Cantantes Syllabus 2009-2010

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Kelly Cantantes – Vocal Music I, Vocal Music II, Vocal Music III, Vocal Music IV

Read this syllabus carefully. Complete the signatures. Return one copy to Mr. Skalinder. Place the other copy in your chorus binder.

The members of Kelly Cantantes will develop musical literacy and fluency in melody, harmony, rhythm,
dynamics, articulation, expression, phrasing, and tone color through a varied high quality repertoire of vocal
music representing a mixture of historical periods and cultural traditions. Students will establish and improve
knowledge and abilities in large and small group vocal performance, aural skills, evaluation, music reading, and
music theory analysis. Singers will exhibit progress in specific techniques and skills including but not limited to
breath control, intonation, diction, vowel formation, tone quality, phrasing, and sight-reading. The ensemble
will be expected to foster aesthetic development and appreciation of music as an art form and to apply literacy
and technique to musical insight, interpretation and style. The chorus will participate in school and community
concerts, choir exchange programs, contests, and other music festivals and performance opportunities.


01) Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
02) Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
03) Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
04) Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
05) Reading and notating music.
06) Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
07) Evaluating music and music performances.
08) Understanding relationships between music, other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
09) Understanding music in relation to history and culture.


Students who meet the standard…
25A) …understand the sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive qualities of the arts.
25B) …understand the similarities, distinctions, and connections in and among the arts.
26A) …understand processes, traditional tools, and modern technologies used in the arts.
26B) …can apply skills and knowledge necessary to create and perform in one or more of the arts.
27A) …can analyze how the arts function in history, society and everyday life.
27B) …understand how the arts shape and reflect history, society and everyday life.

It is required that each student…
01) …attend all classes, rehearsals, and performances.
02) …be prepared on a daily basis and participate fully in all classroom activities.
03) …exhibit maximum effort, positive attitude, teamwork, concentration, and focus.
04) …return all classroom materials or pay the replacement fee.
05) …be responsible for all work missed due to an absence.
06) …sing in small groups in front of the class and alone in front of the instructor.
07) …sing and memorize music in multiple languages.
08) …complete written, evaluative, and reflective assignments on the Cantantes blog.
09) …exhibit professionalism, respect, honesty, responsibility and dedication.
10) …pay a mandatory $30.00 fee for folders, music, workbooks, pianos, uniforms, photocopying, and more.

Eric Skalinder • Office 159F: 773.535.4900 ext.89277 • fax 773.535.4841 • • • cell: 847.420.5085
Kelly Cantantes – Vocal Music I, Vocal Music II, Vocal Music III, Vocal Music IV


Grades are based on a standard scale:

A = 90% – 100% B = 80% – 89% C = 70% – 79% D = 60% – 69% F = 0% – 59%

Grades are comprised of student work in three main categories: Weekly, Quiz, and Skill.

Daily attendance and punctuality Students begin each week of the semester with a perfect score
Maximum effort and focus of 100. There will be 19 weekly grades each semester. A
Full preparedness including materials week’s grade will be lowered by 50% for each instance of the
Positive attitude & contribution following: absence, tardiness, missing materials, lack of
Support for the ensemble & members participation, or eating. These infractions will be cumulative
Respect for music, peers, and leaders within each week and will affect only that week’s grade.

Note letter names, types, and durations All quizzes are pass/fail. A perfect score earns a passing grade
Solfege identification of 100%. An imperfect score earns half credit. A missed quiz
Key signatures in two clefs results in zero credit. Each quiz may be taken any number of
Rhythm counting methods times outside of class up until two weeks after the initial
Intervals and basic chords offering. After two weeks, a quiz may not be taken again and
Basic music theory problem solving the current grade stands.

Scales: major, minor, chromatic, etc. Skills are graded on a standard scale or on a pass/fail basis.
Tonal memory Students are expected to demonstrate continual improvement
Sight-reading alone and with others and competency in a variety of chorus skills, including but not
Ear training & dictation limited to singing of scales, sight-reading, ear training,
Small and large group performance dictation, and solo and group performance. These skills
Solo performance for the instructor support the development of independent musicianship.

I have carefully read and I fully understand this course syllabus. I agree to be adjudicated, or to have my child
adjudicated, based on the content contained in this syllabus in addition to other Kelly Cantantes rules and
regulations provided by the instructor.

Printed Student Name Student Signature Month Day Year

Printed Parent or Guardian Name Parent or Guardian Signature Month Day Year

Eric Skalinder • Office 159F: 773.535.4900 ext.89277 • fax 773.535.4841 • • • cell: 847.420.5085

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