Holiday Pictures1

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Teacher: Diaconu Mihaela Andreea

Lesson: Holiday Pictures
Textbook: Pathway to English
Time: 15-25 minutes
Unit : Holidays
Materials: textbook, blackboard, dictionaries.
Lesson aims: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
- to talk about different types of activities and holidays;
- to develop their vocabulary;
- to describe things;
- to use past tense of To Be;
- to develop the ability of speaking in English.
Organization: individual work, group work.
Skills: speaking, writing, reading.
Warm- up: Teacher asks for the attendance list and checks the homework
Checking previous knowledge. When we use present continuous and present simple.
Activity 1
Aims: -

to match the pictures with the sentences;

to use the words from the box to make four lists with words describing
weather. food, places and people.

-T. tell Ss to look in the book at ex 1, read and
translate the sentences, then match them with the
-T. ask Ss to work in group of four. They have to use
Group work
the words from the box and maxe four lists with words
describing weather, food, places and people. Some
words can go in more than one list.
Activity 2

Writing and

Aims: - to think of an holiday that they had and fill the grid and work in group of four;
- to describe their holiday filling in the grid;
- to write 5 lines about a holiday;
- to use simple past of the verb To Be;
- to answer to the questions;
- to use the verb to be when they describe the weather, food, place and people in a short

-T explain the two forms of the simple past of the verb To Be,
when we use them and the children write in their notebooks.
-Ss are asked to think of a holiday that they had and fill the grid.
Work in group of four.
- T asks Ss to describe their holiday filling in the grid from the
book at ex three point b.
- Ss are asked to work in group and answer to the questions
from ex 4.
- to use the verb to be when they describe the weather, food,
place and people in a short paragraph.


Listening and

Group work
Group work
Group work
Individual work


Both the teacher and the students provide continuous feed back through observations. The
teacher checks that the students complete the tasks entirely and correctly at any stage of the
lesson, she gives extra explanations whenever necessary, she monitors certain students in order
to prevent possible problems.
Write a short composition about an ideal holiday in the mountain .Write 10 lines.

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