Asia Pacific Marketing Review

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Asia-Pacific Marketing Review (APMR)

July-December Vol. I, No.2

Guidelines to Contributors
Asia-Pacific Marketing Review is a Bi-annual publication of Asia-Pacific Institute of
Management. Asia-Pacific Institute of Management desires to make Asia-Pacific
Marketing Review (APMR) as Indias most trusted source for marketing concepts,
innovative ideas and useful knowledge from experts.
APMR is a refereed journal of Asia-Pacific Institute of Management. APMR invites
original, scholarly articles and research-based papers on marketing and related areas.
Articles and research papers must comply with guidelines for authors given below.
1. The total manuscript including tables and figures should normally not be more than
6000 words. In exceptional cases the word length may not be a limiting factor.
Authors should send a separate 250 words abstract with 5-6 keywords to help
editorial team in the evaluation process. The review process usually takes Less than
three months. The Journal will not be limited to specific areas of marketing but
covers a wide arena of marketing issues.
2. Please submit manuscripts in MS-Word (2003/2007 format only), Times New Roman,
and Font size-12 with double line spacing in electronic form by E-mail to or APMR does
not accept articles sent by Fax or in paper form.
3. A cover page containing title of the paper, author(s) name, designations, organizations,
mailing address, phone & fax numbers and email address. This information should
not appear elsewhere in the manuscript.
4. All tables, charts and graphs should be in black and white. It should be included in the
text. Tables, charts etc should not be mentioned on separate page at the end of the
5. References and notes should be kept to a necessary minimum and follow the endnote
style. All notes should be indicated by superscript serial number in the text and
literature cited should be detailed under notes at the end of the manuscript bearing
corresponding numbers, before the references. References should be complete in all
5.1. Books should be referred to as follows: Calvin, Robert J (2001). Sales
Management, New York: McGraw-Hill, pp 253.

5.2. Articles in journals should be listed as follows: Doyle, S.X. and B.P. Shapiro
(1980), What Counts Most in Motivating Your Sales Force, Harvard Business
Review, Vol. 58(3), pp. 133-40.
5.3. Websites should be mentioned as: Krugman, Paul (1998) What Happened in
6. APMR follows UK English for grammar and spelling such as programme, organisation
except in the case of direct quotations.
7. Book Reviews: Book Reviews must provide the following details in this order: Name
of author(s), title of book reviewed, place of publication, publisher, year of
publication, number of pages including preliminary pages and price with binding
specifications such as paperback on hardbound.
8. Manuscripts that do not conform to the above guidelines will not be considered for
publication. Manuscripts not considered for publication will not be returned.
9. Contributions sent to APMR should not be submitted simultaneously to any other
journal or publication. Authors must send a declaration to this effect along with
manuscript for consideration. Copyright Transfer Agreement Form may be
downloaded from the website.
10. APMR Editorial Team reserves the right to edit, accept or reject contributions at its
sole discretion without assigning any reasons. APMR Editorial team will not entertain
any correspondence in this regard.
11.Contributions included in APMR issues will become copyright of Asia-Pacific
Institute of Management.

Address for correspondence

The Editor
Asia-Pacific Marketing Review
Asia-Pacific Institute of Management,
3 & 4 Institutional Area, Jasola (Opp. Sarita Vihar)
New Delhi 110 025
Tel: 91-11-42094800 (30 Lines). Fax: 91-11-26951541

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