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January 2015

Its been a busy year for British ournal of Photography, and one with
ups and downs. We celebrated our 160th birthday, but we also
mourn the loss of some of the photography worlds greatest imagemakers. And, while were in a reflective mood, I thought wed drop
our friends and partners a line with details of both what weve been
up to in 2014, and whats to come this year.
Back to the Future

We started 2014 by sorting through our

archive of 160 years of printed copies
of the BJP. is was a fascinating chance
to see what our predecessors were up to
through the 20th century, but also a vital
step in one of our big plans for the future.
Having sorted the issues, we are now in
the process of digitising all of them over
200,000 pages and we look forward to
sharing the full results with you in the
new year.
2014 also saw the return of the BJPs
International Photography Award. is
year we secured a fantastic panel of
high-profile judges, and received more
entries than at any point in the awards
history. e winners have recently been
announced, and were already planning
for next year if youd like to sponsor the
2015 awards, puing your name in front
of thousands of photographers, do drop
us a line.

Around the World

We went on tour for the first time. 2014
saw the BJPs editorial, marketing and sales
teams starting the year in Las Vegas for
CES before taking
in Dubais HIPA,
Paris Photo, Visa
pour LImage,
Arles, Photokina,
PhotoEspana, and
the Unseen show in
Amsterdam not to
mention Guernsey,
Brighton and
Birmingham, closer
to home.

If youre aending any of

these next year, we hope to see you
there 2014s events have been a great
chance for us to meet many of you in

The Social Club

2014 was a huge year for the BJP on social
media. is time last year we had reached

BJPnewsletter.indd 1

just over 100,000 followers on Twier and

Facebook as I write this we edge closer to
half a million, meaning we now reach more
photographers than any other photography
title on social media.

e BJPs website
relaunch back in December
of last year showed us just
how loyal our followers are.
We have been overwhelmed
with the response to the new
site, but more importantly
just how engaged they have
been with the new platform
our average click through
rates are now six times
higher than the industry
average LB- 0.70%, MPU- 0.65% and Skin1.13%.
We already have plans to add to the
BJP website and are investigating ways
to reach students with a student online
presence for photography students.
is will enable our clients to reach
out directly to the next generation of
photographers if theres something
youd particularly like to see there, do let
us know.

As many of you
would know we
have also launched
a new online
directory service,
giving everyone
from photographers
to galleries and
retailers a chance to
have a permanent presence on the
website and update creative at a very low
cost if you havent heard about this yet,
then please give your rep a call today.

Weve also launched our very own

online store, offering readers a chance to
buy back-issues and pre-order new ones
at a low price directly from us. is has
aracted thousands of visitors in the few

short weeks it has been running, and in

2015 well offer it as another way for you to
reach our hugely engaged audience.

A Smarter Studio
Finally, our Apptitude Studio service has
undergone a much needed makeover, with
a new website giving far more detail on how
we work with businesses from magazines
to corporate clients and public organisations
- to create bespoke apps. Im sure I have
spoken to many of you about this side of our
business but if youd like any
further details do let me know.

By way of an example, one
big Apptitude Studio project
in 2014 was undertaken
for the Association of
Photographers (AOP),
who tasked us with
commissioning and creating
quarterly iPad issues of its
members magazine, Image.
I hope you will have had a chance to see
this and are excited about the next issue
as we are its one of very few places you
can reach commercial photographers in a
truly engaging way.
And speaking of digital editions,
we hope that youre enjoying the BJPs
original editorial content already, whether
in print, on an iPad or iPhone. Just in case,
and as a Christmas gi, weve set up a free
digital subscription so you wont miss an
issue in the new year (details here etc).

And finally, thanks.

Making it to 160 years is no mean feat and
we couldnt have done it without you as
supporters of the BJP you have contributed
to the evolution of photography journalism
and are a vital part of the fantastic heritage
of the BJP brand. We look forward to
working with all of you through 2015 and for
another 160 years to come.

All that leaves me to say, on behalf

of British Journal of Photography, is a
massive thank you and we look forward to
working with you all in 2015.

Jamie Fricker
Commercial Manager

16/01/2015 11:34

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