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* / QUIZ p.30++ (Do while you are listening to the audio)
* / kali percobaan menjawab 1

QUIZ p.30++ (Do while you are listening to the audio) - kali
percobaan menjawab 1
Question 1
Tanda: 1
+++ REVIEW TEST +++ . == PART A, Additional REVIEW == Answer no.1
Choose one answer.
a. She doesn't care about the man's problem.
b. He should not be a dentist in the future.
c. The dentist will give a lecture today.
d. He is allowed to leave the class earlier.
Question 2
Tanda: 1
Answer no.2
Choose one answer.
a. He can't read the sign.
b. He doesn't like the sign.
c. He didn't sign his name.
d. He didn't make the sign.
Question 3
Tanda: 1
Answer no.3
Choose one answer.
a. They are not new students.
b. They were given the wrong schedule.
c. They won't be allowed to register.
d. They must go to an orientation session.
Question 4
Tanda: 1
Answer no.4
Choose one answer.


Lisa dropped the class on Friday.

Nearly all of the students can meet.
Only Lisa will be at the library.
The meeting time must be changed.

Question 5
Tanda: 1
Answer no.5
Choose one answer.
a. She likes to watch the rain come down.
b. It will probably rain this afternoon.
c. It has rained a lot lately.
d. She'll play even if it rains.
Question 6
Tanda: 1
Answer no.6
Choose one answer.
a. He intends to see Michelle.
b. He is not free in the afternoon.
c. He will pay the meal for Michelle.
d. He has no problems with the pain.
Question 7
Tanda: 1
Answer no.7
Choose one answer.
a. Buying some red chairs.
b. Getting more chairs.
c. Renting a bigger auditorium.
d. Moving chairs from the auditorium.
Question 8
Tanda: 1
Answer no.8
Choose one answer.
a. The cost of flying has increased.
b. He hasn't changed his vacation plans.
c. The plane hasn't taken off yet.
d. More flights will soon be scheduled.
Question 9
Tanda: 1
Answer no.9
Choose one answer.
a. It's not easy to find inexpensive housing near campus.
b. Housing near campus is getting cheaper and cheaper.
c. The man could find housing if he looked carefully.
d. She doesn't need to live close to campus.
Question 10
Tanda: 1
Answer no.10
Choose one answer.



buy tickets.
a game.
a party.
get some groceries.

Question 11
Tanda: 1
Answer no.11
Choose one answer.
a. The bucket has been broken.
b. The water was spilled.
c. They still need more money.
d. They have run out of time.
Question 12
Tanda: 1
Answer no.12
Choose one answer.
a. He is kind.
b. She doesn't want to say.
c. He is somewhat busy.
d. He is impolite.
Question 13
Tanda: 1
Answer no.13
Choose one answer.
a. He already knew Tony had caught only one fish.
b. He doesn't think Tony is a good fisherman.
c. It's not surprising that Tony went fishing.
d. Tony usually catches a lot of fish.
Question 14
Tanda: 1
Answer no.14
Choose one answer.
a. Take another form.
b. Don't waste the time.
c. Don't complete the form.
d. There's no need to hurry.
Question 15
Tanda: 1
Answer no.15
Choose one answer.
a. All of the books are cheap.
b. None of the books is required.
c. Only four of the books are expensive.
d. Half of the books should be returned.
Question 16
Tanda: 1
Answer no.16
Choose one answer.


Disapproved of her plan.

Traveled overseas.
Watered Lily
Caught colds.

Question 17
Tanda: 1
Answer no.17
Choose one answer.
a. The people across town enjoy it.
b. It should have been turned up.
c. It's extremely popular.
d. It was much too loud.
Question 18
Tanda: 1
Answer no.18
Choose one answer.
a. It was perfectly planned.
b. It was quite relaxing.
c. The weather wasn't good.
d. It was unexpectedly busy.
Question 19
Tanda: 1
== PART B == Answer no.1
Choose one answer.
a. North of California.
b. North of Los Angeles.
c. Between Los Angeles and San Diego.
d. East of San Diego.
Question 20
Tanda: 1
Answer no.2
Choose one answer.
a. They are a
b. They are a
c. They are a
d. They are a


Question 21
Tanda: 1
Answer no.3
Choose one answer.
a. In March.
b. In the spring.
c. In early summer.
d. In October.


Question 22
Tanda: 1
Answer no.4
Choose one answer.




700 miles.
200 miles.
1,000 miles.
7,000 miles.

Question 23
Tanda: 1
Answer no.5
Choose one answer.
a. The swallows' arrival.
b. The storm at sea.
c. The swallows' departure.
d. The parade.
Question 24
Tanda: 1
Answer no.6
Choose one answer.
a. Only in the afternoon.
b. Whenever students ask for them.
c. Only during the first week of classes.
d. Only after the classes have finished.
Question 25
Tanda: 1
Answer no.7
Choose one answer.
a. The Student Center Building.
b. A tour guide.
c. A classroom.
d. A map.
Question 26
Tanda: 1
Answer no.8
Choose one answer.
a. In the Student Center Building.
b. In the Science Building.
c. In the planetarium.
d. In the University Recreation Center.
Question 27
Tanda: 1
== PART C == Answer no.1
Choose one answer.
a. Five years.
b. Four years.
c. Three years.
d. Two years.
Question 28
Tanda: 1
Answer no.2
Choose one answer.


Room and board charges at the dormitory.

Student insurance rates.
Insurance premiums.
Student fees.

Question 29
Tanda: 1
Answer no.3
Choose one answer.
a. It has the lowest tuition rates in the state.
b. It has the highest tuition rates in the state.
c. Its tuition rates are going up faster than the ones at Hambleton
d. Its tuition rates are still lower than those at Hambleton
Question 30
Tanda: 1
Answer no.4
Choose one answer.
a. A reporter for the campus news.
b. A spokesperson for the administration.
c. An executive on the Student Council.
d. A member of the Board of Regents.
Question 31
Tanda: 1
Answer no.5
Choose one answer.
a. The new dormitory will not be built.
b. The insurance premiums won't be paid.
c. The tuition will not be raised.
d. The proposal to increase student services will not be adopted.
Question 32
Tanda: 1
Answer no.6
Choose one answer.
a. A mammal.
b. A salamander.
c. A snake.
d. A starfish.
Question 33
Tanda: 1
Answer no.7
Choose one answer.
a. An insect grows a new limb.
b. A baby gets its first set of teeth.
c. A mammal heals up from a wound.
d. A snake sheds its skin and grows a new one.
Question 34
Tanda: 1

Answer no.8
Choose one answer.
a. Embryonic cells.
b. Nerve cells.
c. Complex cells.
d. Specialized cells.
Question 35
Tanda: 1
Answer no.9
Choose one answer.
a. To learn to speed up the process among lower animals.
b. To learn how to regenerate lost organs.
c. To apply what is learned to human medicine.
d. To treat diseases among animals.
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2012Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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Jawaban hasil diskusi kmrn sm tmen2

Cuma Bener 22
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. D

23.A (D)

25.A ( C )
28.D ( b)
30.B (C )

Yang warna merah hasil revisi q mas.. tp belum tak coba soalnya ksempatan aq tgl
2x jawab lagi.
Pilihan jawabannya acaknya a,b,c,d nya, jd perhatiin soal klo mau jwb di besmart.

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