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WGU Teacher Interview Form

RELT Task 7
Description of Interviewee (age, gender, affiliation): Age: 47, Female, White

Bluffs Elementary School

Date of Interview: 4/26/13
Length of Interview: 30 minutes
Location of Interview (include target age and grade of teachers students):

White Bluffs Elementary, 4th grade. Target ages 9, 10

Teacher Interview Questions:
1. What strategies does the teacher employ to intrinsically or extrinsically
motivate students?

At the beginning of the year, the teacher helps the students to set goals. This intrinsic
motivation gives them something personal to work for. This strategy is used in
reading, spelling, and math. Creating expectations for themselves helps them to
realize their potential.
For extrinsic motivation, this teacher uses a money system for the students. The students
get money for accomplishing certain things and they have opportunities to go
shopping to buy things using their money. The teacher also uses vocal praise to
extrinsically motivate the students.
2. How does the teacher implement each strategy?

Setting goals begins at the start of the school year. Then throughout the year, the teacher
will meet with the students to check on their progress. If goals are met throughout the
year, the teacher will coach the students to set new goals. Both the teacher and the
student have a record of the goals so they both know what is going on. Some students
may need some extra encouragement as they have no concept of achieving goals. IT is
simply not something they see as rewarding.
The money system is implemented throughout the year by awarding money for good
grades, extra credit work, or good grades. There is also a classroom store where the
students can buy things with their money. This strategy needs to be carefully monitored
to keep the student from going crazy with their money, saving it up and getting too much
money, or from becoming bored with money. Each of these things will invalidate the

WGU Teacher Interview Form

3. Discuss with the teacher the positives and negatives of implementing the
extrinsic and intrinsic motivation strategies you identified for part B of this
task. (Write your reflections, at least 4 to 5 paragraphs, on this discussion.)

Allowing students to choose their own assignments to show competency in a certain topic
is an appropriate strategy that encourages students intrinsically. The positives of this
activity are that the students have a wide variety of activities to choose from. Creating
a skit of what life might have been like, writing a paper, doing an experiment, or
reading a book are all options that could be used. The negative side of this strategy is
that the teacher will have to figure out an equal way to grade each of the different
Beginning the lesson with attention catching ideas is a great way to grab the interest of
the students. It helps to both introduce the next topic and create curiosity in the
students. Similarly, allowing students to choose their own topics for an assignment
creates excitement in the students as they get a chance to share and learn more about a
favorite subject. The downside to this is that the classroom may not have enough
resources for the students to choose ANY topic. It might have to be limited to the
topics that are represented in the classroom or library.
When implementing extrinsic motivation, it is important to do so fairly and equally. The
students must understand that they have to do something to get the reward. The teacher
may feel bad that certain students do not receive rewards, but they should encourage
them instead of taking pity and giving them rewards anyway. Vocal praise should be used
freely. It can even be used to discourage misbehaving students from talking or distracting
each other. It is important, however, that the teacher does not over praise the higher
scoring students or show any favorites.
When teaching parents about extrinsic motivation, make sure they completely understand
the process. If parents over-emphasize or over-reward their children, it may completely
discount the whole process. Parents should be consistent and reliable with their reward
4. Discuss with the teacher how to use technology (in this case the use of a
search engine in fourth, fifth and sixth grade) to motivate a students
learning while keeping the student focused on the activity. (Write your
reflections, at least 4 to 5 paragraphs, on this discussion.)

Teaching proper technology usage is a very important task for teachers. Depending on
the schools location, the students may not have very much experience using computers
or search engines as they dont have computers at home. Other students will know
exactly how to use the computer and will try to play games instead of doing the
To teach the inexperienced students, the teacher will demonstrate first how to use the
computer, then how to use the internet for searching. Other uses for the computer include

WGU Teacher Interview Form

reading comprehension quizzes, math practice, spelling practice, speaking assignments,
and other informational programs. These sorts of programs are more like games than the
usual worksheet in the classroom, so the kids are more excited to do them. Some
teachers reward students for finishing early by allowing them to use the computer for
further practice. This must be used carefully, however, to avoid students mindlessly
rushing through assignments to get to use the computer.
For students who may have a Wii or x-box at home, they will not be as easily motivated
by using technology. In the higher levels of society, the children often have access to
more technology than the teacher. They may attempt to misuse the computer to find
other websites or games that have not been reviewed by the teacher. In both cases, the
teacher needs to ensure sufficient safety precautions are put in place to keep the students
from harmful websites.
Whether students are experienced or not, using a computer to complete an assignment or
do an activity will always be more enjoyable. Teachers can use this fact to motivate
students not just to work faster, but also to work correctly. For example, one teacher
might say that if more than half the class gets an A, they can have 15 minutes to use the
computers to do one of the approved programs.
Technology is a great way for students to do individual practice in a fun way. It also can
be hard to monitor and potentially dangerous for students. When using technology, it is
crucial for the teacher to make the directions and rules very specific and clear.

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