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Year in Review


2014: A YEAR OF

Dear fellow 925 members and families,

2014 was such a whirlwind year filled with work, family,

and of course being active in our union.
As we look forward to a great 2015, its nice to take a
breath and look back at all we accomplished together.
Without a doubt, 2014 has been such an empowering year
for us! No other organization has fought more for our children, for our child care, and for education from early learning
to college than SEIU 925 members.
We came together as a union as Family Child Care providers, K-12 workers, UW employees, and non-profit/government workers to bravely stand up for education at all levels.
We launched a state-wide campaign to ensure that corporations pay their fair share in Washington, just like the rest of
us, for fully funding education from birth to college graduation.
And our Family Child Care providers bravely led our YES
for Early Success initiative, which ignited widespread public
attention to the child care crisis in Seattle of low access and

Stronger Together! 925 President

Karen Hart and our Family Child Care
bargaining team went to Olympia
June 2014 to advocate for quality
child care and a strong contract.

SEIU Local 925 President Karen Hart

affordability for families.

Our union is growing in strength and power! Last year
adjunct and contingent faculty from Antioch and Seattle universities voted to join SEIU 925. Welcome to our union!
It wasnt easy, but 2014 became the year we no longer accepted the things we could not change, and decided to change
the things we could not accept.
Im proud to serve in a union of such courageous and caring
members who are devoted to quality education and improving the lives of working families, children, and members of
our community.
We are truly stronger together and 2015 promises to be
another great year of standing up for education.
Karen Hart

Honor Roll
We have a strong and powerful union that advocates for
child care, education, public services, and our families and
communities because of our strong member leaders who
stand up to make a difference. Whether attending rallies,
phone banking, door knocking, or representing members on a
bargaining team or committee, we salute our member leaders
who took action this year to fight for working families and for
fully funding education from birth to graduation. In alphabetical
order, our 2014 honor roll is:

Jan A. Abbott
Ardo Abdi
Fowsia Abdi
Fozia Ali Abdi
Anab B Abdullah
Nafisa Mohamed Abdulle
Safia Abdulle
Karen S. Abel
Gideon A. Abella
Felicita A. Abeyta
Binyam G. Abraham
Gammada S. Abraham
Amina S Abu
Halima Abu
Saadia Abu,
Aan Abukar
Negrete Bertha Acevedo
Jason Ackley
Dora M. Acosta
Irma Acosta
Carolyn A. Adams
Terri A. Adams
Hawo Jemale Adan
Jamila Hussein Adan
Maryan Sharif Adan
Muhubo Adan
Catherine L. Adgar-Beal
Donald O. Ady
Glorya Afful
Martha Aguilar
Gloria G. Aguirre
Jean A. Aguirre
Layla Ahmed
Nimo Mohamed Ahmed

Seinab Y Ahmed
Lindsay Aickin
Teri Ainslie
Phillip J. Akerill
Naseem Akhtar
Carmen Alcaraz
Stephen Alcini
Maryjean D. Alejandro
Linda S. Alexander
Asha Ali
Fatuma Noor Ali
Hodan M Ali

Isir Ali
Sahra S Ali
Ubah G Ali
Arnold S. Allen
Moonflower A. Allen
Jeffry L. Allen
Keith H. Allex
Jeane M. Allison
Sherry D. Allison
Gabrielle G. Allmann
Patsy D. Almer
Nanci L. Almquist

Taking Action: UW employees send a

message to the University President
during contract negotiations Sept.


Nevin H. Al-Shatti
Allen N. Alston
Juanita Alvarado
Antonia B. Alvarez
Robert R. Alwin
Roberta Amaro
Judy K. Amituanai
Samoa (Sam) T. Amituanai
Drew Z. Amos
Angela Anderson
Cassandra A. Anderson
Guy D. Anderson
Mary Betsy E. Anderson
Roger L. Anderson
Tammy L. Anderson
Carla E. Andrade
Sharon K. Andrews
Dennis E. Angell
Rashida Anjum
Kyle Ankeny
Lynnette Anthony
Kim D. Apperson
Dolly B. Aquino
Amanda Aragon
Joy Y. Araki
Michelle G. Arambula
Rebecca Araujo
Norma I. Arauz
Maria Arguello
Maria G G. Arias
Ann K. Armstrong
Joni Armstrong
Enriqueta Arreguin
Estella Arroyo-guzman



Berta Artiga
Irma Ascencio
Maria Ascencio
Shelley J. Ashford
Jeffery S. Atkinson
Liliya Aukhimovich
Margaret A. Aumann
Rose A. Austin
Maria C Avalos
Zenaida Avilez
Maria Esther Avina
Juana Avitia
Myint Aye
Mojgan Babaalinia Kashtli
Cecilio B. Bacarro
Cynthia D. Bacon
Darren V. Bailey
Dolores S. Bailey
Patricia Bailey
Noel A. Bain
Kim A. Baird
Jordan B. Baker
Shana Baker
Deborah Bale
Lillian J. Balmforth
Mahin D. Baradari
Enriqueta Barajas
Fatima Barboza
Nadifo I. Barir
Steven M. Barnes
Kristin N. Barnhill
Irma Barragan
Theresa A. Bartl

Bax R. Barton
Jamie L Baskin
Thomas W. Bass
Melanie Bateman
Tomasa Bates
Concepcion Batista
Christina Bautista
Gordon A. Bay
Thad D. Bayes
Erik W. Bear
Darrell L. Beebe
Elizabeth A. Beigle-Bryant
Tiffany Beisler
Ethel Bell
Lindsay E. Bell
Lucila C. Bella
Susan Bellande
Clay G. Belleman
Maria E. Bendana
Barbara L. Benton
Becky Berghaus
Jamie L. Bergstrom
Annette R. Bernier
Colleen R R. Berry
Janet M. Berry
John B. Bertucci
Michael W. Bettis
Patricia S. Bezzo
Khalida Bhatti
Ashley R. Bierlink
Allison A. Bigelow
Lynda F. Billups
Miriam Birthwright

Family Child Care provider Nancy Gerber,

a 925 Member Political Organizer, reads
to her kids at her daycare in Oct. 2014.

Si Se Puede: 925 Executive Board member Chris Lakey

(left) meets Eliseo Medina Jan. 2014 during his Fast 4
Families tour on immigration reform.

Shawn C. Bishop
Robert W. Bjorkland
Decca A. Bjorum
Tony H. Blackwell
Monica L. Blalock
Lilian M. Blanchard
Greg S. Blankenship
Regina K. Blood
Trevor Blood
Ragnar Bloom
Cliff L. Blucker
Maria J. Bobadilla-Estrada
Laura J. Bohaty
LeAnn S. Bolton
Jamila Hussein Bonaya
Lori A. Bondeson
David Bonham
Gail Bonicalzi

