LCCI Speaking Test

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LCCI Speaking Test

Participants: Candidates interviewed individually. The test is recorded.

Format: The test consists of 2 sections, plus a 5-minute preparation stage.
Preparation Stage (5 minutes)
At the beginning of the LCCI examination, the examiner will give you a speaking test topic sheet
which will contain a subject for discussion and some prompt questions for you to think about. You will
be given 5 minutes to read the sheet and think of things you may want to talk about. You are not
allowed to make notes. See a sample topic sheet below.
Warm Up (2 minutes)
Focus: an opportunity to settle nerves and break the ice.
The warm up section of the LCCI Speaking exam aims to put you at ease with some general
questions to help the examiner find out more about you and to help you feel comfortable.
Example Questions
Q: Where are you from?
Q: How long have you been studying English?
Q: Are you working at the moment?
Q: How does having an English qualification like LCCI help you in your career?
Get the interview off to a good start by answering the examiners questions fully.
1) Add a little detail to your responses.
Q: Where are you from?
A: I'm from Porto in the north of Portugal. (Don't stop there!) I was actually born in Lisbon but I
moved to Porto with my family when I was younger.
2) Don't give short, 'yes', 'no' answers.
Q: Are you working at the moment?
A: No, not at the moment. I'm planning to start work at the end of my studies. I'm looking for work in
the financial sector and I'm currently applying for jobs.
3) Think of examples to help you explain something that you've said.
Q: How does having an English qualification like LCCI help you in your career?
A: The job market is very competitive at the moment. If I want my application to stand out I need
something that other people haven't got. So a qualification like LCCI will hopefully help me find a
Examination Stage (Level 3 = 8 minutes, Level 4 = 10 minutes)
Tests ability to: take part in a discussion, give opinions, develop comments, generate new ideas,
speculate etc.
During the opening preparation stage of the LCCI Speaking test you are given a speaking test topic
sheet with a subject to discuss plus suggested ideas you may like to include. You are not allowed to
make notes.
The aim of this stage is to encourage discussion around the set topic and as is normally the case with
discussions, the examiner may not deal with every question and may ask questions which do not
appear on the list. Equally, you are free to come up with ideas that are not listed, as long as the
discussion remains on topic.
Sample Speaking Topic Format (not an official LCCI topic)
Instruction to the candidate
You have 5 minutes to prepare for your examination. The subject matter is given in the topic below.
You have to discuss this topic with the examiner and you will be expected to do most of the talking.

To help you in putting your ideas together, the topic is followed by some questions and suggestions
for the basis of your conversation. However, you may introduce other ideas providing they are on the
topic. You may keep this paper to help you during the examination. Return it to the examiner at the
end of the examination. Do not make any written notes during this preparation time.
Base your conversation on the following:
Why do companies train their staff?
Which type of training is most useful? Is it:
on the job?
at a training centre?
Which kind of employees might have difficulty accessing training? Consider the following:
part-time workers
employees with children
older employees
Why might some companies not be keen on training? For example, consider:
staff - will they leave to join a new company,
As a (future) employee, what is your attitude towards taking up training opportunities?
1. You should avoid short, 'yes', 'no' answers. As in the 'Warm Up' stage, try to offer examples to back
up a statement.
2. If you need a few seconds to think about your response to a question say something like: 'That's a
good question.', 'Well, let me think ...'.
3. Make your responses interesting by using personal experiences in the form of anecdotes or by
referring to something you've read or heard in the news that relates to the question.
4. Don't panic if the examiner asks you something you don't understand. Use a situation like this to
your advantage by showing evidence of your communication skills:
A) If the examiner uses a word or phrase that you don't understand, say something like:
"Sorry but could you explain what you mean by ........" or
"I haven't come across that word/expression before. Could you explain what you mean?"
B) If you simply didn't hear something that was asked, respond with:
"Excuse me, I didn't quite catch that. Could you say that again?"
"I'm sorry, but would you mind repeating that?"
C) If you want to make sure you've understood what the examiner has asked you could say:
"Do you mean ........"
"When you say ........, do you mean/are you asking ........?"

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