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Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Railway of RMG crane


Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Railway of RMG crane


3.1. Description of object
Handling of containers so as to join the means of railway transportation is achieved through a
specialized terminal, equipped with RMG cranes, rolling on a railway with a length of 616 m.
3.2. Types and dimensions of beams for RMG cranes
Beams shall have a length of 30,80 m and shall be of two types:
- current type
- type with stoppers
3.3. Norms and standards
- STAS 10101/0A-77 Actions in constructions. Classification and grouping of actions for civil and
industrial works
- STAS 10107/0-90 Civil and Industrial Works. Calculation and structuring of elements pertaining
to concrete structures, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete structures
- Practice Code for performance of concrete works, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete
works, NE 012-99
- STAS 2561/4-90 Foundation ground. Large diameter drilled piles. General prescriptions for
design, performance and acceptance
3.4. Particulars of foundation soil
On the site of the two crane railway lines, on the natural seabed (at levels -16,0 -17 m) a clay
filling was performed (to reclaim port territory) on its major part left at the grade of approximately
7,00 m. The filling material was without consolidation. The limestone foundament is situated at
levels varying between -16,0 and -19,0 m.
3.5. Particulars of concrete
3.5.1. Beam concrete
- concrete strength grade:
C 25/30 (fCK(cil) = 25 N/mm2)
- Rc = 18 N/mm
- Rt = 1,25 N/mm2
- Eb = 32500 N/mm2
- = 0,2
- Gb = 0,4 Eb = 13000 N/mm2

Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Railway of RMG crane

3.5.2. Column concrete

- concrete strength grade:
C 16/20 (fCK(cil) = 16 N/mm2)
- Rc = 10,5 N/mm
- Rt = 0,80 N/mm2
- Eb = 27000 N/mm2
- = 0,2
- Gb = 0,4 Eb = 10800 N/mm2
3.6. Particulars of reinforecement
PC 52 (STAS 438 89)
- Ra = 300 N/mm2
- Ea = 210 x 109 N/m2
OB 37 (STAS 438 89)
- Ra = 210 N/mm2
- Ea = 210.000 N/mm2
3.7. Loads
Hypothesis 1 - vertical load:
- horizontal load:

30 t/wheel
5 t/wheel

Hypothesis 2 - vertical load:

- transverse horizontal load:
- longitudinal horizontal load:

25 t/wheel
5 t/wheel
25 t/section

Hypothesis 3 - hypothesis 1 + horizontal load at stopper, applied 0,50 m above the rail
3.8. Hypothesis for wheels position onto the beam
The hypotheses of most severely adverse positioning of two cranes have been checked, along the
whole length of a beam (preponderantly towards the margin or at the center).

Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Railway of RMG crane

Design convoy

Hypothesis 1

Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Railway of RMG crane

Hypothesis 2

3.9. Infrastructure of Columns

Proposals have been made for columns of 0,60 m in diameter, seated with the tip on the base rock,
for which the bearing capacity was calculated to 2060 KN. Accordingly a spacing of 5,40 m resulted
for the arrangement of the columns.
3.10. Calculation of columns bearing capacity
Due to the presence of a compressible unconsolidated layer on top of the base rock (lime) due
consideration was given to the negative lateral friction (495 KN).
The bearing capacity of soil at the tip of the column resulted to be of 3890 KN, whereas the bearing
capacity of the concrete section of the column is 2060 KN.
3.11. Results of structural calculations
3.11.1. Reinforced Concrete Beams
Upon calculating the beam strains under the loads from the wheels of the RMG crane, the following
maximum values were obtained:
- on the beam:
My = -1067 KNm and +857 KNm
Qmax = 720 KN
Mz = 165 KNm
Mx (torque) = 179 KNm

Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Railway of RMG crane

- in the bearing bush area:

My = -1234 KNm and +494 KNm
Qmax = 811 KN
Mz = 165 KNm
Mx (torque) = 195 KNm
Maximum reaction:
3.11.2. Columns

955 KN

Strains transmitted through beams to the columns, lead to the following stresses at the column head
(most deformable combination).
M = 322 KNm
N = 758 KN
Maximum reaction at the top of the columns resulted to be of: 1150 KN
3.12. Reinforcement of structural elements
3.12.1. Reinforcement of RMG beams
The sizing calculations resulted in the following reinforcing elements:
- longitudinal bars at the lower part :
8 22 mm
- longitudinal bars at the upper part:
8 25 mm
- longitudinal bars on sides:
8 22 mm
- outer stirrups:
12 mm/15 cm
- inner stirrups:
10 mm/30 cm
3.12.2. Reinforcement of columns
Columns reinforcement varies with height.
- longitudinal bar at the upper part (1/3 L)
- longitudinal bar at the middle (2/3 L)
- longitudinal bar at the lower part

12 22 mm
8 20 mm
8 18 mm

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