Christian (Chris) E. Bonneu

Amanda Bonser
Ashley Bontje
Michael H. Boomer
Lythia J. Borges
Maria Paz P. Botello
Allan R. Botts
Mounira Boucenna
Julie A. Bould
Rebecca Boultinghouse
Nancy Bowcutt
Luis A. Bowden
Frank A. Bown
Nicolas Boyd
Gene Boyer
Kimberly Boykin
Marshall B. Boylan
Kari Boyum
Daniel Bozzelli
Colleen Bradley
Sara Leah K. Brandeis
Ramona C. Brandes
Lisa S. Branham
Paula J. Brave
Gabriel Bravo
Linda A. Breed
Deborah Bremner
Marguerite N. Brewer
Brian H. Britigan
Ninfa Brito
Chester R. Britton
Nataly J. Brockwell
Cynthia M. Broker
Penny Brooks
Jackie E. Brooks
Ayanna Brown

onor Roll

Bruce W. Brown
Cory D. Brown
David Brown
Emily K. Brown
Gary G. Brown
Jeffrey A. Brown
Paula Brown
Rebecca Brown
Reneschia C. Brown
Satrina M. Brown
Tanisha C. Brown
Gary L. Brumitt
Valerie Brunetto
Lynne E. Bryan
Catherine A. Bryant
Raymond E. Buchman
DeAnn L. Buck
Cindy R. Buckingham
Sharon L. Buckmaster
Phillip A. Buff
Deanne C. Buffum
Julie A. Bugai
Joanne S. Bundrock
Kelly L. Bundy
Shirley J. Bunn
Teri M. Bunton
Donald R. Burch
Sheri Burden
David K. Burgeson
Tamra I. Burgh
Shalise A Burke
Reid Burkland
Mary S. Burnett
Deirdre Burns
Kathy A. Burns
Linda R. Burns
Laurence P. Burris
Thomas K. Burris
Pendra K. Burrows
Amy Burt
Oren J. Burt
Wendy S. Busch
Susan F. Bush
Julia Bustos
Rachel L. Butler
Mary Byrne
Ciria A. Cabatic
Emma Cabrera
Stacey J. Cadwell
Christie L. Caffall
Kathryn Calderwood

Alia D. Calendar
Carol Caley
Leo I. Calipusan
Anita Calnan
Katherine M. Calvin
Bridget M. Calzaretta
Eugene J. Camacho
Herlinda Camarena
Oliva Camarena
Bridget R. Cameron
D C. Campbell
Stephen W. Campbell
Susana Campbell
Nerea Campos
LaRonda J. Cannon
Rosa Cantu
Eunice R. Capiral
Isabel Cardenas
Pamela Jean Carino
Russell Carleton
Donna Carnes
Felicia M. Carnes
Susan D. Carpenter
Magdalena Carrasco
Midelvia Carrillo
Lee S. Carrithers
Jennifer L. Carroll
Mirna E Cartagena
Carla J. Carter
Dan Carter
Peter G. Carter
Stephen M. Carter
Twyla Carter
Kimberly L. Carter-Cordova
Brent W. Cartier
Gale L. Carver
Gail S. Cash
Betty Casos
Luis S. Castillo
Maria Castillo
Maria Castillo
Patricia A. Castle
Maria Catalan
Nubia Cattran
Alicia Lopez Cazarez
Terry Cepowski
Alicia Cervantes
Irma Cervantes
Clemencia Cesar
Concepcion Chairez
Gerald Chan

Family Child Care providers participate

in lobby day in Olympia Feb. 2014.

Laura A. Chandler
Irene G. Chaney
Denise Chanez
Jeaneen C. Chapman
Nathan R. Chapman
Timothy T. Chapman
Steven W. Chard
AnJenette L. Charlson
Anna M. Chavez
Guillermina Chavez
Leyden I Chavez
Cheuk Chhann
Elizabeth F. Chick
Mary J. Chin
James D. Chinelo
Joseph Chiou
Cynthia Chiu
Donna K. Chrisman
Alexandria L. Christensen
Silvia Christian
Sweet Heart Christian Chi
M P. Christopfel
Steve Chu
Mai L. Chua
Norma P. Chua
Anna C. Church
Diana Clapper
Deanna E. Clark
Deborah F. Clark
Denise Clark
Patti Clark
Thomas A. Clark
Michael D. Clark
Brent J. Cleary
Lynn I. Cleary
Kathi S. Clement
Barbara J. Cline
Shyla K. Cochran-Dema


Julia Cochrane
Andrea L. Cohen
Sascha N. Colabella
Cindy Cole
Melinda (Faye) Cole
Anthony M. Colinares
Bentley J. Collins
Lauren Collins
William D. Collins
Christopher E. Conley
Cory D. Conner
Caleb J. Connolly
Linda Conour
Wendy R. Conover
Tracy J. Conrad
Ana Contreras
Irma Contreras
Valerie L. Cooday
Gretchen L. Cook
Allen B. Cooper
Richard Cordon
Danielle L. Cormack
Jeffrey W. Cornish
Dora Elizabeth Corona
Martha S Corona
Nelida Corona
Laura Coronado
Carlota Cortes
Patricia (Michelle) M. Corwin
Christianne Cottrell
LaVonne Counley
Thuhong D. Coutermarsh
Marcia Crabtree
Michael S. Crandell
Karen J. Crane
Kim S. Cronin Hillman
Lisa L. Croon
Gabriela Crosby



Retired and Active: SEIU members

who are retired conduct an SEIU
beautification project at the Seattle
office June 2014.

Martin S. Cross
Jill Crowe
Bruce E. Crowley
Janet L. Crowley
Thomas R. Crum
Aurelia Cruz
Cynthia L. Cruz
Oralia Cruz Gutierrez
Enedina Cuellar
Eloisa Cuevas
Neal Culver
Alicia Cunningham
Diane M. Cunningham
Marilyne L. Cunnington
Toni D. Curry
Kathryn A.
Stephen D Curryer
Sarah J. Curtis
Brenda J. Cusick
David A. Custer
Mary Kay Dabalos
Muna Dahir
Joseph Dambrosia
Tuan Van Dang
Anita K. Danielak
Thomas J. Daoust
Leslie Daugs
Steve M. David

Catherine A. Davidson
Jeremy Davies
Gary Davis
Janiece E. Davis
Jennifer L. Davis
Kathryn D. Davis
Olga A. Davis
James (Jim) Davis, III
Shelby J. Dawes
Geri Day
Julienne Day
Michael J. De May
Shirley B. De Vera
Ha T. Decker
James W. Dederer
Steven B. Deffries
Rebecca K. DeGaris
Maria del Carmen Pinto
Maria Del Rocio Pinon Villasenor
Maria Delao
Jensen D. DeLaRosa
Tricia M M. Delgado
Linda Deliyiannis
Laura Delval
Alessandra DeMarchis
Tihtina G. Demsash
Noel L. Denny

Eric J. Dent
Mark W. Denton
Chris DeReese
Sheryl M. Derrick
Brian Detlor
John E. DeVeny
Janet N. Devoss
Brian D. DeVries
Kurt J. DeVries
Paul N. Dexter
Jason D. Diamond
Calvin A. Dias
Martha Diaz
Olivia Diaz
Debra S. Dickerson
Kevin Dickerson
Zainab W. Dirie
Cami Ditolla
Carol Dix
Samia Djemait
Lohoa N. Do
John P. Doan
Joseph B. Dobson
Linda A. Dodson
Michelle Dodson-Dance
April A. Doenges
Nancy Dolan
Randolph B. Dolan

