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Democracy is the most essential and fundamental element for managing the affairs
of society systematically. Democracy and participatory governance are popular p
olitical patterns in the modern world. In a broader sense democracy encompasses
the leading features; fair and free election process, supremacy of the constitut
ion, the rule of law, and freedom for the people. In other words democratic stat
e must practice the principles of equal citizenship irrespective of religion, ca
ste, ethnicity and regional background. It must also ensure equality of opportun
ity to all for advancement in social, political and economic domains and guarant
ee security of life and property to its citizens.
It is fact that democracy is the major constituent for social, political and eco
nomic development. It is considered as the backbone of the system, without which
an effective running of system is impossible. The crucial importance of democra
cy can be observed by the experience of East Asian countries. Between 1965 and 1
990, several countries of this region registered the highest growth rate and pro
ved it with high living standards. The most important factors behind this econom
ic miracle are good governance. It is not that Swiss and Swedes are inherently b
lessed with greater honesty and integrity than Pakistanis. But actually differen
ce lies in the institutions, laws and work procedures.
Pakistan, like India, adopted the Government of India Act, 1935 as the Interim C
onstitution, 1947 to meet the immediate requirements of an independent state. It
provided parliamentary form of government, although the Governor General enjoye
d special powers and the federal government exercised some overriding powers ove
r provinces. Pakistan's early rulers did not pay especial attention to democrati
zation otthe political system because their major concern was how to ensure the
survival of the state in view of internal and external challenges. The fear of t
he collapse of the state encouraged authoritarian style of governance.
Pakistan had faced serious administrative and management problems during the par
tition process. These problems were the division of civil and .military assets o
f the British government between India and Pakistan, communal riots, the migrati
on of people to and from Pakistan, and the troubled relations with India, includ
ing the first war on Kashmir, 1947-48. In this critical situation when Pakistan
was facing initial administrative and humanitarian difficulties, Mohammad Ali Ji
nnah, the father of the nation, died on September 11, 1948, thirteen months
after the establishment of Pakistan. The separation of Quaid within a short span
of time undermined the already weak political institutions and fragmented the p
olitical setup. Most of the post-Jinnah political leaders had no nationwide fame
and appeal to reorganize the massive crowd again as a result regional politics
within the state flourished. This critical situation, made it difficult for the
political parties and leaders to pursue a coherent approach and gather under one
leadership. They were unable to develop consensus on single point, meanwhile th
e assassination of Liaqat Ali khan shocked the entire democratic system. Though
Liaqat Ali Khan laid the foundation of the constitution by introducing objective
resolution but several years later constitution of Pakistan was introduced (Mar
ch 23, 1956) which even could not get popular support of all major parties, lead
ers and regions. By the time the constitution was introduced a strong tradition
of violation started, the political parties were divided and the assembly was un
able to assert its primacy. In this situation power was shifted to the Governor
General/President Iskander Mirza, who had military background. Iskander Mirza to
ok support of top bureaucracy and the military. This contributed to the rise of
the bureaucratic-military elites in Pakistani politics which further suppressed
future of democracy.
Army Interference: Since the establishment of Pakistan Army has always had a str
ong desire to have a permanent place in the political setup of country. The four
military regimes are the proof of this. The first Martial Law was imposed by Ay

