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8 Attributes of a Successful Zone

1. Unity: Be one in thought, desire, and purpose.

(a) Always have the mindset that we are all a team!
(b) Have companionship exchanges frequently to ensure solid baptismal dates and get to know
all of your missionaries. On exchanges teach them correct principles and be an example, but
most of all take a sincere interest in them asking what they like, what are their plans and
dreams, etc. Remember their names and the details of their lives and the stories they tell you
and then ask them specific questions about things they told you. Help them feel important and
validate in all that you do. This will increase the confidence, love, and respect the missionaries
have in you. It will also assure that they are motivated to work hard.
(c) Have group prayer and fast as a Zone for the names of all the people who have baptismal
dates for that week, and their challenges for all those people. All the missionaries then pray for
those investigators. (3 Nephi 27:1 and Alma 17:2-3)
(d) Before going to the district meetings, briefly meet together as a Zone and review the Zones
progress with the monthly goal (how many baptisms youve had so far in each sector, how
many baptismal dates you have in each sector, and how well you are prepared for the following
month as well). Use this time to congratulate those who have had great results in baptisms,
church attendance, and lots of baptismal dates. Consider giving out little prizes to motivate
them, and asking those who have had success to share with the Zone advice of what they have
done to have such success. This should be a brief but inspiring meeting in which everyone is on
the same page and leaves more excited about reaching the goal. (D&C 38:27)
(e) In Zone or District meetings, show unity by having everyone sit in a semi-circle. Some
missionaries like to sit in the back or all in scattered parts of the room. Make sure everyone is
seated together in a way that shows unity. Think of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table,
its that same kind of idea, that everyone feels that they are equals, that they are important and
that they all contribute to the same great cause.
(f) Talk in terms of unity. Never tell your missionaries, "Hey you guys have to do this" or
"Youre doing this wrong" or "Why did you do that?" This makes the missionaries feel like you
are trying to command them and eliminates feelings of unity and promotes feelings of anger,
irritation, stubbornness, pride, and resentment. Always speak in terms of a team using we and
us, for example: "Let's do this ... We need to improve in that ... How can we all apply
this? We did a great job on that. See the big difference? This is a small detail but its
magical and it works great to foster greater unity, love, respect, loyalty, and a sense that we are
all a team. (Moses 7:18)
(g) Remember that it all starts with your companionship as zone leaders. You both have to be
an example for everyone else in the way you communicate, work, and laugh together. Your
companionship must be exemplar in unity, service, and obedience so that all the rest can follow
and it will be contagious for the whole zone. (2 Nephi 33:12)

2. Diligence: Steady, consistent, earnest, and energetic effort in doing the Lords work
(working) persistently and with great effort and care. (PMG 121)
(a) Focus and concentrate all your efforts on your objective as a missionary: Invite others to
come unto Christ by helping the receive the Restored Gospel through faith in Jesus Christ
and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring
to the end. As a part of this, completing your monthly goal as a Zone should be your
passion and every waking thought. In everything you do, try to think about how to improve
and better pass your goal while walking, eating, studying, taking a shower. Every part of
your day should be designed to better reach that goal. Have a strong hunger to baptize.
(PMG 10)
(b) Work, Work, Work. There really is nothing that substitutes hard work. In the mission you
can either be freight or haul freight. Haul freight and help all the missionaries in your zone haul
freight too. Working hard avoids distractions, avoids boredom, avoids temptations, keeps you
focused, and keeps you happy. (PMG 128)
(c) Be willing to make sacrifices (comfort, food, time, convenience). For example you might
get along with your companion a lot better than other missionaries in you zone but even still
you will sacrifice being with your companion for many days to do companionship exchanges
because you know it will help the zone baptize more and thats worth it to you. There are
countless examples like this one but the principle is always the same that there is nothing more
important to you than being efficient in the Lords work.