Carole A. Dombroski
Jennifer Donatelli
Erik B. Donnella
Amber E. Donovan
Darren Donovan
Lucille B. Dooley
Pearline Dottin
James A. Doty
Marsha R. Down
Shanna L. Drake
Mark J. Drummond
Pamela M. Drummond
Richard A. Drury
Olivia L. DuBose
Sadia Hassan Dubow
Lorie Dubuc
Terry A. Duckett
Esther L. Duitch
Shari L. Duling
Thomas E. Dullanty
Elizabeth G. Duncan
Rodney O. Dungo
Benjamin S. Dunlap
Mary R. Dunlap
MyraShea M. Dunlap
Kristie A. Dunne
Lawrence A. Durfey
Lindsey M. Durham
Peggy I. Durrant
Richard C. Duryee
Michael S. Dvorak
Curtis A. Dye
Cindy Eadson
Bobbi L Easley
Jeremy W. Eberle
John F. Eckhouse
Thomas A. Edgar
Frances Edgemon
Matthew J. Edgerton
Debra Edwards
Jennifer D. Edwards
Valerie Edwards
Jennifer A Effrig
Cathy D. Eichhorn
Deborah L. Eiler
Daniel R. Eisenberg
S. E. Eldridge
Jane E. Elfering
Kae E. Ellingsen
Catherine (Cat) Elliott
Peggy L. Ellis

onor Roll

April Ellsworth
Fowzia M Elmi
Halimo Jama Elmi
Zeinab Elmi
Sarah M. Elmore
Pat M. Elsbree
Amber M. Enemuo
Shelley Engelhardt
Mark A. Erhardt
David P. Erickson
Diana L. Erickson
Kimberly Erickson
Rosalba Escalera
Guadalupe Escamilla
Cheryl Esperson
Teresa Espindola
Anabella Espino
Delfina Espinoza
Maria Espinoza
Shady K. Esquerra
Erlinda C. Esteban
Priscilla M. Estrada
Eric M. Eto
Keun Sandy Evanoff
Duane J. Evans
Katie Evans
Joni Ewert
Katharine Ewing
Joanne I. Factor
Virginia (Gini) L. Faller
Safia Farah
Shugri E Farah
Mary M. Farra
Misty A. Fathree
Susan M. Fauerbach
William A. Faulkner
Susanna E. Felak
Susan R. Feldman
Tomas Felix
Chris M. Fendrich
Paoline A. Ferrese
Hortencia Ferrusca
Cynthia S. Fester
Ana Fierro
Lorraine A. Figone
Alejandra Figueroa
Maria B. Figueroa
Donna L. Filbert
Candace D. Fine
Sarah J. Finkelstein
Christine M. Fish

Trudy E. Fisher
Ida Fitri
Melissa Flatt
Mary G. Fleck
Joseph E. Fleury
Carol Flickinger
Mark Flora
Evangelina Flores
Isabel Flores
Jose Flores
Martha Flores
Susana Flores
Wilber O. Flores-Garcia
Remona L. Floyd
Janis M. Flue
Victoria Foedisch
Monica L. Fogarty
Lynda L. Fogus
Patricia Fong
Jeffery N. Forister
Jean M. Forster
Jacqueline Fortune
Lauren S. Fortune
Dennis K. Foster
Jim Foulk
Emily Fowler
Kathrin A. Fowler
Marlene G. Fowler
Jonathan R. Fradenburg
Ana G. Fraire
Jean Francisco
Jesus L. Francisco
Syd Fredrickson
Victoria (Vikki) Freer
Mark Frey-McCrackyn
Nancy L. Friese
Raymond L. Fross
Chad C. Fry
Qing (Ling) L. Fu
Ramelito J. Fuentes
Rayette D. Fujihara
Michelle C. Fujioka
Michael S. Fulk
Wa Louis T. Fung
Nancy A. Fye
Katherine M. Gabriel
Vicki A. Galasso
Brenda Galbraith
Valerie A. Galmish
Josefa Galvan
Angelina Garcia

Our Union, Our Voice: Family Child

Care providers participate in lobby
day in Olympia Feb. 2014.

Aurelia Garcia
Brittany Garcia
Carmen M. Garcia
Elisha Garcia
Maria Garcia
Maria Garcia
Maria Ma Garcia
Marilyn T. Garcia
Mirella Garcia
Perla Garcia
Raquel Garcia
Robert F. Garcia
Rosa Garcia
Roselia Garcia
Teresa Garcia
Renee A. Garney
John D. Garren
Lori J. Garvey
Dorothy (Marie) M. Gary
Adelaida (Dely) F. Gasataya
Paul Gaudreau
Reggie L. Gausman
Meaza B Gebrat
Zeinaba Gelchu
Holly George
Jonathan N. Geraghty
Nancy L L. Gerber
Richard Geringer
Barbara K. Ghaffari
Amelia Gil
Gurpreet Gill
Dan Gilman
Arthur L. Gines
Nicole-Ann A. Ginogino


Wanjiku N. Gitahi
Richard M. Gnehm
Eyda F. Goetschius
Gail L. Gokey
Lydia Gold
Balbina Gomez
Ramona Gomez
Ana Gomez-Garcia
Elena Gonzalez
Enma Gonzalez
Marco Gonzalez
Maria Gonzalez
Martha Gonzalez
Eileen J. Goodwin
Mark D. Goodwin
Nancy Gorbman
Debra D. Gordon
Oleg I. Gouts
Torry J. Gower
Alex Graber
Amanda Grace
Sean G. Grady
Stephen Graham
James W. Grand
Kerry J. Grant
Geraldine L. Grasso
Justin Gray
Robin Gray
Patricia A. Graybill
Dale M. Green
Katherine Green
Kevin Green
Barbara D. Gregory
Alisha M. Gregory-Davis



Aral Griffen
Emily H. Grimm
Beverly M. Grohn
Orion W. Gudgell
Maria Guerra
Petra Guerrero
Mikol A. Gugich
Erlene D. Guieb
Lucina Guizar
Sadiyo A Guled
Nancy D. Gulrajani
David A. Gunderson
Kevin S. Gunter
Fadumo Hashi Gutale
Flora Gutierrez
Olivia Gutierrez
Janis M. Guzman
Sheryl L. Hagelstein
Scott C. Hagerman
Jillana J Haight
Christine C. Halfon
Melba E Halgren
Jennifer L. Hall
Kenneth R. Hall

Melissa D. Hall
Paula Hall
Kirsten R. Halloran
Laureen K. Halsen
Robert Halvorson
April Hamilton
Matthew C. Hamlin
Lila A. Hammer
Brad P. Hampton
Mark R. Hand
Suado Hande
Diane R Hansen
Jason M. Hansen
Gail D. Hanson
Dana Hantho
Teresa L. Hape
Paula Hardman
Mary (Mo) M. Harer
Maria Esther Haro
Tony Harrah
Laura L. Harrington
Carol L. Harris
Carol M. Harris
Carolin M Harris

Special Delivery: UW employees deliver

balloons to the UW president during
contract negotiations June 2014.

Debbie L. Harris
Essence L. Harris
Timothy W. Harris
Larry A. Hart
Theresa A. Hart
Cheryl L. Harte
Brooke Hartze
Susan M. Harvey
Teresa M. Harvey
Melinda P. Hasegawa
Faisa I Hassan
Fathiya Hassan
Khadra Hassan
Muna Hassan
Vera M. Hassell
Lisa L. Hayes
Ilyas A. Hayuke
Shirley E. Hecker
Nikole Hecklinger
Susan A. Heggen Smith
Jordan R. Heighway
Karen M. Helland
Michael A. Helmick
Lawrence Hemingway
Mary Lynn Henderson
Patricia Henderson
Robert Henderson
Loretta M. Henderson-Martin
Sabrina Hendricks
Lance E. Hendrix
Mary C. Henry
Deborah A. Henson
Linda S. Henson
Debbie Hepler
Eileen Herman
Olivia Hermosillo
Ana Hernandez
Leticia De Pina Hernandez
Maria I. Hernandez
Maria Arreola Hernandez
Maria Luz Hernandez
Maria Rita Hernandez
Rosa Hernandez
Diocelina Herrera
Dora Herrera
Diane E. Herring
Zahra Hersi
Danielle M. Higa
Janelle L. Hilbert
Gordon Hill
Jessie L. Hill

