Legacy Vong Miniguide

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Vong Campaign Miniguide

Sith-Imperial War
In 127 ABY, after failed Vong terraforming sabatoged by
the One Sith, the One Sith and the Empire allied and
defeated the forces of the Galactic Alliance and the New
Jedi Order in 130 ABY.
Second Imperial Civil War
After victory in the Sith-Imperial War, the One Sith led a
coup against the Empire. The Empire was split in two
between forces allied with Darth Krayt, and the Empire-inExile still loyal to Emperor Fel. The nomadic Alliance
Remnant, and the Empire in Exile, in the former Imperial
Remnant, allied to fight against Darth Krayts Empire, and
succeeded in 138 ABY.
Third Jedi Purge
In 130 ABY, the Sith led a campaign to exterminate all
Jedi and Imperial Knights, The Jedi were greatly
depopulated, though not nearly as dire a in the Great Jedi
After the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Vong
migrated to the living planet Zomana Sekot.
Before the Sith-Imperial War, the Jedi
supported a project to have the remaining
Vong terraform devastated worlds, starting
with the temple world Ossus. Ossus was a
great sucess, so 100 more worlds were
selected. The One Sith sabatoged the project,
and the terraformed worlds began poisoning
the population, the Jedi suspected sabatoge,
and the Alliance defended the Vong. Some
Alliance pkanets seceded, and the Empire
used the event as an excuse to declare war.
Zomana Sekot retreated into the Unknown
Regions, and the remaing Vong from the
project were stranded.

Bothans still declared

genocide on all Vong
Vong look less warped, as
heavy implants have fallen
out of style
There is probably a lot of
resentment against Vong by
the GA Remnant for
inadverdantly triggering the
Sith-Imperial War
Vong are probably still
unsure about droids
Mandalorians have been
nuetral through almost the
whole ordeal
The Chazrach were
probably freed at this point
and could be roaming
around, maybe at Zomana
Sekot or Bakura, like the P

Campaign Ideas

Yuuzhan Vong come from Zomana Sekot to

rescues shapers

Vong help Jedi in war against Sith

Sith or Bothans come to hunt Vong

Vong battle the remnants of the Ssi-Ruuk or

Rakata in the Unknown Regions

Peace Brigade also live on Zonama Sekot

Vong holdouts reemerge and declare war on

the galaxy

Chazrach invade Zonama Sekot

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