3. Love: Feeling of deep devotion, concern, and affection. (True to the Faith 96)
(a) If you love what we do ... you do it well
(b) Lavish them with praise and appreciation for all they do. Give specific compliments and
serve them frequently. See them not as they are but as they can become and help them
recognize and reach the potential they have. Apply this wonderful advice from President Eyring
with all your missionaries. Every person is different and has a different contribution to make.
No one is destined to fail. As you seek revelation to see gifts God sees in those you lead in the
priesthoodparticularly the youngyou will be blessed to lift their sights to the service they
can perform. With your guidance, those you lead will be able to see, want, and believe they can
achieve their full potential for service in Gods kingdom. (Help Them Aim High).
(c) Pray specifically naming all the missionaries in your Zone, asking specific things for each
missionary, and then writing the thoughts and feelings that come to mind and heart (PMG 97).
This is the key to lead by revelation and become a truly inspired leader because you dont know
the exact needs and challenges of all your missionaries but God does, praying in this way gives
us access to that information and that helps us lead in a very personal and effective way
(3 Nephi 3:19). Really care about each of your missionaries and their temporal welfare,
spiritual, and emotional. Most of all help to keep their spirits high, this is a high priority. Be
willing to defend and protect your missionaries from all danger that lowers their spirits or

4. Obedience:
(a) The First Law of Heaven (D & C 130:20-21) obey and be blessed!
(b) Enjoy the spiritual guidance and support to direct the work.
(c) Have peace of mind and tranquility.

5. Organization:
(a) Agenda and folder must be updated daily and must always have the correct plans and using
all the space well lesson plans.
(b) Write all dates in the area on a board and update it always. Review it daily, and discuss
how they are progressing towards the goal, and in which areas are missing and how you can do
to ensure that all meet your goal.
(c) Work with members by using the action list to find new investigators and asking for

6. Communication:
(a) Weekly Leadership Meetings with District leaders discussing the needs, goals, and plans for
the area. Especially be watchful that all missionaries are lively, healthy, obedient, and they are
getting along with their companion. Solve all challenges.
(b) Send text messages to encourage and inform the companionships.
(c) Give feedback frequently and be positive and specific. Give feedback with love and receive
feedback with humility.
(d) On exchanges make that kind of feedback for 5 essential things: the agenda, the folder, the
daily report, Christ-like attributes (using sincere compliments PMG) and teaching skills.
(studying Chp. 10 together and then making practices)

7. Teaching Quality:
(a) Immerse ourselves in PMG (videos).
(b) Always role play in companionship study and District meetings.
(c) Evaluate teaching after each lesson and practice (PMG)

8. Attitude:
(a) Great Attitude = Great Results

(b) Be brave, straightforward, bold, and confident with other missionaries, investigators, and
members by never accepting no for an answer or throwing in the towel easily.
(c) Always have a smile and be grateful for the extraordinary privilege of being a missionary!
(d) Be a creator of your circumstances, and not just a creature of circumstances.

Ok everyone I have finally polished up the 8 attributes enough that it is ready to send its still a work
in progress but this is a close to final product. Before sharing this I have to say that I dont deserve the
credit for any of these ideas. This list is a compilation of various ideas and experiences that I have
acquired over my many months of missionary work through simply observing, asking, practicing, and
learning. These ideas and techniques come from many great minds of the Ecuador Guayaquil North
Mission such as Elder Linares, Elder Vielma, Elder Lopez, Elder Rios, Elder Ayala, Elder Carrillo,
Elder Tibanlombo, Elder Muoz, Elder Magill, and countless others that are too many to name.
Likewise much of these strategies come from my wonderful mother and father and above all there are
many that came directly from my Heavenly Father through whisperings of the Holy Ghost. Thus the
only thing that I get credit for is being a good observer, having a strong desire to learn and improve,
and being smart enough to write all these ideas down and apply them. I thank all who have helped me
to create this and sincerely hope that these attributes can help all who read them and apply them. It is
my belief that the basic principles in this list they can be applied to any and all aspects of life.
Obviously there are some parts that are specifically for future and current missionaries (especially zone
leaders) but that doesnt mean that the idea cant be adapted and applied to anyone in any situation.
Whether you are wanting to be a better student, parent, coach, teacher, employer, employee, team
member, brother, sister, or grandparent I promise that these principle will bless you and help you be
more successful in all that you do. These are eternal principles and all 8 of these attributes are
attributes that our Heavenly Father possess and I know that he desire all of us to obtain them and
perfect them as well. They are a key part of becoming more like His beloved son Jesus Christ. Enjoy
and let me know what you all think Id love to get feedback.

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