Vickie Hill
Dale E. Hillman
Nami Hirai
Anab Abdinor Hirey
Asha Hirey
Thanh V. HO,
Sara E. Hoang
Robin S. Hobbs
Verna Hochstrasser
Aleata M Hodges
Lisa R. Hoffman
David Hogan
Gwendolyn R. Holt
Patricia K. Honnen
Virginia L. Hopfe
Susan A. Horal
Richard D. Horten
Daniel R. Horton
Stephen W. Horton
Timothy J. Horton
Mark E. Houck
Donna M. Hough
Terri S. House
Erica Howard
Darlene M. Howe
Mary J. Howe
Catherine L. Hoy
Margaret A. Hubbard
Sherri L. Huber
Joseph B. Hughes
Asha Mohamed Huka
Patricia L. Humphrey
William K. Humphries
Gregory B. Hunter
Nimo Husein
Kadija Hussein
April Hustead
Jennie M. Huth
Nancy C. Hutton
Nhi-Huong Huynh
Thuan Huynh
Tri H. Huynh
Carmen Ibarra Garcia
Maria Ibarra-Camacho
Bahsan M Ibrahim
Mulki Ibrahim
Zeyneba Ibrahim
Osariemen L. Idahosa-Berry
Leslie Ikeda
Bobbie D. Imai
Brendan A. Impson

onor Roll

Linda K. Ingenthron
Kim Ingham
Corby L. Ingold
Stephanie N. Irons
Karen R. Irwin
Fadumo A Isaq
Khadijo M Ismail
Randi A. Isselhardt
Cherish C. Jackson
Gary T. Jackson
Melanie Jackson
Stacy Jackson
Kim J. Jacobs
Lauren P. Jager
Amal A. Jama
Talisa A Jama
Karen M. James
Teri Jameson
John A. Jaqua
Rebecca A. Jeffreys
Susan A. Jenkins
Brannen M. Jennings
Cynthia M. Jennings
Annette L. Jensen
Keenan R. Jensen
Kent W. Jewell
Teresa E. Jewell
Leticia Jimenez
Selesteen Jimenez
Michael D. Johanns
Carrole M. Johnson
Colleen L. Johnson
Gabrielle Johnson
Jacob A. Johnson
Janet Johnson
Jeanette Johnson
Karen C. Johnson
Mary T. Johnson
Rhonda D. Johnson
Kirsten D. Johnston
Charlene E. Jones
Charles Jones
Katrina Jones
Merle R. Jones
Michael D. Jones
Pamela L. Jones
Chris Jorgensen
Michele Jorgenson
Karen A. Joseph
Patti Julagay
Michael M. Ka

Safia Kahin
Mary B. Kaiser
Terry A. Kamien
Joy Kang
Cindy L. Kaplan
Michael R. Kaplan
Bettina A. Katz
Edward L. Kautz
Lorenza Kazemiyan
Mark Kees
Jonathan F. Keib
Marie Keller
Marilyn J. Kelley
Rod Kempf
Laures K. Kerley
Shari L. Kern
Frank C. Keyser
Monaza Khalid
Sanna I. Khalid
Hamelmal Kidanu
Aster A. Kifle
Charles Y. Kim
Michiko L. Kim
Connie King
Nancy S. King
Stacy J King
Tania Kinnear
Lesette Kinz
Angela A. Kirkpatrick
Ivan G. Kistol
Brenda Kitchen
Ruby M. Klasell
Pamela A. Klein
Jessica A. Kleinbeck
Diane I. Klindt
Allan J. Klindtworth
Terri A. Klopfenstine
Debra C. Knighten
Patricia C. Knoch
Virginia I. Knoles
JoAnn M. Kocha
Paul R. Koehn
Ellen (Candy) C. Koethe
Donald Kohlenberger
Randy L. Kohlschmidt
Felicia C. Kondor
Tammy S. Korssjoen
Jean Korus
Raja Kouttainay
Janell A. Krakovsky
Bonnie M. Krueger

United We Stand: The 925 lobby team

went to the state capital Jan. 2014 to ensure that Washington works for all of us.

Amanda M. Krut
Frank Kuchno
Andrew Kuo
Maryan Abdi Kusanje
Christina (Chris) Y. Kwong
Joan Labriola
Jeri LaFountaine
Nancy L. LaFountaine
Malory D. LAHTI,
Ricardo Lahud-Zahner
Meredith C. Laing
Mildred A. Laird
Christine M. Lakey
Tracy Lambert
Shirley G. Landeros
Cindy J. Landers
Delfin G. Landicho
Margaret Z. Landreth
Dale A. Landry
Carlota P. Lanning
Vera Lapin
Steven K. Lappe
Ruth Ellen Larkin
Dennis G. Larsen
Carrie D Larson
Denise H. Larson
Liberty R. Laskowski
Ruth A. Laulainen
Karen J. Lavery
Carlee Lawless
John M. Lawrence
Karen M. Lawrence
Michelle M. Lawrence
Julie Lawry
Anne J. Lawson


Madolyne Lawson
Michael Laxson
Tom Layer
Thomas C. Leach
Shannon J. Leahy
Corazon L. Leano
Connie P. LeBeau
Maria Lechuga-Ruiz
Pamela J. Leckie
Allen Lee
Erik A. Lee
Haley M. Lee
Loman Lee
Melinda (Mindi) Lee
Norma J. Lee
Rae Lee
Delinda M. Leggett
Steve Leigh
Paul A. LeMay
Umberto Lenzi
Lourdes Leon
Maria S Leon
Soledad Leon
Vianey Leon
Angelica Lerena
Jennifer L. Leslie
Troy R. Lester
Jamie Leung
Mary M. Levin
Eugene F. Levy
Jacki M. Lewis
Maria M. Lewis
Roy W. Lewis
Hsiaoching Li
Xin (Cindy) Li



Katheryn A Lichtblau
Sally A. Lider
Barbara S. Lieseke
William T. Lim
Maria Del Rocio Linares
Leslie Lince
Christie Lind
Brenda J. Lindgren
Holly Lindsey
Alice D. Linterman
Samantha L. Litke
Tracy Litzenberger
Adam Livengood
Wendy A. Livesley
Yolanda Llamas
Hsio Y. Lo Yeh
Saybre A. Locke
Ruth M. Loes
Niclas E. Loesch
Danialle Long
Samuel J. Long
Alison J. Longley
Gonzalo (Pete) Lopez
Lucia Lopez
Sonia Lopez
Louie Lopez Jr
Ronald E. Loughton
Michael A. Lovelady
Claudia Lowe
Linda F. Lowe

Teresa Lozada
Dreda M. Lucas
Miguel Lucatero
Joseph G. Luckraft
Tammy L. Ludwigs
Carl Luer
Adriana and Jose Luna
Kim L. Lundgreen
Stephen E. Lundgren
Leslie C Luster
Christopher J. Luu
Brent Lyons
Halima Maane
Doris B. MacLaren
Gregory Neil N. MacLeod
Evelia Madera-Ramirez
Guadalupe Magallan
Francisca Magana
Lourdes Y. Maganis
Mayra Malacon
Maria Maldonado
Joshua J. Malle
Daralaini Y. Manaois
Teofilo (Pilo) Manaois
Brian Mangus
Stephanie L. Mann
Maria Elena Maradiaga
Kathy Marcos

Hitting the Streets: Members and allies

march to the Washington Roundtable June
2014 to ask their support for fully funding

Julia C. Marfut
Magda Marin
Maria Marin
Irene M. Mark
Rockel Marks
Elizabeth Barron Marquez
Mary A. Marrah
Marilyn C. Marsh
Melvyn D. Marsh
DeVon A. Martin
Jan D. Martin
John E. Martin
John T. Martin
Robin W. Martin
Anita Martinez
Imelda Martinez
Julie A. Martinez
Leonor Martinez
Maria Martinez-Martinez
Brandy Mashore
James E. Mason
Thomas J. Masterson
Amelia S. Mateo
Kellyn P. Mathew
David N. Mathews
Grace P. Matias
Masako Matsunaga
Candice Mattison
Daryn W. Mattson
Donald N. Mattson

