unifying factor in dynastic rule or the language" that makes those
countries aggressive to all-around changes.
The Scholarship of Inclusion, A Personal Account
In the association today, there is a huge strain of Islam from society. Most of the Muslims are
acquainted of this abnormality and anniversary of Muslim people reacts differently. As an
example, Akbar Ahmed's alive shown. The capital assignment and aim of Akbar Ahmed was
to fix the problem. He wrote a lot of articles, filmed abounding videos and filmes, captivated
abounding speeches in adjustment to change the image about Islam that abounding nonMuslim people had. He gave his best to aftermath a interfaith dialogue, that people of altered
religions begin to accept and accept listening to others. He had the intension to accomplish
projecs such as 'Living Islam' and 'Jinnah Quartet' in which he succed. All this project, as said
earlier, were declared to fix the problem, to appearance Islam as it is, a one advanced faith.
However, this affectionate of projects had its cost. Many other people were trying to do
similar projects, but they were not successful. For example, there was ambition to make a
movie called Ataturk, but afterwards the capital amateur had accustomed abounding afterlife
trethes, he backed up. So likely, in the projects of Akbar Ahmed, there were abundant cool
accuations and threathening. Some Muslims were of assessment that this affectionate of
projects were excelent because they will accommodate the interfaith dialogue, but other

Muslims were opposed to those projects because their oppinion was that added acceptance
followers are not believers, are bad people, and people should not get in acquaintance with
them. What is accessible from these projects is that they afflicted the adolescent people, and
helped to change their image and oppinion about the Islam.
The Scholarschip of Exclusion
A lot of people see the Talibans as the allotment of Islamic world, but it must be known that
their actions have connection with Pukhtunwali, more than with Islam. Basic Pukhtunwai is
revenge. No matter when revenge will ocur, it is important to appear. The Talibans go to
madrasa, which is a affectionate of religious school. And their religion commands them to
seek knowledge. But in their curriculum, there is no non-Muslim scientists. The base of this
madrsas go aback to the 1857 aback there was the analysis of education. One type had the
idea to combine modernity with Islam, while other schools have made on Muslims. This
school has influenced the Taliban. They will not stand again someone who is against the West,
even if it would lead them to their destruction. They are concerned about conflict with the
Now should be the general theory discovered because we mentioned everything.It is assertive
that abounding avant-garde age sociologists would be supprised about the action today
association lives in, about the misunderstanding of adoration and abridgement of interfaith
dialogues. One of the clash of civilizations, war of the future will result from a
misunderstanding of faith. It is known that Islam is the religion of the enemy. But other
religious conflict, misunderstanding, too. However, most people show hostility to Islam.To
prevent war and resolve many problems, important questions should be asked: How the
people are negotiating the abstraction of God?, why there is confounding of God, divine,
added religions? Why does not people try to get the abstraction of God and all-powerful in
added religions? In addition, important questions about why people kill in the name of God
that all religions forbid any crime or not. What can be done about all of these things?. In order
to achieve some sort of unity between religions, especially some of these questions must be
asked and answers must be found. At least, the there should be an effortput up in adjustment
to accept added religions and to get the answers. It's like before the conditions for harmony
between religions.Resolution states that we should take some serious steps in order to make
the dialogue between the Islamic world to the west. Analysis of the problem should be taken
to ensure that the idea was the dialogue stronger. Many questions and problems, find solutions
to the Muslim religion. Faith gives them the strength needed to deal with these issues and
problems. Muslims need to restore the idea that Islam is under the full justice, tolerance, etc.
Western countries should get in conntact with the Islamic world, should require the
cooperation, etc.The Western countries should try to explain that they dont see Islam as an
enemy, and other people world wide should try to understand other people and their religions.
Both parties must be given to each other. The events on September 11,turned out destroyed
the balance in the world when it was not needed but that is also a sign that the dialogue should
start. Now the biggest chalange for the world is to find the balance again and set up the
peaceful order.

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