Drug Symposium

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DERELO, Michaela Micole M.


9- Amazing Grace

August 21,

Preventive Education to Drugs, a symposium organized by Marikina Anti-Drug Abuse Council, held at
OLOPSC Gymnasium yesterday, August 20, 2014. The drug symposium was sponsored by the Office of the Vice
Mayor in order to educate the people of Marikina on how to avoid the use of illegal drugs. The following pieces of
information were the ones that were discussed on the symposium.
A drug is a chemical substance that brings about physical, emotional or behavioral change in a person
taking it. While drug abuse is the use of any chemical substance, resulting to individuals physical, mental, or
social impairment. It may refer to any of the following practices:

Using, without benefit or prescription, useful drugs which have the capacity to alter the mood or

Using drugs and substances for a purpose different from the one from which the drug has been

Using drugs and substances having no legitimate medical application or purposes other than research.
Then, these are the reasons why we should avoid dangerous drugs.

Illegal Prohibited by law (RA 9165)

Health Damages our brain and body

Psycho-social Destroys ones behavior and causes one to commit crime

Spiritual Against the will of God

Drug has 3 pharmacological classifications; Stimulants, Depressants, and Hallucinogens. Stimulants
are also known as uppers. These are any drug that excites the central nervous system. It increase alertness,
alleviates fatigue, reduce hunger and provide a feeling of well-being (e.g. : Cocaine, Methamphetamine/SHABU).
Depressants are also known as downers or barbs. These are any drug or chemical that decreases the
activity of any bodily function. The term is most often used to refer to drugs that reduce the activity of the
central nervous system (e.g. : Sedatives, Sleeping Pills, Tranquilizers). While Hallucinogens are any natural or
synthetic psychoactive drugs that produce marked distortion of the senses and changes in perception.
Hallucinogens were first developed as appetite suppressant. They are also called as psychedelics. (e.g. : MJ, LSD,
Ecstasy, Ketamine)
Shabu is the most commonly abused drug. Methamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu) is found to
have harmful effects to the brain. It changes how the brain functions. Studies have shown that
methamphetamine abusers have reduced motor skills and impaired verbal learning as a result of alterations in
the activity of the dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in reward, motivation, experience of pleasure and
motor function. METH BUGS is a common hallucination caused by Shabu. The user gets the sensation thet
there are insects creeping on top of or underneath their skin. The user will pick at or scratch their skin trying to
get rid of the imaginary bugs. Second is Marijuana. Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) use impairs a person's
ability to form new memories and to shift focus. chronic marijuana use significantly reduces a persons capacity
to learn, carry-out complicated tasks, participate in sports, driving and operating other machineries. Lastly is
Inhalants. The effects of inhalants are similar to that of alcohol, including slurred speech, lack of coordination,
euphoria and dizziness. Inhalant abusers may also experience lightheadedness, hallucinations, and delusions.
Alcohol is a powerful drug. Alcoholic drinks contain the drug ethanol (ethyl alcohol). It is a toxic and
poisonous drug. It poisons the body if taken in large quantities simply or in combination with other drugs.
Alcohol damages all the major organs of the body. Alcohol is a depressant drug, not a stimulant as erroneously
believed. Pure alcohol is colorless and tasteless. Alcoholic drinks vary in color and taste because of the
ingredients used to flavor them.
People turn to drugs maybe because they:

Have family problems. Parents who always quarrel in front of the children. Irresponsible parents who
dont have time for their children.

Undergo peer pressure/curiosity. BAD Influence by friends.

Have weak personality, desire to escape from reality. Lack of self-confidence and inferiority complex.

These are the common signs of Drug Abuse:

Stealing items which can be readily sold for cash (to support a drug habit)

Changes in Mood depending on the drug taken. Example: depressed or becoming elated and euphoric.

Association with known drug abusers

Change from normal capabilities (work habits, efficiency, etc.)

Change in attendance at work or school

Wearing sunglasses constantly at inappropriate times (for instance, indoors or at night) or only to hide
dilated or constricted pupils but also to compensate for the eyes inability to adjust to sunlight.
Marijuana causes bloodshot eyes.
Poor physical appearance, including inattention to dress and personal hygiene.

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