James D. Mattson
Ronald E. Maxell
Patricia V. Maxie
Barbara R. Maxwell
Joanna May
Jose F. Mayorga
Kevin J. McAuliffe
Kevin McCabe
Maria H. McCaddon
Natalie R. McCarthy
Karlie A. McCormick
Arva Z. McCoy
Kevin L. McCoy
Drew C. McCutchen
Janet N. McDaniel
Douglas Scott McDonald
Kimberly Mcdonald
Scott M. McDonald
Brian J. McDowell
Michele (Mish) McEntire
Andrew M. McGhay
Suzanne M. McGinitie
Gary J. McGuire
Kathleen Mcgunagle
Lyubov P. Mchedlidze
Lael K. McIntyre
Angela R. McKay
Charlene R. McKinley
Cecil N. McLennan
Ken D. McMaster
Judy L. McMillan
John M. McMillin
Michele F. McNulty
Christopher L. McQuain
John H. McVay
Gary T. Medeiros
Nathalia Medina
Yvonne Medina
Liliana A. Medina Hernandez
Nicole Meinzer
Maria Mejia
Tania Mejia
Beiza Melaku
Ana Melero
Rosemary Dzigbordi Melomey
Mary L Mendez
Trinidad Mendez
Arminda Mendoza
Irma Mendoza
Maria Cruz Mendoza
Patricia Mendoza

onor Roll

Berikty Mengstab
Matthew Menovcik
Paul B. Menzel
Bonnie L. Meritt
Jennifer M. Metzdorf
Roberta Meyer
Sylvia G Mierau
Blanca Milanez
Virginia Milanez
Terry E. Millard
Charles R. Miller
Karen A. Miller
Karen Miller
Rodney Miller
Theresa Miller
Anthony J. Mills
Elijah T. Mills
Suzanne Mills
Carol J. Ming
Christopher A. Minor
Christy S. Minteer
Svetlana Mirgorodskaya
Alberta D. Mischke
Diane W. Mitchell
Tyffany R. Mitchell
Valarie Mitchell
Alice D. Modin
Kirstin M. Moe
Richard H. Moe
Fadumo Mohamed
Hawo Ahmed Mohamed
Hodan Mohamed
Muna M Mohamed
Surer Yusuf Mohamed
Ubah Mohamed
Nasro O Mohamud
Cheryl Moir
Audrey Monroe
Rosie Montelongo
Karen Montes
Katherine S. Montgomery
Maria Montiel
Deidra M. Montoya
Sandra K. Moore
Gregoria Mora
Yara Y Mora
Susan P. Moral
Hortenc Morales
Jessica Morales
Martha Morales
Mercedes Morales

Maria Moran
Esperanza Moreno
Lucia Moreno
Maria Ines Moreno
Martha Isabel Moreno
Susan A. Morgan
Charles A. Morris
Judith Morris
Michael Morris
Dani Morton
David B. Morton
Nancy L. Moses
Sam I. Motola
William R. Moultray
Sherry D. Mowatt
Crystal J. Mullen
Monica L. Mulligan
Fanning Heather Nicole
Susan Munro
Torri A. Munroe
Robert A. Munson,
Jacqueline N. Muongchanh
Barbara Murel
Magdalena D. Murillo
Estela Muro
Barbara A. Murphy
Faduma Muse
Farah Abdi Muse
Elizabeth M. Myers
Marci L. Myers
Shazia Nadeem
Marian L. Naden
Sanaa Nadri
Barbara A. Naeseth
June C. Nakamura
Marylou Nakonecznyj
Carolyn A. Nance
Maxwell A. Nash
Cecilia Navarro
Isela Navarro
Maria Elena Navarro
Raquel Navarro
Victoria C. Neam
Kelsey Neels
Michael Neininger
David B. Nelson
Lori A. Nelson
Roger B. Nelson
Susan L. Nelson Hecht
Jeremy L. Nettles

Taking a Stand: Family Child Care

Provider Amal Jama signs the pledge
to Stand Up 4 Education.

Maria Nevarez
Veronica Nevarez
Maureen E. Newman
Alisha Nguyen
John C. Nguyen
Loan T. Nguyen
Tuyen Hoai-Bac Nguyen
Andrew E. Nicastro
Cheryl G. Nichols
Richard G. Nichols
Michael K. Nicholson
Pat L. Nickols
Carrie Nielsen
Olga Nieto
David J. Nofsinger
Rhonda B. Nofsinger
Martin Nolan
Marisela Nolazco
Shukri Nor
Kelly A. Nordstrom
Michael S. Norman
Timothy R. North
Kimberly Norton
Loise N. Nthuli
Jeffery L. Nuetzmann
Brian E. Oakley


Jessica R. Obajinmi
Ulrika S. OBrien
Maria De Lourdes B Ocampo
Juana Ochoa
Maria Ochoa
Sheila S. Ocoma
Colleen OConnor
Ryan OConnor
Kaori Oda
Joel J. Odonnell
Peter V. Oodushkin
Nannette Ogans
Ovidiu C. Ognean
Dawn Ohlheiser
Danette E. Ohlson Huttunen
Chukwu Okei-Nwabuokei
Ifeoma Okoro
Luke Oliphant
Federico Olivas
Maurice Chuck C. Olivier
Bruce D. Olsen
Kathaleen E. Olsen
Lee M. Olsen
Daniel R. Olson
Leslea A. Olson
Fetiha A Omer
Phan T. Ong



Alicia Ornelas
Bertha Oropeza
Andrea Orozco
Esperanza Orozco
Jorge B. Orozco
Rosa Orozco
Roxann L. Ortega-Murillo
Cristina B. Ortiz
Diana Ortiz
Martha Ortiz
Cathy Osborn
Kathleen Kate N. Osborn
Sahra Osman
John Ostermann
Maria (Cecy) Osuna Garcia
Shelley L. Otteson
Nichon C. Overman
Griselda (Maria) Padilla
Maria Delia Padilla
Lauri J. Paez
Ada J. Page
Lisa Paglisotti
Petr A. Palamarchuk
Harold (Hal) Palmer
Ronald D. Palmer
John W. Palmer Jr
Matthew Pang
Jennifer T. Papest
Juan P. Paredes
Evie J. Parks
Gloria A. Parks

Jean A. Parks
Marshall L. Parr
Morena G. Parrillas
Paul Parsons
Sherry Partlow
Joyce Parvi
Gloria M. Pascual
Sue Ann Paskiewitz
Marie E. Pasquale
Edgar Pastores
Sandra I. Patterson
Susan L. Patterson
Tina N. Patterson
Michelle Patton
Eliza Paul
Marilyn Paul
Gwen K. Pazan
Vitalina Paz-Madrigal
Laurel A. Peabody
Debra A. Pearson
Thomas M. Peckham
Terry L. Pedersen
Rosa Maria Pedroza
Pamela J. Peebles
Autumn Peele
Josefa O. Pena
Karen P. Penewell
Patricia Penn
Joann Penny
Jeannette Penrose
Kathleen E. Pense

Family Child Care Providers kick off

our YES for Early Success campaign
March 2014.

