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The Pythagorean theorem

Standard: Demonstration
Created by: Velumani. R
Introduction to Demonstrate the Pythagorean theorem, and itss applications with examples of
Pythagorean theorem, examples and practice problems.

Animation: Show a right triangle and display it's side as Leg 1, Leg 2 and Hypotenuse.
Instructions to animation: First show this triangle as a larger one. Highlight the parts Leg 1, Leg 2
and Hypotenuse. After highlighting the parts, move this triangle to the right side and make it small.
The figure should remain as it is showing the parts. If possible, include any sounds.
There is a special relationship among the lengths of the sides of any right triangle. This well-known
relationship is called the Pythagorean theorem, named for after Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician.
This concept is often used to calculate distances in real-life problems situations.
The illustration given below will visualizes the concept
Take a right- angled triangle of sides 3, 4 and 5 units.
Animation: Move the right triangle given above and mark the
sides as 3, 4 and 5 as shown here (Take off Leg 1, Leg 2
and Hypotenuse. First display the right triangle alone.
Let's Ddraw the squares on each side of the triangle.
Animation: Show the squares on the sides of the triangle. This
should be shown at the center of the slide as a larger picture
and then the animation should move to the right and should
become smaller.
Area of the square on the largest side hypotenuse = 25
Area of the square on leg 1= 9
Area of the square on leg 2= 16
Animation: Highlight the respective squares and their values while displaying 25, 9 and 16.

Animation: Show the squares coming one-by-one from the figure at

Notice that 25 = 9 + 16.
Or 52 = 32 + 42
(End of slide 1)
Animation: Again show a right triangle in a larger picture with the sides named a, b and c in the center
of the slide. Highlight the sides.

Suppose the sides are named a, b, and c, as shown in the figure, we get the relation c2 = a2 + b2.
That is, the area of the largest square equals the sum of the areas of the two smallerother two squares.
This relationship is true for any right triangle.
The Pythagorean theorem
In a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the
lengths of the legs.
(Give background color to the statement)
Statement and pProof of the Pythagorean theorem
In a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the
lengths of the legs.
Right triangle BCA with leg lengths a and
b and hypotenuse c.
c2 = a2 + b2.
to the
Draw a perpendicular CP


Draw altitude CP to the hypotenuse
Animation: Show CP

From a point not on a line, exactly one can be
drawn to the line.

c a c b
= ; =
a x b y

cx = a2; cy = b2

Means extremes property

cx + cy = a2 + b2

Addition property

c(x + y) = a2 + b2

Distributive property

c2 = a2 + b2

Substitution property

The length of each leg is the geometric mean

between the length of its adjacent segment of the
hypotenuse and the entire hypotenuse.

If a right triangle has legs of lengths a and b and hypotenuse of length c, then c2 = a2 + b2.
Real-life example
A ladder is leaning against a wall. Its base is positioned 6 feet from the wall. Find the length of the
ladder if the top of the ladder rests against the wall at the height of 8 feet from the ground.
The figure at right illustrates the situation.
Animation: Show the picture shown at right
The wall is at a right angle to the ground, the ladder is the hypotenuse and the legs measure 6 feet and 8
feet. as shown in the right triangle at figure 2.
Animation: Highlight the right angle in fig1
bring it as a right triangle and show all the parts
in the fig2 below. It should come from figure -1.
By the Pythagorean theorem,
c2 = a2 + b2.
c2 = 62 + 82
c2 = 36 + 64
c = 100
So the length of the ladder is 10 feet.

Here is an activity.:
Drag the squares from Leg 1 and Leg to2 to fill up the empty squares on the hypotenuse and see if there
are enough number of small squares.
Animation: The small squares on the leg 1 and leg 2 must be filled squares. Each should fit into the
empty squares on hypotenuse.

Allow the student to drag the small squares from 3x3 and 4x4 square to 5x5 square. If the student
completes filling them display the below lines. Let the student drag four small squares at a time.
The squares on both the legs could fill all the blank squares on the hypotenuse completely. Why? The
Pythagorean theorem works here. So the triangle must be a right triangle.

Let's see another example.

Find the length of the third side of the right triangle given below.

Since one angle of this triangle is 90o , this is a right triangle. and we can apply the Pythagorean

Ref: Slide 7 from GRADE RESULTS\MS\Algebra\Pythagorean Theorem.

Let's do a few problems using the Pythagorasean theorem.
Practice problems
Include slide10 and 11, and 8 from GRADE RESULTS\MS\Algebra\Pythagorean Theorem.
Change the problem numbers according to the order of slides.

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