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Criticize the work done

2.1 - D
Well characterized? No
The use of precise limits, essentially based on main roads was considered not satisfactory for
our group. Although their importance for defining the landscape units are relevant, sometimes
the landscape units have no major difference in each of these main roads. The Unit D and D1
and D2 units are a very clear case of this option of delimitation by roads. In this issue, we
believe it exist, specifically in this unit D, features in the landscape units that exist on both
sides of the roads used for delimitation. Many of these similar characteristics will be used later
in the transition area classification.
4 - LU Analysis
D - This unit is an expansion area north in Lisbon, which occurs mainly in a flat area with
occasional weak slopes. Include part of Avenidas Novas, the whole area of Alvalade and still
the area of Cidade Universitria and surrounding areas until the Segunda Circular.
What better could characterize this landscape unit is its planned character and flatness, in
stark contrast with other areas of Lisbon. A network of more regular and wider streets with
considerable number of avenues and strong motor traffic, are also relevant features. The area
of Alvalade dominates the sub-unit D2. Also the area of Cidade Universitria, which names the
sub-unit D1, is presented as a planned area with a very specific function, to house several
college campus of Lisbon.
D1 (Alvalade) is dominated by buildings heights, architecture (in time and space) and color of
similar buildings, from his initial planning. Along with the provision of its urban fabric, is
undoubtedly a homogeneous unit that does not raise serious doubts on its delimitation.
D2 (University City) could be characterized by the presence of sizeable blocks with the
presence of some big buildings inside, which however do not cover the entire area of these
blocks, with plenty of free space with green areas (arranged or low maintenance) and parking.
The definition of a "core" of this area with the characteristics mentioned above is relatively
easy, however there are doubts about the inclusion of areas adjacent to this "core", which is
the Cidade Universitria itself. With blocks of considerable size and a similar structure, the
remaining areas of D2 (with the north-south axis and Lusiada Avenue, in areas such as
Laranjeiras) have some of the characteristics of the "core", but a higher building density with
different architectural features and a more pronounced housing function.
(Problem areas)
Although the physiographic characteristics are the same, the inclusion in this unit (specifically
in D2) of the area of Avenidas Novas located on the plateau is problematic because it has an
earlier architectural genesis to the other areas of the unit, with a process of renovation and
reconstruction of several buildings in height, the result of strong property speculation. This
area is marked by a strong architectural heterogeneity between buildings, a dynamic trafic

considerably higher than the other areas and a lower percentage of green spaces, and these
features will continue towards the south into unit C. Areas as Rgo do not have very marked
identity characteristics, mixing dynamics present in other areas as local as So Domingos de
Benfica (D2) show characteristics that are closer to the Benfica area located on drive E (E1
Proposed as transitional areas are So Domingos de Benfica area (for Unit E) Avenidas Novas,
Arco do Cego and Bairro dos Actores (for Unit C) and area north of the Avenue of Brazil (for
Unit E)

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