Elizabeth A. Penttila
Walfrido Pereracasanova
Aika S. Perez
Gloria Perez
Jorge E. Perez
Ofelia Perez
Abbey Perkins
Tanya D. Perkins
Valentina P. Perkins
David T. Perry
Dave G. Peruelo
Stephen A. Peters,
Nora M. Petersen
Scott E. Peterson
Lisa C. Peterson-Roberts
Valeriy V. Petrov
Betty L. Petrullo
Lynda A. Petry
Robin L. Pettit
Kevin Pfeiffer
Giang (Tony) D. Pham
Minh T. Phan
Susan L. Philliber
Robert A. Phillips
Jerome D. Pickard
Steven E. Pickering
Emily S. Pickett
Kathryn M. Pickett
Lari B Piel
Terry D. Pierce
Christine G. Pierrepont

Dana E. Pierson
Bryan G. Pilkington
James (Jim) E. Pilon
Emily F. Pitts
Preciosa O. Polinar
Terri Ann Pollock
Eric Y. Poon
Chelsea Port
Jason A. Porter
Linda M. Porter
Pamala L. Porter,
Roxanne Portteus
Catherine A. Potter
Suzanne M. Potts
Andrea M. Pound
Richard J. Powell
Richard W. Powelson
Terri E. Power
Arnold Prado
Ary Prasetyowati
Magdalena (Magda) Pratt
Dana A. Preston
Mark M. Preus
Karen J. Price
Mary L. Priestley Fine
Rosy Prieto
Susana Prieto
Daniel L. Prince
Donald J. Pritchard
Michelle L. Prock
Sonya L. Proud
Lisa M. Puliafico
James (Jim) E. Pullis
Deeba Qadri
Isabelita Quedado
Martha Quintero
Alberta Quiroz
Josefa Quiroz
Yuri F. Rabena
Cheryl Rafanan
Clarissa M. Rafanan
Joyce E. Rafferty
Michael R. Rainwater
Karima Ramadan
Maria Ramales
Joyce Ramerman
Dana L. Ramey
Adelina Ramirez
Ana M Ramirez
Bertha Ramirez
Carmen Ramirez

onor Roll

Celia I Ramirez
Maria E Ramirez
Alicia M Ramos
Linda Ramuta
Gloria Rangel
Juana G. Rashid
Waris (Dean) S. Rashid
Peter J. Rasmussen
Ada W. Rassilyer
Susan A. Rath
Laura D. Ray
Sheri Rayburn
Karen Y. Reagor
Curtis G. Reed
Deena G. Reed
Jordan M. Rehm
Charles L. Reiber
Pamela N. Reichert
Darnay R. Reid
Sandra A. Renando
Kevin S. Reniche
Laurence E. Responte
Florence Reyes
Sheila R. Reynolds
Jeffrey A. Riba
Thomas E. Rice
Jan Richards
Pema J. Richeson
Teresa Richey
Christine L. Richmond
Judy L. Ridenour
Lynette M. Rideout
Martha B. Riley
Diane Rima
Daniel M. Riojas
Maria Elena Rios
Rosa Rios
Judith Rios-Amador
Deborah Ritter
Evelyn R. Rivas-Gutierrez
Maria Rivera
Maria Luisa Rivera
Reynalda Rivera
Rebecca A. Robbins
Brett Roberts
Clara Roberts
Emily (Molly) A. Roberts
Lester Roberts Jr
Shawna Roberts-Crosson
Daphne Robinson
Deborah A. Robinson

Heather Robinson
Maria C Robledo
Alma Robles
Linda C. Rochlin
Ivan E. Rodenas
Anita Rodriguez
Claribel Rodriguez
Concepcion Rodriguez
Maria A A. Rodriguez
Maria E Rodriguez
Patricia H Rodriguez
Victoria Rodriguez
Virginia Rodriguez
Catherine L. Rogers
Connie J. Rogers
Theckla D. Roginski
Taydee Rojas
Elizabeth Romero
Silvia Romero
Josefina Ronces
Cameron J. Rosauer
Sally Rose
Kristine M. Rosner
Rebecca R. Roy
Catalina Rubio
Dana Rudisill
Rita L. Ruffino
Heather M. Ruiter
Graciela Nava Ruiz
Catherine M. Rupe
John T. Rupp
Kim Rutherford
Martha Ruvalcaba
Michael P. Ryan
Eduardo T. Sabiniano
Fahm L. Saechao
Don M. Saffel
Adam M. Sailer
Jennifer Sailer
Gemma De Bautista Salinas
Manuelita Salinas
Mamadou Sambou
Maria (Josie) J. Samson
Anabel S Sanchez
Isabel Sanchez
Julia Sanchez
Maria E. Sanchez
Maria A Sanchez
Maria Guadalupe Sanchez
Marina Sanchez
Sandra Sanchez

Members hold a press conference at

the State Supreme Court Sept. 2014
for fully funding education from early
learning to college.

Torres Aide Sanchez

Maria Y Sanchez de Valle
Adrianna (Adri) Sanchez-Magdall
Valerie Gaw Sandberg
Carl Sander
Josefina Sandoval
Luz A Sandoval
Sonia Sandoval
Maria A Sandoval Del Toro
Bopha Sanguinetti
Walle W. Santana
Fowzia A Sanura
Dennis M. Sarroza
Andrew C. Sattler
Aileen Satushek
Michelle Saunders
Chase A. Sawyer
Maryann L. Sawyer
Stephen P. Sax
James Schank
Sonia M. Schei
Michael A. Schiano
Daniel E. Schindler
Jessica H. Schisel
Ann L. Schlagenhauf
Kevin S. Schmidt
Hope Schmoe
Tami L. Schneider
Michele R. Schoenecke
John Scholten
Susan Schroeder
Brenda M. Schubert
Carmen A. Schulz
Rebecca G. Schwaegler
Anne M. Schwenn
Sonia Eloisa & Sciscente


Steven Mark Sciscente

Consuelo Scott
Maria Scott
Stephen M. Scott
Mary J. Scully
Lynn M. Seaman
Zemeheret A. Seare
Ailini Seigafo
Laine K. Seleba
Wanda Selg-gonzales
Nasteho O Serar
Childcare Serenity
Regina Seward
Mahtab Shahrvini
Bruce Shamulka
Sheila F. Shapiro
Asha Sharmarke
Joyce Sharnbroich
David Sharpe
Arthur E. Shaw
Glenn A. Sheehan
Leyla J Sheikali
Deborah G. Sheldon
Scott Shepherd
Frank C. Sheraton
Diane Sherrod
Seth Sherwood
Karla M. Shields
Nancy Shields
Kevin Shionalyn
Amino Shire
Andrea Shirley-Brown
Susan Shivel
Earl J. Short
Greg Shumway
Kimberly A. Siemons



Matthew W. Sigman
Joe A. Siler
Donna E. Sillars
Lizette Silsbee
Cathy A. Silva
Jean Simmons
Maurine Simons
Jennifer R. Simpson
Velma Sims
Ricardo C. Sinamban
Daniele M. Sissons
Billie (Jodie) J. Siufanua
Faualuga (Junior) Siufanua
Jane E. Skau
Traci Skedd
Kevin D. Skiena
Sondra J. Skipworth
Deborah Skorstad
Deann E. Slape
Jeremy R. Slater
Catherine M. Sleipnes
Arn Slettebak
Rachel R. Slusher
Thomas E. Small
Heather K. Smith
Heather M. Smith
James Smith
Jeffrey L. Smith
Leslie A. Smith
Lisa Smith
Mark Smith
Otis B. Smith
Paul E. Smith
Rachel A Smith

Terri L. Smith
Reginald Snowden
Gregory L. Snyder
Scott M. Snyder
Ana M Solorio
Adam W. Sommerhause
Lauren Sonik
David Sorenson
Victoria R. Sorenson
Edna C. Soriano
Kathy Sosa
Maria C. Sosa
Saadia Souikmi
Christine L. Southwick
Diane M. Sowell
Dean G. Speer
Mona L. Spence
Jeffery Spencer
Joanne L. Stage
Janice A. Staheli
Linda L. Stalding
Gary Stallman
Julie A. Stanley
Matthew B. Stearns
Teresa Steele
June Steen
Joel Steffen
Colleen L. Steinberg
Jeffrey M. Steinberg
Deneice M. Stephenson
Jeffrey Sterling
Pamela Sterling
Christina M. Stewart
Jada M. Stewart

Gonzaga U. contingent faculty leaders come together

April 2014 to advocate for quality education and the
sustainability of their profession.

