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Definition: - Maslows need priority model is one of the most

widely referred to theories of motivation. Abraham Maslow, a clinical
psychologist, thought (1943) that a persons motivational needs could be
arranged in a hierarchical manner, starting in an assenting order from the
lowest to the highest needs and concluded that once given level of needs
was satisfied it caused to be motivator. The next higher level of needs to
be motivated in order to motivate the individual. Although the
hierarchical aspects of Maslows theory are subject to question and often
not accepted, his identification of basic needs has been fairly popular.
In simple words five different stages of individual need consist of
physiological needs, safety needs, social needs esteem needs and self
actualization need explain below.
Physiological need: - These are the basic need for sustaining
human life itself, need for food, drink, shelter, clothing, sleep,
sex etc. man can live on bread alone, if there is no bread. But
once these basic needs are satisfied they no longer motivator.
Safety need: - Safety or securing needs are concerned with
freedom from physical or physiological (mental) harm,
danger, deprivation or threat such as loss of job, property,
food clothing etc.
Social need: - These are belongingness needs emanating
from human instinct of affiliation or association with other.
These include owners love and affection, need of mutual
relations, identification with some group etc. these are the
needs more of mind and sprit than of physique.
Esteem needs: - This set of needs represents higher level
needs. These needs represent needs for self respect, respect of
others, a general feeling of being worthwhile, competence,
achievement, knowledge, independence, reputation, status
and recognition.
Self actualization needs: - This set of higher order needs
concerns with reaching ones potential as a total human
being. It is the desire to become what one is capable of
becoming. Exp: to maximum ones capacity and abilities in
order to accomplish something appreciable and self-fulfilling.
It is need for being creative for transforming self into reality.



Participative is form
of management used to designate the process by which people contribute
ideas towards the solution of problem effecting the organization and
their job. The people exercise some degree of influence in the decision
making process. Participation is ego and task involvement of an
individual or group. It includes not only the physical contribution of the
person but also his intellectual and emotional involvement in the affairs
of the organization.


Here we examine the factor that determine how, when and where
participation can be effectively and practically employed .

1. Characteristics of subordinate:

(i). Independence need: - By need for independence it is meaning that

the employee has strong drives to express themselves in work and
exercise their own judgment. Thus participation appeals person having
personality structure for decision making.
(ii). Desire to work: - For participation and successes, the people must
become interested in the ramification of their job, their department and
their organization.
(iii). Intelligence and knowledge: - Subordinate must possess a certain
minimum amount of knowledge and intelligence for any participation
program to success.

2. Organization climates:

Basically, participation is most

likely to successes whom top management believes in it, encourage it
and practice in it day to day relation with subordinate executives the
pattern of management established at very top of an organization tends
to be transmitted down through successive echelons to the lowest level
supervisor. An executive tends to reinforce and support those of their
subordinate who do not conform to their mode of action.

3. Problem must be appropriate:

- Participation should be
utilized for those situation and problems that are important and what
have a material impact upon the people involved organization.
A manager should not waste the time of all his subordinates it a
particular problem clearly concerns only one or two of his men. He
should bring into the picture only those who have an interest and a
legitimate concern for the topic of course there some occasions in which
employee and managers may not themselves be directly involved in a
problem area but the executive in charge value their consul or want them
to be informed of what is going on.

4. Training for participation:

- For effective management to

be success there should be a formal training program for participation.
Manager needs not to learn how to delegate and so on, but also
employees need to learn how to work comparatively and effectively in
such situation.
They must be taught just what is expected of them and how they are
expected to perform. If employees have been expected t be yes men for
years, they can not suddenly transform themselves in independent,
thinking and creative people.

5. Scope of authority responsibility:

- Manager should generally

invite participation from their subordinate only on problems with in their sphere of
authority and responsibility. Some time participation program are set up to create
ideas and proposals at lower levels in the organization. These must be transmitted
up through several levels in the structure before a final authoritative decision can
be made. In this case participation may serve as a method of upward
communication, as a way of uncovering information that otherwise is overlooked,
as a mean of developing subordinated. In this case the supervisor of employees
who developed the proposal may have to recommend it to his supervisor before it
can be adopted. If the participation program is to operate in this way, it is vital but
the people involved fully understand just where the final decision making authority
Time available: - Emergency situation may prelude any consultation with other. A
decision on a rush shipment of goods a tactical action in a strike, a pressing action
to meet a short deadline, and an act avert serious damage to equipment or injury to





DALLAS Beach it is a systematic evaluation of individual with respect
to his performance on the job and its potential for development.
The objective of performance appraisal should be both evaluation and
development. According to George theory, it is a periodic evaluation of
employees job performance measured against jobs requirement.


- The methods of

performance appraisal are given below.


(a). Person treats and behavior scale: - It is oldest method of appraisal

the employees supervisor rates number of qualities and characteristics on
a form. The qualities may be job knowledge, leadership, initiative
creative ability etc. and advantage is that it is easy to construct and can
be applied to wide range of job categories. It requires evaluate about
different factors. It is consist of:
(b). behaviorally anchored rating scale: - BARS is new concept,
requires separate rating forms for each job it consist of:
(i). Behavior expect ion scale: - Here anchors are illustration that help
the rater to define a superior, average a below average the behavior of
(ii). Behavior observation scale: - Here rate reports the frequency with
each employee engages in behavior specified in anchor.
(c). Job dimension scale: - It requires constructing different scale for
each job. Each characteristic for job description is a job duty its
advantage are that it focus on job duty rather than personality factor it
requires different scale for each job.


It is a popular
technique of appraisal the central focus is an accomplishment of
individual goals which are already established at beginning of appraisal
period and evaluated in end. For each objective suggested by
subordinate and accepted by supervisor, a basic strategy for assessment
should be planned. But it difficult to apply it to non management
position and it make comparative assessment of multiple personal rather


- It consists of
such approaches:
(a). Ranking: - The simplest method of formal systematic rating is to
compare one person with all other for the purpose of placing them in a
rank order of worth. It is also called paired comparison. Alternative
ranking call for choosing best and protest performance than best and
poorest from remaining until whole group is evaluated its disadvantage
is that it does not show the amount of different between persons facts
specific component and behavior.
(b). Forced distribution: - It based on questionable reasoning designed
to prevent supervision from clustering their employees at high and of
scale. The rater distribute his rating such so as to confirm to normal
frequency distribution this method is quite objective for most rater.

4. CHECK LIST: - This method does not evaluate employee

performance rater merely reports evaluation. It consists of such
(a). Weighted check list: - In this approach series of question are presented
concerning employee and his behavior. The rater checks it indicates if answer is
yes or no. each question may have to assigned weight (score). This method is
costly it install as separate list must be constructed for every job and it is difficult
to assemble analyze and weight number of statement about employees
(b). Forced choice: - In this method rating contains four statements describing
any aspect of employee behavior. The rater choose one statement best describing
employee with in each group, two statement are favorable and two not. Weights are
assigned to each statement but rater does not know them. If rater checks favorable
statement, rate gets plus credit. It is used to eliminate raters bias and attempt to
give objective results but is expensive to install and it is poor to use if employment


development is too emphasized.

This method merely requires rater to write a series of statement concerning on
individual strengthens, weakness, past performance and potential for development.
The supervisor must devote time and thought to this analysis which is a virtue and
CRITICAL INCIDENT: - It is a alternative of easy in which rater records brief
statements of effective and ineffective performance and behavior as observed of
subordinate through out the evaluation period. These are used in different way but
can lead to overly close supervision.

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