Title: Keeping The Moon by Sarah Dessen Summary: Nicole Sparks (Colie) and Her Mother Used To Be Poor and Moved Often

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Submitted by: Ragasa, Maria Ericka R.

Title: Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen

Summary: Nicole Sparks (Colie) and her mother used to be poor and moved often.
They were very overweight and spent most of the time living in their car while her
mother switched jobs. When her mother became a famous exercise guru, she shed
her weight, but not her insecurity. Most of the kids at her school back home alienate
her because Caroline Dawes and her friends spread a vicious rumor about her
hooking up with Chase Mercer, the new guy at school, on a golf course. Her mom
ships her off to her aunts house in Colby, North Carolina for the summer, and the
relationships and connections that she makes there help her realize that she is
actually worth something, and help her gain self-confidence. Colie's aunt is
overweight and very kind. She makes cards that are for people that have lost their
loved ones. She buys a lot of sugared cereal and enjoys eating the grilled chicken
salad at Last Chance. Mira is also friends with Morgan and Isabel. She lives with
Norman and Colie and has a cat named Cat Norman (named after Norman). Norman
is An "art freak." His father does not support the idea of him being an artist, so this
resulted in fights. Norman moved out of the house when he was 17. He works with
Morgan, Isabel, and Colie at Last Chance as a cook. He has a small crush on Colie
and collects sunglasses. He has a whole series of paintings that feature the models
wearing sunglasses. Morgan Works at Last Chance with Isabel, Colie, and Norman.
She has noted many times that she is engaged with a baseball player named Mark.
Unfortunately, Morgan's fianc cheated on her with a stripper whom Mark was
married to and is expecting a child with. Morgan is very organized and
straightforward about things. She has been friends with Isabel, who acts really rude
and grumpy around Colie, since high school and they are very close. Eventually,
Isabel thought Colie to stand up for herself and soon became friends with her too.
Colie endures the aftermath of chick night and enjoys her newfound confidence,
finally standing up to her bully back home and giving her number to a cute guy she
meets, Josh. Morgan is getting over her loss for Mark, Norman and Colie are in a
relationship, and Isabel and Morgan come together during a disco beat. At 12:15
Colie gets to see her first eclipse and watches in awe as she looks across her row of
new friends, and at the sky as the moon disappears.
Setting: Colby, North Carolina
Lessons Learned:
1. Having confidence in yourself
2. Being pretty on the outside isnt the only thing that matters, it should also be
what your personality is and/or character.
3. Dont judge a person by their looks.
4. Everyone deserves second chances.

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