Jollibee Pinamalayan

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Have you ever wished to eat in a food chain that has

a fast service as fast like an instant way? Well, your
wish is granted in a place of Pinamalayan! The food
that they serve conglomerates with an optimum level
of services demanded from the customers. The place
or ambiance provided by them is so comfortable one,
crafted with their famous or prominent name and this

fast food chain or food stall leads incomparably to this

whole nation wherein the majority or the masses were
inevitably demanded the juiciness, crispiness, and
chunkiness of one of the pivotal served food, the
chicken joy to be exactly. This is only an example that
one of the leading fast food chains in the country has
to offer and still in the limelight of success.

Their well heralded name itself, services, the kind of

its first day of opening last June 20, 2014. Its

food that they serve and its taste, the amount or price

garnered million pesos. On the other hand of this

counterparts a lucrative value for its quality and even

town, Pinamalayan a town of paradise at the end of

its quantity. It also proven where this company

the rainbow.

heading on and what kind of influence that they

provided most especially for the Filipino kids, the
mouthwatering and salivating effect to them.
In the Philippines, no other fast food chain like this,
only Jollibee proclaimed and acclaimed these
prominent praises. Hail for Jollibee, hail for its
limelight of success!
During opening day when my friends and I decided to
have a simple stroll ride and its a kind of wandering
that we cant determine our specific destination or
location. Our viable reason is to unwind going to the
north direction but lately our attention caught by a
new fast food chain. A very familiar or famous one,
and in everywhere can be found like a mushroom. I
caught a performer who performed very fantastic, full
of energy that makes my day enjoyable: the EMA
being parts an epic and legendary opening
celebration of Jollibeee.
In a developing town in Oriental Mindoro,
Pinamalayan lays a legendary and epic Jollibee, epic
and legendary in terms of its gross earned money on

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This is Pinamalayan-home of courteous people, with

varied culture manifested in the daily hustle- andbustle of this booming town. A worthy stop over
southward. Its best visited in summertime when its
beaches and resorts are at their best, and one can be
part of the famed Moriones festival traditionally staged
at Lenten time. Other attractions and Pinamalayan
are proud of with these: Pinamalayan Theme Park,
Cawa-cawa Waterfalls, Pili-Banilad-Ranzo Reefs,
Rosario Cave, Pinamlayan Airport, Beaches and
Inland resorts, Bahag-Hari Festival (April21),

Moriones Festival( Lenten Season), Town fiesta in

honor of Saint. Augustine (april25), Municipal
founding Annivesary ( January 6). Like a famous
saying that at the end of the rainbow theres a pot of
gold. Gold brings profitably to Pinamalyan, because it
signifies that a one place wherein this fast food chain
built bolsters for its improvement and development.

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