Christopher Stift
Marilyn A. Stodghill
Kazuko Stoesz
Deni M. Stone
Cheryl A. Stonecipher
Elizabeth J. Strauss
Patricia A. Street
Keri L. Strickland
Leala D. Strobel
Jessica D. Stroud
Sharon M. Stumpf
Rudolph Stuppard
Mary A. Sturdivan
Christopher M. Styron
Isidra G G. Suarez
Maria Rosario R. Suarez
Cynthia M. Sugiura
Daniel (Dan) H. Sullivan
Erzsebet Sullivan
Beverly J. Summerhill
Barbara A. Summers
Samuela C. Summers
Mary E. Surber
Phoebe U. Sutherland
Keith H. Sutton
Scott E. Sutton
Sue A. Suwiwattanakul
Ramona Swails
Delores Swanson
Lori Swanson
Kevin L. Swantek
Susan R. Swanzy
Michael A. Sweet
Diana L. Swenson

Gary C. Swisher
Rama J. Tall
Laura Tanzy
Martha Tapia
Elaina S. Tapuro
Andrew Taylor
Patricia M. Taylor
Richard D. Taylor
Ricky Taylor
Olivia Tejeda
Mesgana T. Teklegiorgis
Blanca & Arturo Tello
Silvia Tello
Joan Tenkley
Charlene Terranova
Ty Terrwyn
Ermias A. Tewolde
Teresa M. Thatcher
Terry L. Thede
Darlene F. Thomas
Elizabeth Thomas
Raymond E. Thomas
Yolanda D. Thomas
Brandon E. Thomas
Craig R. Thompson
Cynthia R. Thompson
Douglas J. Thompson
Kelly Thompson
Kimberly M Thompson
Susan N Thompson
Timika Thompson
David B. Thornlund
Crystal Thorpe
Tina Thorward
Deborah A Thurber
Carol Tiberio
Sharon Tiggs
Kristine G. Tillman
Patricia A. Timm
Stephanie Timm
Roberta L. Titrud
Milo J. Tobin
Jaime D. Todd
Kimberly A. Tolbert
Patricia A. Toomey
Angelica Torres
Dolores Torres
Hilda L. Torres
Maria G Torres
Esperanza Torres-Sanchez
Ha Rita L. Tran

onor Roll

Members participate at the Leaders in

Action for Justice training May 2014.

Hong Tran
Jason S. Tregaskis
Margarita Trejo
Patricia Trejo
John D. Trenter
Adam Trepus
Barbara M. Tressler
Elena Trevino-Avalos
Gigi Trinidad
Alesya V. Trubchik
William S. True
Thomas E. Trueblood
Abraham F. Tugade
Litia Tuisamatatele
Emily Turk
Maria L. Tyas
Beverly Tyler
Yoshiko Uchino
Hilary S. Underwood
Liberty M. Underwood
Barbara J. Unger
Virginia F. Upper
Laura Urbina
Courtenay Utley
Cynthia Vaca
Hazel H. Valdez
Faviola Valdez Renteria
Carmen Valdovinos Gonzalez
Juana Valdovinos-Rios
Rosemarie Valencia
Goldie M. Valentine
Helen A. Valentine
Jennifer Valerio-Reyes
Maria T Valladares Ramos
Barbara A. Van Sant
Mildred Van Wechel
Arvin G. VanBeek

Catherine D. VanderBurgh
Sarah K. Vanderhoek
Sandra K K. VanDoren
Terry L. VanPelt
Kristi L Vanselow
Bryce W. VanWerven
Leonila Vargas
Marcelina Vargas
Maria Vargas
Maria Vargas
Michael J. Varriano
Juana Vasquez
Douglas Vavrick
Russell J. Veazie
Lori Vega-Johnson
Vanessa D. Vergala
Frances M. Vest
Jeffrey R. Vetter
Jean Vigil
Lisabeth M. Vilett
Maria Guadalupe Villafan
Joanna Vintilla
Karen L. Vinyard
Rafaela Virgen
Mong-Trinh T. Vo
Hodan E E. Waays
Wiktor Wadolowski
Scott A. Waite
Marissa Walde
E Jean Walker
Luana Walker
Stephanie L. Walker
Toni L. Walker
Brandy M. Wallace
Clarence (Jay) F. Wallace
Carolyn Wallis
Patrick J. Walrath

Janice L. Walter
Sorena L. Walter
Whipple N. Walter
Chienping H. Wang
Charles E. Wanke
Michele F. Wanner
Ardath A. Ward
Mary L. Ward
Tara Ward
Rooda M Warfa
Gary J. Warmbrodt
Krista Watson
Vanetta G. Watson
Mattie F. Watts
Lisa Webb
Barbara A. Webber
Sharon L. Weber
Bryona L. Webster
Karla Weeks
Tami K. Weese
Larrin Weidenaar
Amanda K. Weidner
Teresa A. Weinstock
Eric P. Weissenborn
William A. Weissenborn
Aster Weldemichael
Sharon F. Wendt
Michelle L. Wenstrom
Ametezion Wersi
Jesse West
Lynne H. Weston
Jacquelyn J. Wheeler
Quinlan Wheeler
Patricia E. Wheelock
Barbara A. Whelan
Christine White
Shaka C. White
Vicki A. White
Betty I. Whiteaker
Robert G. Whitfield
Sam D. Whitman
Carrie M. Wigton
Benjamin Williams
Canada Williams
Dale K. Williams
Lucy E. Williams
Vera Williams
Shelly Williamson
Lea Willingham
Michele Willis
Brian F. Willmott
Camille L. Wilson


Julie Wilson
Malinda M. Wilson
Marni Wilson
Scott Wilson
Zane P. Wilson
Sue Winn
Angela M. Winters
Nanette R. Winters
Craig F. Witt
Donny R. Wohl
Raymond S. Wohl
Sharon L. Wohl
Christian A. Wold
Kelvin Wolther
Bobbi Wood
Jerald Woodall
Jessica Woods
Kathleen Woods
Rosanna Woods
Tomeko E. Woods
Sandra L. Workman
Carson Wright
Diana Wright
Wanda S. Wright
Micah Wyatt
Florenda J J. Wyatt-Simmons
Jennifer Wyman
Lynn A. Yanagida
Kathy Yasi
Cheryl A. Yates
Leela L. Yellesetty
Debra K. Young
Erik W. Young
Jada R. Young
John A. Young
Kristi E. Young
Ronald H. Young
Jonathan Youngblood
Bibiye Yusuf
Maria Rosa Zamudio Orozco
Rosie J. Zanto
Rosalba Zaragoza
Veronica Zaragoza
Esmelda Zarate
Kathleen Zeigler
Henry Zimmerman
Janet L. Zins
Mahmoud M. Zubeidi
Joanne Zulauf



Members rally at the State Supreme

Court Sept. 2014 for fully funding


As leaders for quality education, 925 members joined with community activists this year to launch a bold new vision, Stand Up 4 Education (SU4E),
our growing movement to hold Washington corporations accountable for
paying their fair share for education.
Education from early learning to college is dangerously underfunded in
our state because Washington corporations do not pay their fair share. While
education goes underfunded, corporations get more than $2.3 BILLION a year
in tax breaks and make record profits. Through press events, social media,
demonstrations, and rallies, we drove the public message that corporations
must pay their fair share for education from birth to college graduation.
Drawing media attention, 925 members and the SU4E coalition held delegations in the lobbies of corporations, including Boeing, Amazon, and Starbucks; marched on the powerful Washington Roundtable; rallied at the State
Supreme Court; enlisted hundreds of community members to sign our pledge;
and brought our message to K-12 schools and the UW Board of Regents.
We will continue to Stand Up 4 Education in 2015 and beyond!

