Job Analysis

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A comprehensive job analysis program is an essential
element of sound personnel management job information
derived from such a program has many applications in
personnel management there are sever way by which job
information can be gathered.
1. Observations:- It is a method of collecting the
information by personally observing the people or events. It
is used when personal behavior is observed by the job
Actual observation is very desirable to acquaint the job
analyst with material and equipment used, the working
condition and hazards and to obtain a sharp visual impression
of just what is involved in the work.
2. Questionnaire:- in such method there is a predetermined
written set of question involved regarding job information,
usually the preparation of a detailed questionnaire which is
then described to tell employees, who will fill it out on
company time and than return it to supervision for
verification. The supervisor is supposed to discuss any error
in the employee response make correction and then transmit
it to the group responsible for conducting the job analysis
3. Interview:- In the interview method, all employees
participate and answer the question about their job only one
or perhaps two individuals on a job are interviewed. Many
organization employ job analysis who interview the
employee and/or his supervisor to obtain all the relevant
information. It is the one most widely used method for
getting information for job analysis. In such method analyst
knows how to differentiate between essential and nonessential information. He has consistence of view point and
judgment. He can ask probing questions to uncover facts that
might be overlooked in other methods. Because the analyst
must write the job description, as he is in the best position to
do so if he has actually seen the job being performed.
4. Check list method:- The check list method can be used in
large number of people assigned to same or similar job. The
staff group that prepares a cheek list for each of the jobs in
the enterprise or agency must first collect enough information
to prepare a meaningful check list such information can be
obtained by assigning supervisor and other familiar with the
work to record the task comprising each job the check list
method is rather costly and somewhat impractical for small
5. Daily dairy method:- The daily dairy method requires the
employee to record in detail their activities through out each
day if done faithfully this technique is accurate and eliminate
the error of memory recall of the questionnaire and check list
devices however, it adds considerable to the work load of
each production employee and for the reason is seldom used
in practice.
6. Conference of expert:- Such method of collecting job
information is quite useful for obtaining various view point
and an overall prospective of the job. However, supervisor,
staff specialists and technicians may be removed enough
from work itself that they lack intimate familiarity with it
details and complexities thus accuracy suffers. Thus there are
six approaches for obtaining the information from the
employees in the organization for job analysis as well as to
remove problem and to make improvement in each of the
department of the organization.
All approaches have some application on some extent in
various organization prevail in Pakistan.


JOB DESIGN: - The job design is a systematic process
in which the work control, reward and qualification required
for each job. Content means placing people in the right job
and designing those jobs correctly. Reward may of two types.
Intrinsic reward occur when a person is performing an
activity in which he is given satisfaction from engaging in the
activity itself extrinsic reward are that a person can enjoy
after he finishes his work.
Qualification comprises of skill, knowledge and experience
for the required job performance. So it means specification of
contents method and relationship of job in order to as well as
social and personnel requirements of the job holder.


There are four job approaches available for the manager.
(i). Job simplification: - A description of the qualification
that a person holding a job posses in order to perform the job
Work simplification means that the whole job is broken down
into small parts for both managerial and as well as for non
managerial jobs usually consists of few operation and task. In
such approach duties of employee broken down in to small
pieces so he will work efficiently.
A firm can hire large number of employees and low wages
because they are less trained. Therefore many small jobs can
be performed simultaneously so that complete operation can
be done quickly.
However, it becomes more specialized so it create problem
for the employees while performing their jobs.
(ii). Job rotation:- It is the process of moving an employee
from verity of jobs so it will help to learn some new
experience and prospective.
Job rotation is the process of moving an employee from one
job assignment to other. Having an employee on routine,
repetitive job more from one routine job to other every few
hours or days is a form of job rotation that has been found to
relive from boredom and monetary.
As job are switched periodically the boredom and disinterest
may be reduced worker are also be able to get more complete
view of the importance of each job in the whole organization.
This strategy perhaps easier for management because job do
not have to be redesigned it also allow management to select
best time to rotate a person.
(iii). Job enlargement:- It is the just opposite of job
simplification the job enlargement is a generic term that
broadly mean adding more and different task to specialized
job. It may widen the number of task the worker must do that
is added to a job that is initially simple in nature; this process
is called horizontal job loading or enlargement.
Such strategy increases worker moral, lower production cost,
raise interest of employees and improve the quality of the
output. It was also possible to eliminate an entire level of
management in the organizational structure because as much
supervision was required to perform such job.
It has an optimal level there is a limit to the extent to which
many employee are willing to accept enlarged share of
authority and responsibility.
(iv). Job enrichment:- It means adjusting greater
responsibility in the job it self and greater participation in
decision making.
It means adding certain planning and controlling task to be
performed. As noted earlier, this is often called vertical job
loading or vertical job enrichment.
Favorable results with job enrichment in term of such
measure as quality, research has been also done that
increased participation reduces turnover accelerate job
training and improve workers flexibility.

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