ub Khan in 1958 and lasted till 1969. He abrogated the constitution of 1956. He
also introduced presidential system with indirect elections. In April 1969, Gene
ral Yahya imposed second Martial Law and lasted till 1971. He had abrogated the
constitution of 1962, banned all political activities and dissolved National and
Provincial assemblies. Again Martial Law intervened in 1977 and the popular lea
der elected by the common people through dubious elections was hanged. Zia's Mar
tial regime was supposed to be the shortest one but it turned out to be the long
est in the history of Pakistan. Zia did not abrogate the constitution of 1973 bu
t suspended. He also passed his famous 8th amendment to restrict the power of he
ad of government through article 58 2(b) and provided significant powers to the
president who could dissolve National Assembly whenever he think that need has a
risen. In 1999, again military intervened in political setup led by General Mush
arraf. The Army was yet again in power promising of smooth transfer of power to
grass root level within three years.
Corruption and nepotism: It is fact that democratic governments in Pakistan have
been witnessed of corruption, mal-administration, and
nepotism. The people reluctantly visit public institutions because they know tha
t without any favor or bribe it is very difficult to get any work done from the
public officers. Moreover, due to malpractices of the public official and misapp
ropriation of public fund the infrastructure of public institutions has been cra
cked and a situation like chaos is prevailing all over the country.
In 1990 the government of PPP was dissolved due to corruption charges set agains
t Benazir Bhutto by the President of that time. The next government of Nawaz sha
rif was also dismissed in 1993 by Ghulam Ishaq khan on plea of corruption and ne
potism. Again elections were held in 1993 and Benazir became PM but this governm
ent was also dissolved on corruption charges in 1996.
Royal style of politics: All the governments after Junejo were characterized by
the royal style of the Prime Minister that was true in case of Benazir and Nawaz
Sharif because of their extravagant style of living i.e. Raiwind palaces and Su
rrey palace respectively.
Authoritarian style of politicians: All the previous heads of governments both c
ivilian and military and also the politicians exercised absolutism in style and
mentality. They did not realize their foremost duty was to serve the people not
just to misrule them. Politicians during the last 50 years have not shown respon
sible attitude.
Abuse of powers: People elect the PM, his cabinet and the members of assemblies
through ballot. But it has often happened that an indirectly elected president c
omes and dismisses the government. This is highly undemocratic, unconstitutional
" and it has been happening in our political history due to the 8th amendment pa
ssed by the Zia regime. Zia dismissed Junejo government and Ghulam Ishaq dissolv
ed Benazir and Nawaz Shari governments respectively. This is the main reason tha
t has wrecked the entire setup of politics.
Lack of accountability: Our constitution does not provide an effective system of
check and balance. That is why every elected civilian government becomes omnipo
tent and powerful which give rise to corruption and mal-administration. There is
no effective system of governance which can keep proper check on the decisions
and the steps taken by PM and his cabinet. Judiciary must be made strong enough
to keep a strong check over these important matters.
Lack of continuity: In Pakistan except Bhutto's government, no government has co
mpleted its expected life span. After Junejo, many governments were disbanded in
the period of nine years. This game of power musical chair has seriously affect
ed the economic and social progress of our country.

-The honest and competent people should be elected form the grass root to the hi
ghest level through fair and transparent democratic process.

-Direct system of election must be introduced and governments must be allowed to

complete their tenure.
-In order to attain the quality of good governance, senior high officials, think
tanks and previous failed rulers must ask for participation in decision making
and execution of policies through a democratic consultative process.
-For good governance the role of army in the political setup of the country must
be discouraged and constitution must clearly define the areas of operation of a
ll institutions of the state like army, bureaucracy and the government.
-Independence of judiciary must be maintained which can exercise an effective sy
stem of check and balance on each and every institution and prevent politicians
from abuse of power.
-People must be educated without which they can not protect their rights. Educat
ion creates confidence which empower people to defend their social, political an
d economic rights.
-Media should also playa positive role in creating awareness among people regard
ing their problems and their solutions. In this way people will be able to deman
d their rights and will perform their duties and responsibilities in a more orga
nized way.
-In order to develop an effective system of governance participation of women sh
ould be encouraged as according to latest count, women ratio
is .48:52 respectively.
Conclusion: This is the high time that consensus must be developed among the peo
ple of Pakistan that what system of government can suit them better. Keeping in
view the pluralistic society of Pakistan, federal government can serve people in
a better way through giving sufficient powers to the provinces in order t 0 tac
kle problems of ordinary citizen effectively. Direct system of election must be
introduced and governments must be allowed to complete their tenure.
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