UW Chapter President Laura Harrington

does a media interview before our Stand
Up 4 Education coalition marches to the
Washington Roundtable in June.

Family Child Care Provider

Kathy Yasi and PLU Adjunct
Professor Michael Ng lead a
delegation at the Microsoft
corporate office Aug. 2014.

UW employees show their support for

fully funding education during the Stand
Up 4 Education kickoff April 29, 2014.

Members and community allies flocked to

UWs Red Square April 29 to kick off Stand
Up 4 Education (SU4E).




As SEIU Local 925 members, we are STRONGER TOGETHER
when we bargain with employers over wages, benefits, working
conditions, retirement security, and healthcare.
We are united as Family Child Care Providers, K-12 workers,
UW employees, contingent faculty, and government/nonprofit
In 2014 we stood strong and had a banner year in bargaining
our next chapter contracts!
Family Child Care Providers won a 50% increase in the
non-standard hour bonus. Providers will continue working
toward a health care proposal that would give ALL licensed
providers health insurance under our contract.
UW workers connected with University donors and held
multiple actions to win contract improvements, including
across-the-board raises totaling 5% over two years.
Bellevue School District workers won a 5% Cost of Living
Adjustment for 2014-15 and 2% for each of the remaining
three years of the contract
Village Community Services workers won 34% increases
for employees at the bottom of the wage scale and over $2
per hour increases for vocational employees.
UW Medicine Contact Center employees won a first
contract with pay raises, classification upgrades, bonuses, and
workplace protections. The contract passed with 100% YES

Wheres Waldo? 925 member leaders

from throughout the local take a fun
photo at the March 22 Leadership

Family Child Care Provider Melba

Halgren reads to kids in her care.
Providers fought hard for a strong
contract in 2014.

UW workers brought their message to UW donors to

win wage increases and other contract improvements.

Bellevue School District Nutrition

Services members engaged in
collaborative and highly productive
interest-based bargaining with the
district in June 2014.

Yeah team! In June 2014, Administrative and

Instructional Support Personnel bargaining
team members from Bellevue School District
met with district representatives, including
the superintendent, in a constructive session.

Members from Bellingham Whatcom

County Housing Authority settled their
contract in Jan. and fought back a
proposal that would have weakened
subcontracting protections.




Contingent and tenured faculty; students;

alumni; and parents delivered a letter on
Feb. 4 to the SU presidents office seeking
a collaborative path to union vote.

Our union is growing! Adjunct and contingent faculty at various universities
joined the movement this year by choosing to form a union with SEIU Local 925.
Highlights from Adjuncts and Contingents Together WA (ACT), an organizing
project of SEIU Local 925, include:

In May, 200 adjunct and contingent faculty at Seattle University voted to join
SEIU 925! Ballots were impounded pending a NLRB decision, but after a favorable decision, the impasse can now be resolved.
In July, 150 full- and part-time faculty at Antioch University Seattle voted to
join 925! In a huge vote margin, 86% of faculty voted to unionize. A faculty
bargaining committee is now bargaining a first contract.
Throughout 2014, Washington State contingent faculty have organized statewide and on the national level.
In a significant breakthrough for higher education faculty, the National Labor
Relations Board (NLRB) ruled in December 2014 that contingent faculty at religiously affiliated institutions across the country have the right to form a union
and have a say in the decisions that affect their profession and students. It also
opened the door for more full-time faculty to organize at private universities.
Also in 2014, child care teachers, directors and providers organized through a
joint campaign of SEIU 925 and AFT Washington to improve training and wages
for child care providers in the City of Seattle.
We will continue to organize workers and stand strong for fully funding education from birth to college graduation for all Washington families.

Full- and part-time Antioch U. faculty and a

student show their unity July 23 after hearing
their landslide victory in their union election.

SU faculty organizing leader Prof.

Louisa Edgerly does an interview
Nov. 18 on the harmful effects of
school budget cuts.

An SU student joins our Nov. action

against budget cuts that threaten the
quality of education.

SU faculty organizing leaders, Professors

Anne Hepfer and Dominic CodyKramers,
join a Nov. action for quality education.



Our 925 member lobby team gathers at

Olympia in Jan. to meet with legislators
about issues that matter to working

Our fight for quality education continues!

From phone banking to door knocking, lobbying elected

leaders in Olympia, and rallying at the State Supreme Court,
hundreds of 925 members throughout the year took political
action to fight for working families, supporting candidates
who support our issues, and fully funding education in
Leading the charge were our 925 Member Political Organizers (MPOs) - our energized and politically engaged members
throughout Washington who lead the SEIU 925 endorsement process in their communities, then became the face of
our local, voluntering in the offices of candidates who won
our support.
We met well-funded opposition in tough races across the
state from Congress to local ballot measures. But we never
gave up and we responded by taking to the phones, hitting
the streets, and making our voices heard.
Family Child Care Providers led YES for Early Success, a
City of Seattle ballot initiative campaign to make child care
more affordable for families and more stable for teachers and
children. Although voters didnt pass it, providers were successful in bringing widespread public attention to improving
access and affordability to quality child care in Seattle.
Together we knocked on thousands of doors and called thousands of voters to gather support for important issues and
candidates for working families.
As we enter a new year, we will continue to fight for quality
education from early learning to college!

Members take a picture before meeting

legislators at the Feb. 2014 Lobby Day.

Family Child Care Provider Aan and

her daughter Sagal hosted Sen. Joe
Fain (R) at their daycare Oct. 2014 to
bring awareness to early learning.

Family Child Care Provider Rita Frickelton

(right) hosted Sen. Andy Hill (R) at her
daycare in Kirkland Dec. 16 to discuss early
learning funding and priorities.

Family Child Care Provider Laura Chandler

calls voters during an Oct. political phone
bank for our early learning initiative, YES for
Early Success.




(877) 734-8673

Stewards from Woodland, Vancouver, and Longview

School districts, along with KWRL Transportation Coop, attend Steward Training in Sept. Stewards are the
first line of defense for resolving workplace issues.

Need help with a work-related issue?

Being a 925 member means weve got
your back! SEIU 925 member stewards and our Member Resource Center
(MRC) are standing by to help.
2014 has been a strong year for upholding workers rights. Our MRC fielded an estimated 1,700 calls throughout
our chapters, ranging from contract
violations, work site issues, contract
benefits and representation.
Our MRC also trained and empowered more than 60 members throughout Washington and across industries
to be stewards and to serve as the first
line of defense for resolving members
workplace issues.
Need to file a grievance or have a
workplace question? Contact your steward or call our Member Resource Center
at (877) 734-5673. We are Stronger


Members work together on an exercise at Leaders

in Action for Justice training May 31.

Family Child Care Provider Martha Corona and UW

employee Yuri Rabena share their stories at the
March 22 Leadership Assembly.

SEIU 925 members work hard throughout the year

advocating for child care, education, public services, families, and communities. At the forefront are outstanding
member leaders who serve on our 925 Executive Board and
Leadership Assembly to help shape the future of our union
and lead us in the ever-changing landscape of fighting for
social justice.
In June, more than 100 member leaders attended
Leaders in Action for Justice training, where we honed our
skills on leadership development, community organizing,
politics, new organizing, and chapter/worksite organizing.

Professor Jane Harty, PLU contingent faculty organizing

leader, joins other members and leaders at the Leaders
in Action for Justice training in May.



SEIU Local 925

1914 N. 34th St, Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98103

United for Quality Education

and Public Services

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